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- Aslan Abaşidze - Sovyetler Birliği, Gürcistan ve Acara Özerk Cumhuriyeti’nin siyaset adamı.
- - Endonezyalı ressam
- - former PLO terrorist
- - -American pastor imprisoned in Iran
- - Hristiyan aktivist ve the patron saint of the city of Tiflis, Georgia
- - martyr and saint of the
- - former member of the PLO; founder of the ministry Hope For Ishmael after he converted to Christianity;'s personal driver
- - İrlanda’nın ilk siyahi belediye reisi. Black mayor in Ireland
- - martyr who was put to death along with his brother, John, by , of for apostasy
- - Moorish diplomat who was forced to convert to Christianity following his capture
- - last ruler of the in Syria and Ürdün in the 7. century AD; after the Islamic conquest of Levant he converted to Islam in AD 638; later reverted to Christianity and lived in Anatolia until he died in AD 645
- Adebayo Akinfenwa - English professional footballer who plays as a striker for AFC Wimbledon; his father is Muslim and his mother Christian; he was raised in his father's religion; is now a Christian
- - former (cleric) from Hindistan
- Mehmet Ali Ağca - Türk suikastçı.
- Magdi Allam (baptized as Magdi Cristiano Allam) - Italy's most famous Islamic affairs journalist
- Saint Hodja Amiris - eski Osmanlı askeri stationed in Jerusalem who converted to Christianity in the 17. century and was subsequently tortured and killed for the crime of
- - eski Sunni Muslim militia fighter
- - Christian activist and televangelist
- - name chosen by a Spanish Muslim scholar who converted to and wrote a well known polemical work against Islam, the Confusión o confutación de la secta mahomética y del Alcorán
- - -born British pastor and evangelist
- - -Azeri vice-admiral and military writer of the , converted to
- - Endonezyalı aktris of Dutch descent; converted to in December 2013; owes her conversion to an experience of having dreamed three times of
- - martyrs who were put to death during the reign of , of for apostasy
- - born Muhammad Shukri Efendi, Christian missionary of Turkish heritage
- - Arjantin iş insanı of ve descent; , married to the President of Argentina, Mauricio Macri
- - Hint sinema oyuncusu
- - Rahibe
- - prisoner in the Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri, 1994-96
- - American teenager of Sri Lankan descent who drew international attention in 2009 when she ran away from home and claimed that her Muslim parents might kill her for having converted to Christianity
- Ahmed Barzani - Barzani aşireti lideri
- II. Beşir Şihab - Osmanlılara, daha sonra Mısır'a bağlı olarak Lübnan'ı yöneten emir.
- Simeon Bekbulatoviç - Kasım Hanlığı'nın hanlarından ve Rus Çarlığı'nın çarlarındandır.
- Ibrahim Ben Ali - Türk asıllı Amerikalı asker
- - the last military Governor or of Faro, in , , at the time of its reconquest in 1249, and a descendant of ; he was later
- - prince and diplomat, later turned from Islam into a religious of the ; a martyr of the , venerated particularly in the Valencian Community ve Catalonia
- - Cezayirli eski Müslüman
- - Sudan asıllı Amerikalı aktivist
- Jean-Bédel Bokassa - Orta Afrika Cumhuriyeti Emperor (from Christianity to Islam back to Christianity)
- - Beninli politikacı ve iş insanı
- - Kasım Hanlığı hanı
- - Endonezyalı şarkıcı

- Moussa Dadis Camara - Gineli subay
- Ergun Caner - Türk kökenli Amerikalı Protestan bir din adamı ve vaizdir
- - Endonezyalı oyuncu, model, sunucu ve VJ
- - Endonezyalı fotoğraf sanatçısı
- Chamillionaire (Hakeem Seriki) - Amerikan hip hop şarkıcısı ve söz yazarı
- Şihab Ailesi - Lübnan'ın asil ailesidir
- Djibril Cissé - Fransız eski futbolcu
- - for
- - initially associated with the Nation of Islam, then Evangelical Christianity, then Mormonism
- - Bağdat-educated Muslim who died in 1087 as a Christian monk at
- - born in Smyrna to a Muslim family under the Ottoman Empire during the 19. century; converted to Orthodox Christianity and was subsequently imprisoned, tortured and executed by hanging for on June 2, 1819
- Converso - substantial numbers of Muslims who converted to Catholicism in Spain or Portugal, particularly during the 14. and 15. centuries. These of Berber origin were known as . Over 1 million of these were converted from Islam to Christianity, most of whom were forced to convert.
- - - writer and political emigre who worked both for the resurrection of Poland and the reestablishment of a Cossack
- Moussa Dadis Camara - Gineli subay
- - Endonezyalı papaz
- - Mısır asıllı Amerikalı yazar
- - Turk who claims to be a descendant of Islam's prophet Muhammad; converted to Christianity while living in Almanya
- - first ethnic to become a Christian bishop of Iran since the 7. century and the
- - Iranian Christian convert from Shia Islam, pastor and
- - Liberyalı siyasetçi
- Daniel Bambang Dwi Byantoro - İndonezyalı papaz
- - Egyptian former Muslim sheikh who theological discourse with a Christian led him to conduct an intensive study of Christian Scripture, after which he converted to Christianity in January 2005
- - second wife and Queen Consort of , the late Shah of Iran who converted to
- - originally from Fas and one of the early explorers of the Southwestern United States
- (born Mohammed al-Sayyid al-Moussawi) - Roman Catholic convert from Islam and writer born in 1964 in Irak to a Shiite family
- Rima Fakih - Lübnan asıllı Amerikalı oyuncu
- - Iranian televangelist and minister
- - writer, minister, and televangelist
- Mary Fillis
- Mark A. Gabriel - Egyptian Islamic scholar and writer
- - counter-terrorism expert and attorney (from Judaism to Islam to Christianity)
- - American football defensive end who was drafted by the Green Bay Packers and is currently a free agent
- - monarch who ruled Eastern Georgia from 1676 to 1688 and again from 1703 to 1709; an Eastern Orthodox Christian, he converted to Islam prior to his appointment as governor of Qandahar; later converted to Roman Catholicism
- - Egyptian princess and youngest daughter of ve
- - Azeri prince of the of , converted to []
- - actress, model and former beauty queen (from Christianity to Islam back to Christianity)
- - leader of anti- dynasty forces in southern ; converted to Christianity with his sons and ruled over several mountain valleys for nearly forty years, having the castle Bobastro as his residence
- - first Sultan convert to in the name of Carlos
- (born Fernando de Valor) - Chief who was crowned the Emir of by his followers and led the against
- - -American charged for the July 2006 ; converted to Christianity in December 2005 but reverted to Islam by the time of the shooting
- Ubeydullah bin Cahş - Eski sahabe sonradan Habeşistan hicretinde Hristiyan oldu. Muhammed’in eşi Zeyneb bint Cahş’ın kardeşidir.
- - former football player
- - although she claimed never to have practiced Islam, as she was born to a Sudanese Muslim father (who had abandoned her Ethiopian Orthodox Christian mother in childhood) the Republic of Sudan deemed her a convert and , imprisoning and sentencing her to death in 2014
- - Endonezyalı oyuncu ve model
- - eski Amerikalı futbolcu
- - eski Amerikalı futbolcu
- (born 1982) - born in Dhedar, Pakistan; Avusturyalı- book author; started a new life in Viyana, changing her name and converting to ; baptized in 2006
- - born to a Muslim family; converted to Christianity; became a nurse to rural communities in Northern India and was later murdered
- - born into a Muslim family in Kerala, India, he became a notable before the age of 18, but subsequently converted to Catholicism whereupon he was tortured and forced to flee to Europe
- - convert from Islam to Christianity; born Azlina Jailani in 1964 in Malaysia to Muslim parents of Javanese descent; converted at age 26; in 1998, she was baptized, and applied to have her conversion legally recognized by the Malaysian courts
- (1560-1604) - late 16.- and early 17.-century figure in Iran and İspanya; also known as Faisal Nazary; was a native of Iran, who later moved westward; settled in Spain where he became a Roman Catholic
- Alina Kabaeva - gymnast
- - Georgian prince of the , son of King converted to Islam in the Service of the , but returned to after his return to Georgia
- - Georgian prince of the (from Christianity to Islam back to Christianity)
- - Orientalist, historian and philologist of Azeri origin
- Mathieu Kérékou - President of Benin (from Christianity to Islam back to Christianity)
- Chulpan Khamatova -
- Emir Kusturica - Sırp ve Yugoslavya filmmaker and actor

- - prolific Islamic writer, preacher and Qur'anic translator
- - Bible translator
- - 16.-century Portuguese soldier in India who converted to

- (born Sheikh Din Muhammad) - traveller, surgeon and entrepreneur who introduced the Indian take-away curry house restaurant in Britain; first Indian to have written a book in the English language; converted to marry Jane Daly, an Irish Protestant, as it was illegal for a non-Protestant to marry a Protestant
- - slave of Ferdinand Magellan, converted to after being purchased in 1511
- (born Pinkan Ratnasari Mambo) - Indonesian singer; converted in 2010; decision taken after admitting she studied various religions of the world and eventually dropped in awe of
- - mother of writers ve
- (born Wicasksono Abdul Salam) - Indonesian actor whose family was converted to during his childhood but who converted converted later to in 1997
- - indigenous missionary; ordained ve Lutheran minister; often referred to as the most influential indigenous Christian to shape nineteenth-century Christian missions in India; religious author
- (born Ghäsim Khan) - missionary to Chinese with the
- Carlos Menem - former ; raised a Nusayri but converted to Roman Catholicism, a constitutional requirement for accessing the presidency until 1994
- - last Palatine of King of Macaristan in 1290; born into a Muslim family in Tolna County in the Kingdom of Hungary; converted to Roman Catholicism
- - saint
- - last Khan of ; was forced to convert to Christianity following the
- Archbishop - born into a Muslim family; converted to Christianity as a child and later became an Archbishop in his home country of Malawi, as well as converting and baptizing his father, a former imam
- - current player for the Carolina Panthers, raised in a Muslim household, later converted to Christianity
- - Turkish scholar and professor of Islamic Studies at the Pontifical Oriental Institute
- - Iranian Christian pastor who has been sentenced to death for
- - Indonesian singer, converted to after marriage
- (died 852) - Christian martyrs who were put to death during the reign of Abd ar-Rahman II, Emir of Córdoba, and are counted among the Martyrs of Córdoba; Aurelius was the son of a Muslim father and a Christian mother. He was also secretly a follower of Christianity, as was his wife Natalia, who was also the child of a Muslim father.
- Marina Nemat - Canadian author of Iranian descent and former political prisoner of the Iranian government; born into a Christian family, she converted to Islam in order to avoid execution but later reverted to Christianity
- - king; back and forth conversions from Islam to Christianity
- - 9.-century sisters recognized as Catholic saints and martyrs in , executed for for converting to Christianity
- - politician and general convert to
- - writer and daughter of General Mohamed Oufkir; she and her siblings are converts from Islam to Catholici; and she writes in her book, Stolen Lives, "we had rejected Islam, which had brought us nothing good, and opted for Catholicism instead"
- - Iranian princess and the elder sister of , Shah of Iran
- - former Iranian army colonel and lay leader of the , the Iranian branch of the church in Iran
- Agni Pratistha - Indonesian actress, model and former beauty queen (elected 2006), converted to Catholicism after marriage, although initially denied rumors of conversion
- - former Ahmadiyya Muslim; converted to Evangelical Christianity in 2005; has since become an internationally recognized apologist with Ravi Zacharias International Ministries
- - scholar of Comparative religions, composer, short story writer, translator, philosopher, contributor to inter-civilization dialogue, musicologist, drummer, singer and guitarist
- - convert to Christianity who escaped the death penalty because of foreign pressure
- - convert from Islam; one of the most outspoken converts in the world; hosts a weekly live call-in show on AL-Hayat channel where he compares Islam and Christianity
- - convert from Islam; established a network with former Muslims with about 2,000 members today
- - prince who ruled for six months in 1595
- - Indonesian model of French descent; converted to
- (born Sayyida Salme) - Princess of Zanzibar ve Umman
- Ibrahim Rugova - first , converted to and baptized in the name of Pierre

- - of Mısır; converted to Catholicism in 1950 and took the name "Mary Elizabeth"
- - Indonesian missionary
- - powerful lady of north Hindistan, ruling a large area from , Uttar Pradesh
- - Indonesian actor; converted to Christianity after marriage
- - former Argentine army who participated in two failed coup attempts against the democratically elected governments of both Raúl Alfonsín and President Carlos Menem in 1988 and 1990
- - former Muslim of ancestry who converted to Christianity and founded the Kozheozersky Monastery in northern Rusya
- The - foremost of many () noble families formerly living in Russia
- - Indonesian actress and model; converted to Christianity after marriage
- - author and Christian missionary
- - emir (prince) who ruled Lebanon in the first half of the 19. century; his family was Sunni Muslim; some of them converted to Christianity at the end of the 18. century
- The - prominent noble family who originally belonged to and converted to Christianity at the end of the 18. century
- - American author and former member of the PLO
- - Canadian evangelist, author, and business consultant
- - Indonesian socialist leader who later became the prime minister of Indonesia during its National Revolution
- Skanderbeg - Arnavut military leader; was forcibly converted to Islam from Christianity, but reverted to Christianity later in life
- - soldier and statesman
- - Anglo-Austrian soldier and administrator in the Sudan
- - born in Surakarta, Dutch East Indies, to a Muslim courtier and his wife who later converted to Catholicism; the first native Indonesian bishop; known for his pro-nationalistic stance, often expressed as "100% Catholic, 100% Indonesian"
- - British canon
- (born Fatima) - Turkish mistress of the Strong and the wife of a Polish noble
- Ahmed es-Sikeli - Müslüman bir ailede dünyaya gelerek, sonraları Petrus adı altında bir Hristiyan olarak vaftiz edilmiş ve I. Guglielmo döneminde Sicilya Krallığı'na hizmet etmiş bir tarihi kişiliktir.
- - two Turkish Christian converts who went on trial in 2006, on charges of "allegedly insulting 'Turkishness' and inciting religious hatred against Islam"
- - Indonesian politician and businessman
- Maria Temryukovna - princess, and second wife to ; born in a Muslim upbringing; baptised into the on 21 August 1561
- - Indonesian sultan; converted to after 1534 and baptised with the name Dom Manuel
- - daughter of a Muslim king of (called Almacrin or Almamun); became ill as a young woman and traveled to northern Iberia to partake of the healing waters of the shrine of San Vicente; when she was cured, she was baptized at Burgos; venerated as a saint of the Catholic Church
- - former Iranian Sunni Muslim who became a Christian minister; following multiple murder threats, he was abducted and murdered on 22 November 2005
- Aman Tuleyev - governor of Kemerovo Oblast
- - prince and son of the , converted with his family by Magellan
- (Arabic: عبيد الله بن جحش) - brother of , brother in law and first cousin of Muhammad and one of the male (companions of the Prophet); he has been cited as one of the four monotheistic hanifs by who converted to Christianity after his
- - journalist who was born a Christian, became an atheist, then converted to Islam and finally converted back to Christianity
- - Indonesian singer, actress and model
- - Khan of ; was forced to convert to Christianity following the
- - , convert to
- George Weah - soccer player (from Christianity to Islam back to Christianity)
- - Indonesian model and actress, converted to Catholicism after marriage
- Wu'erkaixi - dissident known for his leading role during the
- - Indonesian evangelist and missionary
- Yadigar Muhammed Han - Kazan Hanlığı'nı son hanı
- - bir Hamas lideri oğlu
- Remzi Yusuf - Pakistanlı el-Kaide üyesi
- Nania Kurniawati Yusuf - Endonezyalı şarkıcı
- - born an ; was forced to convert to Christianity; when Seville fell to the Almoravids, she fled to the protection of Alfonso VI of Castile, becoming his mistress, converting to Christianity and taking the baptismal name of Isabel
- - the last Almohad governor of Valensiya, İspanya; remained a loyal ally of James I; in 1236 he converted to Roman Catholicism, adopting the name of Vicente Bellvis, a fact which he kept secret until the fall of Valencia
- Saye Zerbo - Yukarı Voltalı (günümüzde Burkina Fasolu) asker ve siyasetçi.
- ^ "Former terrorist trades weapons for olive branch". 15 Mart 2020 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 15 Ekim 2016.
- ^ http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/12/19/rev-saeed-abedini-american-christian-imprisoned-preaching-christianity_n_2332690.html 3 Ağustos 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . Rev. Saeed Abedini, American Christian, Imprisoned In Iran For Preaching Christianity, Thrown In Notorious Prison
- ^ Collected Papers in Greek And Georgian Textual Criticism, pg. 174.[1] 3 Şubat 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .; January 8. Saints 7 Ağustos 2014 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- ^ Michael Walsh, A New Dictionary of Saints: East and West, Liturgical Press, 2007, , Google Print, p. 3 31 Mart 2019 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde ..
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- ^ (1924). A Biographical Dictionary of the Saints. St. Louis: B. Herder Book Co. s. 84.
- ^ Kevin Shillington, History of Africa,
Leo Africanus (following his capture by Christians and forced conversion to Christianity
- ^ . 15 Temmuz 2011 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 15 Ekim 2016.
- ^ "Adebayo Akinfenwa: Wimbledon's 'Beast' - 10 things you never knew". BBC Sport. 6 Ocak 2014. 7 Ocak 2015 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 6 Ocak 2015.
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- ^ Juan Andrés, Confusión o confutación de la secta mahomética y del Alcorán, edited by Elisa Ruiz García (Salamanca, 2003).
- ^ Petre, Jonathan (8 Ekim 2005). . Telegraph. 20 Ekim 2016 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 4 Ağustos 2007.
the charismatic Mr Ashimolowo, a Nigerian-born convert from Islam
- ^ http://www.korabel.ru/persones/detail/9.html 25 Ağustos 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . Авраамий Богданович Асланбегов
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- ^ http://www.kapanlagi.com/showbiz/selebriti/soal-foto-ibadah-di-gereja-asmirandah-agamaku-adalah-hakku-db1e5f.html 12 Temmuz 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . My religion is my own right.
- ^ http://manado.tribunnews.com/2014/03/30/kkr-pendeta-gilbert-di-manado-oc-kaligis-dan-asmirandah-bersaksi 3 Şubat 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . I myself may be new to the Lord Jesus.
- ^ http://kesaksian-life.blogspot.fr/2014/04/kesaksian-asmirandah-artis-indonesia.html 7 Nisan 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . Testimony Asmirandah "Indonesian Artist."
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- ^ Le Populaire, ISSN 0851-2444, N°3232, 31 August 2010, p. 2
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Bu sayfanin tamaminin ya da bir kisminin Turkceye cevrilmesi gerekmektedir Bu sayfanin tamami ya da bir kismi Turkce disindaki bir dilde yazilmistir Madde alakali dilin okuyuculari icin olusturulmussa o dildeki Vikipedi ye aktarilmalidir Ilgili degisiklikler gerceklesmezse maddenin tamaminin ya da cevrilmemis kisimlarin silinmesi sozkonusu olabilecektir Ilgili calismayi yapmak uzere bu sayfadan destek alabilirsiniz Bu liste Musluman iken Hristiyan olan kisileri gosterir AAslan Abasidze Sovyetler Birligi Gurcistan ve Acara Ozerk Cumhuriyeti nin siyaset adami Endonezyali ressam former PLO terrorist American pastor imprisoned in Iran Hristiyan aktivist ve the patron saint of the city of Tiflis Georgia martyr and saint of the former member of the PLO founder of the ministry Hope For Ishmael after he converted to Christianity s personal driver Irlanda nin ilk siyahi belediye reisi Black mayor in Ireland martyr who was put to death along with his brother John by of for apostasy Moorish diplomat who was forced to convert to Christianity following his capture last ruler of the in Syria and Urdun in the 7 century AD after the Islamic conquest of Levant he converted to Islam in AD 638 later reverted to Christianity and lived in Anatolia until he died in AD 645 Adebayo Akinfenwa English professional footballer who plays as a striker for AFC Wimbledon his father is Muslim and his mother Christian he was raised in his father s religion is now a Christian former cleric from Hindistan Mehmet Ali Agca Turk suikastci Magdi Allam baptized as Magdi Cristiano Allam Italy s most famous Islamic affairs journalist Saint Hodja Amiris eski Osmanli askeri stationed in Jerusalem who converted to Christianity in the 17 century and was subsequently tortured and killed for the crime of eski Sunni Muslim militia fighter Christian activist and televangelist name chosen by a Spanish Muslim scholar who converted to and wrote a well known polemical work against Islam the Confusion o confutacion de la secta mahometica y del Alcoran born British pastor and evangelist Azeri vice admiral and military writer of the converted to Endonezyali aktris of Dutch descent converted to in December 2013 owes her conversion to an experience of having dreamed three times of martyrs who were put to death during the reign of of for apostasy born Muhammad Shukri Efendi Christian missionary of Turkish heritage Arjantin is insani of ve descent married to the President of Argentina Mauricio MacriB Hint sinema oyuncusu Rahibe prisoner in the Birlesik Arap Emirlikleri 1994 96 American teenager of Sri Lankan descent who drew international attention in 2009 when she ran away from home and claimed that her Muslim parents might kill her for having converted to Christianity Ahmed Barzani Barzani asireti lideri II Besir Sihab Osmanlilara daha sonra Misir a bagli olarak Lubnan i yoneten emir Simeon Bekbulatovic Kasim Hanligi nin hanlarindan ve Rus Carligi nin carlarindandir Ibrahim Ben Ali Turk asilli Amerikali asker the last military Governor or of Faro in at the time of its reconquest in 1249 and a descendant of he was later prince and diplomat later turned from Islam into a religious of the a martyr of the venerated particularly in the Valencian Community ve Catalonia Cezayirli eski Musluman Sudan asilli Amerikali aktivist Jean Bedel Bokassa Orta Afrika Cumhuriyeti Emperor from Christianity to Islam back to Christianity Beninli politikaci ve is insani Kasim Hanligi hani Endonezyali sarkiciCConstantinus AfricanusMoussa Dadis Camara Gineli subay Ergun Caner Turk kokenli Amerikali Protestan bir din adami ve vaizdir Endonezyali oyuncu model sunucu ve VJ Endonezyali fotograf sanatcisi Chamillionaire Hakeem Seriki Amerikan hip hop sarkicisi ve soz yazari Sihab Ailesi Lubnan in asil ailesidir Djibril Cisse Fransiz eski futbolcu for initially associated with the Nation of Islam then Evangelical Christianity then Mormonism Bagdat educated Muslim who died in 1087 as a Christian monk at born in Smyrna to a Muslim family under the Ottoman Empire during the 19 century converted to Orthodox Christianity and was subsequently imprisoned tortured and executed by hanging for on June 2 1819 Converso substantial numbers of Muslims who converted to Catholicism in Spain or Portugal particularly during the 14 and 15 centuries These of Berber origin were known as Over 1 million of these were converted from Islam to Christianity most of whom were forced to convert writer and political emigre who worked both for the resurrection of Poland and the reestablishment of a CossackDMoussa Dadis Camara Gineli subay Endonezyali papaz Misir asilli Amerikali yazar Turk who claims to be a descendant of Islam s prophet Muhammad converted to Christianity while living in Almanya first ethnic to become a Christian bishop of Iran since the 7 century and the Iranian Christian convert from Shia Islam pastor and Liberyali siyasetci Daniel Bambang Dwi Byantoro Indonezyali papazE Egyptian former Muslim sheikh who theological discourse with a Christian led him to conduct an intensive study of Christian Scripture after which he converted to Christianity in January 2005 second wife and Queen Consort of the late Shah of Iran who converted to originally from Fas and one of the early explorers of the Southwestern United StatesF born Mohammed al Sayyid al Moussawi Roman Catholic convert from Islam and writer born in 1964 in Irak to a Shiite family Rima Fakih Lubnan asilli Amerikali oyuncu Iranian televangelist and minister writer minister and televangelist Mary FillisGMark A Gabriel Egyptian Islamic scholar and writer counter terrorism expert and attorney from Judaism to Islam to Christianity American football defensive end who was drafted by the Green Bay Packers and is currently a free agent monarch who ruled Eastern Georgia from 1676 to 1688 and again from 1703 to 1709 an Eastern Orthodox Christian he converted to Islam prior to his appointment as governor of Qandahar later converted to Roman Catholicism Egyptian princess and youngest daughter of ve Azeri prince of the of converted to kaynak belirtilmeli actress model and former beauty queen from Christianity to Islam back to Christianity H leader of anti dynasty forces in southern converted to Christianity with his sons and ruled over several mountain valleys for nearly forty years having the castle Bobastro as his residence first Sultan convert to in the name of Carlos born Fernando de Valor Chief who was crowned the Emir of by his followers and led the against American charged for the July 2006 converted to Christianity in December 2005 but reverted to Islam by the time of the shootingIUbeydullah bin Cahs Eski sahabe sonradan Habesistan hicretinde Hristiyan oldu Muhammed in esi Zeyneb bint Cahs in kardesidir former football player although she claimed never to have practiced Islam as she was born to a Sudanese Muslim father who had abandoned her Ethiopian Orthodox Christian mother in childhood the Republic of Sudan deemed her a convert and imprisoning and sentencing her to death in 2014 Endonezyali oyuncu ve model eski Amerikali futbolcu eski Amerikali futbolcuJ born 1982 born in Dhedar Pakistan Avusturyali book author started a new life in Viyana changing her name and converting to baptized in 2006 born to a Muslim family converted to Christianity became a nurse to rural communities in Northern India and was later murdered born into a Muslim family in Kerala India he became a notable before the age of 18 but subsequently converted to Catholicism whereupon he was tortured and forced to flee to Europe convert from Islam to Christianity born Azlina Jailani in 1964 in Malaysia to Muslim parents of Javanese descent converted at age 26 in 1998 she was baptized and applied to have her conversion legally recognized by the Malaysian courts 1560 1604 late 16 and early 17 century figure in Iran and Ispanya also known as Faisal Nazary was a native of Iran who later moved westward settled in Spain where he became a Roman CatholicKAlina Kabaeva gymnast Georgian prince of the son of King converted to Islam in the Service of the but returned to after his return to Georgia Georgian prince of the from Christianity to Islam back to Christianity Orientalist historian and philologist of Azeri origin Mathieu Kerekou President of Benin from Christianity to Islam back to Christianity Chulpan Khamatova Emir Kusturica Sirp ve Yugoslavya filmmaker and actorLwas an Islamic writer preacher and Quranic translator who converted to Christianity from Islam prolific Islamic writer preacher and Qur anic translator Bible translator 16 century Portuguese soldier in India who converted toMwas a traveller surgeon and entrepreneur who converted to Christianity from born Sheikh Din Muhammad traveller surgeon and entrepreneur who introduced the Indian take away curry house restaurant in Britain first Indian to have written a book in the English language converted to marry Jane Daly an Irish Protestant as it was illegal for a non Protestant to marry a Protestant slave of Ferdinand Magellan converted to after being purchased in 1511 born Pinkan Ratnasari Mambo Indonesian singer converted in 2010 decision taken after admitting she studied various religions of the world and eventually dropped in awe of mother of writers ve born Wicasksono Abdul Salam Indonesian actor whose family was converted to during his childhood but who converted converted later to in 1997 indigenous missionary ordained ve Lutheran minister often referred to as the most influential indigenous Christian to shape nineteenth century Christian missions in India religious author born Ghasim Khan missionary to Chinese with the Carlos Menem former raised a Nusayri but converted to Roman Catholicism a constitutional requirement for accessing the presidency until 1994 last Palatine of King of Macaristan in 1290 born into a Muslim family in Tolna County in the Kingdom of Hungary converted to Roman Catholicism saint last Khan of was forced to convert to Christianity following the Archbishop born into a Muslim family converted to Christianity as a child and later became an Archbishop in his home country of Malawi as well as converting and baptizing his father a former imam current player for the Carolina Panthers raised in a Muslim household later converted to Christianity Turkish scholar and professor of Islamic Studies at the Pontifical Oriental InstituteN Iranian Christian pastor who has been sentenced to death for Indonesian singer converted to after marriage died 852 Christian martyrs who were put to death during the reign of Abd ar Rahman II Emir of Cordoba and are counted among the Martyrs of Cordoba Aurelius was the son of a Muslim father and a Christian mother He was also secretly a follower of Christianity as was his wife Natalia who was also the child of a Muslim father Marina Nemat Canadian author of Iranian descent and former political prisoner of the Iranian government born into a Christian family she converted to Islam in order to avoid execution but later reverted to Christianity king back and forth conversions from Islam to Christianity 9 century sisters recognized as Catholic saints and martyrs in executed for for converting to Christianity politician and general convert toO writer and daughter of General Mohamed Oufkir she and her siblings are converts from Islam to Catholici and she writes in her book Stolen Lives we had rejected Islam which had brought us nothing good and opted for Catholicism instead P Iranian princess and the elder sister of Shah of Iran former Iranian army colonel and lay leader of the the Iranian branch of the church in Iran Agni Pratistha Indonesian actress model and former beauty queen elected 2006 converted to Catholicism after marriage although initially denied rumors of conversionQ former Ahmadiyya Muslim converted to Evangelical Christianity in 2005 has since become an internationally recognized apologist with Ravi Zacharias International MinistriesR scholar of Comparative religions composer short story writer translator philosopher contributor to inter civilization dialogue musicologist drummer singer and guitarist convert to Christianity who escaped the death penalty because of foreign pressure convert from Islam one of the most outspoken converts in the world hosts a weekly live call in show on AL Hayat channel where he compares Islam and Christianity convert from Islam established a network with former Muslims with about 2 000 members today prince who ruled for six months in 1595 Indonesian model of French descent converted to born Sayyida Salme Princess of Zanzibar ve Umman Ibrahim Rugova first converted to and baptized in the name of PierreSof Misir who converted to Christian from of Misir converted to Catholicism in 1950 and took the name Mary Elizabeth Indonesian missionary powerful lady of north Hindistan ruling a large area from Uttar Pradesh Indonesian actor converted to Christianity after marriage former Argentine army who participated in two failed coup attempts against the democratically elected governments of both Raul Alfonsin and President Carlos Menem in 1988 and 1990 former Muslim of ancestry who converted to Christianity and founded the Kozheozersky Monastery in northern Rusya The foremost of many noble families formerly living in Russia Indonesian actress and model converted to Christianity after marriage author and Christian missionary emir prince who ruled Lebanon in the first half of the 19 century his family was Sunni Muslim some of them converted to Christianity at the end of the 18 century The prominent noble family who originally belonged to and converted to Christianity at the end of the 18 century American author and former member of the PLO Canadian evangelist author and business consultant Indonesian socialist leader who later became the prime minister of Indonesia during its National Revolution Skanderbeg Arnavut military leader was forcibly converted to Islam from Christianity but reverted to Christianity later in life soldier and statesman Anglo Austrian soldier and administrator in the Sudan born in Surakarta Dutch East Indies to a Muslim courtier and his wife who later converted to Catholicism the first native Indonesian bishop known for his pro nationalistic stance often expressed as 100 Catholic 100 Indonesian British canon born Fatima Turkish mistress of the Strong and the wife of a Polish noble Ahmed es Sikeli Musluman bir ailede dunyaya gelerek sonralari Petrus adi altinda bir Hristiyan olarak vaftiz edilmis ve I Guglielmo doneminde Sicilya Kralligi na hizmet etmis bir tarihi kisiliktir T two Turkish Christian converts who went on trial in 2006 on charges of allegedly insulting Turkishness and inciting religious hatred against Islam Indonesian politician and businessman Maria Temryukovna princess and second wife to born in a Muslim upbringing baptised into the on 21 August 1561 Indonesian sultan converted to after 1534 and baptised with the name Dom Manuel daughter of a Muslim king of called Almacrin or Almamun became ill as a young woman and traveled to northern Iberia to partake of the healing waters of the shrine of San Vicente when she was cured she was baptized at Burgos venerated as a saint of the Catholic Church former Iranian Sunni Muslim who became a Christian minister following multiple murder threats he was abducted and murdered on 22 November 2005 Aman Tuleyev governor of Kemerovo Oblast prince and son of the converted with his family by MagellanU Arabic عبيد الله بن جحش brother of brother in law and first cousin of Muhammad and one of the male companions of the Prophet he has been cited as one of the four monotheistic hanifs by who converted to Christianity after his journalist who was born a Christian became an atheist then converted to Islam and finally converted back to Christianity Indonesian singer actress and model Khan of was forced to convert to Christianity following the convert toWGeorge Weah soccer player from Christianity to Islam back to Christianity Indonesian model and actress converted to Catholicism after marriage Wu erkaixi dissident known for his leading role during the Indonesian evangelist and missionaryX Arabic مولاي الشيخ Mawlay al Shaykh prince born in Marrakech in 1566 exiled in Ispanya he converted to Roman Catholicism in Madrid and was known as Philip of Africa or Philip of AustriaYYadigar Muhammed Han Kazan Hanligi ni son hani bir Hamas lideri oglu Remzi Yusuf Pakistanli el Kaide uyesi Nania Kurniawati Yusuf Endonezyali sarkiciZ born an was forced to convert to Christianity when Seville fell to the Almoravids she fled to the protection of Alfonso VI of Castile becoming his mistress converting to Christianity and taking the baptismal name of Isabel the last Almohad governor of Valensiya Ispanya remained a loyal ally of James I in 1236 he converted to Roman Catholicism adopting the name of Vicente Bellvis a fact which he kept secret until the fall of Valencia Saye Zerbo Yukari Voltali gunumuzde Burkina Fasolu asker ve siyasetci Kaynakca Former terrorist trades weapons for olive branch 15 Mart 2020 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 15 Ekim 2016 http www huffingtonpost com 2012 12 19 rev saeed abedini american christian imprisoned preaching christianity n 2332690 html 3 Agustos 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Rev Saeed Abedini American Christian Imprisoned In Iran For Preaching Christianity Thrown In Notorious Prison Collected Papers in Greek And Georgian Textual Criticism pg 174 1 3 Subat 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde January 8 Saints 7 Agustos 2014 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Michael Walsh A New Dictionary of Saints East and West Liturgical Press 2007 ISBN 0 8146 3186 X Google Print p 3 31 Mart 2019 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde 20 Temmuz 2012 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 15 Ekim 2016 1 Aralik 2017 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 15 Ekim 2016 Grammy awards 25 Agustos 2007 All hail The chieftain Independent News Independent ie 26 Ekim 2012 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 16 Subat 2012 1924 A Biographical Dictionary of the Saints St Louis B Herder Book Co s 84 Kevin Shillington History of Africa Leo Africanus following his capture by Christians and forced conversion to Christianity 15 Temmuz 2011 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 15 Ekim 2016 Adebayo Akinfenwa Wimbledon s Beast 10 things you never knew BBC Sport 6 Ocak 2014 7 Ocak 2015 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 6 Ocak 2015 https books google com books id qxcFAAAAQAAJ amp pg RA1 PA125 amp dq 22safdar ali 22 church missionary intelligencer amp hl en amp ei 271tTce5F4rHgAeHhtjzAw amp sa X amp oi book result amp ct result amp resnum 1 amp ved 0CCgQ6AEwAA v onepage amp q amp f false THE CHURCH MISSIONARY INTELLIGENCER Messiah Mehmet Ali Agca hopes to cash in on Pope attack The Times 29 Subat 2012 4 Haziran 2011 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 15 Ekim 2016 5 Aralik 2008 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 15 Ekim 2016 22 Subat 2016 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 15 Ekim 2016 30 Kasim 2009 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi 29 Agustos 2006 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 15 Ekim 2016 Juan Andres Confusion o confutacion de la secta mahometica y del Alcoran edited by Elisa Ruiz Garcia Salamanca 2003 Petre Jonathan 8 Ekim 2005 Telegraph 20 Ekim 2016 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 4 Agustos 2007 the charismatic Mr Ashimolowo a Nigerian born convert from Islam http www korabel ru persones detail 9 html 25 Agustos 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Avraamij Bogdanovich Aslanbegov http www slidegossip com 2013 12 asmirandah pindah agama atau keyakinan demi bisa menikah lagi dengan jonas rivanno html 19 Mart 2017 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Asmirandah come to the church once a week http www kapanlagi com showbiz selebriti soal foto ibadah di gereja asmirandah agamaku adalah hakku db1e5f html 12 Temmuz 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde My religion is my own right http manado tribunnews com 2014 03 30 kkr pendeta gilbert di manado oc kaligis dan asmirandah bersaksi 3 Subat 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde I myself may be new to the Lord Jesus http kesaksian life blogspot fr 2014 04 kesaksian asmirandah artis indonesia html 7 Nisan 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Testimony Asmirandah Indonesian Artist 18 Ocak 2016 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 15 Ekim 2016 12 Mart 2012 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 15 Ekim 2016 Casamiento de Macri y Awada Ispanyolca Hola 16 Kasim 2010 21 Nisan 2016 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 15 Ekim 2016 2 Mart 2009 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 18 Mayis 2013 miamiherald com 14 Kasim 2009 14 Mart 2020 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 16 Subat 2012 Arsivlenmis kopya 13 Ekim 2016 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 15 Ekim 2016 I Love Jeddah in the Springtime 12 Agustos 2013 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Time magazine Le Populaire ISSN 0851 2444 N 3232 31 August 2010 p 2 Qui est Moussa Dadis Camara le nouveau president de la Guinee 16 Subat 2012 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde 26 December 2008 Fransizca 5 Mart 2016 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 15 Ekim 2016 http theologan com post 2995543805 the ergun caner controversy 17 Nisan 2015 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde The Ergun Caner Controversy http www christianitytoday com gleanings 2015 january broken ergun caner resigns president brewton parker college html paging off 4 Mart 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Broken Ergun Caner Resigns as President of Brewton Parker College KapanLagi com Rianti Cartwright JOMBLO Dekat Dengan Realitas http img408 imageshack us img408 2461 pamfletrianticartwright jpg 30 Ekim 2012 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde perkawinan katolik http christoperlee blogspot fr 2011 12 kassian cephas pelopor foto pertama html 29 Temmuz 2014 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Ia masik agama Kristen Protestan pada usia remaja sekitar 15 atau 16 tahun http www persee fr web revues home prescript article arch 0044 8613 1981 num 22 1 1669 24 Eylul 2015 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Un exemple d assimilation a Java http www oldies com artist biography Chamillionaire html 4 Mart 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde artist biography of Chamillionaire http www philadelphiaweekly com music whats up with 38403029 html 2 Ekim 2014 tarihinde Archive is sitesinde arsivlendi On religion I go to church every Sunday I m in Houston Now I have people asking for autographs in church It s crazy but yeah I still do that and I still pay tithes and all that stuff The Maronites in history Matti Moosa p283 Netglimse com 27 Subat 2015 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 16 Subat 2012 Mondial ces joueurs de foot ont la foi Benoit Fidelin Pelerin N 6654 June 10 2010 2 Ekim 2011 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Wayback Machine 20 Subat 2020 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 15 Ekim 2016 New York Times obituary nytimes com 2 Mayis 1998 Erisim tarihi 16 Subat 2012 Africana Online 28 Nisan 2010 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Wayback Machine Constantine the African 28 Mart 2016 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 15 Ekim 2016 Constantine the African or Constantinus Africanus medieval medical scholar 9 Ocak 2008 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 15 Ekim 2016 Arsivlenmis kopya 31 Mayis 2016 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 15 Ekim 2016 Stallaert C 1998 Stuart B Schwartz All Can Be Saved Religious Tolerance and Salvation in the Iberian Atlantic s 62 14 Mayis 2020 tarihinde kaynagindan erisim tarihi 15 Ekim 2016 Rudnytsky Peter L 1987 Essays in modern Ukrainian history Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies p 186 http www lefaso net spip php article38255 24 Nisan 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Et Moussa devint Moise http www paperblog fr 3582150 burkina faso guinee dadis camara devient chretien au pays des hommes integres 5 Nisan 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Dadis Camara devient chretien au Pays des hommes integres 4 Subat 2020 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 15 Ekim 2016 http www wnd com 2007 02 40047 23 Ocak 2017 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde DESCENDANT OF MUHAMMAD CONVERTS TO CHRISTIANITY http www independent co uk news obituaries the right rev hassan dehqanitafti exiled anglican bishop in iran 832817 html 25 Eylul 2015 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde The Right Rev Hassan Dehqani Tafti Exiled Anglican Bishop in Iran http www pravoslavie ru english 51878 htm 15 Mart 2017 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde IN THE HOLY NAME OF GOD WHO IS OUR LIFE AND EXISTENCE http www independent co uk news people obituary mehdi dibaj 1412186 html 11 Agustos 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Obituary Mehdi Dibaj http theperspective org articles 0617200501 html 6 Ekim 2014 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Religion And Power in Liberia http www liberianobserver com editorials tolerance key protecting liberia E2 80 99s christian muslim harmony 6 Ekim 2014 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Tolerance The Key To Protecting Liberia s Christian Muslim Harmony http www manastir lepavina org arhiva novosti index php engtext detaljnije orthodoxy in indonesia an interview with archimandrite daniel bambang dwi b 31 Mayis 2014 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Interview with Archimandrite Daniel http www orthodoxresearchinstitute org articles church history byantoro indonesia htm 21 Haziran 2015 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde The birth of the Orthodox Church in Indonesia Egypt Christian convert from Islam jailed 21 Kasim 2011 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Compass Direct News 18 October 2006 Paul Hofmann Pope Bans Marriage of Princess to Shah The New York Times 24 February 1959 p 1 13 Haziran 2017 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 15 Ekim 2016 The Price to Pay autobiography published on 25 March 2010 The Work Editions ISBN 978 2 35631 060 6 2 Nisan 2016 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 15 Ekim 2016 http www trunews com ex muslim preaches the gospel 16 Haziran 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Ex Muslim preaches the Gospel Arsivlenmis kopya 18 Aralik 2016 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 15 Ekim 2016 Against the Tides in the Middle East International Academic Centre for Muslim Evangelism in South Africa 1997 published under the name Mustafa Prison Radicalization Are Terrorist Cells Forming in U S Cell Blocks 28 Subat 2008 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Government testimony PDF Daveed Gartenstein Ross 8 Mayis 2011 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde biography on his website Nadir Shah and the Afsharid Legacy The Cambridge history of Iran From Nadir Shah to the Islamic Republic Ed Peter Avery William Bayne Fisher Gavin Hambly and Charles Melville Cambridge University Press 1991 11 http soref tv the death of a forgotten princess 25 Nisan 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kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 15 Ekim 2016 http www nonstop online com 2014 02 artis pesbukers lecehkan islam 5 Haziran 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Artis Pesbukers Lecehkan Islam http www tribunnews com seleb 2014 05 22 kata keluarganya jessica iskandar sudah menikah setahun lalu 20 Eylul 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Kata Keluarganya Jessica Iskandar Sudah Menikah Setahun Lalu Qadry Ismail s bio on TheGoal com 3 Mart 2016 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 15 Ekim 2016 21 Subat 2008 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 15 Ekim 2016 Arsivlenmis kopya 20 Nisan 2019 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 15 Ekim 2016 in Catholic community 4 Agustos 2016 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 15 Ekim 2016 Arsivlenmis kopya 22 Ekim 2016 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 15 Ekim 2016 Note the Arabic term for Islamic law is typically spelled Syariah in Don Juan of Persia A Shi ah Catholic Web kaynagi url http www rosconcert com common arc story php 26928 script title ru Kabaevu ne pustili v mechet quote date 28 Kasim 2002 erisimtarihi 9 Ocak 2013 language ru archiveurl http hiyo jp cache of 2013 01 09 20 36 54 http www rosconcert com common arc story php 26928 7Carchivedate 9 Ocak 2013 2 Aralik 2013 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 15 Ekim 2016 Alina Kabaeva priznalas chto verit v Boga i lyubit chitat Bibliyu 15 Aralik 2006 19 Ekim 2016 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 7 Ocak 2013 Allen W E D 1932 A history of the Georgian people from the beginning down to the Russian conquest in the nineteenth century Gurcuce Londra Routledge amp K Paul s 383 ISBN 0 7100 6959 6 http www geneagraphie com getperson php personID I670984 amp tree 1 3 Subat 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Family all over the world Rusca Alexander Kazembek Light from the East 1 Nisan 2019 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde by Alexei Pylev 13 April 2003 Retrieved 9 October 2006 Okanla Karim 20 Agustos 2003 Benin s magical leader 2 Subat 2008 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 15 Ekim 2016 Potrebnost byt nastoyashej Foma 6 2008 4 Mart 2017 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 15 Ekim 2016 Kino v detalyah na STS 05 11 2005 8 Mart 2014 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 15 Ekim 2016 Pionirovglasnik com 3 Mart 2016 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 16 Subat 2012 Hem passagen se 27 Eylul 2012 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 16 Subat 2012 Heirs of the Prophets An account of the clergy and Priests of Islam Samuel Marinus Zwemer Moody press 1946 p 127 There are some examples which could easily be multiplied Dr Imad ud Din was a leading Sufi and theologian in the Punjaub He was appointed to preach against Dr Pfander in the royal mosque at Agra he read the Scriptures believed and was baptised and with another great theologian and Sufi Safdar Ali became a missionary to his people Afterwards he received a doctorate from Oxford University His baptism took place New Year s Day 1868 together with his aged father and brother Other distinguished converts in the Punjab such as Imam Shah were also from the clergy Cryer Neville Barker 1979 Bibles Across the World Ingilizce United States of America Mowbrays s 94 ISBN 0264664175 http forgottennewsmakers com 2013 12 29 sake dean mahomed 1759 1851 first indian to publish a book own a restaurant and do shampooing in england 2 Ocak 2017 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde SAKE DEAN MAHOMED 1759 1851 First Indian to Publish a Book Own a Restaurant and Do Shampooing in England http www criterion quarterly com sake dean mahomet 1759 1851 25 Haziran 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Sake Dean Mahomet 1759 1851 India in the Time of Dean 4 Mart 2016 tarihinde kaynagindan erisim tarihi 15 Ekim 2016 http www theawl com 2012 07 the slave who circumnavigated the world 11 Mayis 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde The Slave Who Circumnavigated The World http www voaindonesia com content sejarawan harvard penjelajah bumi pertama putera melayu 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c amp dbl en amp tht 1309039200 olu kirik baglanti http www wiscopuannet index php option com content amp view article amp id 153 amp Itemid 97 olu kirik baglanti Arsivlenmis kopya 19 Agustos 2019 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 15 Ekim 2016 a b c d Үtәmeshgәrәj Tatar Ansiklopedisi Tatarca Kazan Tataristan Cumhuriyeti Bilimler Akademisi Tatar Ansiklopedisi Enstitusu 2002 Helen M Faller Nation Language Islam Tatarstan s Sovereignty Movement 6 Subat 2016 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 15 Ekim 2016 Brad Biggs 20 Mayis 2005 Muhammad all about giving as well as receiving Chicago Sun Times s 148 erisim tarihi kullanmak icin url gerekiyor yardim Jarrett Kerr Martin 1972 Patterns of Christian Acceptance Birlesik Krallik Oxford University Press s 196 Merica Dan 1 Ekim 2011 Iranian pastor faces death for rape not apostasy report CNN 5 Nisan 2019 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 15 Ekim 2016 http manado tribunnews com 2013 10 04 pesan terakhir diana nasution jangan lupa 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Hussein Fardust The Rise and Fall of the Pahlavi Dynasty Motilal Banarsidass 1999 ISBN 81 208 1642 0 Google Print pp 122 123 1 Nisan 2019 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Hamid Pourmand Imprisonment due to religious belief 11 Eylul 2014 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 15 Ekim 2016 http oktavita com foto agni pratistha menikah di gereja htm 7 Aralik 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Foto Agni Pratistha Menikah di Gereja http www tribunnews com seleb 2013 12 15 agni pratistha baru resepsi meski menikah juni di amrik 24 Temmuz 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Agni Pratistha Baru Resepsi Meski Menikah Juni di Amrik http www jpnn com read 2014 01 16 211141 Kehamilan Agni Pratistha Disebar di Instagram 18 Ekim 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Kehamilan Agni Pratistha Disebar di Instagram Qureshi Nabeel 2014 Seeking Allah Finding Jesus A Devout Muslim Encounters Christianity Ingilizce Grand Rapids Michigan Zondervan s 278 ISBN 978 0 310 51502 9 Qureshi Nabeel 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