Bir Türkofil, Türksever veya Türk dostu, Türkiye hükûmetine, kültürüne, tarihine veya halkına karşı olumlu bir yatkınlığı, sempatisi veya ilgisi olan kişidir. Bu, Türkiye'nin kendisini ve tarihini, Türk dilini, Türk mutfağını ve edebiyatını veya daha geniş anlamda Türk halklarını içerebilir. Bir Türkofilin tam tersi, bir Türkofobdur - hükûmete, kültüre, tarihe veya Türkiye halkına karşı güçlü bir olumsuz eğilime sahiptir.
Tarihsel olarak, Türkseverlik Osmanlı İmparatorluğu ve Selçuklu İmparatorluğu tarihinin destekçileri ile ilişkilendirilmiştir.
Önemli Türkofiller
Jean-Étienne Liotard, İsviçreli ressam, sanat uzmanı ve tüccar
David Urquhart, İskoç diplomat, yazar ve siyasetçi
Ármin Vámbéry, Macar Türkolog ve seyyah
Ernst Jaeckh, Alman yazar
Pierre Loti, Fransız deniz subayı ve romancı
Juanito, Fransız şarkıcı
Lev Gumilyov, Sovyet tarihçi, etnolog ve antropolog
, Tang Hanedanı veliaht prensi
- ^ a b . 4 Nisan 2017 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 22 Şubat 2019.
- ^ "Ambiguous partisanships". Aralık 2002. 11 Mayıs 2019 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 22 Şubat 2019.
- ^ Buruma, Ian (1998). Anglomania: A European Love Affair. Random House. s. 107. ISBN .
But Urquhart's Turkophilia went so far that even in London he ate Turkish food, bathed in Turkish baths, and lounged on Turkish sofas.
- ^ Geoffrey, Nash (2011). Travellers to the Middle East from Burckhardt to Thesiger: An Anthology. Anthem Press. s. xiv. ISBN .
In the case of David Urquhart, who went to fight for the Greeks but stayed on to help establish the post-war boundaries, it helped turn a Philhellene into a Turkophile.
- ^ Hostler, Charles Warren (1993). The Turks of Central Asia. University of Michigan. s. 112. ISBN .
The famous Hungarian Turkologist and Turkophile, Arminius Vambery (1832-1913), embarked on adventurous travels in Russian Central Asia and in Persia and later acquainted his Turkish friends with their Central Asian relatives through his books and lectures.
- ^ Böer, Ingeborg; Haerkötter, Ruth; Kappert, Petra (2002). Türken in Berlin 1871-1945: eine Metropole in den Erinnerungen osmanischer und türkischer Zeitzeugen (Almanca). Walter de Gruyter. s. 107. ISBN .
Auf Betreiben des turkophilen Journalisten Dr. Ernst Jäckh...
- ^ Todorov, Tzvetan (1994). On human diversity: nationalism, racism, and exoticism in French thought. Harvard University Press. s. 308. ISBN .
And just as Chateaubriand was a Turkophobe, Loti is as much a Turkophile; the writer even becomes one of the chief...
- ^ Kappler, Matthias (2006). Intercultural Aspects in and Around Turkic Literatures: Proceedings of the International Conference Held on October 11th-12th, 2003 in Nicosia. Otto Harrassowitz Verlag. s. 170. ISBN .
It should also be mentioned that although he was a definite Turkophile, he was always admired and valued in nationalistic circles.
- ^ Dugin, Alexander (2014). Eurasian Mission: An Introduction to Neo-Eurasianism. Arktos. s. 21. ISBN . 7 Nisan 2022 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 25 Haziran 2023.
He also developed a Turkophile attitude in the theory of "ethnic complementarity".
- ^ Chen 2010, p. 44
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Bir Turkofil Turksever veya Turk dostu Turkiye hukumetine kulturune tarihine veya halkina karsi olumlu bir yatkinligi sempatisi veya ilgisi olan kisidir Bu Turkiye nin kendisini ve tarihini Turk dilini Turk mutfagini ve edebiyatini veya daha genis anlamda Turk halklarini icerebilir Bir Turkofilin tam tersi bir Turkofobdur hukumete kulture tarihe veya Turkiye halkina karsi guclu bir olumsuz egilime sahiptir Tarihsel olarak Turkseverlik Osmanli Imparatorlugu ve Selcuklu Imparatorlugu tarihinin destekcileri ile iliskilendirilmistir Onemli TurkofillerJean Etienne Liotard Isvicreli ressam sanat uzmani ve tuccar David Urquhart Iskoc diplomat yazar ve siyasetci Armin Vambery Macar Turkolog ve seyyah Ernst Jaeckh Alman yazar Pierre Loti Fransiz deniz subayi ve romanci Juanito Fransiz sarkici Lev Gumilyov Sovyet tarihci etnolog ve antropolog Tang Hanedani veliaht prensiTurancilik TurquerieKaynakca a b trdergisi com 4 Nisan 2017 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 22 Subat 2019 Ambiguous partisanships journals openedition org Aralik 2002 11 Mayis 2019 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 22 Subat 2019 Buruma Ian 1998 Anglomania A European Love Affair Random House s 107 ISBN 0375502068 But Urquhart s Turkophilia went so far that even in London he ate Turkish food bathed in Turkish baths and lounged on Turkish sofas Geoffrey Nash 2011 Travellers to the Middle East from Burckhardt to Thesiger An Anthology Anthem Press s xiv ISBN 978 0857283931 In the case of David Urquhart who went to fight for the Greeks but stayed on to help establish the post war boundaries it helped turn a Philhellene into a Turkophile Hostler Charles Warren 1993 The Turks of Central Asia University of Michigan s 112 ISBN 0275939316 The famous Hungarian Turkologist and Turkophile Arminius Vambery 1832 1913 embarked on adventurous travels in Russian Central Asia and in Persia and later acquainted his Turkish friends with their Central Asian relatives through his books and lectures Boer Ingeborg Haerkotter Ruth Kappert Petra 2002 Turken in Berlin 1871 1945 eine Metropole in den Erinnerungen osmanischer und turkischer Zeitzeugen Almanca Walter de Gruyter s 107 ISBN 3110174650 Auf Betreiben des turkophilen Journalisten Dr Ernst Jackh Todorov Tzvetan 1994 On human diversity nationalism racism and exoticism in French thought Harvard University Press s 308 ISBN 9780674634398 And just as Chateaubriand was a Turkophobe Loti is as much a Turkophile the writer even becomes one of the chief Kappler Matthias 2006 Intercultural Aspects in and Around Turkic Literatures Proceedings of the International Conference Held on October 11th 12th 2003 in Nicosia Otto Harrassowitz Verlag s 170 ISBN 3447052856 It should also be mentioned that although he was a definite Turkophile he was always admired and valued in nationalistic circles Dugin Alexander 2014 Eurasian Mission An Introduction to Neo Eurasianism Arktos s 21 ISBN 978 1910524244 7 Nisan 2022 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 25 Haziran 2023 He also developed a Turkophile attitude in the theory of ethnic complementarity Chen 2010 p 44