John Michael Talbot (d. 8 Mayıs 1954, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma), keşiş katolik, Amerikalı şarkıcı, besteci, gitarist ve Brothers and Sisters of Charity Cemaati'nin kurucusudur.
John Michael Talbot | |
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Genel bilgiler | |
Doğum | John Michael Talbot 08 Mayıs 1954 |
Başladığı yer | Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, ABD |
Tarzlar | ; |
Etkin yıllar | 1970-günümüz |
Resmî site | John Michael Talbot Homepage |
- Reborn (1972)
- John Michael Talbot (1976)
- The New Earth (1977)
- The Lord's Supper (1979)
- Beginnings / The Early Years (1980)
- Come to the Quiet (1980)
- The Painter (1980)
- For the Bride (1981)
- Troubadour of the Great King (1981)
- Light Eternal (1982)
- Songs For Worship Vol. 1 (1982)
- No Longer Strangers (1983)
- The God of Life (1984)
- Songs For Worship Vol. 2 (1985)
- The Quiet (1985)
- Be Exalted (1986)
- Empty Canvas (1986)
- The Heart of the Shepherd (1987)
- Quiet Reflections (1987)
- The Regathering (1988)
- Master Collection (1988)
- The Lover and the Beloved (1989)
- Come Worship the Lord Vol. 1 (1990)
- Come Worship the Lord Vol. 2 (1990.)
- Hiding Place (1990.)
- The Birth of Jesus (1990.)
- The Master Musician (1992.)
- Meditations in the Spirit (1993.)
- Meditations from Solitude (1994.)
- Chant from the Hermitage (1995.)
- The John Michael Talbot Collection (1995.)
- The Talbot Brothers Collection (1995.)
- Brother to Brother (1996.)
- Our Blessing Cup (1996.)
- Troubadour for the Lord (1996.)
- Table of Plenty (1997.)
- Hidden Pathways (1998.)
- Pathways of the Shepherd (1998.)
- Pathways to Solitude (1998.)
- Pathways to Wisdom (1998.)
- Quiet Pathways (1998.)
- Spirit Pathways (1998.)
- Cave of the Heart (1999.)
- Simple Heart (2000.)
- Wisdom (2001.)
- Signatures (2003.)
- City of God (2005.)
- Monk Rock (2005.)
- The Beautiful City (2006.)
- Living Water 50th (2007.)
- Troubadour Years (2008.)
- ^ Simplicity (with Dan O'Neill) - (Troubadour For The Lord)
Dış bağlantılar
![]() | Amerikalı bir müzisyen ile ilgili bu madde seviyesindedir. Madde içeriğini genişleterek Vikipedi'ye katkı sağlayabilirsiniz. |
![]() | Besteci ile ilgili bu madde seviyesindedir. Madde içeriğini genişleterek Vikipedi'ye katkı sağlayabilirsiniz. |
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John Michael Talbot d 8 Mayis 1954 Oklahoma City Oklahoma kesis katolik Amerikali sarkici besteci gitarist ve Brothers and Sisters of Charity Cemaati nin kurucusudur John Michael TalbotGenel bilgilerDogumJohn Michael Talbot 08 Mayis 1954 70 yasinda Basladigi yerOklahoma City Oklahoma ABDTarzlar Etkin yillar1970 gunumuzResmi siteJohn Michael Talbot HomepageDiskografiReborn 1972 John Michael Talbot 1976 The New Earth 1977 The Lord s Supper 1979 Beginnings The Early Years 1980 Come to the Quiet 1980 The Painter 1980 For the Bride 1981 Troubadour of the Great King 1981 Light Eternal 1982 Songs For Worship Vol 1 1982 No Longer Strangers 1983 The God of Life 1984 Songs For Worship Vol 2 1985 The Quiet 1985 Be Exalted 1986 Empty Canvas 1986 The Heart of the Shepherd 1987 Quiet Reflections 1987 The Regathering 1988 Master Collection 1988 The Lover and the Beloved 1989 Come Worship the Lord Vol 1 1990 Come Worship the Lord Vol 2 1990 Hiding Place 1990 The Birth of Jesus 1990 The Master Musician 1992 Meditations in the Spirit 1993 Meditations from Solitude 1994 Chant from the Hermitage 1995 The John Michael Talbot Collection 1995 The Talbot Brothers Collection 1995 Brother to Brother 1996 Our Blessing Cup 1996 Troubadour for the Lord 1996 Table of Plenty 1997 Hidden Pathways 1998 Pathways of the Shepherd 1998 Pathways to Solitude 1998 Pathways to Wisdom 1998 Quiet Pathways 1998 Spirit Pathways 1998 Cave of the Heart 1999 Simple Heart 2000 Wisdom 2001 Signatures 2003 City of God 2005 Monk Rock 2005 The Beautiful City 2006 Living Water 50th 2007 Troubadour Years 2008 Kaynakca Simplicity with Dan O Neill Troubadour For The Lord ISBN 0 89283 635 0Dis baglantilarAmerikali bir muzisyen ile ilgili bu madde taslak seviyesindedir Madde icerigini genisleterek Vikipedi ye katki saglayabilirsiniz Besteci ile ilgili bu madde taslak seviyesindedir Madde icerigini genisleterek Vikipedi ye katki saglayabilirsiniz