Dmitri Şostakoviç genellikle bestelerini ve ara sıra diğer bestecilerin müziklerini opus numaralarıyla kataloglamıştır. Bu uygulamaya erken eserlerinden fa♯ minör Scherzo ile başlamış ve hayatının sonuna kadar devam etmiştir. Bununla birlikte, gençlik eserlerinin çoğu, sanatsal olgunluğundan bitmemiş eserleri (Orango ve The Gamblers operaları gibi) ve çok sayıda tamamlanmış eseri opus numarasız kalmıştır. Şostakoviç'in bir esere atanan eser numarasını aldığı, sonra başka birine verdiği veya bitmiş bir kompozisyonun numaralandırılması konusunda kararsız olduğu durumlar da vardır. Konuyu daha da karmaşık hale getiren şey, 1930'larda kendi müziğini derlerken yaptığı bir hatadır. Bu karmaşaya 'The Youth of Maxim' ve 'Girl Friends' film müziklerine aynı opus numarası vermiş olması yol açmıştır.
Aşağıdaki listede Dmitri Şostakoviç'in eserlerinin türlerine ve opus sayı sırasına göre sıralanmıştır.
Türlerine göre
- Senfoni No. 1 Op. 10, Fa minör (1923–1925)
- Senfoni No. 2 Op. 14, Si Majör, To October /Ekim'e, Karma Koro ve Orkestra için (1927)
- Senfoni No. 3 Op. 20, Mi♭ Majör, The First of May / 1 Mayıs, Karma Koro ve Orkestra için (1929)
- Senfoni No. 4 Op. 43, do minör (1935-1936)
- Senfoni No. 5 Op. 47, re minör (1937)
- Senfoni No. 6 Op. 54, si minör (1939)
- Senfoni No. 7 Op. 60, Do Majör, Leningrad (1941)
- Senfoni No. 8 Op. 65, do minör (1943)
- Senfoni No. 9 Op. 70, Mi♭ Majör (1945)
- Senfoni No. 10 Op. 93, mi minör (1953)
- Senfoni No. 11 Op. 103, sol minör The Year 1905 / 1905 Yılı (1957)
- Senfoni No. 12 Op. 112, re minör The Year 1917 / 1917 Yılı (1961)
- Senfoni No. 13 Op. 113, si♭ minör Babi-Yar, Bas, Baslar Korosu ve Orkestra için (1962)
- Senfoni No. 14 Op. 135, Soprano, Bas, Yaylı Çalgılar ve Perküsyon için (1969)
- Senfoni No. 15 Op. 141, La Majör (1971)
- Piyano Konçertosu No. 1 Op. 35, do minör (1933)
- Keman Konçertosu No. 1 Op. 77, la minör (1947-1948)
- Piyano Konçertosu No. 2 Op. 102, Fa Majör (1957)
- Viyolonsel Konçertosu No. 1 Op. 107, Mi♭ Majör (1959)
- Viyolonsel Konçertosu No. 2 Op. 126, Sol Majör (1966)
- Keman Konçertosu No. 2 Op. 129, do♯ minör (1967)
- Op. 15a: The Nose, Tenor, Bariton ve Orkestra için (1927-1928)
- Op. 22a: The Age of Gold Orkestra için (1929-1930)
- Op. 27a: The Bolt Orkestra için (1931)
- Op. 30a: Golden Mountains Orkestra için (1931)
- Op. 32a: Hamlet Küçük Orkestra için (1932)
- Op. 36a: The Tale of the Priest and his Worker Balda (1935)
- Op. 38a: Caz Orkestrası için Süit No. 1 (1934)
- Op. 39a: The Limpid Stream Orkestra için (1934-1935)
- Op. 50a: The Maxim film-Trilogy Koro ve Orkestra için (1938)
- Caz Orkestrası için Süit No. 2 (1938)
- Op. 64a: Zoya Koro ve Orkestra için (1944)
- Op. 75a: The Young Guards (1951)
- Op. 76a: Pirogov Orkestra için (1947)
- Op. 78a: Michurin Koro ve Orkestra için (1964)
- Op. 80a: Meeting on the Elbe Solistler ve Orkestra için (1948)
- Op. 84a: Ballet Suite No. 1 Orkestra için (1949)
- Op. 85a: Byelinsky Koro ve Orkestra için (1960, L. Atovmian tarafından düzenlendi)
- Op. 89a: The Unforgettable Year 1919 Orkestra için (1953, L. Atovmian tarafından düzenlendi)
- Op. 97a: The Gadfly Orkestra için (1955)
- Op. 99a: The First Echelon Koro ve Orkestra için (1956)
- Op. 111a: Five Days - Five Nights Orkestra için (1961)
- Op. 114a: Suite of Five Fragments from the Opera Katarina Izmailova Orkestra için (1963)
- Op. 116a: Hamlet Orkestra için (1964)
- Op. 120a: A Year Is Like a Lifetime Orkestra için (1965)
- Suite for Variety Stage Orchestra
Çeşitli senfonik çalışmalar
- Op. 1: Scherzo fa♯ minör Orkestra için (1919)
- Op. 3: Tema ve Varyasyonlar Si♭ Majör Orkestra için (1921-1922)
- Op. 7: Scherzo Mi♭ Majör Orkestra için (1923-1924)
- Op. 23: Two Pieces for Erwin Dressel's Opera Armer Columbus Orkestra için (1929)
- The Green Company, Uvertür (1931)
- Op. 42: Beş Fragman Küçük Orkestra için (1935)
- Solemn March Askeri bando / Nefesli orkestra için (1942)
- Üç Parça, Orkestra için (1947-1948)
- Op. 96: Festival Uvertürü, La Majör Orkestra için (1954)
- Op. 110a: Oda Senfonisi do minör (Arr. Rudolf Barshai)
- Op. 111b: Novorossiisk Chimes, the Flame of Eternal Glory Orkestra için (1960)
- Op. 115: Overture on Russian and Khirghiz Folk Themes Orkestra için (1963)
- Op. 130: Funeral-Triumphal Prelude Orkestra için (1967)
- Op. 131: October / Ekim, Senfonik Şiir, do minör Orkestra için (1967)
- Op. 139: Soviet Polis Marşı Askeri bando / Nefesli orkestra için (1970)
Yaylı Dörtlüler
- Yaylı Dörtlü için iki parça (1931) (Mtsensk'li Lady Macbeth ve Altın Çağ'dan düzenlenmiştir)
- Yaylı Dörtlü No. 1 Op. 49 Do Majör (1938)
- Yaylı Dörtlü No. 2 Op. 68 La Majör (1944)
- Yaylı Dörtlü No. 3 Op. 73 Fa Majör (1946)
- Yaylı Dörtlü No. 4 Op. 83 Do Majör (1949)
- Yaylı Dörtlü No. 5 Op. 92 Si♭ Majör (1952)
- Yaylı Dörtlü No. 6 Op. 101 Sol Majör (1956)
- Yaylı Dörtlü No. 7 Op. 108 fa♯ minör (1960)
- Yaylı Dörtlü No. 8 Op. 110 Do minör (1960)
- Yaylı Dörtlü için bölüm Mi♭ majör (Yaylı Çalgılar Dörtlüsü No. 9'un erken bir versiyonundan kalan bölüm; 1960 civarı)
- Yaylı Dörtlü No. 9 Op. 117 Mi♭ Majör (1964)
- Yaylı Dörtlü No. 10 Op. 118 La♭ Majör (1964)
- Yaylı Dörtlü No. 11 Op. 122 fa minör (1966)
- Yaylı Dörtlü No. 12 Op. 133 Re♭ Majör (1968)
- Yaylı Dörtlü No. 13 Op. 138 Si♭ minör (1970)
- Yaylı Dörtlü No. 14 Op. 142 Fa♯ Majör (1972-1973)
- Yaylı Dörtlü No. 15 Op. 144 mi♭ minör (1974)
Diğer Çalgı ve Müziği Eserleri
- Op. 8: Piyano Trio No. 1 do minör (1923)
- Op. 9: Three Pieces for cello and Piyano (1923-1924)
- Op. 11: Prelude and Scherzo for string octet/orchestra (1924-1925)
- Op. 40: Sonat re minör for cello and Piyano (1934)
- Op. 40a: Moderato for cello and Piyano (1934)
- Op. 57: Piyano Quintet sol minör (1940)
- Op. 58i: Polka for harp duet fa♯ minör (1941)
- Op. 67: Piyano Trio No. 2 mi minör (1944)
- Four Waltzes for Flüt, Klarinet ve Piyano (1955)
- Üç Düet, İki Keman için Piyano eşliği için (1955)
- Op. 134: Sonat Keman ve Piyano (1968)
- Op. 147: Sonat for viola and Piyano (1975)
Solo Piyano
- Op. 2: Eight Preludes [Piyano için] (1919-1920)
- Minuet, Prelude and Intermezzo [Piyano için] (1919-1920)
- Murzilka [Piyano için] (1920)
- Five Preludes [Piyano için] (1920-1921)
- Op. 5: [Piyano için] (1922)
- Op. 6: Suite fa♯ minör İki Piyano (1922)
- Op. 12: Piyano Sonat No. 1 (1926)
- Op. 13: "Aphorisms", ten pieces [Piyano için] (1927)
- Op. 34: Twenty-Four Preludes [Piyano için] (1932-1933)
- Op. 61: Piyano Sonat No. 2 si minör (1943)
- Op. 69: "", six pieces [Piyano için] (1944-1945)
- Merry March İki Piyano (1949)
- Op. 87: [Piyano için] (1950-1951)
- "Seven Doll's Dances" [Piyano için] (1952)
- Op. 94: Concertino İki Piyano la minör (1953)
- Op. 104a: Eleven Variations on a Theme by Glinka [Piyano için] (1957)
- Op. 123: "Preface to the Complete Collection of My Works and Brief Reflections on this Preface" for bass and Piyano (1966)
- Op. 15: Burun, Gogol'dan uyarlanan libretto üzerine Opera, 3 Perde (1927-1928)
- Op. 29: Mtsenkli Lady Macbeth, Leskov uyarlanan bir libretto ile 4 perdelik bir opera.
- Bolşaya molniya, [Bitirilmemiş] hafif opera (1932)
- The Twelve Chairs, Operet (1937-1938)
- Katyusha Maslova, Tolstoy'un Diriliş romanından uyarlanan libretto üzerine Opera (1940)
- Op. 105: Moscow, Cheryomushki, 3 Perde Operet (1958)
- Op. 114: Katerina İsmailova, Leskov'dan uyarlanan bir libretto üzerine Opera, 4 Perde. Bu Op 29: Mtsenkli Lady Macbeth operasının revize edilmiş versiyonudur. (1956-1963)
- Orango, yeni bulunan bir Opera (1932)
- Op. 22: The Age of Gold, 3 Perde Bale, (1929-1930)
- Op. 27: The Bolt, 3 Perde Bale (1930-1931)
- Op. 39: The Limpid Stream, 3 Perde Bale (1934-1935)
- The Lady and the Hooligan, 1 Perde Bale
- The Dreamers, 4 Perde Bale (1975)
- Op. 18: New Babylon, Sessiz film için müzik, Küçük Orkestra için 1928-1929)
- Op. 26 Alone (Odna) (1930-1931)
- Op. 30 Golden Mountains (1931)
- Op. 33 Counterplan (1932)
- Op. 36: The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda, Animasyon için müzik, Oda Orkestrası için (1933-1934)
- Op. 38 Love and Hate (1934)
- Op. 41 The Youth of Maxim (1934-1935)
- Op. 41a Girl Friends (1934-1935)
- Op. 45 The Return of Maxim (1936-1937)
- Op. 48 Volochayev Days (1936-1937)
- Op. 50 The Vyborg District (1938)
- Op. 51 Friends (1938)
- Op. 52 The Great Citizen, 1. bölüm (1938)
- Op. 53 The Man with a Gun (1938)
- Op. 55 The Great Citizen, 2. bölüm (1939)
- Op. 56:The Silly Little Mouse [Animasyon] (1939)
- Op. 59 The Adventures of Korzinkina (1940)
- Op. 64 Zoya (1944)
- Op. 71 Simple People (1945)
- Op. 75 Aleksander Fadeyev'in Genç Muhafızlar romanı üzerine (1947-1948)
- Op. 76 Yuri German Pirogov üzerine (1947)
- Op. 78 Michurin (1948)
- Op. 80 Meeting on the Elbe Ses ve Piyano için (1948)
- Op. 82 The Fall of Berlin (1949)
- Op. 85 Byelinsky Koro ve Orkestra için (1950)
- Op. 89 The Unforgettable Year 1919 (1951)
- Op. 95 Song of the Great Rivers (1954)
- Op. 97 Voynich'in The Gadfly romanı üzerine (1955)
- Op. 99 The First Echelon (1955-1956)
- Op. 105a Cheryomushki (1962)
- Op. 111 Five Days - Five Nights (1960)
- Op. 114b Katerina Izmailova (1966)
- Op. 116 Hamlet after Shakespeare Orkestra için (1963-1964)
- Op. 120 A Year Is Like a Lifetime Orkestra için (1965)
- Op. 132 Sofya Perovskaya (1967)
- Op. 137 King Lear after Shakespeare (1970)
Sahne Müziği
- Op. 19: Mayakovski Tahtakurusu (Komedi) (1929)
- Op. 24: Alexander Bezymensky The Gunshot (1929)
- Op. 25: Gorbenko ve L'vov Virgin Soil (1930)
- Op. 28: Piotrovsky Rule, Britannia! (1931)
- Op. 31: Vasili Voyevodin ve E. Riss Hypothetically Murdered (1931)
- Op. 32: Shakespeare Hamlet (1931-1932)
- Op. 37: Balzac The Human Comedy Küçük Orkestra için (1933-1934)
- Op. 44: Afinogenov Hail, Spain (1936)
- Op. 58a: Shakespeare King Lear (1940)
- Op. 63: Native Country [Gösteri], Native Leningrad, Süit(1942)
- Op. 66: Russian River [Gösteri], Solistler, Koro ve Orkestra için (1944)
- Op. 72: Mikhail Arkadyevich Svetlov Victorious Spring [Gösteri], İki Şarkı, Solistler ve Orkestra için (1945)
- Shakespeare Hamlet (1954)
- "The Oath to the People's Commissar" Bas, Koro ve Piyano için (1941)
- "Songs of a Guard's Division" ("The Fearless Regiments are on the Move"), Bas, Karma Koro, Bayan / Piyano için basit bir eşlik ile (1941)
- Rus Halk Şarkıları Koro için (1943)
- Three Russian Folk Songs İki Solist, Koro ve Piyano eşlik için (1943)
- Op. 74: Poem of the Motherland, Kantat, Mezzosoprano, Tenor, 2 Bariton, Koro ve Orkestra için (1947)
- Rayok (Little Paradise) 4 Ses, Koro ve Piyano için (1948)
- Op. 81: Song of the Forests, oratorio after Dolmatovsky Tenor, Bas solo, Karma ve Çocuk Korosu ve Orkestra için (1949)
- Op. 86a: The Homeland Hears Tenor solo ve sözsüz Koro için (1951)
- Op. 88: Ten Poems on Texts by Revolutionary Poets Eşliksiz Çocuk Korosu ve Koro için (1951)
- Op. 90: The Sun Shines on Our Motherland, cantata after Dolmatovsky Karma ve Çocuk Korosu ve Orkestra için (1952)
- Op. 104: Cultivation: Two Russian Folk Song Arrangements Eşliksiz Koro için (1957)
- Op. 119: The Execution of Stepan Razin, cantata after Yevtushenko Bas, Karma Koro ve Orkestra için (1964)
- Op. 124: Two Choruses after Davidenko Koro ve Orkestra için (1962)
- Op. 136: Loyalty, eight ballads after Dolmatovsky Eşliksiz Erkek Korosu için (1970)
- Op. 4: Two Fables of Krylov Mezzo-soprano, Kadın Korosu ve Oda Orkestrası için (1922)
- Op. 21: 6 Romans, Japon Şairlerin Metinleri Üzerine, Tenor ve Orkestra için (1928-1932)
- From Karl Marx to Our Own Days, Senfonik Şiir Solistler, Koro ve Orkestra için (1932)
- Op. 46: Four Romances on Verses by Pushkin Bas and Piyano (1936-1937)
- Seven Arrangements of Finnish Folk Songs Soprano, Tenor ve Küçük Orkestra için (1939)
- Op. 62: Six Romances on Verses by English Poets Bas ve Piyano için (1942)
- Patriotic Song after Dolmatovsky (1943)
- "Song About the Red Army" after Golodny (1943)
- Op. 79: From Jewish Folk Poetry, Soprano, Kontralto, Tenor ve Piyano için Şarkı Döngüsü (1948)
- Op. 80b: Three Songs from Meeting on the Elbe Ses ve Piyano için (1956)
- Op. 84: Two Romances on Verses by Lermontov Erkek ses ve Piyano için (1950)
- Op. 86: Four Songs to Words by Dolmatovsky Ses ve Piyano için (1951)
- Op. 91: Four Monologues on Verses by Pushkin Bas ve Piyano için (1952)
- Yunan Şarkıları, Ses ve Piyano için (1952-1953)
- "Pendozalis", Yunan Şarkısı, Ses ve Piyano için (1954)
- "October Dawn", Solistler ve Koro için Şarkı (1954)
- Op. 98: Five Romances on Verses by Dolmatovsky Bas ve Piyano için (1954)
- Op. 98a: "There Were Kisses", song after Dolmatovsky Ses ve Piyano için (1954)
- Op. 100: Spanish Songs (Mezzo)soprano ve Piyano için (1956)
- Op. 109: Satires (Pictures of the Past), Five Romances on Verses by Chorny Soprano ve Piyano için (1960)
- Op. 121: Five Romances on Texts from the Magazine Krokodil Bas ve Piyano için (1965)
- Op. 127: Seven Romances on Poems by Aleksandr Blok Soprano, Keman, Viyolonsel ve Piyano için (1967)
- Op. 128: Romance "Spring, Spring" to Verses by Aleksandr Pushkin Bas ve Piyano için (1967)
- Op. 140: Six Romances on Verses by English Poets Bas ve Oda Orkestrası için (1971)
- Op. 143: Six Poems by Marina Tsvetayeva, Kontralto ve Piyano için Süit (1973)
- Op. 145: Süit Buonarrotti dizeleri üzerine, Bas ve Piyano için (1974)
- Op. 145a: Süit Buonarrotti dizeleri üzerine, Bas ve Orkestra için (1975)
- Op. 146: Four Verses of Captain Lebyadkin to Texts by Fyodor Dostoyevsky Bas ve Piyano için (1975)
- Rimsky-Korsakov I Waited in the Grotto, Soprano ve Orkestra için orkestrasyonu (1921)
- Op. 16: Tahiti-Trot Orkestra için (1928)
- Op. 17: Scarlatti, İki parça, Nefesli orkestrası için (1928)
- Op. 31a: Hypothetically Murdered, Orkestrasyon (1932)
- Pierre De Geyter L'Internationale, Orkestrasyon (1937)
- Op. 58: Mussorgsky Boris Godunov operasının Orkestrasyonu(1939-1940)
- Johann Strauss II Wiener Blut, Orkestrasyon (1940)
- Johann Strauss II The Excursion Train Polka, Orkestrasyon (1940)
- 27 Romans ve Şarkı Düzenlemeleri, Orkestrasyon (1941)
- 8 İngiliz ve Amerikan Halk Şarkısı, Solist(ler) ve Orkestra, Orkestrasyon (1943)
- Fleishman'ın Chekhov üzerine Oda-Operası Rothschild's Violin, Orkestrasyon (1944)
- Op. 106: Mussorgsky'nin Khovanshchina operasının yeniden orkestrasyonu (1959)
- Boris Tishchenko'nun 1. Viyolonsel Konçertosunun yeniden orkestrasyonu (1969)
- Ludwig van Beethoven'ın Mephistopheles's Song of the Flea Aranjmanı (Op. 75 No. 3) (1975)
Opus numarasına göre
- Op. 1: Scherzo fa♯ minör Orkestra için (1919)
- Op. 2: Eight Preludes [Piyano için] (1919-1920)
- Op. 3: Theme and Variations Si♭ Majör Orkestra için (1921-1922)
- Op. 3a: Transcription of Theme and Variations Si♭ Majör for solo Piyano (1921-1922)
- Op. 4: Two Fables of Krilov for mezzo-soprano, female chorus and chamber orchestra (1922)
- Op. 4a: Transcription of Two Fables of Krilov for mezzo-soprano and Piyano (1922)
- Op. 5: [Piyano için] (1922)
- Op. 6: Suite fa♯ minör İki Piyano (1922)
- Op. 7: Scherzo Mi♭ Majör Orkestra için (1923-1924)
- Op. 7a: Transcription of Scherzo Mi♭ Majör for solo Piyano (1923-1924)
- Op. 8: Piyano Trio No. 1 do minör (1923)
- Op. 9: Three Pieces for cello and Piyano (1923-1924)
- Op. 10: (1924-1925)
- Op. 11: Prelude and Scherzo for string octet/orchestra (1924-1925)
- Op. 12: Piyano Sonat No. 1 (1926)
- Op. 13: "Aphorisms", ten pieces [Piyano için] (1927)
- Op. 14: with chorus (1927)
- Op. 14a: Reduction of the choral score of Symphony No. 2 for voices and Piyano (1927)
- Op. 15: , opera in three acts after Gogol (1927-1928)
- Op. 15a: The Nose, for tenor, Bariton ve Orkestra için (1927-1928)
- Op. 15b: Reduction of the accompaniment of The Nose [Piyano için] (1927-1928)
- Op. 16: "" Orkestra için (1928)
- Op. 17: Two Pieces by Scarlatti Nefesli orkestrası için (1928)
- Op. 18: Music to the silent film New Babylon Küçük Orkestra için (1928-1929)
- Op. 19: Music to the comedy The Bedbug by Mayakovsky (1929)
- Op. 19a: The Bedbug Orkestra için (1929)
- Op. 19b: Arrangement of Music to The Bedbug [Piyano için] (1929)
- Op. 20: with chorus (1929)
- Op. 20a: Reduction of Symphony No. 3 for solo Piyano including a vocal score of the final chorus (1929)
- Op. 21: Six Romances on Texts by Japanese Poets Tenor ve Orkestra için (1928-1932)
- Op. 21a: Six Romances on Texts by Japanese Poets for tenor and Piyano (1928-1932)
- Op. 22: , ballet in three acts (1929-1930)
- Op. 22a: The Age of Gold Orkestra için (1929-1930)
- Op. 22b: Polka from The Age of Gold for solo Piyano (1935)
- Op. 22c: Polka from The Age of Gold [Piyano için] four hands (1962)
- Op. 23: Two Pieces for Erwin Dressel's Opera Armer Columbus Orkestra için (1929)
- Op. 24: Music to the play The Gunshot by Bezymensky (1929)
- Op. 25: Music to the play Virgin Soil by Gorbenko and L'vov (1930)
- Op. 26 Alone () (1930-1931)
- Op. 26a: Alone Orkestra için (1930-1931)
- Op. 27: , ballet in three acts (1930-1931)
- Op. 27a: The Bolt Orkestra için (1931)
- Op. 28: Music to the play Rule, Britannia! by Piotrovsky (1931)
- Op. 29: , opera in four acts after Leskov (1930-1932)
- Op. 29a: Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District Orkestra için (1930-1932)
- Op. 29b: Passacaglia from an Entr'acte to Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District for organ (1930-1932)
- Op. 30 Golden Mountains (1931)
- Op. 30a: Golden Mountains Orkestra için (1931)
- Op. 31: Music to the stage revue Hypothetically Murdered by Voyevodin and Riss (1931)
- Op. 31a: Orchestration of Hypothetically Murdered (1932)
- Op. 31b: Reduction of Four Movements of the Music to Hypothetically Murdered [Piyano için] (1931)
- Op. 32: Shakespeare'in Hamlet oyunu için müzik(1931-1932)
- Op. 32a: Hamlet Küçük Orkestra için (1932)
- Op. 33: Counterplan (1932) Film müziği
- Op. 33a: "Song about the Oncoming Train" and "My Heart's Aching and Moaning" from Counterplan for voice and Piyano (1956)
- Op. 33b: "We meet this Morning (The Song of the Young Workers)" from Counterplan for voice and Piyano (1956)
- Op. 34: Twenty-Four Preludes [Piyano için] (1932-1933)
- Op. 34a: 24 Prelüd, Keman ve Piyano transkripsiyonu (1932-1933)
- Op. 34b: 24 Prelüd, Orkestra transkripsiyonu (1932-1933)
- Op. 34c: Prelüd Op. 34 No. 14 Orkestra transkripsiyonu (1932-1933)
- Op. 35: Konçerto do minör [Piyano için], Trompet ve Yaylı Orkestra, also known as Piyano Konçertosu No. 1 (1933)
- Op. 35a: 1. Piyano Konçertosunun İki Piyano redüksiyonu (1933)
- Op. 36: Music to the animated film The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda for chamber orchestra (1933-1934)
- Op. 36a: The Tale of the Priest and his Worker Balda (1935)
- Op. 37: Music to the play The Human Comedy after Balzac Küçük Orkestra için (1933-1934)
- Op. 38 Love and Hate (1934)
- Op. 39: The Limpid Stream, ballet in three acts (1934-1935)
- Op. 39a: The Limpid Stream Orkestra için (1934-1935)
- Op. 39b: Moderato from The Limpid Stream for cello and Piyano (1934-1935)
- Op. 40: (1934)
- Op. 40a: Moderato for cello and Piyano (1934)
- Op. 41 The Youth of Maxim (1934-1935)
- Op. 42: Five Fragments Küçük Orkestra için (1935)
- Op. 43: (1935-1936)
- Op. 43a: Reduction of Symphony No. 4 İki Piyano (1935-1936)
- Op. 44: Music to the play Hail, Spain by Afinogenov (1936)
- Op. 45 The Return of Maxim (1936-1937)
- Op. 46: Four Romances on Verses by Pushkin for bass and Piyano (1936-1937)
- Op. 46a: Orchestration of Four Romances on Verses by Pushkin for bass and orchestra (1936-1937)
- Op. 46b: Arrangement of Nos. 1, 2 and 3 of Four Romances on Verses by Pushkin for bass and string orchestra (1936-1937)
- Op. 47: (1937)
- Op. 47a: Reduction of Scherzo (Allegretto) of Symphony No. 5 for solo Piyano (1937)
- Op. 48 Volochayev Days (1936-1937)
- Op. 49: (1938)
- Op. 50 The Vyborg District (1938)
- Op. 51 Friends (1938)
- Op. 51a: Vocalise from Friends for unaccompanied chorus (1938)
- Op. 52 The Great Citizen, first part (1938)
- Op. 53 The Man with a Gun (1938)
- Op. 54: (1939)
- Op. 55 The Great Citizen, second part (1939)
- Op. 56: Music to the animated film The Silly Little Mouse (1939)
- Op. 57: (1940)
- Op. 58: Orchestration of the Opera Boris Godunov by Mussorgsky (1939-1940)
- Op. 59 The Adventures of Korzinkina (1940)
- Op. 59a: The Adventures of Korzinkina (1940)
- Op. 60: (1941)
- Op. 61: (1943)
- Op. 62: Six Romances on Verses by English Poets for bass and Piyano (1942)
- Op. 62a: Six Romances on Verses by English Poets for bass and orchestra (1943)
- Op. 63: Music to the spectacle Native Country, suite Native Leningrad (1942)
- Op. 64 Zoya (1944)
- Op. 64a: Zoya Koro ve Orkestra için (1944)
- Op. 64b: "She Was Born a Brave Girl in Her Homeland" from Zoya for voice and Piyano (1944)
- Op. 65: (1943)
- Op. 66: Music to the spectacle Russian River for soloists, choir and orchestra (1944)
- Op. 67: (1944)
- Op. 68: (1944)
- Op. 69: "", six pieces [Piyano için] (1944-1945)
- Op. 70: (1945)
- Op. 70a: Reduction of Symphony No. 9 [Piyano için] four hands (1945)
- Op. 71 Simple People (1945)
- Op. 72: Two Songs to the spectacle Victorious Spring after Svetlov Solistler ve Orkestra için (1945)
- Op. 72a: Accompaniment of Nos. 1 and 2 of Victorious Spring, arranged [Piyano için] (1945)
- Op. 73: (1946)
- Op. 73a: Transcription of String Quartet No. 3 for strings and woodwinds (1946)
- Op. 73b: Reduction of String Quartet No. 3 İki Piyano (1946)
- Op. 74: Poem of the Motherland, cantata for mezzosoprano, tenor, two baritones, chorus and orchestra (1947)
- Op. 75 The Young Guards after Fadeyev's novel (1947-1948)
- Op. 75a: The Young Guards (1951)
- Op. 76 Pirogov after German (1947)
- Op. 76a: Pirogov Orkestra için (1947)
- Op. 77: (1947-1948)
- Op. 77a: Reduction of Violin Konçerto No. 1 Keman ve Piyano (1947-1948)
- Op. 78 Michurin (1948)
- Op. 78a: Michurin Koro ve Orkestra için (1964)
- Op. 79: , song cycle for soprano, contralto, tenor and Piyano (1948)
- Op. 79a: From Jewish Folk Poetry, song cycle for soprano, contralto, tenor and small orchestra (1948)
- Op. 80 Meeting on the Elbe for voices and Piyano (1948)
- Op. 80a: Meeting on the Elbe Solistler ve Orkestra için (1948)
- Op. 80b: Three Songs from Meeting on the Elbe for voice and Piyano (1956)
- Op. 81: , oratorio after Dolmatovsky for tenor, basssoli, mixed & boys' chorus and orchestra (1949)
- Op. 81a: "In the Fields Stand the Collective Farms" from Song of the Forests for children's chorus and mixed chorus (1960)
- Op. 81b: "A Walk into the Future" from Song of the Forests for voice and Piyano (1962)
- Op. 82 The Fall of Berlin (1949)
- Op. 82a: The Fall of Berlin Koro ve Orkestra için (1950)
- Op. 82b: "Beautiful Day" from The Fall of Berlin, song for two-part children's chorus and Piyano (1950)
- Op. 82c: "Vocalise" from The Fall of Berlin, song for s.a.t.b. chorus a cappella (1950)
- Op. 83: (1949)
- Op. 83a: Reduction of String Quartet No. 4 İki Piyano, Dört el için (1949)
- Op. 84: Two Romances on Verses by Lermontov for male voice and Piyano (1950)
- Op. 85 Byelinsky Orkestra için and chorus (1950)
- Op. 85a: Four Choruses from the Music to Byelinsky for s.a.t.b. chorus a cappella (1950)
- Op. 86: Four Songs to Words by Dolmatovsky for voice and Piyano (1951)
- Op. 87: [Piyano için] (1950-1951)
- Op. 87a: Arrangement of No. 15 of Twenty-Four Preludes and Fugues İki Piyano (1963)
- Op. 88: Ten Poems on Texts by Revolutionary Poets for chorus and boys' chorus a cappella (1951)
- Op. 89 The Unforgettable Year 1919 (1951)
- Op. 90: The Sun Shines on Our Motherland, cantata after Dolmatovsky for mixed & boys' chorus and orchestra (1952)
- Op. 90a: Reduction of the Accompaniment of The Sun Shines on Our Motherland [Piyano için] (1952)
- Op. 91: Four Monologues on Verses by Pushkin for bass and Piyano (1952)
- Op. 91a: Orchestration of Four Monologues on Verses by Pushkin for bass and orchestra (1952)
- Op. 92: (1952)
- Op. 93: (1953)
- Op. 93a: Reduction of Symphony No. 10 [Piyano için] four hands (1953)
- Op. 94: Concertino İki Piyano la minör (1953)
- Op. 95 Song of the Great Rivers (1954)
- Op. 96: Festive Overture La Majör Orkestra için (1954)
- Op. 97 The Gadfly, based on the novel by Voynich (1955)
- Op. 97a: Orkestra için (1955)
- Op. 97b: "Tarantella" from The Gadfly İki Piyano (1955)
- Op. 98: Five Romances on Verses by Dolmatovsky for bass and Piyano (1954)
- Op. 98a: "There Were Kisses", song after Dolmatovsky for voice and Piyano (1954)
- Op. 99 The First Echelon (1955-1956)
- Op. 99a: The First Echelon Koro ve Orkestra için (1956)
- Op. 99b: Two Songs from the Music to The First Echelon for voice and Piyano (1956)
- Op. 100: Spanish Songs for (mezzo)soprano and Piyano (1956)
- Op. 101: (1956)
- Op. 102: (1957)
- Op. 102a: Reduction of Piyano Konçerto No. 2 İki Piyano (1957)
- Op. 103: (1957)
- Op. 103a: Reduction of Symphony No. 11 [Piyano için] four hands (1957)
- Op. 104: Cultivation: Two Russian Folk Song Arrangements for chorus a cappella (1957)
- Op. 105: "", operetta in three acts (1958)
- Op. 105a Cheryomushki (1962)
- Op. 106: Re-orchestration of Mussorgsky's Opera Khovanshchina (1959)
- Op. 107: (1959)
- Op. 107a: Reduction of Cello Konçerto No. 1 for cello and Piyano (1959)
- Op. 108: (1960)
- Op. 109: Satires (Pictures of the Past), Five Romances on Verses by Chorny for soprano and Piyano (1960)
- Op. 110: (1960)
- Op. 111 Five Days - Five Nights (1960)
- Op. 111a: Five Days - Five Nights Orkestra için (1961)
- Op. 112: (1961)
- Op. 112a: Reduction of Symphony No. 12 İki Piyano, four hands (1961)
- Op. 113: for bass, bass chorus and orchestra (1962)
- Op. 113a: Reduction of Symphony No. 13 İki Piyano, Dört el için (1962)
- Op. 114: Katerina Izmailova, opera in four acts after Leskov (1956-1963)
- Op. 114a: Suite of Five Fragments from the Opera Katarina Izmailova Orkestra için (1963)
- Op. 114b Katerina Izmailova (1966)
- Op. 114c: Passacaglia from the Opera Katerina Izmailova for organ
- Op. 115: Overture on Russian and Khirghiz Folk Themes Orkestra için (1963)
- Op. 116 Hamlet after Shakespeare Orkestra için (1963-1964)
- Op. 116a: Hamlet Orkestra için (1964)
- Op. 117: (1964)
- Op. 118: (1964)
- Op. 119: The Execution of Stepan Razin, cantata after Yevtushenko for bass, mixed chorus and orchestra (1964)
- Op. 119a: Reduction of The Execution of Stepan Razin for voices and Piyano (1964)
- Op. 120 A Year Is Like a Lifetime Orkestra için (1965)
- Op. 120a: A Year Is Like a Lifetime Orkestra için (1965)
- Op. 121: Five Romances on Texts from the Magazine Krokodil for bass and Piyano (1965)
- Op. 122: (1966)
- Op. 123: "Preface to the Complete Collection of My Works and Brief Reflections on this Preface" for bass and Piyano (1966)
- Op. 124: Two Choruses after Davidenko Koro ve Orkestra için (1962)
- Op. 125: Instrumentation of Schumann's Cello Konçerto la minör (1963)
- Op. 126: (1966)
- Op. 126a: Reduction of Cello Konçerto No. 2 for cello and Piyano (1966)
- Op. 127: Seven Romances on Poems by Blok for soprano, violin, cello and Piyano (1967)
- Op. 128: Romance "Spring, Spring" to Verses by Pushkin for bass and Piyano (1967)
- Op. 128a: Orchestration of the Romance "Spring, Spring" to Verses by Pushkin for bass and orchestra (1967)
- Op. 129: (1967)
- Op. 129a: Reduction of Violin Konçerto No. 2 Keman ve Piyano (1967)
- Op. 130: Funeral-Triumphal Prelude Orkestra için (1967)
- Op. 131: October, symphonic poem do minör Orkestra için (1967)
- Op. 132 Sofya Perovskaya (1967)
- Op. 133: (1968)
- Op. 134: Sonat Keman ve Piyano (1968)
- Op. 135: (1969)
- Op. 135a: Reduction of Symphony No. 14 for voices and Piyano (1969)
- Op. 136: Loyalty, eight ballads after Dolmatovsky for unaccompanied male chorus (1970)
- Op. 137 King Lear after Shakespeare (1970)
- Op. 137a: "People's Lamentation" from King Lear, arranged for voice and Piyano (1970)
- Op. 138: (1970)
- Op. 139: March of the Soviet Militia Askeri bando / Nefesli orkestra için (1970)
- Op. 140: Six Romances on Verses by English Poets for bass and chamber orchestra (1971)
- Op. 141: (1971)
- Op. 141a: Reduction of Symphony No. 15 İki Piyano (1971)
- Op. 142: (1972-1973)
- Op. 143: Six Poems by Marina Tsvetayeva, suite for contralto and Piyano (1973)
- Op. 143a: Six Poems by Marina Tsvetayeva, suite for contralto and chamber orchestra (1974)
- Op. 144: (1974)
- Op. 145: Suite on Verses by Buonarrotti for bass and Piyano (1974)
- Op. 145a: Suite on Verses by Buonarrotti for bass and orchestra (1975)
- Op. 146: Four Verses of Captain Lebyadkin to Texts by Dostoevsky for bass and Piyano (1975)
- Op. 147: Sonat for viola and Piyano (1975)
- Op. 147a: Transcription of Op. 147 for cello and Piyano (1975)
Op. numarası olmayanlar
- Minuet, Prelude and Intermezzo [Piyano için] (1919-1920)
- Murzilka [Piyano için] (1920)
- Five Preludes [Piyano için] (1920-1921)
- Orchestration of I Waited in the Grotto by Rimsky-Korsakov Soprano ve Orkestra için (1921)
- Transcription of Symphony of Psalms by Stravinsky İki Piyano (1930)
- Two Pieces for string quartet (1931)
- The Green Company, overture (1931)
- From Karl Marx to Our Own Days, symphonic poem for solo voices, chorus and orchestra (1932)
- The Big Lightning, unfinished comic opera (1932)
- (1934)
- Music to the film Girl Friends (1934-1935)
- Orchestration of Internationale by Degeyter (1937)
- The Twelve Chairs, operetta (1937-1938)
- The Maxim film-Trilogy Orkestra için and chorus (1938)
- (1938)
- Lenin Symphony for soli, chorus and orchestra (1938-1939)
- Seven Finnish Folk Songs for soprano, tenor and small orchestra (1939)
- Three Pieces for solo violin (1940)
- Katyusha Maslova, opera after Tolsty's novel Resurrection (1940)
- Music to the play King Lear by Shakespeare (1940)
- Reduction of King Lear [Piyano için] (1940)
- "Songs of the Fool" and "Ballad of Cordelia" from King Lear for voice and Piyano (1940)
- Orchestration of "Wiener Blut" by Johann Strauss II (1940)
- Orchestration of "The Excursion Train Polka" by Johann Strauss II (1940)
- Orchestration of 27 Romances and Songs Arrangements (1941)
- "The Oath to the People's Commissar" for bass, chorus and Piyano (1941)
- "Songs of a Guard's Division" ("The Fearless Regiments Are On the Move"), marching song for bass and mixed chorus with simple accompaniment for or Piyano (1941)
- Polka for harp duet fa♯ minör (1941)
- Piece of the Opera The Gamblers after Gogol (1941-1942)
- Solemn March Askeri bando / Nefesli orkestra için (1942)
- Patriotic Song after Dolmatovsky for voices (1943)
- "Song About the Red Army" after Golodny (1943)
- Orchestration of Eight British and American Folk Songs for voice(s) and orchestra (1943)
- Russian Folk Songs for chorus (1943)
- Three Russian Folk Songs for two soloists and chorus with Piyano accompaniment (1943)
- Orchestration of Fleishman's Chamber-Opera Rothschild's Violin after Chekhov (1944)
- Three Pieces Orkestra için (1947-1948)
- (Little Paradise) for four voices, chorus and Piyano (1948)
- Merry March İki Piyano (1949)
- The Homeland Hears for chorus and tenor soloist with wordless chorus (1951)
- Ten Russian Folk Song Arrangements for soloists, mixed chorus and Piyano (1951)
- "Seven Doll's Dances" [Piyano için] (1952)
- Greek Songs for voice and Piyano (1952-1953)
- "Poem of Labour" from Unity, arranged for mixed chorus and orchestra (1954)
- Two Songs from Unity ("A Song of Unity" and "Peaceful Labour"), arranged for voice and Piyano (1954)
- Waltz from Unity Orkestra için (1954)
- Music to the play Hamlet by Shakespeare (1954)
- "Pendozalis", Greek Song for voice and Piyano (1954)
- "October Dawn", song for soloists and chorus (1954)
- Four Waltzes for Flüt, Klarinet and Piyano (1955)
- Three Violin Duets for two violins with Piyano accompaniment (1955)
- Eleven Variations on a Theme by Glinka [Piyano için] (1957)
- Novorossiisk Chimes, the Flame of Eternal Glory Orkestra için (1960)
- Transcription of Songs and Dances of Death by Mussorgsky for voice and Piyano (1962)
- The Lady and the Hooligan, ballet in one act
- Reorchestration of Tishchenko's Cello Konçerto No. 1 (1969)
- Transcription of Serenada by Braga for soprano, mezzo-soprano, keman ve Piyano (1972)
- Orchestration of Beethoven's Arrangement (Op. 75 No. 3) of Mephistopheles's Song of the Flea (1975)
- The Dreamers, ballet in four acts (1975)
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- Onno van Rijen's Op. by Shostakovich 5 Eylül 2005 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde ., a categorised list of works.
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Dmitri Sostakovic genellikle bestelerini ve ara sira diger bestecilerin muziklerini opus numaralariyla kataloglamistir Bu uygulamaya erken eserlerinden fa minor Scherzo ile baslamis ve hayatinin sonuna kadar devam etmistir Bununla birlikte genclik eserlerinin cogu sanatsal olgunlugundan bitmemis eserleri Orango ve The Gamblers operalari gibi ve cok sayida tamamlanmis eseri opus numarasiz kalmistir Sostakovic in bir esere atanan eser numarasini aldigi sonra baska birine verdigi veya bitmis bir kompozisyonun numaralandirilmasi konusunda kararsiz oldugu durumlar da vardir Konuyu daha da karmasik hale getiren sey 1930 larda kendi muzigini derlerken yaptigi bir hatadir Bu karmasaya The Youth of Maxim ve Girl Friends film muziklerine ayni opus numarasi vermis olmasi yol acmistir Asagidaki listede Dmitri Sostakovic in eserlerinin turlerine ve opus sayi sirasina gore siralanmistir Turlerine goreSenfoniler Senfoni No 1 Op 10 Fa minor 1923 1925 Senfoni No 2 Op 14 Si Major To October Ekim e Karma Koro ve Orkestra icin 1927 Senfoni No 3 Op 20 Mi Major The First of May 1 Mayis Karma Koro ve Orkestra icin 1929 Senfoni No 4 Op 43 do minor 1935 1936 Senfoni No 5 Op 47 re minor 1937 Senfoni No 6 Op 54 si minor 1939 Senfoni No 7 Op 60 Do Major Leningrad 1941 Senfoni No 8 Op 65 do minor 1943 Senfoni No 9 Op 70 Mi Major 1945 Senfoni No 10 Op 93 mi minor 1953 Senfoni No 11 Op 103 sol minor The Year 1905 1905 Yili 1957 Senfoni No 12 Op 112 re minor The Year 1917 1917 Yili 1961 Senfoni No 13 Op 113 si minor Babi Yar Bas Baslar Korosu ve Orkestra icin 1962 Senfoni No 14 Op 135 Soprano Bas Yayli Calgilar ve Perkusyon icin 1969 Senfoni No 15 Op 141 La Major 1971 Koncertolar Piyano Koncertosu No 1 Op 35 do minor 1933 Keman Koncertosu No 1 Op 77 la minor 1947 1948 Piyano Koncertosu No 2 Op 102 Fa Major 1957 Viyolonsel Koncertosu No 1 Op 107 Mi Major 1959 Viyolonsel Koncertosu No 2 Op 126 Sol Major 1966 Keman Koncertosu No 2 Op 129 do minor 1967 Suitler Op 15a The Nose Tenor Bariton ve Orkestra icin 1927 1928 Op 22a The Age of Gold Orkestra icin 1929 1930 Op 27a The Bolt Orkestra icin 1931 Op 30a Golden Mountains Orkestra icin 1931 Op 32a Hamlet Kucuk Orkestra icin 1932 Op 36a The Tale of the Priest and his Worker Balda 1935 Op 38a Caz Orkestrasi icin Suit No 1 1934 Op 39a The Limpid Stream Orkestra icin 1934 1935 Op 50a The Maxim film Trilogy Koro ve Orkestra icin 1938 Caz Orkestrasi icin Suit No 2 1938 Op 64a Zoya Koro ve Orkestra icin 1944 Op 75a The Young Guards 1951 Op 76a Pirogov Orkestra icin 1947 Op 78a Michurin Koro ve Orkestra icin 1964 Op 80a Meeting on the Elbe Solistler ve Orkestra icin 1948 Op 84a Ballet Suite No 1 Orkestra icin 1949 Op 85a Byelinsky Koro ve Orkestra icin 1960 L Atovmian tarafindan duzenlendi Op 89a The Unforgettable Year 1919 Orkestra icin 1953 L Atovmian tarafindan duzenlendi Op 97a The Gadfly Orkestra icin 1955 Op 99a The First Echelon Koro ve Orkestra icin 1956 Op 111a Five Days Five Nights Orkestra icin 1961 Op 114a Suite of Five Fragments from the Opera Katarina Izmailova Orkestra icin 1963 Op 116a Hamlet Orkestra icin 1964 Op 120a A Year Is Like a Lifetime Orkestra icin 1965 Suite for Variety Stage OrchestraCesitli senfonik calismalar Op 1 Scherzo fa minor Orkestra icin 1919 Op 3 Tema ve Varyasyonlar Si Major Orkestra icin 1921 1922 Op 7 Scherzo Mi Major Orkestra icin 1923 1924 Op 23 Two Pieces for Erwin Dressel s Opera Armer Columbus Orkestra icin 1929 The Green Company Uvertur 1931 Op 42 Bes Fragman Kucuk Orkestra icin 1935 Solemn March Askeri bando Nefesli orkestra icin 1942 Uc Parca Orkestra icin 1947 1948 Op 96 Festival Uverturu La Major Orkestra icin 1954 Op 110a Oda Senfonisi do minor Arr Rudolf Barshai Op 111b Novorossiisk Chimes the Flame of Eternal Glory Orkestra icin 1960 Op 115 Overture on Russian and Khirghiz Folk Themes Orkestra icin 1963 Op 130 Funeral Triumphal Prelude Orkestra icin 1967 Op 131 October Ekim Senfonik Siir do minor Orkestra icin 1967 Op 139 Soviet Polis Marsi Askeri bando Nefesli orkestra icin 1970 Yayli Dortluler Yayli Dortlu icin iki parca 1931 Mtsensk li Lady Macbeth ve Altin Cag dan duzenlenmistir Yayli Dortlu No 1 Op 49 Do Major 1938 Yayli Dortlu No 2 Op 68 La Major 1944 Yayli Dortlu No 3 Op 73 Fa Major 1946 Yayli Dortlu No 4 Op 83 Do Major 1949 Yayli Dortlu No 5 Op 92 Si Major 1952 Yayli Dortlu No 6 Op 101 Sol Major 1956 Yayli Dortlu No 7 Op 108 fa minor 1960 Yayli Dortlu No 8 Op 110 Do minor 1960 Yayli Dortlu icin bolum Mi major Yayli Calgilar Dortlusu No 9 un erken bir versiyonundan kalan bolum 1960 civari Yayli Dortlu No 9 Op 117 Mi Major 1964 Yayli Dortlu No 10 Op 118 La Major 1964 Yayli Dortlu No 11 Op 122 fa minor 1966 Yayli Dortlu No 12 Op 133 Re Major 1968 Yayli Dortlu No 13 Op 138 Si minor 1970 Yayli Dortlu No 14 Op 142 Fa Major 1972 1973 Yayli Dortlu No 15 Op 144 mi minor 1974 Diger Calgi ve Muzigi Eserleri Op 8 Piyano Trio No 1 do minor 1923 Op 9 Three Pieces for cello and Piyano 1923 1924 Op 11 Prelude and Scherzo for string octet orchestra 1924 1925 Op 40 Sonat re minor for cello and Piyano 1934 Op 40a Moderato for cello and Piyano 1934 Op 57 Piyano Quintet sol minor 1940 Op 58i Polka for harp duet fa minor 1941 Op 67 Piyano Trio No 2 mi minor 1944 Four Waltzes for Flut Klarinet ve Piyano 1955 Uc Duet Iki Keman icin Piyano esligi icin 1955 Op 134 Sonat Keman ve Piyano 1968 Op 147 Sonat for viola and Piyano 1975 Solo Piyano Op 2 Eight Preludes Piyano icin 1919 1920 Minuet Prelude and Intermezzo Piyano icin 1919 1920 Murzilka Piyano icin 1920 Five Preludes Piyano icin 1920 1921 Op 5 Piyano icin 1922 Op 6 Suite fa minor Iki Piyano 1922 Op 12 Piyano Sonat No 1 1926 Op 13 Aphorisms ten pieces Piyano icin 1927 Op 34 Twenty Four Preludes Piyano icin 1932 1933 Op 61 Piyano Sonat No 2 si minor 1943 Op 69 six pieces Piyano icin 1944 1945 Merry March Iki Piyano 1949 Op 87 Piyano icin 1950 1951 Seven Doll s Dances Piyano icin 1952 Op 94 Concertino Iki Piyano la minor 1953 Op 104a Eleven Variations on a Theme by Glinka Piyano icin 1957 Op 123 Preface to the Complete Collection of My Works and Brief Reflections on this Preface for bass and Piyano 1966 Opera Op 15 Burun Gogol dan uyarlanan libretto uzerine Opera 3 Perde 1927 1928 Op 29 Mtsenkli Lady Macbeth Leskov uyarlanan bir libretto ile 4 perdelik bir opera Bolsaya molniya Bitirilmemis hafif opera 1932 The Twelve Chairs Operet 1937 1938 Katyusha Maslova Tolstoy un Dirilis romanindan uyarlanan libretto uzerine Opera 1940 Op 105 Moscow Cheryomushki 3 Perde Operet 1958 Op 114 Katerina Ismailova Leskov dan uyarlanan bir libretto uzerine Opera 4 Perde Bu Op 29 Mtsenkli Lady Macbeth operasinin revize edilmis versiyonudur 1956 1963 Orango yeni bulunan bir Opera 1932 Bale Op 22 The Age of Gold 3 Perde Bale 1929 1930 Op 27 The Bolt 3 Perde Bale 1930 1931 Op 39 The Limpid Stream 3 Perde Bale 1934 1935 The Lady and the Hooligan 1 Perde Bale The Dreamers 4 Perde Bale 1975 Film Muzikleri Op 18 New Babylon Sessiz film icin muzik Kucuk Orkestra icin 1928 1929 Op 26 Alone Odna 1930 1931 Op 30 Golden Mountains 1931 Op 33 Counterplan 1932 Op 36 The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda Animasyon icin muzik Oda Orkestrasi icin 1933 1934 Op 38 Love and Hate 1934 Op 41 The Youth of Maxim 1934 1935 Op 41a Girl Friends 1934 1935 Op 45 The Return of Maxim 1936 1937 Op 48 Volochayev Days 1936 1937 Op 50 The Vyborg District 1938 Op 51 Friends 1938 Op 52 The Great Citizen 1 bolum 1938 Op 53 The Man with a Gun 1938 Op 55 The Great Citizen 2 bolum 1939 Op 56 The Silly Little Mouse Animasyon 1939 Op 59 The Adventures of Korzinkina 1940 Op 64 Zoya 1944 Op 71 Simple People 1945 Op 75 Aleksander Fadeyev in Genc Muhafizlar romani uzerine 1947 1948 Op 76 Yuri German Pirogov uzerine 1947 Op 78 Michurin 1948 Op 80 Meeting on the Elbe Ses ve Piyano icin 1948 Op 82 The Fall of Berlin 1949 Op 85 Byelinsky Koro ve Orkestra icin 1950 Op 89 The Unforgettable Year 1919 1951 Op 95 Song of the Great Rivers 1954 Op 97 Voynich in The Gadfly romani uzerine 1955 Op 99 The First Echelon 1955 1956 Op 105a Cheryomushki 1962 Op 111 Five Days Five Nights 1960 Op 114b Katerina Izmailova 1966 Op 116 Hamlet after Shakespeare Orkestra icin 1963 1964 Op 120 A Year Is Like a Lifetime Orkestra icin 1965 Op 132 Sofya Perovskaya 1967 Op 137 King Lear after Shakespeare 1970 Sahne Muzigi Op 19 Mayakovski Tahtakurusu Komedi 1929 Op 24 Alexander Bezymensky The Gunshot 1929 Op 25 Gorbenko ve L vov Virgin Soil 1930 Op 28 Piotrovsky Rule Britannia 1931 Op 31 Vasili Voyevodin ve E Riss Hypothetically Murdered 1931 Op 32 Shakespeare Hamlet 1931 1932 Op 37 Balzac The Human Comedy Kucuk Orkestra icin 1933 1934 Op 44 Afinogenov Hail Spain 1936 Op 58a Shakespeare King Lear 1940 Op 63 Native Country Gosteri Native Leningrad Suit 1942 Op 66 Russian River Gosteri Solistler Koro ve Orkestra icin 1944 Op 72 Mikhail Arkadyevich Svetlov Victorious Spring Gosteri Iki Sarki Solistler ve Orkestra icin 1945 Shakespeare Hamlet 1954 Koro The Oath to the People s Commissar Bas Koro ve Piyano icin 1941 Songs of a Guard s Division The Fearless Regiments are on the Move Bas Karma Koro Bayan Piyano icin basit bir eslik ile 1941 Rus Halk Sarkilari Koro icin 1943 Three Russian Folk Songs Iki Solist Koro ve Piyano eslik icin 1943 Op 74 Poem of the Motherland Kantat Mezzosoprano Tenor 2 Bariton Koro ve Orkestra icin 1947 Rayok Little Paradise 4 Ses Koro ve Piyano icin 1948 Op 81 Song of the Forests oratorio after Dolmatovsky Tenor Bas solo Karma ve Cocuk Korosu ve Orkestra icin 1949 Op 86a The Homeland Hears Tenor solo ve sozsuz Koro icin 1951 Op 88 Ten Poems on Texts by Revolutionary Poets Esliksiz Cocuk Korosu ve Koro icin 1951 Op 90 The Sun Shines on Our Motherland cantata after Dolmatovsky Karma ve Cocuk Korosu ve Orkestra icin 1952 Op 104 Cultivation Two Russian Folk Song Arrangements Esliksiz Koro icin 1957 Op 119 The Execution of Stepan Razin cantata after Yevtushenko Bas Karma Koro ve Orkestra icin 1964 Op 124 Two Choruses after Davidenko Koro ve Orkestra icin 1962 Op 136 Loyalty eight ballads after Dolmatovsky Esliksiz Erkek Korosu icin 1970 Vokal Op 4 Two Fables of Krylov Mezzo soprano Kadin Korosu ve Oda Orkestrasi icin 1922 Op 21 6 Romans Japon Sairlerin Metinleri Uzerine Tenor ve Orkestra icin 1928 1932 From Karl Marx to Our Own Days Senfonik Siir Solistler Koro ve Orkestra icin 1932 Op 46 Four Romances on Verses by Pushkin Bas and Piyano 1936 1937 Seven Arrangements of Finnish Folk Songs Soprano Tenor ve Kucuk Orkestra icin 1939 Op 62 Six Romances on Verses by English Poets Bas ve Piyano icin 1942 Patriotic Song after Dolmatovsky 1943 Song About the Red Army after Golodny 1943 Op 79 From Jewish Folk Poetry Soprano Kontralto Tenor ve Piyano icin Sarki Dongusu 1948 Op 80b Three Songs from Meeting on the Elbe Ses ve Piyano icin 1956 Op 84 Two Romances on Verses by Lermontov Erkek ses ve Piyano icin 1950 Op 86 Four Songs to Words by Dolmatovsky Ses ve Piyano icin 1951 Op 91 Four Monologues on Verses by Pushkin Bas ve Piyano icin 1952 Yunan Sarkilari Ses ve Piyano icin 1952 1953 Pendozalis Yunan Sarkisi Ses ve Piyano icin 1954 October Dawn Solistler ve Koro icin Sarki 1954 Op 98 Five Romances on Verses by Dolmatovsky Bas ve Piyano icin 1954 Op 98a There Were Kisses song after Dolmatovsky Ses ve Piyano icin 1954 Op 100 Spanish Songs Mezzo soprano ve Piyano icin 1956 Op 109 Satires Pictures of the Past Five Romances on Verses by Chorny Soprano ve Piyano icin 1960 Op 121 Five Romances on Texts from the Magazine Krokodil Bas ve Piyano icin 1965 Op 127 Seven Romances on Poems by Aleksandr Blok Soprano Keman Viyolonsel ve Piyano icin 1967 Op 128 Romance Spring Spring to Verses by Aleksandr Pushkin Bas ve Piyano icin 1967 Op 140 Six Romances on Verses by English Poets Bas ve Oda Orkestrasi icin 1971 Op 143 Six Poems by Marina Tsvetayeva Kontralto ve Piyano icin Suit 1973 Op 145 Suit Buonarrotti dizeleri uzerine Bas ve Piyano icin 1974 Op 145a Suit Buonarrotti dizeleri uzerine Bas ve Orkestra icin 1975 Op 146 Four Verses of Captain Lebyadkin to Texts by Fyodor Dostoyevsky Bas ve Piyano icin 1975 Orkestrasyon Rimsky Korsakov I Waited in the Grotto Soprano ve Orkestra icin orkestrasyonu 1921 Op 16 Tahiti Trot Orkestra icin 1928 Op 17 Scarlatti Iki parca Nefesli orkestrasi icin 1928 Op 31a Hypothetically Murdered Orkestrasyon 1932 Pierre De Geyter L Internationale Orkestrasyon 1937 Op 58 Mussorgsky Boris Godunov operasinin Orkestrasyonu 1939 1940 Johann Strauss II Wiener Blut Orkestrasyon 1940 Johann Strauss II The Excursion Train Polka Orkestrasyon 1940 27 Romans ve Sarki Duzenlemeleri Orkestrasyon 1941 8 Ingiliz ve Amerikan Halk Sarkisi Solist ler ve Orkestra Orkestrasyon 1943 Fleishman in Chekhov uzerine Oda Operasi Rothschild s Violin Orkestrasyon 1944 Op 106 Mussorgsky nin Khovanshchina operasinin yeniden orkestrasyonu 1959 Boris Tishchenko nun 1 Viyolonsel Koncertosunun yeniden orkestrasyonu 1969 Ludwig van Beethoven in Mephistopheles s Song of the Flea Aranjmani Op 75 No 3 1975 Opus numarasina goreOp 1 Scherzo fa minor Orkestra icin 1919 Op 2 Eight Preludes Piyano icin 1919 1920 Op 3 Theme and Variations Si Major Orkestra icin 1921 1922 Op 3a Transcription of Theme and Variations Si Major for solo Piyano 1921 1922 Op 4 Two Fables of Krilov for mezzo soprano female chorus and chamber orchestra 1922 Op 4a Transcription of Two Fables of Krilov for mezzo soprano and Piyano 1922 Op 5 Piyano icin 1922 Op 6 Suite fa minor Iki Piyano 1922 Op 7 Scherzo Mi Major Orkestra icin 1923 1924 Op 7a Transcription of Scherzo Mi Major for solo Piyano 1923 1924 Op 8 Piyano Trio No 1 do minor 1923 Op 9 Three Pieces for cello and Piyano 1923 1924 Op 10 1924 1925 Op 11 Prelude and Scherzo for string octet orchestra 1924 1925 Op 12 Piyano Sonat No 1 1926 Op 13 Aphorisms ten pieces Piyano icin 1927 Op 14 with chorus 1927 Op 14a Reduction of the choral score of Symphony No 2 for voices and Piyano 1927 Op 15 opera in three acts after Gogol 1927 1928 Op 15a The Nose for tenor Bariton ve Orkestra icin 1927 1928 Op 15b Reduction of the accompaniment of The Nose Piyano icin 1927 1928 Op 16 Orkestra icin 1928 Op 17 Two Pieces by Scarlatti Nefesli orkestrasi icin 1928 Op 18 Music to the silent film New Babylon Kucuk Orkestra icin 1928 1929 Op 19 Music to the comedy The Bedbug by Mayakovsky 1929 Op 19a The Bedbug Orkestra icin 1929 Op 19b Arrangement of Music to The Bedbug Piyano icin 1929 Op 20 with chorus 1929 Op 20a Reduction of Symphony No 3 for solo Piyano including a vocal score of the final chorus 1929 Op 21 Six Romances on Texts by Japanese Poets Tenor ve Orkestra icin 1928 1932 Op 21a Six Romances on Texts by Japanese Poets for tenor and Piyano 1928 1932 Op 22 ballet in three acts 1929 1930 Op 22a The Age of Gold Orkestra icin 1929 1930 Op 22b Polka from The Age of Gold for solo Piyano 1935 Op 22c Polka from The Age of Gold Piyano icin four hands 1962 Op 23 Two Pieces for Erwin Dressel s Opera Armer Columbus Orkestra icin 1929 Op 24 Music to the play The Gunshot by Bezymensky 1929 Op 25 Music to the play Virgin Soil by Gorbenko and L vov 1930 Op 26 Alone 1930 1931 Op 26a Alone Orkestra icin 1930 1931 Op 27 ballet in three acts 1930 1931 Op 27a The Bolt Orkestra icin 1931 Op 28 Music to the play Rule Britannia by Piotrovsky 1931 Op 29 opera in four acts after Leskov 1930 1932 Op 29a Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District Orkestra icin 1930 1932 Op 29b Passacaglia from an Entr acte to Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District for organ 1930 1932 Op 30 Golden Mountains 1931 Op 30a Golden Mountains Orkestra icin 1931 Op 31 Music to the stage revue Hypothetically Murdered by Voyevodin and Riss 1931 Op 31a Orchestration of Hypothetically Murdered 1932 Op 31b Reduction of Four Movements of the Music to Hypothetically Murdered Piyano icin 1931 Op 32 Shakespeare in Hamlet oyunu icin muzik 1931 1932 Op 32a Hamlet Kucuk Orkestra icin 1932 Op 33 Counterplan 1932 Film muzigi Op 33a Song about the Oncoming Train and My Heart s Aching and Moaning from Counterplan for voice and Piyano 1956 Op 33b We meet this Morning The Song of the Young Workers from Counterplan for voice and Piyano 1956 Op 34 Twenty Four Preludes Piyano icin 1932 1933 Op 34a 24 Prelud Keman ve Piyano transkripsiyonu 1932 1933 Op 34b 24 Prelud Orkestra transkripsiyonu 1932 1933 Op 34c Prelud Op 34 No 14 Orkestra transkripsiyonu 1932 1933 Op 35 Koncerto do minor Piyano icin Trompet ve Yayli Orkestra also known as Piyano Koncertosu No 1 1933 Op 35a 1 Piyano Koncertosunun Iki Piyano reduksiyonu 1933 Op 36 Music to the animated film The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda for chamber orchestra 1933 1934 Op 36a The Tale of the Priest and his Worker Balda 1935 Op 37 Music to the play The Human Comedy after Balzac Kucuk Orkestra icin 1933 1934 Op 38 Love and Hate 1934 Op 39 The Limpid Stream ballet in three acts 1934 1935 Op 39a The Limpid Stream Orkestra icin 1934 1935 Op 39b Moderato from The Limpid Stream for cello and Piyano 1934 1935 Op 40 1934 Op 40a Moderato for cello and Piyano 1934 Op 41 The Youth of Maxim 1934 1935 Op 42 Five Fragments Kucuk Orkestra icin 1935 Op 43 1935 1936 Op 43a Reduction of Symphony No 4 Iki Piyano 1935 1936 Op 44 Music to the play Hail Spain by Afinogenov 1936 Op 45 The Return of Maxim 1936 1937 Op 46 Four Romances on Verses by Pushkin for bass and Piyano 1936 1937 Op 46a Orchestration of Four Romances on Verses by Pushkin for bass and orchestra 1936 1937 Op 46b Arrangement of Nos 1 2 and 3 of Four Romances on Verses by Pushkin for bass and string orchestra 1936 1937 Op 47 1937 Op 47a Reduction of Scherzo Allegretto of Symphony No 5 for solo Piyano 1937 Op 48 Volochayev Days 1936 1937 Op 49 1938 Op 50 The Vyborg District 1938 Op 51 Friends 1938 Op 51a Vocalise from Friends for unaccompanied chorus 1938 Op 52 The Great Citizen first part 1938 Op 53 The Man with a Gun 1938 Op 54 1939 Op 55 The Great Citizen second part 1939 Op 56 Music to the animated film The Silly Little Mouse 1939 Op 57 1940 Op 58 Orchestration of the Opera Boris Godunov by Mussorgsky 1939 1940 Op 59 The Adventures of Korzinkina 1940 Op 59a The Adventures of Korzinkina 1940 Op 60 1941 Op 61 1943 Op 62 Six Romances on Verses by English Poets for bass and Piyano 1942 Op 62a Six Romances on Verses by English Poets for bass and orchestra 1943 Op 63 Music to the spectacle Native Country suite Native Leningrad 1942 Op 64 Zoya 1944 Op 64a Zoya Koro ve Orkestra icin 1944 Op 64b She Was Born a Brave Girl in Her Homeland from Zoya for voice and Piyano 1944 Op 65 1943 Op 66 Music to the spectacle Russian River for soloists choir and orchestra 1944 Op 67 1944 Op 68 1944 Op 69 six pieces Piyano icin 1944 1945 Op 70 1945 Op 70a Reduction of Symphony No 9 Piyano icin four hands 1945 Op 71 Simple People 1945 Op 72 Two Songs to the spectacle Victorious Spring after Svetlov Solistler ve Orkestra icin 1945 Op 72a Accompaniment of Nos 1 and 2 of Victorious Spring arranged Piyano icin 1945 Op 73 1946 Op 73a Transcription of String Quartet No 3 for strings and woodwinds 1946 Op 73b Reduction of String Quartet No 3 Iki Piyano 1946 Op 74 Poem of the Motherland cantata for mezzosoprano tenor two baritones chorus and orchestra 1947 Op 75 The Young Guards after Fadeyev s novel 1947 1948 Op 75a The Young Guards 1951 Op 76 Pirogov after German 1947 Op 76a Pirogov Orkestra icin 1947 Op 77 1947 1948 Op 77a Reduction of Violin Koncerto No 1 Keman ve Piyano 1947 1948 Op 78 Michurin 1948 Op 78a Michurin Koro ve Orkestra icin 1964 Op 79 song cycle for soprano contralto tenor and Piyano 1948 Op 79a From Jewish Folk Poetry song cycle for soprano contralto tenor and small orchestra 1948 Op 80 Meeting on the Elbe for voices and Piyano 1948 Op 80a Meeting on the Elbe Solistler ve Orkestra icin 1948 Op 80b Three Songs from Meeting on the Elbe for voice and Piyano 1956 Op 81 oratorio after Dolmatovsky for tenor basssoli mixed amp boys chorus and orchestra 1949 Op 81a In the Fields Stand the Collective Farms from Song of the Forests for children s chorus and mixed chorus 1960 Op 81b A Walk into the Future from Song of the Forests for voice and Piyano 1962 Op 82 The Fall of Berlin 1949 Op 82a The Fall of Berlin Koro ve Orkestra icin 1950 Op 82b Beautiful Day from The Fall of Berlin song for two part children s chorus and Piyano 1950 Op 82c Vocalise from The Fall of Berlin song for s a t b chorus a cappella 1950 Op 83 1949 Op 83a Reduction of String Quartet No 4 Iki Piyano Dort el icin 1949 Op 84 Two Romances on Verses by Lermontov for male voice and Piyano 1950 Op 85 Byelinsky Orkestra icin and chorus 1950 Op 85a Four Choruses from the Music to Byelinsky for s a t b chorus a cappella 1950 Op 86 Four Songs to Words by Dolmatovsky for voice and Piyano 1951 Op 87 Piyano icin 1950 1951 Op 87a Arrangement of No 15 of Twenty Four Preludes and Fugues Iki Piyano 1963 Op 88 Ten Poems on Texts by Revolutionary Poets for chorus and boys chorus a cappella 1951 Op 89 The Unforgettable Year 1919 1951 Op 90 The Sun Shines on Our Motherland cantata after Dolmatovsky for mixed amp boys chorus and orchestra 1952 Op 90a Reduction of the Accompaniment of The Sun Shines on Our Motherland Piyano icin 1952 Op 91 Four Monologues on Verses by Pushkin for bass and Piyano 1952 Op 91a Orchestration of Four Monologues on Verses by Pushkin for bass and orchestra 1952 Op 92 1952 Op 93 1953 Op 93a Reduction of Symphony No 10 Piyano icin four hands 1953 Op 94 Concertino Iki Piyano la minor 1953 Op 95 Song of the Great Rivers 1954 Op 96 Festive Overture La Major Orkestra icin 1954 Op 97 The Gadfly based on the novel by Voynich 1955 Op 97a Orkestra icin 1955 Op 97b Tarantella from The Gadfly Iki Piyano 1955 Op 98 Five Romances on Verses by Dolmatovsky for bass and Piyano 1954 Op 98a There Were Kisses song after Dolmatovsky for voice and Piyano 1954 Op 99 The First Echelon 1955 1956 Op 99a The First Echelon Koro ve Orkestra icin 1956 Op 99b Two Songs from the Music to The First Echelon for voice and Piyano 1956 Op 100 Spanish Songs for mezzo soprano and Piyano 1956 Op 101 1956 Op 102 1957 Op 102a Reduction of Piyano Koncerto No 2 Iki Piyano 1957 Op 103 1957 Op 103a Reduction of Symphony No 11 Piyano icin four hands 1957 Op 104 Cultivation Two Russian Folk Song Arrangements for chorus a cappella 1957 Op 105 operetta in three acts 1958 Op 105a Cheryomushki 1962 Op 106 Re orchestration of Mussorgsky s Opera Khovanshchina 1959 Op 107 1959 Op 107a Reduction of Cello Koncerto No 1 for cello and Piyano 1959 Op 108 1960 Op 109 Satires Pictures of the Past Five Romances on Verses by Chorny for soprano and Piyano 1960 Op 110 1960 Op 111 Five Days Five Nights 1960 Op 111a Five Days Five Nights Orkestra icin 1961 Op 112 1961 Op 112a Reduction of Symphony No 12 Iki Piyano four hands 1961 Op 113 for bass bass chorus and orchestra 1962 Op 113a Reduction of Symphony No 13 Iki Piyano Dort el icin 1962 Op 114 Katerina Izmailova opera in four acts after Leskov 1956 1963 Op 114a Suite of Five Fragments from the Opera Katarina Izmailova Orkestra icin 1963 Op 114b Katerina Izmailova 1966 Op 114c Passacaglia from the Opera Katerina Izmailova for organ Op 115 Overture on Russian and Khirghiz Folk Themes Orkestra icin 1963 Op 116 Hamlet after Shakespeare Orkestra icin 1963 1964 Op 116a Hamlet Orkestra icin 1964 Op 117 1964 Op 118 1964 Op 119 The Execution of Stepan Razin cantata after Yevtushenko for bass mixed chorus and orchestra 1964 Op 119a Reduction of The Execution of Stepan Razin for voices and Piyano 1964 Op 120 A Year Is Like a Lifetime Orkestra icin 1965 Op 120a A Year Is Like a Lifetime Orkestra icin 1965 Op 121 Five Romances on Texts from the Magazine Krokodil for bass and Piyano 1965 Op 122 1966 Op 123 Preface to the Complete Collection of My Works and Brief Reflections on this Preface for bass and Piyano 1966 Op 124 Two Choruses after Davidenko Koro ve Orkestra icin 1962 Op 125 Instrumentation of Schumann s Cello Koncerto la minor 1963 Op 126 1966 Op 126a Reduction of Cello Koncerto No 2 for cello and Piyano 1966 Op 127 Seven Romances on Poems by Blok for soprano violin cello and Piyano 1967 Op 128 Romance Spring Spring to Verses by Pushkin for bass and Piyano 1967 Op 128a Orchestration of the Romance Spring Spring to Verses by Pushkin for bass and orchestra 1967 Op 129 1967 Op 129a Reduction of Violin Koncerto No 2 Keman ve Piyano 1967 Op 130 Funeral Triumphal Prelude Orkestra icin 1967 Op 131 October symphonic poem do minor Orkestra icin 1967 Op 132 Sofya Perovskaya 1967 Op 133 1968 Op 134 Sonat Keman ve Piyano 1968 Op 135 1969 Op 135a Reduction of Symphony No 14 for voices and Piyano 1969 Op 136 Loyalty eight ballads after Dolmatovsky for unaccompanied male chorus 1970 Op 137 King Lear after Shakespeare 1970 Op 137a People s Lamentation from King Lear arranged for voice and Piyano 1970 Op 138 1970 Op 139 March of the Soviet Militia Askeri bando Nefesli orkestra icin 1970 Op 140 Six Romances on Verses by English Poets for bass and chamber orchestra 1971 Op 141 1971 Op 141a Reduction of Symphony No 15 Iki Piyano 1971 Op 142 1972 1973 Op 143 Six Poems by Marina Tsvetayeva suite for contralto and Piyano 1973 Op 143a Six Poems by Marina Tsvetayeva suite for contralto and chamber orchestra 1974 Op 144 1974 Op 145 Suite on Verses by Buonarrotti for bass and Piyano 1974 Op 145a Suite on Verses by Buonarrotti for bass and orchestra 1975 Op 146 Four Verses of Captain Lebyadkin to Texts by Dostoevsky for bass and Piyano 1975 Op 147 Sonat for viola and Piyano 1975 Op 147a Transcription of Op 147 for cello and Piyano 1975 Op numarasi olmayanlarMinuet Prelude and Intermezzo Piyano icin 1919 1920 Murzilka Piyano icin 1920 Five Preludes Piyano icin 1920 1921 Orchestration of I Waited in the Grotto by Rimsky Korsakov Soprano ve Orkestra icin 1921 Transcription of Symphony of Psalms by Stravinsky Iki Piyano 1930 Two Pieces for string quartet 1931 The Green Company overture 1931 From Karl Marx to Our Own Days symphonic poem for solo voices chorus and orchestra 1932 The Big Lightning unfinished comic opera 1932 1934 Music to the film Girl Friends 1934 1935 Orchestration of Internationale by Degeyter 1937 The Twelve Chairs operetta 1937 1938 The Maxim film Trilogy Orkestra icin and chorus 1938 1938 Lenin Symphony for soli chorus and orchestra 1938 1939 Seven Finnish Folk Songs for soprano tenor and small orchestra 1939 Three Pieces for solo violin 1940 Katyusha Maslova opera after Tolsty s novel Resurrection 1940 Music to the play King Lear by Shakespeare 1940 Reduction of King Lear Piyano icin 1940 Songs of the Fool and Ballad of Cordelia from King Lear for voice and Piyano 1940 Orchestration of Wiener Blut by Johann Strauss II 1940 Orchestration of The Excursion Train Polka by Johann Strauss II 1940 Orchestration of 27 Romances and Songs Arrangements 1941 The Oath to the People s Commissar for bass chorus and Piyano 1941 Songs of a Guard s Division The Fearless Regiments Are On the Move marching song for bass and mixed chorus with simple accompaniment for or Piyano 1941 Polka for harp duet fa minor 1941 Piece of the Opera The Gamblers after Gogol 1941 1942 Solemn March Askeri bando Nefesli orkestra icin 1942 Patriotic Song after Dolmatovsky for voices 1943 Song About the Red Army after Golodny 1943 Orchestration of Eight British and American Folk Songs for voice s and orchestra 1943 Russian Folk Songs for chorus 1943 Three Russian Folk Songs for two soloists and chorus with Piyano accompaniment 1943 Orchestration of Fleishman s Chamber Opera Rothschild s Violin after Chekhov 1944 Three Pieces Orkestra icin 1947 1948 Little Paradise for four voices chorus and Piyano 1948 Merry March Iki Piyano 1949 The Homeland Hears for chorus and tenor soloist with wordless chorus 1951 Ten Russian Folk Song Arrangements for soloists mixed chorus and Piyano 1951 Seven Doll s Dances Piyano icin 1952 Greek Songs for voice and Piyano 1952 1953 Poem of Labour from Unity arranged for mixed chorus and orchestra 1954 Two Songs from Unity A Song of Unity and Peaceful Labour arranged for voice and Piyano 1954 Waltz from Unity Orkestra icin 1954 Music to the play Hamlet by Shakespeare 1954 Pendozalis Greek Song for voice and Piyano 1954 October Dawn song for soloists and chorus 1954 Four Waltzes for Flut Klarinet and Piyano 1955 Three Violin Duets for two violins with Piyano accompaniment 1955 Eleven Variations on a Theme by Glinka Piyano icin 1957 Novorossiisk Chimes the Flame of Eternal Glory Orkestra icin 1960 Transcription of Songs and Dances of Death by Mussorgsky for voice and Piyano 1962 The Lady and the Hooligan ballet in one act Reorchestration of Tishchenko s Cello Koncerto No 1 1969 Transcription of Serenada by Braga for soprano mezzo soprano keman ve Piyano 1972 Orchestration of Beethoven s Arrangement Op 75 No 3 of Mephistopheles s Song of the Flea 1975 The Dreamers ballet in four acts 1975 Ayrica bakinizDmitri SostakovicKaynakca Digonskaja Ol ga 2010 Fairclough Pauline Ed Shostakovich Studies 2 Ingilizce Cambridge Cambridge University Press ss 71 72 ISBN 978 0521111188 24 Subat 2021 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 4 Mayis 2021 Onno van Rijen s Op by Shostakovich 5 Eylul 2005 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde a categorised list of works