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En İyi Erkek Oyuncu Tony Ödülü (Oyun) özgün ismiyle Tony Award for Best Performance by a Leading Actor in a Play 1947'den bu yana Broadway'de sergilenen bir tiyatro oyununda yer alan en iyi başrol oyuncularına verilen ödül. Alan Bates, Brian Dennehy, José Ferrer, , James Earl Jones ve Fredric March bu ödülü 2 kez kazanmayı başaran oyunculardır.

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Bu maddenin daha dogru ve guvenilir bilgi sunmasi icin guncellenmesi gerekmektedir Daha fazla bilgi icin tartisma sayfasina bakiniz En Iyi Erkek Oyuncu Tony Odulu Oyun ozgun ismiyle Tony Award for Best Performance by a Leading Actor in a Play 1947 den bu yana Broadway de sergilenen bir tiyatro oyununda yer alan en iyi basrol oyuncularina verilen odul Alan Bates Brian Dennehy Jose Ferrer James Earl Jones ve Fredric March bu odulu 2 kez kazanmayi basaran oyunculardir 2010 yilinda Amerika Birlesik Devletleri nden erkek oyuncular Sean Hayes oyuncu Kazananlar ve adaylarYil Oyuncu Oyun Adaylar1947 Jose Ferrer Cyrano de BergeracFredric March1948 Henry Fonda1949 Rex Harrison1950 Come Back Little Sheba1951 Claude Rains1952 Jose Ferrer1953 Tom Ewell19541955 Alfred Lunt1956 Paul Muni Inherit the Wind Ben Gazzara A Hatful of Rain Boris Karloff Michael Redgrave Edward G Robinson 1957 Fredric March Ralph Richardson 1958 Ralph Bellamy Richard Burton Hugh Griffith Laurence Olivier Anthony Perkins Peter Ustinov 1959 Jason Robards Cedric Hardwicke Alfred Lunt Christopher Plummer 1960 Melvyn Douglas Sidney Poitier A Raisin in the Sun George C Scott 1961 Zero Mostel Hume Cronyn Anthony Quinn 1962 Paul Scofield A Man for All Seasons Fredric March John Mills Donald Pleasence 1963 Who s Afraid of Virginia Woolf Charles Boyer 1964 Alec Guinness Richard Burton Hamlet Albert Finney 1965 Walter Matthau The Odd Couple John Gielgud Donald Pleasence Jason Robards 1966 Hal Holbrook Inadmissible Evidence1967 Hume Cronyn Black Comedy Donald Moffat Donald Moffat 1968 Martin Balsam Albert Finney Milo O Shea I Never Sang for My Father1969 James Earl Jones Art Carney Donald Pleasence The Man in the Glass Booth1970 Fritz Weaver The Last of the Red Hot Lovers Stacy Keach 1971 Brian Bedford John Gielgud Ralph Richardson 1972 Donald Pleasence Jason Robards 1973 Alan Bates Jack Albertson The Sunshine Boys Paul Sorvino 1974 Zero Mostel Jason Robards George C Scott 1975 Henry Fonda Ben Gazzara Sherlock HolmesWinston Ntshona1976 George C Scott Death of a Salesman 1977 Al Pacino Tom Courtenay Ben Gazzara Who s Afraid of Virginia Woolf Ralph Richardson 1978 Hume Cronyn Frank Langella Dracula Jason Robards 1979 Tom Conti Jack Lemmon 1980 1981 Ian McKellen Amadeus Tim Curry Amadeus 1982 Tom Courtenay The Dresser Milo O Shea Christopher Plummer Othello1983 Harvey Fierstein Jeffrey DeMunn Edward Herrmann Tony Lo Bianco 1984 Jeremy Irons The Real Thing Rex Harrison Ian McKellen 1985 Derek Jacobi John Lithgow 1986 Hume Cronyn Ed Harris Jack Lemmon 1987 James Earl Jones Philip Bosco Richard Kiley All My Sons Alan Rickman 1988 Derek Jacobi John Lithgow 1989 Philip Bosco Mikhail Baryshnikov Victor Garber 1990 Dustin Hoffman The Merchant of Venice A Few Good Men1991 Nigel Hawthorne Courtney B Vance 1992 Alan Alda Jake s Women Alec Baldwin Brian Bedford 1993 Ron Leibman Angels in America Millennium Approaches Liam Neeson Stephen Rea 1994 Angels in America Perestroika Brian Bedford Christopher Plummer Sam Waterston 1995 Ralph Fiennes Hamlet Brian Bedford 1996 Philip Bosco George C Scott Inherit the Wind 1997 Christopher Plummer Brian Bedford Michael Gambon 1998 Anthony LaPaglia John Leguizamo Alfred Molina 1999 Brian Dennehy Death of a Salesman Corin Redgrave Kevin Spacey The Iceman Cometh2000 Stephen Dillane The Real Thing Gabriel Byrne Philip Seymour Hoffman John C Reilly David Suchet Amadeus2001 Gary Sinise 2002 Alan Bates Billy Crudup Liam Neeson Alan Rickman Private Lives Jeffrey Wright 2003 Brian Dennehy Brian Bedford Tartuffe Eddie Izzard Paul Newman Stanley Tucci 2004 Kevin Kline Frank Langella Christopher Plummer King Lear2005 Who s Afraid of Virginia Woolf Philip Bosco Billy Crudup The Pillowman James Earl Jones Brian F O Byrne 2006 Richard Griffiths Ralph Fiennes Zeljko Ivanek 2007 Frank Langella Frost Nixon Brian F O Byrne The Coast of Utopia Christopher Plummer Inherit the Wind Liev Schreiber 2008 Mark Rylance Laurence Fishburne Rufus Sewell Patrick Stewart Macbeth2009 Geoffrey Rush Jeff Daniels God of Carnage James Gandolfini God of Carnage