Victoria Claflin Woodhull veya Victoria Woodhull Martin (23 Eylül 1838 Homer, Ohio, ABD – 9 Haziran 1927 Bredon, Worcestershire, Birleşik Krallık), ABD vatandaşı siyasetçi, aktivist, yazar, gazeteci, editör ve borsa simsarı. Kadınların oy kullanma hareketinin lideriydi. 1872 yılında Amerika Birleşik Devletleri Başkanlığı için aday oldu.
Victoria Woodhull | |
1870 tarihli fotoğrafı | |
Amerika Birleşik Devletleri Başkanlığı adayı (1872) | |
Kişisel bilgiler | |
Doğum | Victoria California Claflin 23 Eylül 1838 Homer, Ohio, ABD |
Ölüm | 09 Haziran 1927 (88 yaşında) Bredon, Worcestershire, Birleşik Krallık |
Defin yeri | Yaklıdıktan sonra külleri İngiltere'nin güney kıyısındaki Newhaven'dan denize dağıtılmıştır |
Vatandaşlığı | Amerikalı |
Partisi | Eşit Haklar Partisi |
Uzmanlık alanı | Siyaset, kadın hakları, kadınlara oy hakkı, feminizm, , sivil haklar, kölelik karşıtlığı, borsa simsarlığı, gazetecilik |
Evlilik(ler) | Dr. Canning Woodhull (e. 1853; b. 1865) Albay James Blood (e. 1865; b. 1876) Sir John Biddulph Martin (e. 1883; ö. 1901) |
Akraba(lar) | Tennessee Claflin (kızkardeşi) |
Çocuk(lar) | Byron ve Zulu "Zula" Maude Woodhull |
Mesleği | Süfrajet, siyasetçi, feminist, yazar, gazeteci, editör, gazete yayımcısı |
İmzası | |
Resmî site | |

New York Menkul Kıymetler Borsası'ndaki ilk kadın borsa simsarıdır.
10 Mayıs 1872 tarihinde Eşit Haklar Partisi (Equal Rights Party) Victoria Woodhull'ı başkanlık seçimlerinde aday gösterdi. Fakat anayasadaki 35 yaş sınırına göre 9 ay eksiği nedeniyle seçim sonuçlarında oylarının listelenmemesine karar verildi.
Woodhull 1884 ve 1892 ABD başkanlık seçimlerinde de yine aday adayı oldu.
9 Haziran 1927 tarihinde Worcestershire bölgesindeki Bredon kasabasındaki Norton Park'ta hayatını sonlandırdı.
Günümüz kültürüne etkisi
Hakkında yazılan eser
- Havelin, Kate (27 Haziran 2006). Victoria Woodhull: Fearless Feminist (İngilizce). Twenty-First Century Books. s. 112. ISBN . Erişim tarihi: 10 Nisan 2020.
Amerikalı ünlü besteci Victoria Bond, Woodhull için Mrs. President adlı bir opera besteledi. Operanın prömiyeri 2012 yılında Alaska eyaletindeki Anchorage şehrinde yapıldı.
Sinema filmi
2017'nin Mart ayında Amazon Stüdyoları, Victoria Woodhull'un hayatını canlandıracak, onun adını taşıyacak bir sinema filmi tasarladıklarını ve filmde Woodhull'u canlandıracak oyuncunun Akademi ödüllü Brie Larson olacağını açıkladı.
Konuyla ilgili yayınlar
- Brough, James (1980). The Vixens. Simon & Schuster. ISBN .
Historical Fiction
- Caplan, Sheri J. (2013). Petticoats and Pinstripes: Portraits of Women in Wall Street's History. Praeger. ISBN .
- Carpenter, Cari M. (2010). Selected Writings of Victoria Woodhull: Suffrage, Free Love, and Eugenics. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.
- Paulina W. Davis, (Ed.) (1871). A history of the national woman's rights movement for twenty years. New York: Journeymen Printers' Cooperative Association.
- Evelina, Nicole (2007). Madame Presidentess: A novel of Victoria Woodhull. Lawson Gartner Publishing. ISBN .
- Fitzpatrick, Ellen (2016). The Highest Glass Ceiling : Women's Quest for the American Presidency. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. ISBN . LCCN 2015045620.
- Frisken, Amanda (2004). Victoria Woodhull's Sexual Revolution. University of Pennsylvania Press. ISBN .
- Gabriel, Mary (1998). Notorious Victoria: The Life of Victoria Woodhull Uncensored. Chapel Hill: Algonquin Books. ISBN .
- Goldsmith, Barbara (1998). Other Powers: The Age of Suffrage, Spiritualism, and the Scandalous Victoria Woodhull. New York: Harper Perennial. ISBN .
- Johnson, Gerald W. (Haziran 1956). "Dynamic Victoria Woodhull". American Heritage. 7 (4). 11 Ekim 2017 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 7 Nisan 2020.
- Krull, Kathleen (2004). A Woman for President: The Story of Victoria Woodhull. Walker Childrens. ISBN .
- MacPherson, Myra (2014). The scarlet sisters : sex, suffrage, and scandal in the Gilded Age. New York, NY: Twelve. ISBN . LCCN 2013027618.
biography of Victoria Woodhull and Tennessee Celeste Claflin.
- Marberry, M.M. (1967). Vicky. New York: Funk & Wagnalls.
- Meade, Marion (1976). Free Woman. Alfred A. Knopf, Harper & Brothers.
- Riddle, A.G. (1871). The Right of women to exercise the elective franchise under the Fourteenth Article of the Constitution: speech of A.G. Riddle in the Suffrage Convention at Washington, January 11, 1871: the argument was made in support of the Woodhull memorial, before the Judiciary Committee of the House of Representatives, and reproduced in the Convention. Washington.
- Sachs, Emanie (1928). The Terrible Siren. Harper & Brothers.
- Safronoff, Cindy Peyser (2015). Crossing Swords: Mary Baker Eddy vs Victoria Clafin Woodhull and the Battle for the Soul of Marriage - The Untold Story of America's Nineteenth-Century Culture War. Seattle: this one thing.
- Schrupp, Antje (2002). Das Aufsehen erregende Leben der Victoria Woodhull (Almanca). Helmer.
- The Staff of the Historian's Office and National Portrait Gallery (1972). If Elected...' Unsuccessful candidates for the presidency 1796–1968. Washington, DC: United States Government Printing Offices.
- Underhill, Lois Beachy (1995). The Woman Who Ran for President: The Many Lives of Victoria Woodhull. Bridgehampton, N.Y.: Bridge Works. ISBN .
- Lefkowitz Horowitz, Helen (2000). "Victoria Woodhull, Anthony Comstock, and Conflict over Sex in the United States in the 1870s". The Journal of American History. 87 (2). ss. 403-434. doi:10.2307/2568758. JSTOR 2568758.
Woodhull'un eserleri
- Woodhull, Victoria C. (2005) [1874]. Free Lover: Sex, Marriage and Eugenics in the Early Speeches of Victoria Woodhull. Seattle. ISBN .
Four of her most important early and radical speeches on sexuality as facsimiles of the original published versions. Includes: The Principle of Social Freedom (1872), The Scare-crows of Sexual Slavery (1873), The Elixir of Life (1873), and Tried as by Fire (1873–74).
- Woodhull, Victoria C. (2005) [1893]. Lady Eugenist: Feminist Eugenics in the Speeches and Writings of Victoria Woodhull. Seattle. ISBN .
Seven of her most important speeches and writings on eugenics. Five are facsimiles of the original, published versions. Includes: Children—Their Rights and Privileges (1871), The Garden of Eden (1875, publ. 1890), Stirpiculture (1888), Humanitarian Government (1890), The Rapid Multiplication of the Unfit (1891), and The Scientific Propagation of the Human Race (1893).
- Woodhull, Victoria C. (1870). Constitutional equality the logical result of the XIV and XV Amendments, which not only declare who are citizens, but also define their rights, one of which is the right to vote without regard to sex. New York.
- Woodhull, Victoria C. (1871). The Origin, Tendencies and Principles of Government, or, A Review of the Rise and Fall of Nations from Early Historic Time to the Present. New York: Woodhull, Claflin & Company.
- Woodhull, Victoria C. (1871). Speech of Victoria C. Woodhull on the great political issue of constitutional equality, delivered in Lincoln Hall, Washington, Cooper Institute, New York Academy of Music, Brooklyn, Academy of Music, Philadelphia, Opera House, Syracuse: together with her secession speech delivered at Apollo Hall.
- Woodhull, Victoria C. Martin (1891). The Rapid Multiplication of the Unfit. New York.
Ayrıca bakınız
- ^ . Obtained from the General Register Office, UK. 17 Haziran 2015. 10 Kasım 2016 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 10 Nisan 2020.
- ^ (İngilizce). Our Campaigns. 9 Ekim 2012 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 10 Nisan 2020.
- ^ "Victoria Martin, Suffragist, Dies. Nominated for President of the United States as Mrs. Woodhull in 1872. Leader of Many Causes. Had Fostered Anglo-American Friendship Since She Became Wife of a Britisher ..." The New York Times (İngilizce). 11 Haziran 1927. 7 Nisan 2020 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 10 Nisan 2020.
- ^ Dunham, Mike. "ANCHORAGE: Review: Opera about first woman to run for president debuts in Anchorage | Arts and Culture". Alaska Dispatch News (İngilizce). 7 Nisan 2020 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 10 Nisan 2020.
- ^ Fleming, Mike Jr (22 Mart 2017). (İngilizce). Deadline Hollywood. 22 Mart 2017 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 10 Nisan 2020.
- ^ "Victoria Woodhull". 13 Ekim 2018 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 10 Nisan 2020.
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Victoria Claflin Woodhull veya Victoria Woodhull Martin 23 Eylul 1838 Homer Ohio ABD 9 Haziran 1927 Bredon Worcestershire Birlesik Krallik ABD vatandasi siyasetci aktivist yazar gazeteci editor ve borsa simsari Kadinlarin oy kullanma hareketinin lideriydi 1872 yilinda Amerika Birlesik Devletleri Baskanligi icin aday oldu Victoria Woodhull1870 tarihli fotografiAmerika Birlesik Devletleri Baskanligi adayi 1872 Kisisel bilgilerDogum Victoria California Claflin 23 Eylul 1838 1838 09 23 Homer Ohio ABDOlum 09 Haziran 1927 88 yasinda Bredon Worcestershire Birlesik KrallikDefin yeri Yaklidiktan sonra kulleri Ingiltere nin guney kiyisindaki Newhaven dan denize dagitilmistirVatandasligi AmerikaliPartisi Esit Haklar PartisiUzmanlik alani Siyaset kadin haklari kadinlara oy hakki feminizm sivil haklar kolelik karsitligi borsa simsarligi gazetecilikEvlilik ler Dr Canning Woodhull e 1853 b 1865 Albay James Blood e 1865 b 1876 Sir John Biddulph Martin e 1883 o 1901 Akraba lar Tennessee Claflin kizkardesi Cocuk lar Byron ve Zulu Zula Maude WoodhullMeslegi Sufrajet siyasetci feminist yazar gazeteci editor gazete yayimcisiImzasiResmi site http www victoria woodhull comHayati1860 larda Victoria Woodhull of Woodhull Unlu fotografci Mathew Brady tarafindan 1866 1873 yillari arasinda cekilen o donem yayginlasan 4 1 4 ila 6 1 2 inclik Cabinet card fotograf New York Menkul Kiymetler Borsasi ndaki ilk kadin borsa simsaridir 10 Mayis 1872 tarihinde Esit Haklar Partisi Equal Rights Party Victoria Woodhull i baskanlik secimlerinde aday gosterdi Fakat anayasadaki 35 yas sinirina gore 9 ay eksigi nedeniyle secim sonuclarinda oylarinin listelenmemesine karar verildi Woodhull 1884 ve 1892 ABD baskanlik secimlerinde de yine aday adayi oldu 9 Haziran 1927 tarihinde Worcestershire bolgesindeki Bredon kasabasindaki Norton Park ta hayatini sonlandirdi Gunumuz kulturune etkisiHakkinda yazilan eser Havelin Kate 27 Haziran 2006 Victoria Woodhull Fearless Feminist Ingilizce Twenty First Century Books s 112 ISBN 978 0 82255 986 3 Erisim tarihi 10 Nisan 2020 Opera Amerikali unlu besteci Victoria Bond Woodhull icin Mrs President adli bir opera besteledi Operanin promiyeri 2012 yilinda Alaska eyaletindeki Anchorage sehrinde yapildi Sinema filmi 2017 nin Mart ayinda Amazon Studyolari Victoria Woodhull un hayatini canlandiracak onun adini tasiyacak bir sinema filmi tasarladiklarini ve filmde Woodhull u canlandiracak oyuncunun Akademi odullu Brie Larson olacagini acikladi Konuyla ilgili yayinlarBrough James 1980 The Vixens Simon amp Schuster ISBN 0 671 22688 6 Historical Fiction Caplan Sheri J 2013 Petticoats and Pinstripes Portraits of Women in Wall Street s History Praeger ISBN 978 1 4408 0265 2 Carpenter Cari M 2010 Selected Writings of Victoria Woodhull Suffrage Free Love and Eugenics Lincoln University of Nebraska Press Paulina W Davis Ed 1871 A history of the national woman s rights movement for twenty years New York Journeymen Printers Cooperative Association Evelina Nicole 2007 Madame Presidentess A novel of Victoria Woodhull Lawson Gartner Publishing ISBN 978 0 996 76319 6 Fitzpatrick Ellen 2016 The Highest Glass Ceiling Women s Quest for the American Presidency Cambridge MA Harvard University Press ISBN 978 0 674 08893 1 LCCN 2015045620 Frisken Amanda 2004 Victoria Woodhull s Sexual Revolution University of Pennsylvania Press ISBN 0 8122 3798 6 Gabriel Mary 1998 Notorious Victoria The Life of Victoria Woodhull Uncensored Chapel Hill Algonquin Books ISBN 1 56512 132 5 Goldsmith Barbara 1998 Other Powers The Age of Suffrage Spiritualism and the Scandalous Victoria Woodhull New York Harper Perennial ISBN 0 06 095332 2 Johnson Gerald W Haziran 1956 Dynamic Victoria Woodhull American Heritage 7 4 11 Ekim 2017 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 7 Nisan 2020 Krull Kathleen 2004 A Woman for President The Story of Victoria Woodhull Walker Childrens ISBN 978 0 802 78908 2 MacPherson Myra 2014 The scarlet sisters sex suffrage and scandal in the Gilded Age New York NY Twelve ISBN 978 0 446 57023 7 LCCN 2013027618 biography of Victoria Woodhull and Tennessee Celeste Claflin Marberry M M 1967 Vicky New York Funk amp Wagnalls Meade Marion 1976 Free Woman Alfred A Knopf Harper amp Brothers Riddle A G 1871 The Right of women to exercise the elective franchise under the Fourteenth Article of the Constitution speech of A G Riddle in the Suffrage Convention at Washington January 11 1871 the argument was made in support of the Woodhull memorial before the Judiciary Committee of the House of Representatives and reproduced in the Convention Washington Sachs Emanie 1928 The Terrible Siren Harper amp Brothers Safronoff Cindy Peyser 2015 Crossing Swords Mary Baker Eddy vs Victoria Clafin Woodhull and the Battle for the Soul of Marriage The Untold Story of America s Nineteenth Century Culture War Seattle this one thing Schrupp Antje 2002 Das Aufsehen erregende Leben der Victoria Woodhull Almanca Helmer The Staff of the Historian s Office and National Portrait Gallery 1972 If Elected Unsuccessful candidates for the presidency 1796 1968 Washington DC United States Government Printing Offices Underhill Lois Beachy 1995 The Woman Who Ran for President The Many Lives of Victoria Woodhull Bridgehampton N Y Bridge Works ISBN 1 882593 10 3 Lefkowitz Horowitz Helen 2000 Victoria Woodhull Anthony Comstock and Conflict over Sex in the United States in the 1870s The Journal of American History 87 2 ss 403 434 doi 10 2307 2568758 JSTOR 2568758 Woodhull un eserleri Woodhull Victoria C 2005 1874 Free Lover Sex Marriage and Eugenics in the Early Speeches of Victoria Woodhull Seattle ISBN 1 58742 050 3 Four of her most important early and radical speeches on sexuality as facsimiles of the original published versions Includes The Principle of Social Freedom 1872 The Scare crows of Sexual Slavery 1873 The Elixir of Life 1873 and Tried as by Fire 1873 74 Woodhull Victoria C 2005 1893 Lady Eugenist Feminist Eugenics in the Speeches and Writings of Victoria Woodhull Seattle ISBN 1 58742 040 6 Seven of her most important speeches and writings on eugenics Five are facsimiles of the original published versions Includes Children Their Rights and Privileges 1871 The Garden of Eden 1875 publ 1890 Stirpiculture 1888 Humanitarian Government 1890 The Rapid Multiplication of the Unfit 1891 and The Scientific Propagation of the Human Race 1893 Woodhull Victoria C 1870 Constitutional equality the logical result of the XIV and XV Amendments which not only declare who are citizens but also define their rights one of which is the right to vote without regard to sex New York Woodhull Victoria C 1871 The Origin Tendencies and Principles of Government or A Review of the Rise and Fall of Nations from Early Historic Time to the Present New York Woodhull Claflin amp Company Woodhull Victoria C 1871 Speech of Victoria C Woodhull on the great political issue of constitutional equality delivered in Lincoln Hall Washington Cooper Institute New York Academy of Music Brooklyn Academy of Music Philadelphia Opera House Syracuse together with her secession speech delivered at Apollo Hall Woodhull Victoria C Martin 1891 The Rapid Multiplication of the Unfit New York Ayrica bakinizKadinlarin oy hakkinin zaman cizelgesiKaynakca victoria woodhull com Obtained from the General Register Office UK 17 Haziran 2015 10 Kasim 2016 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 10 Nisan 2020 Ingilizce Our Campaigns 9 Ekim 2012 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 10 Nisan 2020 Victoria Martin Suffragist Dies Nominated for President of the United States as Mrs Woodhull in 1872 Leader of Many Causes Had Fostered Anglo American Friendship Since She Became Wife of a Britisher The New York Times Ingilizce 11 Haziran 1927 7 Nisan 2020 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 10 Nisan 2020 Dunham Mike ANCHORAGE Review Opera about first woman to run for president debuts in Anchorage Arts and Culture Alaska Dispatch News Ingilizce 7 Nisan 2020 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 10 Nisan 2020 Fleming Mike Jr 22 Mart 2017 Ingilizce Deadline Hollywood 22 Mart 2017 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 10 Nisan 2020 Victoria Woodhull beyazperde com 13 Ekim 2018 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 10 Nisan 2020