Howard Üniversitesi, Washington, D.C.'de Shaw mahallesinde bulunan özel, tarihsel olarak siyahi, federal olarak kiralanmış bir araştırma üniversitesidir. “R2: Doktora Üniversiteleri - Yüksek araştırma faaliyeti” arasında sınıflandırılmış ve Orta Eyaletler Yüksek Eğitim Komisyonu tarafından akredite edilmiştir.
Howard Üniversitesi | |
Slogan | Veritas et Utilitas "Truth and Service" (İngilizce) "Hakikat ve Hizmet" (Türkçe) |
Kuruluş | 2 Mart 1867 | )
Tür | Özel araştırma üniversitesi |
Başkan | |
Öğrenciler | 12.886 (Fall 2022) |
Lisans öğrencileri | 8.964 (2021 güz dönemi) |
Lisansüstü öğrencileri | 3.101 (2021 güz dönemi) |
Akademik birimler | |
Konum | Washington, Columbia Bölgesi, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri 38°55′20″K 77°01′10″B / 38.92222°K 77.01944°B |
Yerleşke | Large City, 300 akre (1,2 km2) |
Okul renkleri | Mavi Kırmızı Gri |
Atletizm | |
Spor |
Maskot | Bizon |
Organizasyonlar | |
Web sitesi | |
1867 yılında kurulan Howard, mezhepsel olmayan bir kurumdur. 120'den fazla programda lisans, lisansüstü ve profesyonel dereceler sunmaktadır.
Kayda değer mezunlar
Howard Üniversitesi'nin seçkin mezunları arasında şu anki Amerika Birleşik Devletleri Başkan Yardımcısı, birçok Amerika Birleşik Devletleri diplomatı ve Amerika Birleşik Devletleri valisi, bir Amerika Birleşik Devletleri Birleşmiş Milletler Büyükelçisi, yabancı kraliyet ailesi mensupları, yedi yabancı devlet başkanı, 11 Amerika Birleşik Devletleri Kongre üyesi, bir Yüksek Mahkeme Yargıcı bulunmaktadır.
- Thurgood Marshall, ABD Yüksek Mahkeme Yargıcı
- Mike Espy, 25. ABD Tarım Bakanı
- Andrew Young, ABD'nin BM Büyükelçisi ve Georgia'dan ABD Kongre Üyesi
- Edward Brooke, ABD Senatörü
- David Dinkins, 106. New York Belediye Başkanı
- Ras Baraka, Newark, New Jersey belediye başkanı
- Zora Neale Hurston, yazar ve antropolog
- , romancı ve şair
- Ta-Nehisi Coates, yazar ve gazeteci
- Chadwick Boseman, aktör
- Phylicia Rashad, oyuncu
- Anthony Anderson, aktör
- , oyuncu
- Taraji P. Henson, oyuncu
- Nick Cannon, komedyen, rapçi ve televizyon sunucusu
- Gregory Meeks, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri New York 5. Kongre Bölgesi Temsilcisi
- Thomas Sowell, ekonomist, yazar ve sosyal yorumcu
- ^ "Howard University Celebrates Unprecedented Progress Powered by Howard Forward Strategic Plan".
- ^ Ofori, Oral (11 Temmuz 2017). "Howard University Partners with Google to raise percentage of black computer scientist and engineers".
- ^ "College Navigator - Howard University" (İngilizce). . Erişim tarihi: 29 Temmuz 2024.
- ^ a b "Fall 2017-Fall 2021 Students Enrollment Trends". Howard University.
- ^ "IPEDS College Navigator - Howard University".
- ^ "Web Style Guidelines". Howard University OUC.
- ^ Howard University - Howard University and Lowe To Develop Mixed-Use Building Near University Campus
- ^ "Carnegie Classifications Institution Lookup". Center for Postsecondary Education. 27 Mayıs 2022 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 12 Eylül 2020.
Daha fazla okuma
- Cain, Timothy Reese. " 'Only Organized Effort Will Find the Way Out!': Faculty Unionization at Howard University, 1918–1950." in Higher Education for African Americans Before the Civil Rights Era, 1900-1964 (Routledge, 2017) pp. 119–156.
- Dyson, Walter. The Founding of Howard University (Howard University Press, 1921) online.
- Epps, Howard R. "The Howard University Medical Department in the Flexner Era: 1910-1929." Journal of the National Medical Association 81.8 (1989): 885+ online
- Green, Rodney D., and Aisha Thompson. "Streams of racial progress: The discipline of economics at Howard University at its sesquicentennial." Negro Educational Review 68.1-4 (2017): 31–157. online
- Henry, Charles P. "Abram Harris, E. Franklin Frazier, and Ralph Bunche: The Howard School of Thought on the Problem of Race." in The Changing Racial Regime (1995): 36+. online
- Hopkins, Reginald, Sherman Ross, and Leslie H. Hicks. "A history of the Department of Psychology at Howard University." Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences (1992): 161–167. online
- Hunter, Gregory. " Howard University: 'Capstone of Negro education' during World War II." Journal of Negro History 79.1 (1994): 54–70. online
- LaPoint, Velma, and Veronica Thomas. "Contributions of Howard University to social science research on Black children." Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development (2006): 173–187. online
- Lindsey, Treva. "Climbing the Hilltop: In Search of a New Negro Womanhood at Howard University." in Escape from New York: The New Negro Renaissance beyond Harlem (2013): 271–290. online
- Logan, Rayford W. Howard University: The first hundred years, 1867-1967 (NYU Press, 1969) online, a standard scholarly history.
- McFeely, William S. Yankee Stepfather: General O.O. Howard and the Freedmen (Yale University Press, 1968) online
- Matthews, Lopez D. Howard University in the World Wars: Men and Women Serving the Nation (Arcadia Publishing, 2019) online.
- Muse, Clifford L. "Howard University and the Federal Government During the Presidential Administrations of Herbert Hoover and Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1928-1945". Journal of Negro History (1991) 76 (1/4): 1–20. online
- Myers, Joshua M. We Are Worth Fighting For: A History of the Howard University Student Protest of 1989 (New York University Press. 2019) online
- Perkins, Linda M. "Black undergraduate women’s experiences of race, gender, and class at Fisk and Howard universities and Tuskegee institute, 1923–1960." in Critical perspectives on Black women and college success (Routledge, 2017) pp. 31–44. online
- Perkins, Linda M. "Merze Tate and the Quest for Gender Equity at Howard University: 1942–1977." History of Education Quarterly 54.4 (2014): 516–551. online[]
- Poulson, Stephen C. Racism on Campus: A Visual History of Prominent Virginia Colleges and Howard University (Routledge, 2021) online
- Rasheed, Lisa R. "Lucy Diggs Slowe, Howard University Dean of Women, 1922-1937: Educator administrator, activist" (Thesis, Georgia State University, 2010) online.
- Ray, Louis. "Competing Visions of Higher Education: The College of Liberal Arts Faculty and the Administration of Howard University, 1939–1960." in Higher Education for African Americans before the Civil Rights Era, 1900-1964 (Routledge, 2017) pp. 157–178. online
- Relerford, Jimisha. "Campus Protest and Composition Pedagogy: G. David Houston's Activist Rhetoric at Howard University." Spectrum: A Journal on Black Men 9.1 (2021): 21–36. excerpt
- Thomas, Jennifer C. "Pageantry & Politics: Miss Howard University from Civil Rights to Black Power." Journal of Negro Education 87.1 (2018): 22–32. excerpt
- Zaluda, Scott. "Lost voices of the Harlem renaissance: Writing assigned at Howard University, 1919-31." College Composition and Communication 50.2 (1998): 232–257. online
Dış bağlantılar
- Resmî site
- Howard Athletics web sitesi
- "Howard University". . 1879.
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Howard Universitesi Washington D C de Shaw mahallesinde bulunan ozel tarihsel olarak siyahi federal olarak kiralanmis bir arastirma universitesidir R2 Doktora Universiteleri Yuksek arastirma faaliyeti arasinda siniflandirilmis ve Orta Eyaletler Yuksek Egitim Komisyonu tarafindan akredite edilmistir Howard UniversitesiSloganVeritas et Utilitas Truth and Service Ingilizce Hakikat ve Hizmet Turkce Kurulus2 Mart 1867 157 yil once 1867 03 02 TurOzel arastirma universitesiBaskanOgrenciler12 886 Fall 2022 Lisans ogrencileri8 964 2021 guz donemi Lisansustu ogrencileri3 101 2021 guz donemi Akademik birimlerKonumWashington Columbia Bolgesi Amerika Birlesik Devletleri 38 55 20 K 77 01 10 B 38 92222 K 77 01944 B 38 92222 77 01944YerleskeLarge City 300 akre 1 2 km2 Okul renkleri Mavi Kirmizi GriAtletizmSpor MaskotBizonOrganizasyonlarWeb sitesihoward edu 1867 yilinda kurulan Howard mezhepsel olmayan bir kurumdur 120 den fazla programda lisans lisansustu ve profesyonel dereceler sunmaktadir Kayda deger mezunlarHoward Universitesi nin seckin mezunlari arasinda su anki Amerika Birlesik Devletleri Baskan Yardimcisi bircok Amerika Birlesik Devletleri diplomati ve Amerika Birlesik Devletleri valisi bir Amerika Birlesik Devletleri Birlesmis Milletler Buyukelcisi yabanci kraliyet ailesi mensuplari yedi yabanci devlet baskani 11 Amerika Birlesik Devletleri Kongre uyesi bir Yuksek Mahkeme Yargici bulunmaktadir Onemli Howard Universitesi mezunlari sunlardir Kamala Harris Amerika Birlesik Devletleri nin 49 Baskan Yardimcisi Thurgood Marshall ABD Yuksek Mahkeme Yargici Mike Espy 25 ABD Tarim Bakani Andrew Young ABD nin BM Buyukelcisi ve Georgia dan ABD Kongre Uyesi Edward Brooke ABD Senatoru David Dinkins 106 New York Belediye Baskani Elijah Cummings Amerika Birlesik Devletleri Temsilcisi Ras Baraka Newark New Jersey belediye baskani Toni Morrison Pulitzer Odulu ve Nobel Odulu sahibi romanci Zora Neale Hurston yazar ve antropolog romanci ve sair Ta Nehisi Coates yazar ve gazeteci Chadwick Boseman aktor Phylicia Rashad oyuncu Anthony Anderson aktor oyuncu Taraji P Henson oyuncu Nick Cannon komedyen rapci ve televizyon sunucusu Gregory Meeks Amerika Birlesik Devletleri New York 5 Kongre Bolgesi Temsilcisi Thomas Sowell ekonomist yazar ve sosyal yorumcuKaynakca Howard University Celebrates Unprecedented Progress Powered by Howard Forward Strategic Plan Arsivlenmesi gereken baglantiya sahip kaynak sablonu iceren maddeler link Ofori Oral 11 Temmuz 2017 Howard University Partners with Google to raise percentage of black computer scientist and engineers Arsivlenmesi gereken baglantiya sahip kaynak sablonu iceren maddeler link College Navigator Howard University Ingilizce Erisim tarihi 29 Temmuz 2024 Arsivlenmesi gereken baglantiya sahip kaynak sablonu iceren maddeler link a b Fall 2017 Fall 2021 Students Enrollment Trends Howard University Arsivlenmesi gereken baglantiya sahip kaynak sablonu iceren maddeler link IPEDS College Navigator Howard University nces ed gov Arsivlenmesi gereken baglantiya sahip kaynak sablonu iceren maddeler link Web Style Guidelines Howard University OUC Arsivlenmesi gereken baglantiya sahip kaynak sablonu iceren maddeler link Howard University Howard University and Lowe To Develop Mixed Use Building Near University Campus Carnegie Classifications Institution Lookup carnegieclassifications iu edu Center for Postsecondary Education 27 Mayis 2022 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 12 Eylul 2020 Daha fazla okumaCain Timothy Reese Only Organized Effort Will Find the Way Out Faculty Unionization at Howard University 1918 1950 in Higher Education for African Americans Before the Civil Rights Era 1900 1964 Routledge 2017 pp 119 156 Dodson Howard HOWARD UNIVERSITY THE NEW NEGRO MOVEMENT AND THE MAKING OF AFRICAN AMERICAN VISUAL ARTS IN WASHINGTON DC Callaloo 39 5 2016 983 998 online Dyson Walter The Founding of Howard University Howard University Press 1921 online Epps Howard R The Howard University Medical Department in the Flexner Era 1910 1929 Journal of the National Medical Association 81 8 1989 885 online Green Rodney D and Aisha Thompson Streams of racial progress The discipline of economics at Howard University at its sesquicentennial Negro Educational Review 68 1 4 2017 31 157 online Henry Charles P Abram Harris E Franklin Frazier and Ralph Bunche The Howard School of Thought on the Problem of Race in The Changing Racial Regime 1995 36 online Hopkins Reginald Sherman Ross and Leslie H Hicks A history of the Department of Psychology at Howard University Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 1992 161 167 online Hunter Gregory Howard University Capstone of Negro education during World War II Journal of Negro History 79 1 1994 54 70 online LaPoint Velma and Veronica Thomas Contributions of Howard University to social science research on Black children Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development 2006 173 187 online Lindsey Treva Climbing the Hilltop In Search of a New Negro Womanhood at Howard University in Escape from New York The New Negro Renaissance beyond Harlem 2013 271 290 online Logan Rayford W Howard University The first hundred years 1867 1967 NYU Press 1969 online a standard scholarly history McFeely William S Yankee Stepfather General O O Howard and the Freedmen Yale University Press 1968 online Matthews Lopez D Howard University in the World Wars Men and Women Serving the Nation Arcadia Publishing 2019 online Muse Clifford L Howard University and the Federal Government During the Presidential Administrations of Herbert Hoover and Franklin D Roosevelt 1928 1945 Journal of Negro History 1991 76 1 4 1 20 online Myers Joshua M We Are Worth Fighting For A History of the Howard University Student Protest of 1989 New York University Press 2019 online Perkins Linda M Black undergraduate women s experiences of race gender and class at Fisk and Howard universities and Tuskegee institute 1923 1960 in Critical perspectives on Black women and college success Routledge 2017 pp 31 44 online Perkins Linda M Merze Tate and the Quest for Gender Equity at Howard University 1942 1977 History of Education Quarterly 54 4 2014 516 551 online olu kirik baglanti Poulson Stephen C Racism on Campus A Visual History of Prominent Virginia Colleges and Howard University Routledge 2021 online Rasheed Lisa R Lucy Diggs Slowe Howard University Dean of Women 1922 1937 Educator administrator activist Thesis Georgia State University 2010 online Ray Louis Competing Visions of Higher Education The College of Liberal Arts Faculty and the Administration of Howard University 1939 1960 in Higher Education for African Americans before the Civil Rights Era 1900 1964 Routledge 2017 pp 157 178 online Relerford Jimisha Campus Protest and Composition Pedagogy G David Houston s Activist Rhetoric at Howard University Spectrum A Journal on Black Men 9 1 2021 21 36 excerpt Thomas Jennifer C Pageantry amp Politics Miss Howard University from Civil Rights to Black Power Journal of Negro Education 87 1 2018 22 32 excerpt Zaluda Scott Lost voices of the Harlem renaissance Writing assigned at Howard University 1919 31 College Composition and Communication 50 2 1998 232 257 onlineDis baglantilarWikimedia Commons ta Howard Universitesi ile ilgili ortam dosyalari bulunmaktadir Resmi site Howard Athletics web sitesi Howard University 1879