Ian Fraser Kilmister ya da Lemmy (24 Aralık 1945 - 28 Aralık 2015), İngiliz müzisyen, albüm yapımcısı ve söz yazarı.
Lemmy Kilmister | |
![]() Lemmy bir konser esnasında, 2005 | |
Genel bilgiler | |
Doğum | Ian Fraser Kilmister 24 Aralık 1945 Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, İngiltere |
Ölüm | 28 Aralık 2015 (70 yaşında) Los Angeles, Kaliforniya, ABD |
Başladığı yer | İngiliz |
Tarzlar |
Meslekler | Müzisyen, albüm yapımcısı, söz yazarı |
Çalgılar | Elektro gitar, vokal, bas gitar |
Etkin yıllar | (1965–2015) |
İlişkili hareketler | Motörhead, Hawkwind, , The Rainmakers, , , , The Head Cat, Girlschool, , Ozzy Osbourne, Slash |
Resmî site | imotorhead.com |
Önemli çalgılar | |
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Motörhead adlı heavy metal grubunun kurucusudur. Köklerine sadık ve gelenekçi olan Lemmy Kilmister, metal müziğin gelişmesinde önemli katkılar sağlamıştır. Venom, Destruction ve Sodom gibi dünyaca tanınan dev isimlerin (Slayer/Metallica/Cronos/Venom, Schmier/Destruction, Tom Angelripper/Sodom) ilham kaynağı olmuştur. ACDC, Black Sabbath, Ramones gibi 1.nesil Rock'N'Roll gruplarından biri olan Motörhead'i kurmuş ve Motörhead adı altında 24 albüm çıkarmıştır.
2010'da çıkmış olan "Lemmy the Movie" filminde kendisi anlatılmaktadır. 28 Aralık 2015'te, bir süredir kanser tedavisi gören Kilmister'ın durumu ağırlaşmış ve öğleden sonra saat 4 civarında Los Angeles'taki dairesinde hayatını kaybetmiştir.
Lemmy, 1990'dan beri yaşadığı Los Angeles'ta 28 Aralık 2015'teki ölümüne kadar Motörhead'le düzenli olarak kayıt yapmaya ve turneye çıkmaya devam etti. Ölümünden iki gün önce kendisine prostat kanseri teşhisi konuldu. Müzik kariyerinin yanı sıra sinema ve televizyonda küçük roller üstlendi. Art arda sigara içmeyi ve günlük olarak büyük miktarlarda alkol ve amfetamin tüketimini içeren zorlu yaşam tarzıyla tanınıyordu.[]
- 1965 - Zing! Went The Strings Of My Heart/ Stella (7")
- 1965 The Rockin' Vickers - It's Alright / Stay By Me(7")
- 1966 The Rockin' Vickers - Dandy/ I Don't Need Your Kind (7")
- 1969 -
- 1970 - Groupie Girl (7")
- 1972 Hawkwind - Silver Machine/ Seven By Seven (7")
- 1972 Various artists: Revelation triple album (one side of Hawkwind)
- 1972 Various artists: Greasy Trucker's Party (one side of Hawkwind)
- 1972 Hawkwind -
- 1973 Hawkwind - Lord Of Light (7")
- 1973 Hawkwind - (7")
- 1973 Hawkwind -
- 1974 Hawkwind -
- 1974 Hawkwind - Psychedelic Warlords (7")
- 1974 Ejection/ Catch A Falling Starfighter (7")
- 1974 Robert Calvert -
- 1975 Hawkwind - Kings Of Speed (7")
- 1975 Hawkwind -
- 1977 Hawkwind - Masters of the Universe (compilation)
- 1977 Motörhead - Motörhead
- 1979 Motörhead - Overkill
- 1979 Motörhead - (recorded in 1975)
- 1979 The Damned - I Just Can't Be Happy Today/ (with Lemmy on bass) / Turkey Song(7")
- 1979 The Damned -
- 1979 Motörhead - Bomber
- 1980 Motörhead -
- 1980 - Don't Do That (7" & 12")
- 1981 Motörhead - No Sleep Til Hammersmith
- 1981 (Motörhead & Girlschool) - The St. Valentine's Day Massacre
- 1982 Motörhead - Iron Fist
- 1982 Lemmy & Wendy O. Williams -
- 1983 Motörhead -
- 1984 Motörhead - No Remorse
- 1984 Hawkwind - Earth Ritual Preview (12" EP)
- 1984 Robert Calvert - Freq
- 1984 Various artists - Hear'n'Aid
- 1985 Hawkwind - Space Ritual Vol. 2 (compilation live)
- 1985 Hawkwind - In the Beginning (live)
- 1986 Motörhead - Orgasmatron
- 1986 Hawkwind - Approved History Of Hawkwind 1967-1982
- 1987 Motörhead - Rock'N'Roll
- 1988 Motörhead -
- 1988 - Countdown
- 1989 Nina Hagen - Nina Hagen
- 1990 Lemmy & - Blue Suede Shoes
- 1990 Various artists - The Last Temptation Of Elvis: Blue Suede Shoes
- 1990 - Original Soundtrack
- 1991 Motörhead - 1916
- 1992 Motörhead -
- 1992 Various Artists - (Original Soundtrack)
- 1993 Motörhead - Bastards
- 1993 The Damned - Tales From The Damned
- 1994 Fast Eddie Clarke -
- 1994 - Tomato Head ()
- 1994 Shonen Knife -
- 1995 Motörhead - Sacrifice
- 1996 Motörhead -
- 1996 - Electric Chair Music
- 1996 Ugly Kid Joe -
- 1996 Various artists - Straight Edge as Fuck, Vol. 1-2
- 1996 - Stories of the Greek & Roman Gods & Goddesses
- 1996 Skew Siskin - Voices From The War
- 1997 Various artists - Dragon Attack: A Tribute To Queen
- 1997 The Ramones - We're Outta Here!
- 1998 Motörhead -
- 1998 Various artists - Thunderbolt: A Tribute To (AC/DC)
- 1998 Various artists - ECW: Extreme Music
- 1999 Motörhead - Everything Louder Than Everyone Else
- 1999 - Lost & Found
- 1999 Skew Siskin - What The Hell
- 1999 Hawkwind - Epoch Eclipse: 30 Year Anthology (compilation box)
- 1999 - Usa Toda Tu Fuerza
- 2000 Lemmy - Slim Jim & Danny B - Lemmy - Slim Jim & Danny B
- 2000 Motörhead -
- 2000 Motörhead -
- 2000 Motörhead - The Chase Is Better Than The Catch (compilation)
- 2000 Motörhead - Over The Top - The Rarities (compilation)
- 2000 - A Special Tribute To Elvis
- 2000 The Rockin' Vicars - The Complete - It's Alright
- 2000 Various artists - Bat Head Soup - Tribute to Ozzy Osbourne
- 2000 - Calling The Wild
- 2001 Motörhead - All The Aces (compilation)
- 2001 - Rock Bottom
- 2001 Various artists - Metallic Assault - A Tribute To Metallica
- 2001 Hair of the Dog - Ignite
- 2001 Various artists - Twisted Forever
- 2001 Various artists - Frezno Smooth (Original Soundtrack)
- 2001 Various artists - WWE: The Music, Vol. 5
- 2002 Motörhead - Hammered
- 2002 Various artists - Guitar Greats
- 2002 , and guests - Philharmania
- 2002 Various artists - Metal Brigade
- 2002 Various artists - Rise Above: 24 Black Flag Songs to Benefit the West Memphis Three
- 2003 Motörhead - Stone (box set 5 CD)
- 2003 Motörhead - - The Complete Concert
- 2003 Various artists - Ash Wednesday (Original Soundtrack)
- 2003 - Still Hungry
- 2003 Skew Siskin - Album Of The Year
- 2004 Motörhead - Inferno
- 2004 - Probot
- 2004 Various Artists - Soundtrack (with Motörhead, contributed "You'd Better Swim")
- 2004 Various Artists - Metallica: The Ultimate Tribute Album (This has Motörhead doing Whiplash for which they won the grammy)
- 2004/5 Various - Numbers From The Beast: An All Star Salute To Iron Maiden - Trooper
- 2005 Hawkwind -
- 2005 Throw Rag - 13 Ft. and Rising - Tonight the Bottle let me Down
- 2005 Skew Siskin - Devil's Disciple (Compilation)
- 2006 Lemmy - Damage Case (Compilation)
- 2006 The Head Cat - Fool's Paradise
- 2006 Various artists - WWE Wreckless Intent
- 2006 Motörhead - Kiss of Death
- 2008 Motörhead - Motörizer
- 2010 Motörhead - The World Is Yours
- 2013 Motörhead - Aftershock
- 2015 Motörhead - Bad Magic
- 1982 Live In Toronto - Castle Hendering
- 1984 Another Perfect Day EP
- 1985 Birthday Party
- 1986 Deaf Not Blind
- 1988 EP
- 1988
- 1990
- 1991 Everything louder Than Everything Else
- 1994 Uncut
- 1987
- 1997 - pictures
- 2000 - pictures
- 2001 - Steamhammer - SPV
- 2002 Motörhead EP
- 2002 The Best of Motörhead
- 2003 The Special Edition EP
- 2004 Everything Louder Than Everything Else
- 2005 Stage Fright
- 2005
- 2006 The Head Cat Live: Rockin' the Cat Club
Dış bağlantılar
Wikimedia Commons'ta Lemmy Kilmister ile ilgili ortam dosyaları bulunmaktadır. |
- Motörhead official website1 Eylül 2010 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- IMDb'de Lemmy Kilmister
- Myspace profile for Lemmy's new band The Head Cat 6 Temmuz 2007 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- lemmymovie.com 13 Eylül 2008 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
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Ian Fraser Kilmister ya da Lemmy 24 Aralik 1945 28 Aralik 2015 Ingiliz muzisyen album yapimcisi ve soz yazari Lemmy KilmisterLemmy bir konser esnasinda 2005Genel bilgilerDogumIan Fraser Kilmister 24 Aralik 1945 Stoke on Trent Staffordshire IngiltereOlum28 Aralik 2015 70 yasinda Los Angeles Kaliforniya ABDBasladigi yerIngilizTarzlarHeavy metal hard rock rock and roll speed metal erken MesleklerMuzisyen album yapimcisi soz yazariCalgilarElektro gitar vokal bas gitarEtkin yillar 1965 2015 Iliskili hareketlerMotorhead Hawkwind The Rainmakers The Head Cat Girlschool Ozzy Osbourne SlashResmi siteimotorhead comOnemli calgilar Motorhead adli heavy metal grubunun kurucusudur Koklerine sadik ve gelenekci olan Lemmy Kilmister metal muzigin gelismesinde onemli katkilar saglamistir Venom Destruction ve Sodom gibi dunyaca taninan dev isimlerin Slayer Metallica Cronos Venom Schmier Destruction Tom Angelripper Sodom ilham kaynagi olmustur ACDC Black Sabbath Ramones gibi 1 nesil Rock N Roll gruplarindan biri olan Motorhead i kurmus ve Motorhead adi altinda 24 album cikarmistir 2010 da cikmis olan Lemmy the Movie filminde kendisi anlatilmaktadir 28 Aralik 2015 te bir suredir kanser tedavisi goren Kilmister in durumu agirlasmis ve ogleden sonra saat 4 civarinda Los Angeles taki dairesinde hayatini kaybetmistir Lemmy 1990 dan beri yasadigi Los Angeles ta 28 Aralik 2015 teki olumune kadar Motorhead le duzenli olarak kayit yapmaya ve turneye cikmaya devam etti Olumunden iki gun once kendisine prostat kanseri teshisi konuldu Muzik kariyerinin yani sira sinema ve televizyonda kucuk roller ustlendi Art arda sigara icmeyi ve gunluk olarak buyuk miktarlarda alkol ve amfetamin tuketimini iceren zorlu yasam tarziyla taniniyordu kaynak belirtilmeli Diskografi1965 Zing Went The Strings Of My Heart Stella 7 1965 The Rockin Vickers It s Alright Stay By Me 7 1966 The Rockin Vickers Dandy I Don t Need Your Kind 7 1969 1970 Groupie Girl 7 1972 Hawkwind Silver Machine Seven By Seven 7 1972 Various artists Revelation triple album one side of Hawkwind 1972 Various artists Greasy Trucker s Party one side of Hawkwind 1972 Hawkwind 1973 Hawkwind Lord Of Light 7 1973 Hawkwind 7 1973 Hawkwind 1974 Hawkwind 1974 Hawkwind Psychedelic Warlords 7 1974 Ejection Catch A Falling Starfighter 7 1974 Robert Calvert 1975 Hawkwind Kings Of Speed 7 1975 Hawkwind 1977 Hawkwind Masters of the Universe compilation 1977 Motorhead Motorhead 1979 Motorhead Overkill 1979 Motorhead recorded in 1975 1979 The Damned I Just Can t Be Happy Today with Lemmy on bass Turkey Song 7 1979 The Damned 1979 Motorhead Bomber 1980 Motorhead 1980 Don t Do That 7 amp 12 1981 Motorhead No Sleep Til Hammersmith 1981 Motorhead amp Girlschool The St Valentine s Day Massacre 1982 Motorhead Iron Fist 1982 Lemmy amp Wendy O Williams 1983 Motorhead 1984 Motorhead No Remorse 1984 Hawkwind Earth Ritual Preview 12 EP 1984 Robert Calvert Freq 1984 Various artists Hear n Aid 1985 Hawkwind Space Ritual Vol 2 compilation live 1985 Hawkwind In the Beginning live 1986 Motorhead Orgasmatron 1986 Hawkwind Approved History Of Hawkwind 1967 1982 1987 Motorhead Rock N Roll 1988 Motorhead 1988 Countdown 1989 Nina Hagen Nina Hagen 1990 Lemmy amp Blue Suede Shoes 1990 Various artists The Last Temptation Of Elvis Blue Suede Shoes 1990 Original Soundtrack 1991 Motorhead 1916 1992 Motorhead 1992 Various Artists Original Soundtrack 1993 Motorhead Bastards 1993 The Damned Tales From The Damned 1994 Fast Eddie Clarke 1994 Tomato Head 1994 Shonen Knife 1995 Motorhead Sacrifice 1996 Motorhead 1996 Electric Chair Music 1996 Ugly Kid Joe 1996 Various artists Straight Edge as Fuck Vol 1 2 1996 Stories of the Greek amp Roman Gods amp Goddesses 1996 Skew Siskin Voices From The War 1997 Various artists Dragon Attack A Tribute To Queen 1997 The Ramones We re Outta Here 1998 Motorhead 1998 Various artists Thunderbolt A Tribute To AC DC 1998 Various artists ECW Extreme Music 1999 Motorhead Everything Louder Than Everyone Else 1999 Lost amp Found 1999 Skew Siskin What The Hell 1999 Hawkwind Epoch Eclipse 30 Year Anthology compilation box 1999 Usa Toda Tu Fuerza 2000 Lemmy Slim Jim amp Danny B Lemmy Slim Jim amp Danny B 2000 Motorhead 2000 Motorhead 2000 Motorhead The Chase Is Better Than The Catch compilation 2000 Motorhead Over The Top The Rarities compilation 2000 A Special Tribute To Elvis 2000 The Rockin Vicars The Complete It s Alright 2000 Various artists Bat Head Soup Tribute to Ozzy Osbourne 2000 Calling The Wild 2001 Motorhead All The Aces compilation 2001 Rock Bottom 2001 Various artists Metallic Assault A Tribute To Metallica 2001 Hair of the Dog Ignite 2001 Various artists Twisted Forever 2001 Various artists Frezno Smooth Original Soundtrack 2001 Various artists WWE The Music Vol 5 2002 Motorhead Hammered 2002 Various artists Guitar Greats 2002 and guests Philharmania 2002 Various artists Metal Brigade 2002 Various artists Rise Above 24 Black Flag Songs to Benefit the West Memphis Three 2003 Motorhead Stone box set 5 CD 2003 Motorhead The Complete Concert 2003 Various artists Ash Wednesday Original Soundtrack 2003 Still Hungry 2003 Skew Siskin Album Of The Year 2004 Motorhead Inferno 2004 Probot 2004 Various Artists Soundtrack with Motorhead contributed You d Better Swim 2004 Various Artists Metallica The Ultimate Tribute Album This has Motorhead doing Whiplash for which they won the grammy 2004 5 Various Numbers From The Beast An All Star Salute To Iron Maiden Trooper 2005 Hawkwind 2005 Throw Rag 13 Ft and Rising Tonight the Bottle let me Down 2005 Skew Siskin Devil s Disciple Compilation 2006 Lemmy Damage Case Compilation 2006 The Head Cat Fool s Paradise 2006 Various artists WWE Wreckless Intent 2006 Motorhead Kiss of Death 2008 Motorhead Motorizer 2010 Motorhead The World Is Yours 2013 Motorhead Aftershock 2015 Motorhead Bad MagicVideolariVHS 1982 Live In Toronto Castle Hendering 1984 Another Perfect Day EP 1985 Birthday Party 1986 Deaf Not Blind 1988 EP 1988 1990 1991 Everything louder Than Everything Else 1994 UncutDVD 1987 1997 pictures 2000 pictures 2001 Steamhammer SPV 2002 Motorhead EP 2002 The Best of Motorhead 2003 The Special Edition EP 2004 Everything Louder Than Everything Else 2005 Stage Fright 2005 2006 The Head Cat Live Rockin the Cat ClubKaynakca Unlu rock sarkicisi Lemmy Kilmister hayatini kaybetti Hurriyet 1 Subat 2016 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 29 Aralik 2015 2 Subat 2017 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 29 Aralik 2015 Dis baglantilarWikimedia Commons ta Lemmy Kilmister ile ilgili ortam dosyalari bulunmaktadir Motorhead official website1 Eylul 2010 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde IMDb de Lemmy Kilmister Myspace profile for Lemmy s new band The Head Cat 6 Temmuz 2007 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde lemmymovie com 13 Eylul 2008 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde