Carole Nelson Douglas (15 Kasım 1944, Washington - 20 Kasım 2021), Amerikalı roman ve öykü yazarı.
Carole Nelson Douglas | |
Doğum | 15 Kasım 1944 Everett, Washington, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri |
Ölüm | 20 Ekim 2021 (76 yaşında) |
Meslek | Yazar |
Milliyet | ![]() |
Tür | Roman, öykü |
Birçok türde eser veren yazar, daha çok Irene Adler serisi ve Midnight Louie serisiyle bilinir. 1970'lerde roman yazmaya başlayan Douglas, kocası Sam Douglas ile birlikte Kuzey Teksas'ta yaşamaktadır.
Seri olmayan romanları
- Amberleigh (1980),
- Fair Wind, Fiery Star (1981)
- In Her Prime (1982),
- Her Own Person (1982),
- Best Man (1983),
- Lady Rogue (1983),
- Azure Days, Quicksilver Nights (1985),
- The Exclusive (1986),
- "Catch a Falling Angel" (novella) (1995), Baskı adı: Angel Christmas,
"Sword and Circlet" serisi
- Six of Swords (1982),
- Exiles of the Rynth (1984),
- Keepers of Edanvant (1987),
- Heir of Rengarth (1988),
- Seven of Swords (1989),
- Probe (1985),
- Counterprobe (1988),
"Taliswoman" serisi
- Cup of Clay (1991),
- Seed Upon the Wind (1992)
"Crystal" serisi
- Crystal Days (1990)
- Crystal Nights (1990)
"Cat and a playing card" serisi
- Cat and the King of Clubs (1999),
- Cat and the Queen of Hearts (1999),
- Cat and the Jill of Diamonds (1999),
- Cat and the Jack of Spades (1999),
"Midnight Louie" serisi
- Catnap (1992)
- Pussyfoot (1993),
- Cat on a Blue Monday (1994),
- Cat in a Crimson Haze (1995),
- Cat in a Diamond Dazzle (1996),
- Cat with an Emerald Eye (1996),
- Cat in a Flamingo Fedora (1997),
- Cat in a Golden Garland (1997),
- Cat on a Hyacinth Hunt (1998),
- Cat in an Indigo Mood (1999),
- Cat in a Jeweled Jumpsuit (1999),
- Cat in a Kiwi Con (2000),
- Cat in a Leopard Spot (2001),
- Cat in a Midnight Choir (2002),
- Cat in a Neon Nightmare (2003),
- Cat in an Orange Twist (2004),
- Cat in a Hot Pink Pursuit (2005),
- Cat in a Quicksilver Caper (2006),
- Cat in a Red Hot Rage (2007),
- Cat in a Sapphire Slipper (2008)
- Cat in a Topaz Tango (2009)
- Cat in a Ultramarine Scheme (2010)
- Cat in a Vegas Gold Vendetta (2011)
- Cat in a White Tie and Tails, 2012
- Cat in an Alien X-Ray, 2013
- Cat in a Yellow Spotlight, 2014
- Cat in a Zebra Zoot Suit, 2015
"Delilah Street, Paranormal Investigator" serisi
- Dancing with Werewolves (2007)
- Brimstone Kiss (2008)
- Vampire Sunrise (2009)
- Silver Zombie (2010)
- Virtual Virgin (2011)
"Irene Adler" serisi
- Good Night, Mr. Holmes (1990)
- Good Morning Irene, yeniden basımındaki adı: The Adventuress(1991),
- Irene at Large, yeniden basımındaki adı: A Soul of Steel (1992),
- Irene's Last Waltz, yeniden basımındaki adı: Another Scandal in Bohemia (1994),
- Chapel Noir (2001),
- Castle Rouge (2002),
- Femme Fatale (2003),
- Spider Dance (2004),
"Midnight Louie" öyküleri
- "Maltese Double Cross" (1992), basımı: Cat Crimes II, ve Year's 25 Finest Crime and Mystery Stories, 2nd Annual Edition,
- "Sax and the Single Cat" (1993), basımı: Danger in D.C., , A Treasury of Cat Mysteries, , Felonious Felines, ve White House Pet Detectives,
- "Coyote Peyote" (1994), basımı: Mysterious West, ve Year's 25 Finest Crime and Mystery Stories, 4th Annual Edition, , yeniden basımındaki adı: Coyote Peyote
- "Dog Collar" (1996), basımı: Great Writers and Kids Write Mysteries,
- "Iä Iä Iä Iä Cthulouie!" (1997), basımı: Cat Crimes for the Holidays, , yeniden basımındaki adı: Something Fishy,
- "The Mummy Case" (1999), basımı: Cat Crimes Through Time, ve The World's Finest Mystery and Crime Stories: Fourth Annual Collection,
- "License to Koi" (2004), basımı: Death Dines In,
- "Junior Partner in Crime" (2005), basımı: Creature Cozies
- "The Riches There That Lie" (2006), basımı: Poe's Lighthouse,
"Irene Adler" öyküleri
- "Parris Greene" (1992), basımı: Malice Domestic 2, , Year's 25 Finest Crime and Mystery Stories, Third Annual Edition, , First Cases, Vol. 2,
- "Dracula on the Rocks" (1995), basımı: Celebrity Vampires,
- "The Thief of Twelfth Night" (1996), basımı: Holmes for the Holidays,
- "Mesmerizing Bertie" (1998), basımı: Crime Through Time II,
- "A Baker Street Irregular" (1998), basımı: Midnight Louie's Pet Detectives,
- "The Private Wife of Sherlock Holmes" (2009), basımı: Sex, Lies, and Private Eyes,
Carole Nelson Douglas tarafından hazırlanan antolojiler
- Marilyn, Shades of Blonde (1997),
- Midnight Louie's Pet Detectives (1998),
- White House Pet Detectives (2002),
Dış bağlantılar
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Carole Nelson Douglas 15 Kasim 1944 Washington 20 Kasim 2021 Amerikali roman ve oyku yazari Carole Nelson DouglasDogum15 Kasim 1944 Everett Washington Amerika Birlesik DevletleriOlum20 Ekim 2021 76 yasinda MeslekYazarMilliyetAmerikaliTurRoman oyku Bircok turde eser veren yazar daha cok Irene Adler serisi ve Midnight Louie serisiyle bilinir 1970 lerde roman yazmaya baslayan Douglas kocasi Sam Douglas ile birlikte Kuzey Teksas ta yasamaktadir EserleriSeri olmayan romanlari Amberleigh 1980 ISBN 0 8125 2264 8 Fair Wind Fiery Star 1981 ISBN 0 8125 2266 4 In Her Prime 1982 ISBN 0 345 30523 X Her Own Person 1982 ISBN 0 345 30733 X Best Man 1983 ISBN 0 345 30914 6 Lady Rogue 1983 ISBN 0 8125 2265 6 Azure Days Quicksilver Nights 1985 ISBN 0 553 21705 4 The Exclusive 1986 ISBN 0 345 31993 1 Catch a Falling Angel novella 1995 Baski adi Angel Christmas ISBN 0 451 40628 1 Sword and Circlet serisi Six of Swords 1982 ISBN 0 345 29836 5 Exiles of the Rynth 1984 ISBN 0 345 30836 0 Keepers of Edanvant 1987 ISBN 0 8125 3594 4 Heir of Rengarth 1988 ISBN 0 8125 0046 6 Seven of Swords 1989 ISBN 0 8125 0324 4Probe Probe 1985 ISBN 0 8125 3587 1 Counterprobe 1988 ISBN 0 8125 3596 0 Taliswoman serisi Cup of Clay 1991 ISBN 0 8125 1248 0 Seed Upon the Wind 1992 ISBN 0 8125 1249 9 Crystal serisi Crystal Days 1990 Crystal Nights 1990 Cat and a playing card serisi Cat and the King of Clubs 1999 ISBN 0 7862 1920 3 Cat and the Queen of Hearts 1999 ISBN 0 7862 2173 9 Cat and the Jill of Diamonds 1999 ISBN 0 7862 2540 8 Cat and the Jack of Spades 1999 ISBN 0 7862 2896 2 Midnight Louie serisi Catnap 1992 ISBN 0 7927 1644 2 Pussyfoot 1993 ISBN 0 312 85218 5 Cat on a Blue Monday 1994 ISBN 0 312 85607 5 Cat in a Crimson Haze 1995 ISBN 0 8125 4414 5 Cat in a Diamond Dazzle 1996 ISBN 0 8125 5506 6 Cat with an Emerald Eye 1996 ISBN 0 312 86228 8 Cat in a Flamingo Fedora 1997 ISBN 0 8125 6535 5 Cat in a Golden Garland 1997 ISBN 0 312 86386 1 Cat on a Hyacinth Hunt 1998 ISBN 0 312 86634 8 Cat in an Indigo Mood 1999 ISBN 0 312 86635 6 Cat in a Jeweled Jumpsuit 1999 ISBN 0 312 86817 0 Cat in a Kiwi Con 2000 ISBN 0 8125 8425 2 Cat in a Leopard Spot 2001 ISBN 0 8125 7022 7 Cat in a Midnight Choir 2002 ISBN 0 312 85797 7 Cat in a Neon Nightmare 2003 ISBN 0 7653 4592 7 Cat in an Orange Twist 2004 ISBN 0 7653 4593 5 Cat in a Hot Pink Pursuit 2005 ISBN 0 7653 1399 5 Cat in a Quicksilver Caper 2006 ISBN 0 7653 1400 2 Cat in a Red Hot Rage 2007 ISBN 0 7653 1401 0 Cat in a Sapphire Slipper 2008 Cat in a Topaz Tango 2009 Cat in a Ultramarine Scheme 2010 Cat in a Vegas Gold Vendetta 2011 Cat in a White Tie and Tails 2012 Cat in an Alien X Ray 2013 Cat in a Yellow Spotlight 2014 Cat in a Zebra Zoot Suit 2015 Delilah Street Paranormal Investigator serisi Dancing with Werewolves 2007 ISBN 978 0 8095 7203 8 Brimstone Kiss 2008 ISBN 978 0 8095 7304 2 Vampire Sunrise 2009 ISBN 978 1 4391 5677 3 Silver Zombie 2010 ISBN 978 1 4391 6781 6 Virtual Virgin 2011 ISBN 978 1 4391 6779 3 Irene Adler serisi Good Night Mr Holmes 1990 ISBN 0 312 93210 3 Good Morning Irene ISBN 0 8125 0949 8 yeniden basimindaki adi The Adventuress 1991 ISBN 0 7653 4715 6 Irene at Large ISBN 0 8125 1702 4 yeniden basimindaki adi A Soul of Steel 1992 ISBN 0 7653 4790 3 Irene s Last Waltz ISBN 0 8125 1703 2 yeniden basimindaki adi Another Scandal in Bohemia 1994 ISBN 0 8125 1702 4 Chapel Noir 2001 ISBN 0 7653 4347 9 Castle Rouge 2002 ISBN 0 7653 4571 4 Femme Fatale 2003 ISBN 0 7653 4594 3 Spider Dance 2004 ISBN 0 7653 4595 1 Midnight Louie oykuleri Maltese Double Cross 1992 basimi Cat Crimes II ISBN 0 7858 0203 7 ve Year s 25 Finest Crime and Mystery Stories 2nd Annual Edition ISBN 0 7867 0571 X Sax and the Single Cat 1993 basimi Danger in D C ISBN 1 55611 374 9 A Treasury of Cat Mysteries ISBN 0 7867 0541 8 Felonious Felines ISBN 0 7862 2689 7 ve White House Pet Detectives ISBN 1 58182 243 X Coyote Peyote 1994 basimi Mysterious West ISBN 0 06 017785 3 ve Year s 25 Finest Crime and Mystery Stories 4th Annual Edition ISBN 0 7867 0251 6 yeniden basimindaki adi Coyote Peyote Dog Collar 1996 basimi Great Writers and Kids Write Mysteries ISBN 0 679 87939 0 Ia Ia Ia Ia Cthulouie 1997 basimi Cat Crimes for the Holidays ISBN 0 8041 1830 2 yeniden basimindaki adi Something Fishy ISBN 0 9744742 0 7 The Mummy Case 1999 basimi Cat Crimes Through Time ISBN 0 7858 1407 8 ve The World s Finest Mystery and Crime Stories Fourth Annual Collection ISBN 0 7653 0849 5 License to Koi 2004 basimi Death Dines In ISBN 0 425 19262 8 Junior Partner in Crime 2005 basimi Creature Cozies ISBN 0 425 20127 9 The Riches There That Lie 2006 basimi Poe s Lighthouse ISBN 1 58767 128 X Irene Adler oykuleri Parris Greene 1992 basimi Malice Domestic 2 ISBN 0 671 73827 5 Year s 25 Finest Crime and Mystery Stories Third Annual Edition ISBN 0 7867 0141 2 First Cases Vol 2 ISBN 0 451 19017 3 Dracula on the Rocks 1995 basimi Celebrity Vampires ISBN 0 88677 667 8 The Thief of Twelfth Night 1996 basimi Holmes for the Holidays ISBN 0 425 16754 2 Mesmerizing Bertie 1998 basimi Crime Through Time II ISBN 0 425 16410 1 A Baker Street Irregular 1998 basimi Midnight Louie s Pet Detectives ISBN 0 425 16410 1 The Private Wife of Sherlock Holmes 2009 basimi Sex Lies and Private Eyes ISBN 1 933076 45 3Carole Nelson Douglas tarafindan hazirlanan antolojiler Marilyn Shades of Blonde 1997 ISBN 0 312 85737 3 Midnight Louie s Pet Detectives 1998 ISBN 0 312 86435 3 White House Pet Detectives 2002 ISBN 1 58182 243 XKaynakca Alter Judy These Texas women love a good mystery The Dallas Morning News 6 Temmuz 2008 PDF 23 Temmuz 2008 tarihinde kaynagindan PDF arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 29 Eylul 2015 Dis baglantilar