Hindukuş Dağları (Hintçe: हिन्दु कुश, Farsça: هِندوکُش), Asya'da Afganistan'ın merkezi ile Pakistan'ın kuzeyi boyunca uzanan 800 km'lik dağ sırası.
En yüksek noktası Pakistan sınırları içinde kalan 7708 m.'lik 'dur. Tibet sınırında Karakum dağlarından ayrılır ve güneşe doğru uzanarak Afganistan'da Kabil şehrinin kuzeybatısında, biri Herat'a öbürü 'a giden iki kola ayrılır, 650 km boyunca uzanır. Yükseklikleri 6.000-7.500 metre arasındadır. Volkanik bir toprağı vardır. Zümrüt, yakut gibi değerli taşlar bulunur.
Konuyla ilgili yayınlar
- (1877). The Northern Barrier of India: A Popular Account of the Jammoo and Kashmir Territories with Illustrations. Frederic Drew. 1st edition: Edward Stanford, London. Reprint: Light & Life Publishers, Jammu, 1971
- Gibb, H. A. R. (1929). Ibn Battūta: Travels in Asia and Africa, 1325–1354. Translated and selected by H. A. R. Gibb. Reprint: Asian Educational Services, New Delhi and Madras, 1992
- (1876). The Roof of the World: Being the Narrative of a Journey over the High Plateau of Tibet to the Russian Frontier and the Oxus Sources on Pamir. Edinburgh. Edmonston and Douglas. Reprint: Ch’eng Wen Publishing Company. Tapei, 1971
- Leitner, Gottlieb Wilhelm (1890). Dardistan in 1866, 1886 and 1893: Being An Account of the History, Religions, Customs, Legends, Fables and Songs of Gilgit, Chilas, Kandia (Gabrial) Yasin, Chitral, Hunza, Nagyr and other parts of the Hindukush, as also a supplement to the second edition of The Hunza and Nagyr Handbook. And An Epitome of Part III of the author's 'The Languages and Races of '. Reprint, 1978. Manjusri Publishing House, New Delhi.
- . (1958). A Short Walk in the Hindu Kush. Secker, London. Reprint: Lonely Planet.
- Yule, Henry and Burnell, A. C. (1886). Hobson-Jobson: The Anglo-Indian Dictionary. 1996 reprint by Wordsworth Editions Ltd.
- A Country Study: Afghanistan, Library of Congress12 Temmuz 2012 tarihinde Archive.is sitesinde arşivlendi
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Hindukus Daglari Hintce ह न द क श Farsca ه ندوک ش Asya da Afganistan in merkezi ile Pakistan in kuzeyi boyunca uzanan 800 km lik dag sirasi Hindukus Daglari En yuksek noktasi Pakistan sinirlari icinde kalan 7708 m lik dur Tibet sinirinda Karakum daglarindan ayrilir ve gunese dogru uzanarak Afganistan da Kabil sehrinin kuzeybatisinda biri Herat a oburu a giden iki kola ayrilir 650 km boyunca uzanir Yukseklikleri 6 000 7 500 metre arasindadir Volkanik bir topragi vardir Zumrut yakut gibi degerli taslar bulunur Konuyla ilgili yayinlar 1877 The Northern Barrier of India A Popular Account of the Jammoo and Kashmir Territories with Illustrations Frederic Drew 1st edition Edward Stanford London Reprint Light amp Life Publishers Jammu 1971 Gibb H A R 1929 Ibn Battuta Travels in Asia and Africa 1325 1354 Translated and selected by H A R Gibb Reprint Asian Educational Services New Delhi and Madras 1992 1876 The Roof of the World Being the Narrative of a Journey over the High Plateau of Tibet to the Russian Frontier and the Oxus Sources on Pamir Edinburgh Edmonston and Douglas Reprint Ch eng Wen Publishing Company Tapei 1971 Leitner Gottlieb Wilhelm 1890 Dardistan in 1866 1886 and 1893 Being An Account of the History Religions Customs Legends Fables and Songs of Gilgit Chilas Kandia Gabrial Yasin Chitral Hunza Nagyr and other parts of the Hindukush as also a supplement to the second edition of The Hunza and Nagyr Handbook And An Epitome of Part III of the author s The Languages and Races of Reprint 1978 Manjusri Publishing House New Delhi ISBN 81 206 1217 5 1958 A Short Walk in the Hindu Kush Secker London Reprint Lonely Planet ISBN 0864426048 Yule Henry and Burnell A C 1886 Hobson Jobson The Anglo Indian Dictionary 1996 reprint by Wordsworth Editions Ltd ISBN 1 85326 363 X A Country Study Afghanistan Library of Congress12 Temmuz 2012 tarihinde Archive is sitesinde arsivlendiDis baglantilar