Anglo-Irak Savaşı, II. Dünya Savaşı esnasında Birleşik Krallık ve Irak'ın Raşid Ali Geylani'nin asi hükûmeti arasında bir çatışmadır. 2-31 Mayıs 1941 tarihleri arasında yer almıştır. Harekât, Irak'tan sürülen Abdülillah'ı destekleyen İngiliz silahlı kuvvetleri tarafından gerçekleştirilmiştir. Savaş, sürgünde ki kralın Irak'a dönüşü ve tüm Irak'ın yeniden Britanya tarafından işgaliyle sonuçlandı. Bu sonuç, Britanya tarafından desteklenen Haşimoğulları monarşisine karşı Irak'ta milliyetçi direnişi daha fazla alevlendirmiştir.
Anglo-Irak Savaşı | |||||||
II. Dünya Savaşı Akdeniz, Orta Doğu ve Afrika Cepheleri | |||||||
İngiliz askerleri Bağdat'a bakıyor, 11 Haziran 1941. | |||||||
| |||||||
Taraflar | |||||||
| Irak Almanya İtalya Destek: Vichy Fransası | ||||||
Komutanlar ve liderler | |||||||
Claude Auchinleck Archibald Wavell Abdülillah | Raşid Ali Geylani | ||||||
Güçler | |||||||
1 Piyade Tümeni 2 Tugay 100+ uçak | 4 tümen 21–29 Alman uçağı 12 İtalyan uçağı | ||||||
Kayıplar | |||||||
Küçük kayıp 28 uçak | 1,750 kayıp, 500 ölü dahil çok kullanışlı Irak uçağı 19 Alman uçağı 3 İtalyan uçağı |
Raşid Ali ve onun destekçileri, Almanya ile birlik olurken, savaş, Irak'ın bağımsızlığının, hükûmet hareketlerinin İngiliz onayında en iyi koşullu cümlede olduğunu gösterdi. Savaşı kaybeden asi hükûmetinin başı Raşid Ali Geylani ve Kudüs müftüsü İran'a, sonra Türkiye'ye, sonra İtalya'ya ve sonunda Hitler tarafından karşılandığı Almanya'ya, Berlin'e kaçtı. Berlin'den yayınlamaya devam ettiği propagandalarla, müftü, Müslümanları, Britanyalılara karşı savaşa ve Alman ile İtalyan kuvvetlerine yardıma çağırmaya devam etti. Aynı zamanda, Balkanlar'da, Waffen-SS için savaşan Müslüman gönüllülere yardım etti.
- ^ HMAS Yarra, representing Avustralya, participated at sea.
- ^ HMNZS Leander, representing Yeni Zelanda, participated at sea.
- ^ On 30 May Rashid Ali and his supporters fled to Persia. At 4 a.m. on 31 May, the Mayor of Baghdad signed an armistice on a bridge across the Washash Canal.
- ^ See ; constituted one reinforced Brigade group while the force based at RAF Habbaniya constituted the other.
- ^ 85 uçak RAF Habbaniya'da. 18 bombers were flown into RAF Shaibah as reinforcements while No. 244 Squadron RAF was already based there equipped with Vicker Vincents. was rebased to , in Palestine, to support British ground forces during the rebellion. Four Bristol Blenheims of were flown to , also in Palestine, to fly combat missions over Iraq.
- ^ Young, p. 7
- ^ Wavell, p. 4094
- ^ Waters, p. 24
- ^ a b Playfair (1956), p. 195
- ^ a b c d Playfair (1956), p. 196
- ^ Playfair (1956), pp. 182–183
- ^ Playfair (1956), pp. 192, 332
- ^ a b Playfair (1956), p. 186
- ^ a b Playfair (1956), p. 179
- ^ a b Playfair (1956), p. 183
- ^ Mackenzie, p. 101
- ^ a b Playfair (1956), p. 182
- ^ a b c d Jackson, p. 159
- ^ Lyman, pp. 25–26
- ^ Mackenzie, p. 100
- ^ a b Wavell, p. 3439
- ^ Playfair (1956), p. 193
- ^ Lyman, p. 48
- Ammentorp, Steen. "Major-General George Guy Waterhouse". Generals of World War II website. 22 Temmuz 2013 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 2 Kasım 2009.
- Auchinleck, Claude (1946). Despatch on Operations in the Middle East From 5th July, 1941 to 31st October 1941. Londra: War Office.
- Churchill, Winston (1985) [1950]. "Chapter 14: The Revolt in Iraq". The Second World War, Volume III, The Grand Alliance. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. ISBN .
- Jackson, Ashley (2006). The British Empire and the Second World War. Hambledon Continuum. ISBN .
- Kiwarkis, Gaby. . 21 Kasım 2017 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi.
- Kurowski, Franz (2005). The Brandenburger Commandos: Germany's Elite Warrior Spies in World War II. Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania: Stackpole Book.
- Lyman, Robert (2006). Iraq 1941: The Battles for Basra, Habbaniya, Fallujah and Baghdad. Campaign. Oxford, New York: Osprey Publishing. ISBN .
- . Eastern Epic: Volume 1 September 1939-March 1943 Defence. Londra: Chatto & Windus. OCLC 59637091.
- Martin, Colonel Thomas Alexander (1952). The Essex Regiment, 1929-1950. Essex Regiment Association.
- Mead, Richard (2007). Churchill's Lions: A biographical guide to the key British generals of World War II. Stroud (UK): Spellmount. ISBN .
- Peretz, Don (2004) [1963]. The Middle East Today. Greenwood Press. ISBN .
- ; with Stitt, Commander G.M.S.; Molony, Brigadier C.J.C.; Toomer, Air Vice-Marshal S.E. (2004) [1st. pub. 1954]. (Ed.). The Mediterranean and Middle East, Volume I The Early Successes Against Italy (to May 1941). History of the Second World War, United Kingdom Military Series. Naval & Military Press. ISBN .
- Playfair, Major-General I.S.O.; with Flynn R.N., Captain FC; Molony, Brigadier C.J.C.; Toomer, Air Vice-Marshal S.E. (2004) [1st. pub. HMSO 1956]. Butler, J.R.M (Ed.). The Mediterranean and Middle East, Volume II The Germans come to the help of their Ally (1941). History of the Second World War, United Kingdom Military Series. Naval & Military Press. ISBN .
- Royal Air Force. "RAF Valley No 4 Flying Training School". 22 Temmuz 2013 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi.
- Royal Air Force Museum. "Royal Air Force Museum". 11 Şubat 2011 tarihinde kaynağından .
- Rodger, Alexander (2003). Battle Honours of the British Empire and Commonwealth Land Forces. Marlborough: The Crowood Press. .
- Saunders, Hilary Adrian St. George; Richards, Denis (1953). Volume I: The Fight at Odds. The Royal Air Force 1939-1945. Londra: Her Majesty's Stationary Office.
- Thomas, David A. (1972). Nazi Victory: Crete 1941. New York: Stein and Day.
- Waters, S. D. (2008). H.M.N.Z.S. Leander. Wellington, New Zealand: Merriam Press. ISBN .
- (1946). Despatch on Operations in the Middle East From 7th February, 1941 to 15th July 1941. Londra: War Office.
- (1946). Despatch on Operations in Iraq, East Syria and Iran from 10th April, 1941 to 12th January, 1942. Londra: War Office.
- Weal, John (1999). Messerschmitt Bf 110 Zerstorer Aces of World War 2. Oxford: Osprey. ISBN .
- (1946). Despatch on the Persia and Iraq Command Covering the Period from 21st August, 1942, to 17th February, 1943. Londra: War Office.
- Young, Peter (1972). The Arab Legion. Men-at-Arms. Osprey Publishing. ISBN .
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Anglo Irak Savasi II Dunya Savasi esnasinda Birlesik Krallik ve Irak in Rasid Ali Geylani nin asi hukumeti arasinda bir catismadir 2 31 Mayis 1941 tarihleri arasinda yer almistir Harekat Irak tan surulen Abdulillah i destekleyen Ingiliz silahli kuvvetleri tarafindan gerceklestirilmistir Savas surgunde ki kralin Irak a donusu ve tum Irak in yeniden Britanya tarafindan isgaliyle sonuclandi Bu sonuc Britanya tarafindan desteklenen Hasimogullari monarsisine karsi Irak ta milliyetci direnisi daha fazla alevlendirmistir Anglo Irak SavasiII Dunya Savasi Akdeniz Orta Dogu ve Afrika CepheleriIngiliz askerleri Bagdat a bakiyor 11 Haziran 1941 Tarih2 Mayis 31 Mayis 1941BolgeIrakSonucIngiliz zaferi ve Abdulillah iktidarinin yeniden kurulmasiTaraflarBirlesik Krallik Abdulillah destekcileri Ingiliz Hindistani Birlesik Krallik Filistin Mandasi Mavera i Urdun Emirligi Avustralya Yeni ZelandaIrak Almanya Italya Destek Vichy FransasiKomutanlar ve liderlerClaude Auchinleck Archibald Wavell AbdulillahRasid Ali GeylaniGucler1 Piyade Tumeni 2 Tugay 100 ucak4 tumen 116 Irak ucagi 50 60 kullanisli 21 29 Alman ucagi 12 Italyan ucagiKayiplarKucuk kayip 28 ucak1 750 kayip 500 olu dahil cok kullanisli Irak ucagi 19 Alman ucagi 3 Italyan ucagi Rasid Ali ve onun destekcileri Almanya ile birlik olurken savas Irak in bagimsizliginin hukumet hareketlerinin Ingiliz onayinda en iyi kosullu cumlede oldugunu gosterdi Savasi kaybeden asi hukumetinin basi Rasid Ali Geylani ve Kudus muftusu Iran a sonra Turkiye ye sonra Italya ya ve sonunda Hitler tarafindan karsilandigi Almanya ya Berlin e kacti Berlin den yayinlamaya devam ettigi propagandalarla muftu Muslumanlari Britanyalilara karsi savasa ve Alman ile Italyan kuvvetlerine yardima cagirmaya devam etti Ayni zamanda Balkanlar da Waffen SS icin savasan Musluman gonullulere yardim etti Dipnotlar HMAS Yarra representing Avustralya participated at sea HMNZS Leander representing Yeni Zelanda participated at sea On 30 May Rashid Ali and his supporters fled to Persia At 4 a m on 31 May the Mayor of Baghdad signed an armistice on a bridge across the Washash Canal See constituted one reinforced Brigade group while the force based at RAF Habbaniya constituted the other 85 ucak RAF Habbaniya da 18 bombers were flown into RAF Shaibah as reinforcements while No 244 Squadron RAF was already based there equipped with Vicker Vincents was rebased to in Palestine to support British ground forces during the rebellion Four Bristol Blenheims of were flown to also in Palestine to fly combat missions over Iraq Young p 7 Wavell p 4094 Waters p 24 a b Playfair 1956 p 195 a b c d Playfair 1956 p 196 Playfair 1956 pp 182 183 Playfair 1956 pp 192 332 a b Playfair 1956 p 186 a b Playfair 1956 p 179 a b Playfair 1956 p 183 Mackenzie p 101 a b Playfair 1956 p 182 a b c d Jackson p 159 Lyman pp 25 26 Mackenzie p 100 a b Wavell p 3439 Playfair 1956 p 193 Lyman p 48KaynakcaAmmentorp Steen Major General George Guy Waterhouse Generals of World War II website 22 Temmuz 2013 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 2 Kasim 2009 Auchinleck Claude 1946 Despatch on Operations in the Middle East From 5th July 1941 to 31st October 1941 Londra War Office Churchill Winston 1985 1950 Chapter 14 The Revolt in Iraq The Second World War Volume III The Grand Alliance Boston Houghton Mifflin Company ISBN 0 395 41057 6 Jackson Ashley 2006 The British Empire and the Second World War Hambledon Continuum ISBN 1 85285 417 0 Kiwarkis Gaby 21 Kasim 2017 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Kurowski Franz 2005 The Brandenburger Commandos Germany s Elite Warrior Spies in World War II Mechanicsburg Pennsylvania Stackpole Book Lyman Robert 2006 Iraq 1941 The Battles for Basra Habbaniya Fallujah and Baghdad Campaign Oxford New York Osprey Publishing ISBN 1 84176 991 6 Eastern Epic Volume 1 September 1939 March 1943 Defence Londra Chatto amp Windus OCLC 59637091 Martin Colonel Thomas Alexander 1952 The Essex Regiment 1929 1950 Essex Regiment Association Mead Richard 2007 Churchill s Lions A biographical guide to the key British generals of World War II Stroud UK Spellmount ISBN 978 1 86227 431 0 Peretz Don 2004 1963 The Middle East Today Greenwood Press ISBN 978 027594 576 3 with Stitt Commander G M S Molony Brigadier C J C Toomer Air Vice Marshal S E 2004 1st pub 1954 Ed The Mediterranean and Middle East Volume I The Early Successes Against Italy to May 1941 History of the Second World War United Kingdom Military Series Naval amp Military Press ISBN 1 84574 065 3 Playfair Major General I S O with Flynn R N Captain FC Molony Brigadier C J C Toomer Air Vice Marshal S E 2004 1st pub HMSO 1956 Butler J R M Ed The Mediterranean and Middle East Volume II The Germans come to the help of their Ally 1941 History of the Second World War United Kingdom Military Series Naval amp Military Press ISBN 1 84574 066 1 Royal Air Force RAF Valley No 4 Flying Training School 22 Temmuz 2013 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Royal Air Force Museum Royal Air Force Museum 11 Subat 2011 tarihinde kaynagindan Rodger Alexander 2003 Battle Honours of the British Empire and Commonwealth Land Forces Marlborough The Crowood Press ISBN 1 86126 637 5 Saunders Hilary Adrian St George Richards Denis 1953 Volume I The Fight at Odds The Royal Air Force 1939 1945 Londra Her Majesty s Stationary Office Thomas David A 1972 Nazi Victory Crete 1941 New York Stein and Day Waters S D 2008 H M N Z S Leander Wellington New Zealand Merriam Press ISBN 978 1 4357 5892 6 1946 Despatch on Operations in the Middle East From 7th February 1941 to 15th July 1941 Londra War Office 1946 Despatch on Operations in Iraq East Syria and Iran from 10th April 1941 to 12th January 1942 Londra War Office Weal John 1999 Messerschmitt Bf 110 Zerstorer Aces of World War 2 Oxford Osprey ISBN 1 855327538 1946 Despatch on the Persia and Iraq Command Covering the Period from 21st August 1942 to 17th February 1943 Londra War Office Young Peter 1972 The Arab Legion Men at Arms Osprey Publishing ISBN 0850450845