Corpus Scriptorum Historiae Byzantinae (Latince: Bizans Tarih yazarları Külliyatı) sık sık CSHB veya Bonn Corpus olarak anılan, 1828 ile 1897 yılları arasında Almanya'nın Bonn şehrinde yayınlanan, Bizans tarihinde çalışma için birincil kaynakların (c. 330-1453) anıtsal elli ciltlik bir seridir. Her cilt, paralel bir Latin çevirisi eşliğinde Bizans Yunan tarihsel metninin eleştiryel baskısını içerir. Tarihçi tarafından tasarlanan proje, 1648-1711 yılları arasında Cizvit bilgin Philippe Labbé önderliğinde Paris'te yayınlanan orijinal yirmi dört ciltlik Corpus Byzantinae historiae'yi (bazen Byzantine du Louvre olarak da adlandırılır) revize ve genişletilmiş baskısıdır. Seri ilk olarak Bonn Üniversitesi'nin denetimindeydi; Ancak Niebuhr'un 1831'de ölümünden sonra, projenin denetimi, Berlin'de bulunan Prusya Bilimler Akademisi'ndeki onun çalışma arkadaşı Immanuel Bekker'e geçti.

Serinin ilk cildi, metinsel detaylara "hassas özen ve dikkat" verdiği övgüleri almasına rağmen, Bekker altında üretilen daha sonraki ciltler, sıkça yanlış yazımları, dikkatsizce uygulanması ve genel güvenilmezlik nedeniyle rezil oldu. Bu eksikliklere dikkat çeken Uluslararası Bizans Araştırmaları Derneği, 1966'da Corpus Fontium Historiae Byzantinae'yi, CSHB'nin Bonn baskısında yer alan metinlerin çoğunu yeniden kurdu.
- 1: Agathias, ed. Niebuhr (Bonn, 1828)
- 2: Anna Komnini, ed. , vol. 1 (Bonn, 1839)
- 3: Anna Komnini, ed. , vol. 2 (Bonn, 1878)
- 4: , ed. Bekker (Bonn, 1853)
- 5: İoannis Kantakuzenos, ed. Schopen, vol. 1 (Bonn, 1828)
- 6: İoannis Kantakuzenos, ed. Schopen, vol. 2 (Bonn, 1831)
- 7: İoannis Kantakuzenos, ed. Schopen, vol. 3 (Bonn, 1832)
- 8: Georgios Kedrenos, ed. Bekker, vol. 1 (Bonn, 1838)
- 9: Georgios Kedrenos, ed. Bekker, vol. 2 (Bonn, 1839)
- 10: Laonikos Halkokondilis, ed. Bekker (Bonn, 1843)
- 11: Chronicon Paschale, ed. , vol. 1 (Bonn, 1832)
- 12: Chronicon Paschale, ed. L. Dindorf, vol. 2 (Bonn, 1832)
- 13: İoannis Kinnamos, Nikiforos Bryennios, ed. (Bonn, 1836)
- 14: Georgios Kodinos, ed. Bekker (Bonn, 1839)
- 15: Georgios Kodinos, ed. Bekker (Bonn, 1843)
- 16: Konstantin Porfirogennetos, ed. J. J. Reiske, vol. 1 (Bonn, 1829)
- 17: Konstantin Porfirogennetos, ed. J. J. Reiske, vol. 2 (Bonn, 1830)
- 18: Konstantin Porfirogennetos; , ed. Bekker, vol. 3 (Bonn, 1840)
- 19: Deksippos, Eunapius, , etc., ed. Bekker and Niebuhr (Bonn, 1829)
- 20: Dukas, ed. Bekker (Bonn, 1834)
- 21: , ed. Bekker (Bonn, 1840)
- 22: , Nicephorus Cpolitanus, ed. L. Dindorf, vol. 1 (Bonn, 1829)
- 23: Georgius Syncellus, Nicephorus Cp, ed. Dindorf, vol. 2 (Bonn, 1829)
- 24: , ed. Bekker (Bonn, 1836)
- 25: Nikiforos Grigoras, ed. Schopen, vol. 1 (Bonn, 1829)
- 26: Nikiforos Grigoras, ed. Schopen, vol. 2 (Bonn, 1830)
- 27: Nikiforos Grigoras, ed. Bekker, vol. 3 (Bonn, 1855)
- 28: Historia Politica et Patriarchica Constantinopoleos; Epirotica, ed. Bekker (Bonn, 1849)
- 29: Ioannes Lydus, ed. Bekker (Bonn, 1837)
- 30: Leo Diaconus, etc., ed. (Bonn, 1828)
- 31: Leo Grammaticus, , ed. Bekker (Bonn, 1842)
- 32: İoannis Malalas, ed. L. Dindorf (Bonn, 1831)
- 33: Konstantinos Manasses, , Georgios Akropolitis, ed. Bekker (Bonn, 1837)
- 34: , , ed. Bekker (Bonn, 1836)
- 35: Nikitas Honiatis, ed. Bekker (Bonn, 1835)
- 36: Yeoryos Pahimeris, ed. Bekker, vol. 1 (Bonn, 1835)
- 37: Yeoryos Pahimeris, ed. Bekker, vol. 2 (Bonn, 1835)
- 38: Paulus Silentiarius, , Nicephorus Cpolitanus, ed. Bekker (Bonn, 1837)
- 39: Georgios Frantzis, İoannis Kananos, , ed. Bekker (Bonn, 1828)
- 40: Procopius, ed. , vol. 1 (Bonn, 1833)
- 41: Procopius, ed. K. Dindorf, vol. 2 (Bonn, 1833)
- 42: Procopius, ed. K. Dindorf, vol. 3 (Bonn, 1838)
- 43: Günah Çıkartıcı Theofanis, ed. , vol. 1 (Bonn, 1839)
- 44: Günah Çıkartıcı Theofanis, ed. Classen, vol. 2; Anastasius, ed. Bekker (Bonn, 1841)
- 45: Oi meta Theofanin, , Simeon Magister, Georgios Monachus, ed. Bekker (Bonn, 1838)
- 46: Teofilakt Simokata, ed. Bekker (Bonn, 1834)
- 47: İoannis Zonaras, ed. , vol. 1 (Bonn, 1841)
- 48: İoannis Zonaras, ed. Pinder, vol. 2 (Bonn, 1844)
- 49: İoannis Zonaras, ed. Pinder, vol. 3 (Bonn, 1897)
- 50: Zosimus, ed. Bekker (Bonn, 1837)
Ayrıca bakınız
- ^ H. Omont, "La collection byzantine de Labbe et le projet de J. M. Suarès" 17 Nisan 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde ., Revue des études grecques 17 (1904), p. 18
- ^ The Life and Letters of Barthold George Niebuhr, ed. K. J. Bunsen, with J. Brandis and J. W. Lorbell (New York: Harper, 1854) p. 483, and letter 364 (pp. 501-502), addressed to Savigny, dated 29 April 1827: "You will have heard of the edition of the Byzantine historians, which I am superintending. It is a great delight to me to be able thus to infuse some life into our literary doings; to give employment to young philologists; to give extension, activity, and perfection to typography; to contribute my mite [sic] to the increase of general prosperity...."
- ^ D. R. Reinsch "The History of Editing Byzantine Historiographical Texts" 17 Nisan 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde ., in The Byzantine World, ed. P. Stephenson (New York: Routledge, 2010), p. 441
- ^ "Niebuhr's Edition of the Byzantine Historians" 16 Nisan 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . The Foreign Review 1 (1828), p. 575. However, the anonymous reviewer does criticize Niebuhr for standardizing of Byzantine orthography along Classical lines
- ^ Reinsch, op. cit., reports that , professor of Byzantine literature at Munich, once said of Bekker that he "must have revised the texts 'lying on the sofa with the cigar in his mouth.'" J. B. Bury was even harsher in his assessment, calling the CSHB "the most lamentably feeble production ever given to the world by German scholars of great reputation." See: idem "Introduction", to Edward Gibbon, The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, vol. 1, ed. J. B. Bury (London: Meuthen, 1897), p. xlix.
Konuyla ilgili yayınlar
- Irmscher, Johannes. , Kretika Chronika 7 (1953), pp. 360–383.
- Reinsch, Dietrich R. "The History of Editing Byzantine Historiographical Texts" 17 Nisan 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde ., pp. 435–445. In The Byzantine World. Ed. Paul Stephenson. New York: Routledge, 2010.
Dış bağlantılar
Wikimedia Commons'ta Corpus Scriptorum Historiae Byzantinae ile ilgili ortam dosyaları bulunmaktadır. |
- Digitized CSHB on the Documenta Omnia Catholica30 Nisan 2013 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . (Latince)
- Fordham Guide to Byzantine Sources in Translation 14 Ağustos 2014 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
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Corpus Scriptorum Historiae Byzantinae Latince Bizans Tarih yazarlari Kulliyati sik sik CSHB veya Bonn Corpus olarak anilan 1828 ile 1897 yillari arasinda Almanya nin Bonn sehrinde yayinlanan Bizans tarihinde calisma icin birincil kaynaklarin c 330 1453 anitsal elli ciltlik bir seridir Her cilt paralel bir Latin cevirisi esliginde Bizans Yunan tarihsel metninin elestiryel baskisini icerir Tarihci tarafindan tasarlanan proje 1648 1711 yillari arasinda Cizvit bilgin Philippe Labbe onderliginde Paris te yayinlanan orijinal yirmi dort ciltlik Corpus Byzantinae historiae yi bazen Byzantine du Louvre olarak da adlandirilir revize ve genisletilmis baskisidir Seri ilk olarak Bonn Universitesi nin denetimindeydi Ancak Niebuhr un 1831 de olumunden sonra projenin denetimi Berlin de bulunan Prusya Bilimler Akademisi ndeki onun calisma arkadasi Immanuel Bekker e gecti Corpus Scriptorum Historiae ByzantinaeCSHB den Belge Nikephoros Gregoras in Tarihi from the Serinin ilk cildi metinsel detaylara hassas ozen ve dikkat verdigi ovguleri almasina ragmen Bekker altinda uretilen daha sonraki ciltler sikca yanlis yazimlari dikkatsizce uygulanmasi ve genel guvenilmezlik nedeniyle rezil oldu Bu eksikliklere dikkat ceken Uluslararasi Bizans Arastirmalari Dernegi 1966 da Corpus Fontium Historiae Byzantinae yi CSHB nin Bonn baskisinda yer alan metinlerin cogunu yeniden kurdu Ciltler1 Agathias ed Niebuhr Bonn 1828 2 Anna Komnini ed vol 1 Bonn 1839 3 Anna Komnini ed vol 2 Bonn 1878 4 ed Bekker Bonn 1853 5 Ioannis Kantakuzenos ed Schopen vol 1 Bonn 1828 6 Ioannis Kantakuzenos ed Schopen vol 2 Bonn 1831 7 Ioannis Kantakuzenos ed Schopen vol 3 Bonn 1832 8 Georgios Kedrenos ed Bekker vol 1 Bonn 1838 9 Georgios Kedrenos ed Bekker vol 2 Bonn 1839 10 Laonikos Halkokondilis ed Bekker Bonn 1843 11 Chronicon Paschale ed vol 1 Bonn 1832 12 Chronicon Paschale ed L Dindorf vol 2 Bonn 1832 13 Ioannis Kinnamos Nikiforos Bryennios ed Bonn 1836 14 Georgios Kodinos ed Bekker Bonn 1839 15 Georgios Kodinos ed Bekker Bonn 1843 16 Konstantin Porfirogennetos ed J J Reiske vol 1 Bonn 1829 17 Konstantin Porfirogennetos ed J J Reiske vol 2 Bonn 1830 18 Konstantin Porfirogennetos ed Bekker vol 3 Bonn 1840 19 Deksippos Eunapius etc ed Bekker and Niebuhr Bonn 1829 20 Dukas ed Bekker Bonn 1834 21 ed Bekker Bonn 1840 22 Nicephorus Cpolitanus ed L Dindorf vol 1 Bonn 1829 23 Georgius Syncellus Nicephorus Cp ed Dindorf vol 2 Bonn 1829 24 ed Bekker Bonn 1836 25 Nikiforos Grigoras ed Schopen vol 1 Bonn 1829 26 Nikiforos Grigoras ed Schopen vol 2 Bonn 1830 27 Nikiforos Grigoras ed Bekker vol 3 Bonn 1855 28 Historia Politica et Patriarchica Constantinopoleos Epirotica ed Bekker Bonn 1849 29 Ioannes Lydus ed Bekker Bonn 1837 30 Leo Diaconus etc ed Bonn 1828 31 Leo Grammaticus ed Bekker Bonn 1842 32 Ioannis Malalas ed L Dindorf Bonn 1831 33 Konstantinos Manasses Georgios Akropolitis ed Bekker Bonn 1837 34 ed Bekker Bonn 1836 35 Nikitas Honiatis ed Bekker Bonn 1835 36 Yeoryos Pahimeris ed Bekker vol 1 Bonn 1835 37 Yeoryos Pahimeris ed Bekker vol 2 Bonn 1835 38 Paulus Silentiarius Nicephorus Cpolitanus ed Bekker Bonn 1837 39 Georgios Frantzis Ioannis Kananos ed Bekker Bonn 1828 40 Procopius ed vol 1 Bonn 1833 41 Procopius ed K Dindorf vol 2 Bonn 1833 42 Procopius ed K Dindorf vol 3 Bonn 1838 43 Gunah Cikartici Theofanis ed vol 1 Bonn 1839 44 Gunah Cikartici Theofanis ed Classen vol 2 Anastasius ed Bekker Bonn 1841 45 Oi meta Theofanin Simeon Magister Georgios Monachus ed Bekker Bonn 1838 46 Teofilakt Simokata ed Bekker Bonn 1834 47 Ioannis Zonaras ed vol 1 Bonn 1841 48 Ioannis Zonaras ed Pinder vol 2 Bonn 1844 49 Ioannis Zonaras ed Pinder vol 3 Bonn 1897 50 Zosimus ed Bekker Bonn 1837 Ayrica bakinizCorpus Fontium Historiae ByzantinaeKaynakca H Omont La collection byzantine de Labbe et le projet de J M Suares 17 Nisan 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Revue des etudes grecques 17 1904 p 18 The Life and Letters of Barthold George Niebuhr ed K J Bunsen with J Brandis and J W Lorbell New York Harper 1854 p 483 and letter 364 pp 501 502 addressed to Savigny dated 29 April 1827 You will have heard of the edition of the Byzantine historians which I am superintending It is a great delight to me to be able thus to infuse some life into our literary doings to give employment to young philologists to give extension activity and perfection to typography to contribute my mite sic to the increase of general prosperity D R Reinsch The History of Editing Byzantine Historiographical Texts 17 Nisan 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde in The Byzantine World ed P Stephenson New York Routledge 2010 p 441 Niebuhr s Edition of the Byzantine Historians 16 Nisan 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde The Foreign Review 1 1828 p 575 However the anonymous reviewer does criticize Niebuhr for standardizing of Byzantine orthography along Classical lines Reinsch op cit reports that professor of Byzantine literature at Munich once said of Bekker that he must have revised the texts lying on the sofa with the cigar in his mouth J B Bury was even harsher in his assessment calling the CSHB the most lamentably feeble production ever given to the world by German scholars of great reputation See idem Introduction to Edward Gibbon The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire vol 1 ed J B Bury London Meuthen 1897 p xlix Konuyla ilgili yayinlarIrmscher Johannes Kretika Chronika 7 1953 pp 360 383 Reinsch Dietrich R The History of Editing Byzantine Historiographical Texts 17 Nisan 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde pp 435 445 In The Byzantine World Ed Paul Stephenson New York Routledge 2010 Dis baglantilarWikimedia Commons ta Corpus Scriptorum Historiae Byzantinae ile ilgili ortam dosyalari bulunmaktadir Digitized CSHB on the Documenta Omnia Catholica30 Nisan 2013 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Latince Fordham Guide to Byzantine Sources in Translation 14 Agustos 2014 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde