Laff A Lympics, 1977 yılında Hanna Barbara tarafından yapılan çizgi dizi. 24 bölüm süren çizgi filmde çizgi karakterlerden oluşan üç takım her hafta dünyanın farklı bir şehrinde çeşitli yarışmalarda yarışmaktadırlar.

Scooby Doobyler
| Yogi Yahooeys
| Gerçek Kötüler
| Sunucular
Konuk oyuncular
- Scooby Doobies 105
- Yogi Yahooeys 80
- Really Rottens 65
- Scooby Doobies 115
- Yogi Yahooeys 110
- Really Rottens 0
- Scooby Doobies 70
- Yogi Yahooeys 65
- Really Rottens 65
- Yogi Yahooeys 70
- Scooby Doobies 65
- Really Rottens 20
- Fransa ve Avustralya
- Scooby Doobies 120
- Yogi Yahooeys 75
- Really Rottens 35
- Scooby Doobies 105
- Yogi Yahooeys 80
- Really Rottens 20
- İtalya ve
- Scooby Doobies 85
- Really Rottens 65
- Yogi Yahooeys 40
- Mısır ve
- Scooby Doobies 90
- Really Rottens 80
- Yogi Yahooeys 55
- The Scooby Doobies 90
- The Yogi Yahooeys 80
- The Really Rottens 55
- Yogi Yahooeys 100
- Really Rottens 40
- Scooby Doobies 35
- Afrika ve
- Yogi Yahooeys 80
- Scooby Doobies 20
- Really Rottens 10
- Yogi Yahooeys 135
- Scooby Doobies 55
- Really Rottens 45
- Scooby Doobies 90
- Yogi Yahooeys 70
- Really Rottens 30
- Scooby Doobies 120
- Yogi Yahooeys 75
- Really Rottens 55
- Scooby Doobies 75
- Yogi Yahooeys 65
- Really Rottens 60
- Scooby Doobies 65
- Yogi Yahooeys 55
- Really Rottens 55
- Rusya ve Karayipler
- Scooby Doobies 100
- Yogi Yahooeys 80
- Really Rottens 50
- Really Rottens 75
- Scooby Doobies 70
- Yogi Yahooeys 60
- Yogi Yahooeys 90
- Scooby Doobies 80
- Really Rottens 55
- ve Yeni Zelanda
- Scooby Doobies 90
- Yogi Yahooeys 70
- Really Rottens 40
- Yogi Yahooeys 70
- Scooby Doobies 60
- Really Rottens 60
- Fas ve Washington
- Really Rottens 75
- Scoobie Doobies 70
- Yogi Yahooeys 70
- Yogi Yahooeys 85
- Scooby Doobies 70
- Really Rottens 45
- ve Ay
1. Scooby Doobies 80
1. Yogi Yahooeys 80
1. Really Rottens 80
Toplamda Scooby Doobyler 14, Yogi Yahoolar 7, Gerçek Kötüler 2 bölüm kazanırken son bölümde bütün takımlar eşit puan almıştır.
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Laff A Lympics 1977 yilinda Hanna Barbara tarafindan yapilan cizgi dizi 24 bolum suren cizgi filmde cizgi karakterlerden olusan uc takim her hafta dunyanin farkli bir sehrinde cesitli yarismalarda yarismaktadirlar TakimlarScooby Doobyler Scooby Doo takim kaptani Shaggy Scooby Dum Dynomutt Blue Falcon Kaptan Magara adami Brenda Dee Dee Taffy Speed Buggy Tinker Babu Hong Kong Phooey Yogi Yahooeys Ayi Yogi takim kaptani Bobo Cindy Akilli Bidik Huckleberry Hound Pixie ve Dixie fareler Mr Jinks Hokey Wolf Yakky Doodle yavru ordek Wally Gator timsah Gercek Kotuler Mumbly takim kaptani Dread Baron Dalton Kardesler Dinky Dirty Dastardly Mr Mrs ve junior Creepley Magic Rabbit Daisy Mayhem Ahtapot Orful Sooey domuz Sunucular Mildew SnagglepussKonuk oyuncular Fred Cakmaktas Barney MoloztasBolumleriAlpler ve TokyoScooby Doobies 105 Yogi Yahooeys 80 Really Rottens 65Florida ve CinScooby Doobies 115 Yogi Yahooeys 110 Really Rottens 0Acapulco ve IngiltereScooby Doobies 70 Yogi Yahooeys 65 Really Rottens 65Sahra Colu ve IskocyaYogi Yahooeys 70 Scooby Doobies 65 Really Rottens 20Fransa ve AvustralyaScooby Doobies 120 Yogi Yahooeys 75 Really Rottens 35Atina ve Ozark MissouriScooby Doobies 105 Yogi Yahooeys 80 Really Rottens 20Italya veScooby Doobies 85 Really Rottens 65 Yogi Yahooeys 40Misir veScooby Doobies 90 Really Rottens 80 Yogi Yahooeys 55Ispanya ve HimalayalarThe Scooby Doobies 90 The Yogi Yahooeys 80 The Really Rottens 55Hindistan ve IsrailYogi Yahooeys 100 Really Rottens 40 Scooby Doobies 35Afrika veYogi Yahooeys 80 Scooby Doobies 20 Really Rottens 10Buyuk Kanyon ve IrlandaYogi Yahooeys 135 Scooby Doobies 55 Really Rottens 45Hawaii ve NorvecScooby Doobies 90 Yogi Yahooeys 70 Really Rottens 30Kuzey Kutbu ve TahitiScooby Doobies 120 Yogi Yahooeys 75 Really Rottens 55Arizona ve HollandaScooby Doobies 75 Yogi Yahooeys 65 Really Rottens 60Quebec ve BagdatScooby Doobies 65 Yogi Yahooeys 55 Really Rottens 55Rusya ve KarayiplerScooby Doobies 100 Yogi Yahooeys 80 Really Rottens 50New York ve IstanbulReally Rottens 75 Scooby Doobies 70 Yogi Yahooeys 60Guney Amerika ve TransilvanyaYogi Yahooeys 90 Scooby Doobies 80 Really Rottens 55ve Yeni ZelandaScooby Doobies 90 Yogi Yahooeys 70 Really Rottens 40New Orleans ve AtlantisYogi Yahooeys 70 Scooby Doobies 60 Really Rottens 60Fas ve WashingtonReally Rottens 75 Scoobie Doobies 70 Yogi Yahooeys 70Kanada ve VarsovaYogi Yahooeys 85 Scooby Doobies 70 Really Rottens 45ve Ay1 Scooby Doobies 80 1 Yogi Yahooeys 80 1 Really Rottens 80 Toplamda Scooby Doobyler 14 Yogi Yahoolar 7 Gercek Kotuler 2 bolum kazanirken son bolumde butun takimlar esit puan almistir KaynakcaAnimasyon ile ilgili bu madde taslak seviyesindedir Madde icerigini genisleterek Vikipedi ye katki saglayabilirsiniz