Propylon, propylaea veya propylaia (; Grekçe: Προπύλαια), Antik Yunan mimarisinde anıtsal bir geçittir. En tipik örneği Atina'daki Akropolis'e giriş kapısı olarak görev gören propylaea'dır. Grek Uyanışı sırasında yapılan Berlin'deki Brandenburg Kapısı ve Münih'teki yapısı Atina Proplylonu'nu anımsatmaktadır.

Yunanca προπύλαιον propylaeon kelimesi (latince propylaeum) "önce, önünde" anlamındaki προ- pro- ön eki ve "kapı" manasına gelen πύλη pyle kelimesinin çoğul halinin birleştirilmesiyle oluşmuştur.
Atina Akropolü Propylonu
Propylon, Pers savaşları'nın sonunda zarar gören Akropolü yeniden inşa etmek isteyen Atina lideri Perikles tarafından yaptırılan anıtsal girişti.
Greko-Romen dünyasının dışındaki Propylon
Bilinen en eski müstakil Propylon, Ahameniş başkenti Pasargad'teki saray bölgesinde bulunur.
- ^ "PASARGADAE – Encyclopaedia Iranica". 17 Temmuz 2019 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 23 Nisan 2018.
- Berve, H.; Gruben, G.; and Hirmer, M. Greek Temples, Theaters, and Shrines (New York, 1963). A general look at selected Greek structures.
- Dinsmoor, William Bell (1922), "Structural Iron in Greek Architecture," , XXVI
- Dinsmoor, W. B., The Architecture of Ancient Greece (New York, 1975 - but actually a reprint of the 1950 publication). A general book on Greek architecture; dated in many areas but valuable for the Propylaea.
- Dinsmoor, W. B., Jr., The Propylaia I: The Predecessors (Princeton, 1980). A careful study of the predecessors of the Propylaea.
- Eiteljorg, Harrison, II, The Entrance to the Acropolis Before Mnesicles (Dubuque, 1993). A careful study of the predecessors of the Propylaea, with very different conclusions from those of Dinsmoor above.
- Lawrence, A. W., Greek Architecture (Baltimore, 1973). A general book on Greek architecture.
- Robertson, D.S. Greek and Roman Architecture' (Cambridge, 1969). A general book on Greek and Roman architecture. Available in paper, this may be the best place to begin for those with no knowledge of ancient architecture.
- Travlos, J., Pictorial Dictionary of Ancient Athens (London, 1971). An encyclopedic approach to the monuments of Athens.
- The Perseus Project An electronic resource that provides quick information, but some of the information about the Propylaea was incorrect when the site was last checked. Several good photographs of the Propylaea are available through the Perseus project.
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Propylon propylaea veya propylaia ˌ p r ɒ p ɪ ˈ l iː e Grekce Propylaia Antik Yunan mimarisinde anitsal bir gecittir En tipik ornegi Atina daki Akropolis e giris kapisi olarak gorev goren propylaea dir Grek Uyanisi sirasinda yapilan Berlin deki Brandenburg Kapisi ve Munih teki yapisi Atina Proplylonu nu animsatmaktadir Propylon un saglam oldugu zaman neye benzeyebilecegine dair 19 yuzyil cizimiBaalbek PropylonuEtimolojiYunanca propylaion propylaeon kelimesi latince propylaeum once onunde anlamindaki pro pro on eki ve kapi manasina gelen pylh pyle kelimesinin cogul halinin birlestirilmesiyle olusmustur Atina Akropolu PropylonuPropylon Pers savaslari nin sonunda zarar goren Akropolu yeniden insa etmek isteyen Atina lideri Perikles tarafindan yaptirilan anitsal giristi Greko Romen dunyasinin disindaki PropylonBilinen en eski mustakil Propylon Ahamenis baskenti Pasargad teki saray bolgesinde bulunur Notlar electricpulp com PASARGADAE Encyclopaedia Iranica www iranicaonline org 17 Temmuz 2019 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 23 Nisan 2018 KaynakcaBerve H Gruben G and Hirmer M Greek Temples Theaters and Shrines New York 1963 A general look at selected Greek structures Dinsmoor William Bell 1922 Structural Iron in Greek Architecture XXVI Dinsmoor W B The Architecture of Ancient Greece New York 1975 but actually a reprint of the 1950 publication A general book on Greek architecture dated in many areas but valuable for the Propylaea Dinsmoor W B Jr The Propylaia I The Predecessors Princeton 1980 A careful study of the predecessors of the Propylaea Eiteljorg Harrison II The Entrance to the Acropolis Before Mnesicles Dubuque 1993 A careful study of the predecessors of the Propylaea with very different conclusions from those of Dinsmoor above Lawrence A W Greek Architecture Baltimore 1973 A general book on Greek architecture Robertson D S Greek and Roman Architecture Cambridge 1969 A general book on Greek and Roman architecture Available in paper this may be the best place to begin for those with no knowledge of ancient architecture Travlos J Pictorial Dictionary of Ancient Athens London 1971 An encyclopedic approach to the monuments of Athens The Perseus Project An electronic resource that provides quick information but some of the information about the Propylaea was incorrect when the site was last checked Several good photographs of the Propylaea are available through the Perseus project Dis baglantilarWikimedia Commons ta Propylon ile ilgili ortam dosyalari bulunmaktadir bircok bilgi fotograf ve materyal icerir