Güneybatı Finlandiya (Fince: Varsinais-Suomi; İsveççe: Egentliga Finland), Finlandiya'nın bölgelerinden biridir. Bölge, Finlandiya'nın güneybatısında yer almakta olup Satakunta, Pirkanmaa, Kanta-Häme ve Uusimaa bölgeleri ile komşudur. Yüzölçümü 10,910.30 km² olan bölgenin nüfusu 30 Eylül 2017 tarihi itibari ile 477,338'dir. Bölgenin merkezi Turku'dur.
Güneybatı Finlandiya Varsinais-Suomi Egentliga Finland | |
Güneybatı Finlandiya bölgesi | |
![]() Arma | |
![]() Güneybatı Finlandiya'nın Finlandiya'daki konumu | |
Ülke | |
İdare | |
• Bölge başkanı | Kari Häkämies |
Yüzölçümü | |
• Toplam | 10910.30 km² |
Nüfus (2017) | |
• Toplam | 477.338 |
• Yoğunluk | 44.76/km² |
Zaman dilimi | (DAS) |
• Yaz (YSU) | (DAYS) |
ISO 3166 kodu | FI-19 |
Resmî site www.varsinais-suomi.fi |
Güneybatı Finlandiya, 11'i şehir olmak üzere 27 belediyeye ayrılmaktadır.
Åboland-Turunmaa altbölgesi:
Salo altbölgesi:
Turku altbölgesi:
Loimaa altbölgesi:
Vakka-Suomi altbölgesi:
- Turku Cathedral dating back to the 13th century is Finland's national shrine and one of Finland's most recognized buildings
- A typical view from Turku Archipelago, the largest archipelago (by number of islands) in the world
- Louhisaari Manor in Masku was the birthplace of Finland's marshal and president Mannerheim
- The and rural landscape
- Naantali Harbour with the former monastery church in the background
- A general view of the City of Turku from the tower of the cathedral
- Bengtskär Lighthouse in Kimitoön is the highest one in the Nordic countries
- Nautelankoski Rapids in River Aura in Lieto
- The medieval on the banks of River Aura is one of the most influential buildings in Finnish history
- , Naantali
- A limestone quarry in Pargas
- Historical salt warehouses in Uusikaupunki town centre
- A bridge from 1850 in Taivassalo
- Korpo Church; there are 25 remaining medieval churches in the region
- Luostarinmäki Handicrafts Museum is an 18th-century district of the city that survived the Great Fire of Turku which burnt down four-fifths of the city in 1827
- May Day celebrations in Turku centre; the Arts Museum on the top of Street Aurakatu
- Traffic connections between islands are mostly served with in the archipelago
- The Karuna Church
- The mobile phone manufacturer Microsoft had originally its factory and headquarters in Salo; state-of-the-art models are still manufactured there
- A street view in Turku; old wooden houses and modern block of flats
- Marshland in Loimaa
- Naantali Old Town has been well preserved
- The functionalistic by Alvar Aalto
- A silo in Salo; the region still has a strong agricultural feel
- Windmills in Uusikaupunki
- The popular ferries travel twice a day around the year from Turku to Stockholm, Sweden
- Ruins of the medieval Kuusisto Bishops' Castle demolished in 1528 during the in Kaarina
- Pargas Old Town
- River Paimionjoki and rural landscape in Marttila
- Teijo Church in Salo is the smallest stone church in Finland
- ^ a b (Fince). Maanmittauslaitos. 1 Ocak 2017. 4 Ekim 2017 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 23 Kasım 2017.
- ^ a b "Tilastokeskuksen PX-Web-tietokannat / Taulukko: Ennakkoväkiluku muuttujina sukupuoli, alue ja kuukausi" (Fince). Tilastokeskus. 30 Eylül 2017. Erişim tarihi: 23 Kasım 2017.[]
Dış bağlantılar
Wikimedia Commons'ta Güneybatı Finlandiya ile ilgili ortam dosyaları bulunmaktadır. |
- Resmî site
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Guneybati Finlandiya Fince Varsinais Suomi Isvecce Egentliga Finland Finlandiya nin bolgelerinden biridir Bolge Finlandiya nin guneybatisinda yer almakta olup Satakunta Pirkanmaa Kanta Hame ve Uusimaa bolgeleri ile komsudur Yuzolcumu 10 910 30 km olan bolgenin nufusu 30 Eylul 2017 tarihi itibari ile 477 338 dir Bolgenin merkezi Turku dur Guneybati Finlandiya Varsinais Suomi Egentliga FinlandBolgeGuneybati Finlandiya bolgesiArmaGuneybati Finlandiya nin Finlandiya daki konumuUlke FinlandiyaIdare Bolge baskaniKari HakamiesYuzolcumu Toplam10910 30 km Nufus 2017 Toplam477 338 Yogunluk44 76 km Zaman dilimiUTC 02 00 DAS Yaz YSU UTC 03 00 DAYS ISO 3166 koduFI 19Resmi site www varsinais suomi fiBelediyelerGuneybati Finlandiya 11 i sehir olmak uzere 27 belediyeye ayrilmaktadir Aboland Turunmaa altbolgesi Kimitoon Kemionsaari Pargas Parainen Salo altbolgesi Salo Somero Turku altbolgesi Kaarina Lieto Masku Mynamaki Naantali Nousiainen Paimio Raisio Rusko Sauvo Turku Loimaa altbolgesi Aura Koski Tl Loimaa Marttila Oripaa Poytya Vakka Suomi altbolgesi Kustavi Laitila Pyharanta Taivassalo Uusikaupunki VehmaaGaleriTurku Cathedral dating back to the 13th century is Finland s national shrine and one of Finland s most recognized buildings A typical view from Turku Archipelago the largest archipelago by number of islands in the world Louhisaari Manor in Masku was the birthplace of Finland s marshal and president Mannerheim The and rural landscape Naantali Harbour with the former monastery church in the background A general view of the City of Turku from the tower of the cathedral Bengtskar Lighthouse in Kimitoon is the highest one in the Nordic countries Nautelankoski Rapids in River Aura in Lieto The medieval on the banks of River Aura is one of the most influential buildings in Finnish history Naantali A limestone quarry in Pargas Historical salt warehouses in Uusikaupunki town centre A bridge from 1850 in Taivassalo Korpo Church there are 25 remaining medieval churches in the region Luostarinmaki Handicrafts Museum is an 18th century district of the city that survived the Great Fire of Turku which burnt down four fifths of the city in 1827 May Day celebrations in Turku centre the Arts Museum on the top of Street Aurakatu Traffic connections between islands are mostly served with in the archipelago The Karuna Church The mobile phone manufacturer Microsoft had originally its factory and headquarters in Salo state of the art models are still manufactured there A street view in Turku old wooden houses and modern block of flats Marshland in Loimaa Naantali Old Town has been well preserved The functionalistic by Alvar Aalto A silo in Salo the region still has a strong agricultural feel Windmills in Uusikaupunki The popular ferries travel twice a day around the year from Turku to Stockholm Sweden Ruins of the medieval Kuusisto Bishops Castle demolished in 1528 during the in Kaarina Pargas Old Town River Paimionjoki and rural landscape in Marttila Teijo Church in Salo is the smallest stone church in FinlandKaynakca a b Fince Maanmittauslaitos 1 Ocak 2017 4 Ekim 2017 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 23 Kasim 2017 a b Tilastokeskuksen PX Web tietokannat Taulukko Ennakkovakiluku muuttujina sukupuoli alue ja kuukausi Fince Tilastokeskus 30 Eylul 2017 Erisim tarihi 23 Kasim 2017 olu kirik baglanti Dis baglantilarWikimedia Commons ta Guneybati Finlandiya ile ilgili ortam dosyalari bulunmaktadir Resmi site Vikigezgin de en Finland Proper ile ilgili gezi rehberi bulunmaktadir