William Penn Adair "Will" Rogers (4 Kasım 1879 - 15 Ağustos 1935) Amerikalı vodvil sanatçısı, mizahçı, sosyal yorumcu ve sinema oyuncusu. 1920'lerde ve 1930'larda dünyanın en bilinen ünlülerinden birisiydi.

"Oklahoma'nın Favori Oğlu" olarak bilinir. Rogers, şimdi Oklahoma'nın parçası olan Indian Territory'de Cherokee Milleti'nden bir ailenin oğlu olarak doğdu. Dünya'yı üç kez seyahat eden Rogers, 71 film (50 sessiz film ve 21 "talkie") yaptı, gazetelerde 4.000'den fazla sütun yazdı ve dünyaca ünlü bir figür haline geldi.
Rogers kendi küçük uçağının Alaska'ya düşmesi sonucu 1935 yılında öldü.
Sessiz film
| Travelog Series
Sesli film
Referanslar ve ek okumalar
- Will Rogers and "His" America (2010).
- Ketchum, Richard M. Will Rogers: His Life and Times (1973)
- O'Brien, P. J. Will Rogers, Ambassador of Good Will Prince of Wit and Wisdom. (1935) online edition 18 Mayıs 2011 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- Robinson, Ray. American Original: A Life of Will Rogers. (1996). 288 pp. online edition 18 Mayıs 2011 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- Rollins, Peter C. Will Rogers: A Bio-Bibliography. Greenwood, 1984. 282 pp.
- , and Frances N. Sterling, Will Rogers' World (1989),
- Yagoda, Ben. Will Rogers: A Biography (1993) excerpt and text search 7 Mart 2021 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
Bilimsel çalışmaları
- Brown, William R. (1979). "Will Rogers and His Magic Mirror". Chronicles of Oklahoma. 57 (3). ss. 300-325.
- Coleman, Timothy S. "All We Know of Nation Is What We See in the Pictures: Will Rogers and the National Imaginary in 1920s and 1930s America." PhD dissertation, Wayne State U. 2003. 183 pp. DAI 2004 64(12): 4245-A. DA3116488 Fulltext:
- Jenkins, Ronald Scott. "Representative Clowns: Comedy and Democracy in America." PhD dissertation Harvard U. 1984. 208 pp. DAI 1984 45(4): 1187-A. DA8416931 Fulltext:
- Johnson, Bobby H. and R. Stanley Mohler. "Wiley Post, His Winnie Mae, and the World's First Pressure Suit." 9 Ağustos 2013 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . Washington: Smithsonian Institution, 1971.
- Roach, Fred, Jr. "Will Rogers' Youthful Relationship with His Father, Clem Rogers: a Story of Love and Tension." Chronicles of Oklahoma 1980 58(3): 325-342. Issn: 0009-6024
- Roach, Fred; Jr (1979). "Vision of the Future: Will Rogers' Support of Commercial Aviation". Chronicles of Oklahoma. 57 (3). ss. 340-364.
- Rollins, Peter C. "Will Rogers: Symbolic Man, Journalist, and Film Image." Journal of Popular Culture 1976 9(4): 851-877.
- Rollins, Peter C. (1979). "Will Rogers, Ambassador sans Portfolio: Letters from a Self-made Diplomat to His President". Chronicles of Oklahoma. 57 (3). ss. 326-339.
- Smallwood, James M. (1988). "Will Rogers of Oklahoma: Spokesman for the 'Common Man.'". Journal of the West. 27 (2). ss. 45-49.
- Southard, Bruce (1979). "Will Rogers and the Language of the Southwest: a Centennial Perspective". Chronicles of Oklahoma. 57 (3). ss. 365-375.
- Ware, Amy (2009). "Unexpected Cowboy, Unexpected Indian: The Case of Will Rogers". Ethnohistory. 56 (1). ss. 1-34. doi:10.1215/00141801-2008-034.
- Rogers, Will (1975) [1924]. Joseph A. Stout, Jr. (Ed.). Rogers-isms: The Cowboy Philosopher On Prohibition. Stillwater: Oklahoma State University Press. ISBN .
- Rogers, Will (Mart 2003) [1924]. Illiterate Digest. Kessinger Publishing. ISBN .
- Rogers, Will (1977) [1926]. Joseph A. Stout (Ed.). Letters Of A Self-Made Diplomat To His President. Stillwater: Oklahoma State University Press. ISBN .
- Rogers, Will (Aralık 1982). Steven K. Gragert (Ed.). More letters of a self-made diplomat. Stillwater: Oklahoma State University Press. ISBN .
- Rogers, Will (1927). There's Not A Bathing Suit In Russia.
- Rogers, Will (1982) [1928]. "He chews to run": Will Rogers's Life magazine articles, 1928. Stillwater: Oklahoma State University Press. ISBN .
- Rogers, Will (1983). Steven K. Gragert (Ed.). Radio Broadcasts of Will Rogers. Stillwater: Oklahoma State University Press. ISBN .
- Sterling, Bryan and Frances (2001). Forgotten Eagle: Wiley Post: America's Heroic Aviation Pioneer. New York: Carroll & Graf Publishers. ISBN .
- Rogers, Will. Letters of a Self-Made Diplomat to His President (1926) online edition 18 Mayıs 2011 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- Rogers, Will, and Joseph H. Carter. Never Met a Man I Didn't Like (1991) excerpt and text search 19 Mart 2021 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- Rogers, Will. Will Rogers at the Ziegfeld Follies. ed. by Arthur Frank Wertheim, (1992). 288 pp.
- Rogers, Will. Will Rogers' Weekly Articles. Vol. 1, The Harding/Coolidge Years, 1922-1925. ed. by James M. Smallwood, (1980). 431 pp.
- Rogers, Will. Will Rogers' Weekly Articles. Vol. 2: The Coolidge Years, 1925-1927. ed. by Steven K. Gragert, (1980). 368 pp.
- Rogers, Will. Will Rogers' Weekly Articles. Vol. 3: The Coolidge Years, 1927-1929. ed. by Steven K. Gragert, (1981). 304 pp.
- Rogers, Will. Will Rogers' Weekly Articles. Vol. 4: The Hoover Years, 1929-1931. ed. by Steven K. Gragert, (1981). 278 pp.
- Rogers, Will. Will Rogers's Daily Telegrams. Vol. l, The Coolidge Years, 1926-1929. ed. by James M. Smallwood, 1978. 453 pp.
- Rogers, Will. Will Rogers' Daily Telegrams. Vol. 4, The Roosevelt Years, 1933-1935. ed. by James M. Smallwood, (1979). 457 pp.
- Rogers, Will. Convention Articles of Will Rogers. ed. by Joseph A. Stout, 1976. 174 pp.
- Rogers, Will. The Writings of Will Rogers. Volume 3: Illiterate Digest. ed. by Joseph A. Stout, Jr., 1974. 230 pp. online edition 18 Mayıs 2011 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- Rogers, Will. Autobiography (1948), ed. by Donald Day; 410pp; online edition 19 Mayıs 2011 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- Rogers, Will. Rogers-isms: the Cowboy Philosopher on the Peace Conference, (1919). Online at Project Gutenberg 11 Kasım 2012 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- Sterling, Bryan B., and Frances N. Sterling, eds. Will Rogers Speaks: Over 1,000 Timeless Quotations for Public Speakers (And Writers, Politicians Comedians, Browsers) (1995).
- Will Rogers yazıları
- Rogers, Will (Şubat 1996). Steven K. Gragert and M. Jane Johansson (Ed.). The Papers of Will Rogers: The Early Years : November 1879-April 1904. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press. ISBN .
- Rogers, Will (Eylül 2000). Steven K. Gragert and M. Jane Johansson, eds. (Ed.). Papers of Will Rogers : Wild West and Vaudeville, April 1904-September 1908, Volume Two. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press. ISBN .
- Rogers, Will (28 Eylül 2005). Steven K. Gragert and M. Jane Johansson (Ed.). The Papers of Will Rogers: From Broadway to the National Stage, September 1915 – July 1928. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press. ISBN .
- Rogers, Will (28 Eylül 2005). Steven K. Gragert and M. Jane Johansson (Ed.). The Papers of Will Rogers: From Broadway to the National Stage, September 1915 – July 1928. Norman, Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press. ISBN .
- Rogers, Will (31 Ekim 2006). Steven K. Gragert and M. Jane Johansson (Ed.). The Papers of Will Rogers: The Final Years, August 1928 – August 1935. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press. ISBN .
- ^ Curtis, Gene (5 Haziran 2007). "Only in Oklahoma: Rogers statue unveiling filled U.S. Capitol". . 11 Ağustos 2007 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 21 Temmuz 2007.
- ^ (Basın açıklaması). . 18 Nisan 2007. 7 Kasım 2007 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 20 Temmuz 2007.
- ^ Schlachtenhaufen, Mark (31 Mayıs 2007). "Will Rogers grandson carries on tradition of family service". OkInsider.com. Oklahoma Publishing Company. 28 Eylül 2007 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 21 Temmuz 2007.
- ^ Video: Man of the Year 1935: Will Rogers. Man of the Year (TV Show). 1945. Erişim tarihi: 21 Şubat 2012.
- O'Brien, P. J. (1935). Will Rogers: Ambassador of Good Will, Prince of Wit and Wisdom. N.P.: Winston.
- "Claim Will Rogers Is Free To Insult Race Under Agreement." Kansas City (MO) Plaindealer, February 2, 1934, p. 2.
- "Protest Will Rogers' Radio Speech." Pittsburgh Courier, January 27, 1934, p. 1.
- Sterling, Bryan B., and Frances N. Sterling, eds. Will Rogers Speaks: Over 1,000 Timeless Quotations for Public Speakers (And Writers, Politicians Comedians, Browsers). (1995).
- "Will Rogers Hurls Back A Second Insult." Baltimore Afro-American, February 3, 1934, p. 1.
- Yagoda, Ben (Nisan 2000). Will Rogers: A Biography. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press. ISBN .
Dış bağlantılar
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- IMDb'de Will Rogers
- IBDB'de Will Rogers.
- Will Rogers Birthplace 9 Mart 2021 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- Will Rogers Museums2 Nisan 2006 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- Will Rogers State Historic Park 30 Eylül 2011 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- Will Rogers World Airport6 Mayıs 2010 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- Will Rogers Institute 4 Aralık 2020 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- The Tulsa World's Will Rogers site
- Find a Grave'de Will Rogers
- Will Rogers 22 Şubat 2014 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . at C-SPAN's
- Voices of Oklahoma interview with Doris "Coke" Meyer, grand-niece to Will Rogers. 10 Mart 2014 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . Voices of Oklahoma oral history project.29 Temmuz 2010 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
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William Penn Adair Will Rogers 4 Kasim 1879 15 Agustos 1935 Amerikali vodvil sanatcisi mizahci sosyal yorumcu ve sinema oyuncusu 1920 lerde ve 1930 larda dunyanin en bilinen unlulerinden birisiydi Rogers 1922Hayati Oklahoma nin Favori Oglu olarak bilinir Rogers simdi Oklahoma nin parcasi olan Indian Territory de Cherokee Milleti nden bir ailenin oglu olarak dogdu Dunya yi uc kez seyahat eden Rogers 71 film 50 sessiz film ve 21 talkie yapti gazetelerde 4 000 den fazla sutun yazdi ve dunyaca unlu bir figur haline geldi Rogers kendi kucuk ucaginin Alaska ya dusmesi sonucu 1935 yilinda oldu FilmografisiSessiz film Laughing Bill Hyde 1918 Almost A Husband 1919 Jubilo 1919 Water Water Everywhere 1919 The Strange Boarder 1920 Jes Call Me Jim 1920 Cupid The Cowpuncher 1920 Honest Hutch 1920 Guile Of Women 1920 Boys Will Be Boys 1921 An Unwilling Hero 1921 Doubling For Romeo 1921 A Poor Relation 1921 The Illiterate Digest 1920 One Glorious Day 1922 The Headless Horseman 1922 The Ropin Fool 1922 Fruits Of Faith 1922 One Day in 365 1922 unreleased 1923 cameo Hustling Hank 1923 Two Wagons Both Covered 1923 Jus Passin Through 1923 Uncensored Movies 1923 The Cake Eater 1924 The Cowboy Sheik 1924 Big Moments From Little Pictures 1924 High Brow Stuff 1924 Going to Congress 1924 Don t Park There 1924 1924 part of the Our Gang series Our Congressman 1924 A Truthful Liar 1924 Gee Whiz Genevieve 1924 1927 A Texas Steer 1927 Travelog Series In Dublin 1927 In Paris 1927 Hiking Through Holland 1927 Roaming The Emerald Isle 1927 Through Switzerland And Bavaria 1927 In London 1927 Hunting For Germans In Berlin 1927 Prowling Around France 1927 Winging Round Europe 1927 Exploring England 1927 Reeling Down The Rhine 1927 Over The Bounding Blue 1928 Sesli film 1929 1929 1930 Lightnin 1930 Young As You Feel 1930 Ambassador Bill 1930 1931 Down To Earth 1932 Too Busy To Work 1932 1932 State Fair 1933 1933 Mr Skitch 1933 David Harum 1934 1934 1934 The County Chairman 1935 1935 Doubting Thomas 1935 1935 In Old Kentucky 1935 Referanslar ve ek okumalarBiyografileri Will Rogers and His America 2010 Ketchum Richard M Will Rogers His Life and Times 1973 O Brien P J Will Rogers Ambassador of Good Will Prince of Wit and Wisdom 1935 online edition 18 Mayis 2011 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Robinson Ray American Original A Life of Will Rogers 1996 288 pp online edition 18 Mayis 2011 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Rollins Peter C Will Rogers A Bio Bibliography Greenwood 1984 282 pp and Frances N Sterling Will Rogers World 1989 Yagoda Ben Will Rogers A Biography 1993 excerpt and text search 7 Mart 2021 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Bilimsel calismalari Brown William R 1979 Will Rogers and His Magic Mirror Chronicles of Oklahoma 57 3 ss 300 325 Coleman Timothy S All We Know of Nation Is What We See in the Pictures Will Rogers and the National Imaginary in 1920s and 1930s America PhD dissertation Wayne State U 2003 183 pp DAI 2004 64 12 4245 A DA3116488 Fulltext Jenkins Ronald Scott Representative Clowns Comedy and Democracy in America PhD dissertation Harvard U 1984 208 pp DAI 1984 45 4 1187 A DA8416931 Fulltext Johnson Bobby H and R Stanley Mohler Wiley Post His Winnie Mae and the World s First Pressure Suit 9 Agustos 2013 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Washington Smithsonian Institution 1971 Roach Fred Jr Will Rogers Youthful Relationship with His Father Clem Rogers a Story of Love and Tension Chronicles of Oklahoma 1980 58 3 325 342 Issn 0009 6024 Roach Fred Jr 1979 Vision of the Future Will Rogers Support of Commercial Aviation Chronicles of Oklahoma 57 3 ss 340 364 Rollins Peter C Will Rogers Symbolic Man Journalist and Film Image Journal of Popular Culture 1976 9 4 851 877 Rollins Peter C 1979 Will Rogers Ambassador sans Portfolio Letters from a Self made Diplomat to His President Chronicles of Oklahoma 57 3 ss 326 339 Smallwood James M 1988 Will Rogers of Oklahoma Spokesman for the Common Man Journal of the West 27 2 ss 45 49 Southard Bruce 1979 Will Rogers and the Language of the Southwest a Centennial Perspective Chronicles of Oklahoma 57 3 ss 365 375 Ware Amy 2009 Unexpected Cowboy Unexpected Indian The Case of Will Rogers Ethnohistory 56 1 ss 1 34 doi 10 1215 00141801 2008 034 Kitaplari Rogers Will 1975 1924 Joseph A Stout Jr Ed Rogers isms The Cowboy Philosopher On Prohibition Stillwater Oklahoma State University Press ISBN 0 914956 06 X Rogers Will Mart 2003 1924 Illiterate Digest Kessinger Publishing ISBN 978 0 7661 4321 0 Rogers Will 1977 1926 Joseph A Stout Ed Letters Of A Self Made Diplomat To His President Stillwater Oklahoma State University Press ISBN 0 914956 09 4 Rogers Will Aralik 1982 Steven K Gragert Ed More letters of a self made diplomat Stillwater Oklahoma State University Press ISBN 978 0 914956 22 8 Rogers Will 1927 There s Not A Bathing Suit In Russia Rogers Will 1982 1928 He chews to run Will Rogers s Life magazine articles 1928 Stillwater Oklahoma State University Press ISBN 0 914956 20 5 Rogers Will 1983 Steven K Gragert Ed Radio Broadcasts of Will Rogers Stillwater Oklahoma State University Press ISBN 0 914956 24 8 Sterling Bryan and Frances 2001 Forgotten Eagle Wiley Post America s Heroic Aviation Pioneer New York Carroll amp Graf Publishers ISBN 0 7867 0894 8 Rogers Will Letters of a Self Made Diplomat to His President 1926 online edition 18 Mayis 2011 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Rogers Will and Joseph H Carter Never Met a Man I Didn t Like 1991 excerpt and text search 19 Mart 2021 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Rogers Will Will Rogers at the Ziegfeld Follies ed by Arthur Frank Wertheim 1992 288 pp Rogers Will Will Rogers Weekly Articles Vol 1 The Harding Coolidge Years 1922 1925 ed by James M Smallwood 1980 431 pp Rogers Will Will Rogers Weekly Articles Vol 2 The Coolidge Years 1925 1927 ed by Steven K Gragert 1980 368 pp Rogers Will Will Rogers Weekly Articles Vol 3 The Coolidge Years 1927 1929 ed by Steven K Gragert 1981 304 pp Rogers Will Will Rogers Weekly Articles Vol 4 The Hoover Years 1929 1931 ed by Steven K Gragert 1981 278 pp Rogers Will Will Rogers s Daily Telegrams Vol l The Coolidge Years 1926 1929 ed by James M Smallwood 1978 453 pp Rogers Will Will Rogers Daily Telegrams Vol 4 The Roosevelt Years 1933 1935 ed by James M Smallwood 1979 457 pp Rogers Will Convention Articles of Will Rogers ed by Joseph A Stout 1976 174 pp Rogers Will The Writings of Will Rogers Volume 3 Illiterate Digest ed by Joseph A Stout Jr 1974 230 pp online edition 18 Mayis 2011 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Rogers Will Autobiography 1948 ed by Donald Day 410pp online edition 19 Mayis 2011 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Rogers Will Rogers isms the Cowboy Philosopher on the Peace Conference 1919 Online at Project Gutenberg 11 Kasim 2012 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Sterling Bryan B and Frances N Sterling eds Will Rogers Speaks Over 1 000 Timeless Quotations for Public Speakers And Writers Politicians Comedians Browsers 1995 Will Rogers yazilari Rogers Will Subat 1996 Steven K Gragert and M Jane Johansson Ed The Papers of Will Rogers The Early Years November 1879 April 1904 Norman University of Oklahoma Press ISBN 978 0 8061 2745 3 Rogers Will Eylul 2000 Steven K Gragert and M Jane Johansson eds Ed Papers of Will Rogers Wild West and Vaudeville April 1904 September 1908 Volume Two Norman University of Oklahoma Press ISBN 978 0 8061 3267 9 KB1 bakim Fazladan yazi editor listesi link Rogers Will 28 Eylul 2005 Steven K Gragert and M Jane Johansson Ed The Papers of Will Rogers From Broadway to the National Stage September 1915 July 1928 Norman University of Oklahoma Press ISBN 978 0 8061 3704 9 Rogers Will 28 Eylul 2005 Steven K Gragert and M Jane Johansson Ed The Papers of Will Rogers From Broadway to the National Stage September 1915 July 1928 Norman Oklahoma University of Oklahoma Press ISBN 978 0 8061 3704 9 Rogers Will 31 Ekim 2006 Steven K Gragert and M Jane Johansson Ed The Papers of Will Rogers The Final Years August 1928 August 1935 Norman University of Oklahoma Press ISBN 978 0 8061 3768 1 Kaynakca Curtis Gene 5 Haziran 2007 Only in Oklahoma Rogers statue unveiling filled U S Capitol 11 Agustos 2007 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 21 Temmuz 2007 Basin aciklamasi 18 Nisan 2007 7 Kasim 2007 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 20 Temmuz 2007 Schlachtenhaufen Mark 31 Mayis 2007 Will Rogers grandson carries on tradition of family service OkInsider com Oklahoma Publishing Company 28 Eylul 2007 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 21 Temmuz 2007 Video Man of the Year 1935 Will Rogers Man of the Year TV Show 1945 Erisim tarihi 21 Subat 2012 KaynakcaO Brien P J 1935 Will Rogers Ambassador of Good Will Prince of Wit and Wisdom N P Winston Claim Will Rogers Is Free To Insult Race Under Agreement Kansas City MO Plaindealer February 2 1934 p 2 Protest Will Rogers Radio Speech Pittsburgh Courier January 27 1934 p 1 Sterling Bryan B and Frances N Sterling eds Will Rogers Speaks Over 1 000 Timeless Quotations for Public Speakers And Writers Politicians Comedians Browsers 1995 Will Rogers Hurls Back A Second Insult Baltimore Afro American February 3 1934 p 1 Yagoda Ben Nisan 2000 Will Rogers A Biography Norman University of Oklahoma Press ISBN 978 0 8061 3238 9 Dis baglantilarWikimedia Commons ta Will Rogers ile ilgili ortam dosyalari bulunmaktadir Vikisoz de Will Rogers ile ilgili sozleri bulabilirsiniz IMDb de Will Rogers IBDB de Will Rogers Will Rogers Birthplace 9 Mart 2021 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Will Rogers Museums2 Nisan 2006 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Will Rogers State Historic Park 30 Eylul 2011 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Will Rogers World Airport6 Mayis 2010 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Will Rogers Institute 4 Aralik 2020 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde The Tulsa World s Will Rogers site Find a Grave de Will Rogers Will Rogers 22 Subat 2014 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde at C SPAN s Voices of Oklahoma interview with Doris Coke Meyer grand niece to Will Rogers 10 Mart 2014 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Voices of Oklahoma oral history project 29 Temmuz 2010 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde