Rüknüddin Cihanşah bin Tuğrul (1206'dan önce- 1230'dan sonra), Erzurum melikidir. Erzurum meliki Tuğrul Şah'ın oğludur. Annesi Ahlatşah beyi 'un kızıdır. Cihanşah, Anadolu'daki sultanlığını çok sayıda oğlu arasında paylaştıran II. Kılıç Arslan'ın torunuydu. Kardeşi Gıyâseddin Türkanşah'tır.
Cihan Şah | |
![]() | |
Erzurum Meliki | |
Hüküm süresi | 1225-1230 |
Önce gelen | Tuğrul Şah |
Hanedan | Selçuklu |
Babası | Tuğrul Şah |
Annesi | 'un kızı |
II. Kılıç Arslan'ın oğlu II. Süleyman Şah'ın 1201-1202 yıllarında Ezurum'u fethetmesinden önce, Erzurum 1071'den 1202'ye kadar Saltuklular tarafından yönetiliyordu. Bu fetihten sonraki 30 yıl boyunca Erzurum, iki Selçuklu meliki Tuğrul Şah ve oğlu Cihan Şah tarafından yönetildi.
Cihanşah Ahlat Kuşatması'na katıldı.
1230'da Yassı Çimen Muharebesi'nde yenilene kadar Celaleddin Harezmşah ile ittifak kurdu.
Erzurum 1230 yılında Alaeddin Keykubad. tarafından fethedildi.
- ^ Djaparidze (1995). 12. – 13. yüzyılda Gürcistan ve Yakın Doğu İslam dünyası (PDF) (Gürcüce). ss. 181-182. Erişim tarihi: 5 Ekim 2024.
- ^ a b c Bosworth 1996 Quote: "The Saltuqids' main role in the political and military affairs of the time was in warfare with the Georgians, expanding southwards from the time of their king David the Restorer (1089-1125), often as allies of the Shah-i Armanids (see above, no. 97); but in a curious episode, 's son offered to convert to Christianity in order to marry the celebrated Queen T'amar of Georgia. The last years of the family are unclear, but in 598/1202 the Rum Seljuq Sulayman II, while en route for a campaign against the Georgians, put an end to the Saltuqids; and for some thirty years after this, Erzurum was to be ruled by two Seljuq princes as an appanage before Kay Qubadh I in 627/1230 incorporated it into his sultanate."
- ^ Journal of the Pakistan Historical Society (İngilizce). Pakistan Historical Society. 1976. s. 123.
- ^ Sinclair, Thomas (6 Aralık 2019). Eastern Trade and the Mediterranean in the Middle Ages: Pegolotti’s Ayas-Tabriz Itinerary and its Commercial Context (İngilizce). Routledge. s. Note 106. ISBN .
Tughril, who ruled at Erzurum from 589 to 618/1192–1221, was allotted Elbistan under the original division by Kılıç Arslan II (Cahen 1968: 111), but was then installed at Erzurum when the latter was captured from the Saltukids at the beginning of the thirteeth century. But he broke away from the Seljuk state in 608/1211-12. His son Rukn al-Din Jahan Shah was finally defeated, and Erzurum annexed to the Seljuk state, in 1230, when the Khwarazmshah, Jalal al-Din, with whom Jahan Shah had temporarily allied, was defeated at the battle of Yassı Çimen.
Genel kaynaklar
- Bosworth, C.E. (1996). The New Islamic Dynasties: A Chronological and Genealogical Manual. New York: Columbia University Press.
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Ruknuddin Cihansah bin Tugrul 1206 dan once 1230 dan sonra Erzurum melikidir Erzurum meliki Tugrul Sah in ogludur Annesi Ahlatsah beyi un kizidir Cihansah Anadolu daki sultanligini cok sayida oglu arasinda paylastiran II Kilic Arslan in torunuydu Kardesi Giyaseddin Turkansah tir Cihan SahErzurum MelikiHukum suresi1225 1230Once gelenTugrul SahHanedanSelcukluBabasiTugrul SahAnnesi un kizi II Kilic Arslan in oglu II Suleyman Sah in 1201 1202 yillarinda Ezurum u fethetmesinden once Erzurum 1071 den 1202 ye kadar Saltuklular tarafindan yonetiliyordu Bu fetihten sonraki 30 yil boyunca Erzurum iki Selcuklu meliki Tugrul Sah ve oglu Cihan Sah tarafindan yonetildi Cihansah Ahlat Kusatmasi na katildi 1230 da Yassi Cimen Muharebesi nde yenilene kadar Celaleddin Harezmsah ile ittifak kurdu Erzurum 1230 yilinda Alaeddin Keykubad tarafindan fethedildi Kaynakca Djaparidze 1995 12 13 yuzyilda Gurcistan ve Yakin Dogu Islam dunyasi PDF Gurcuce ss 181 182 Erisim tarihi 5 Ekim 2024 a b c Bosworth 1996 Quote The Saltuqids main role in the political and military affairs of the time was in warfare with the Georgians expanding southwards from the time of their king David the Restorer 1089 1125 often as allies of the Shah i Armanids see above no 97 but in a curious episode s son offered to convert to Christianity in order to marry the celebrated Queen T amar of Georgia The last years of the family are unclear but in 598 1202 the Rum Seljuq Sulayman II while en route for a campaign against the Georgians put an end to the Saltuqids and for some thirty years after this Erzurum was to be ruled by two Seljuq princes as an appanage before Kay Qubadh I in 627 1230 incorporated it into his sultanate Journal of the Pakistan Historical Society Ingilizce Pakistan Historical Society 1976 s 123 Sinclair Thomas 6 Aralik 2019 Eastern Trade and the Mediterranean in the Middle Ages Pegolotti s Ayas Tabriz Itinerary and its Commercial Context Ingilizce Routledge s Note 106 ISBN 978 1 000 75267 0 Tughril who ruled at Erzurum from 589 to 618 1192 1221 was allotted Elbistan under the original division by Kilic Arslan II Cahen 1968 111 but was then installed at Erzurum when the latter was captured from the Saltukids at the beginning of the thirteeth century But he broke away from the Seljuk state in 608 1211 12 His son Rukn al Din Jahan Shah was finally defeated and Erzurum annexed to the Seljuk state in 1230 when the Khwarazmshah Jalal al Din with whom Jahan Shah had temporarily allied was defeated at the battle of Yassi Cimen Genel kaynaklar Bosworth C E 1996 The New Islamic Dynasties A Chronological and Genealogical Manual New York Columbia University Press