Karl August Wittfogel (6 Eylül 1896, – 25 Mayıs 1988, New York) Alman-Amerikalı oyun yazarı, dilbilimci tarihçi, türkolog, sinolog, öğretmen, yazar ve siyasetçi. Aslen Marksist ve Almanya Komünist Partisi’nin aktif bir üyesi olan Wittfogel, II. Dünya Savaşı’ndan sonra aynı derecede katı bir Anti-komünist olmuştur.
Karl August Wittfogel | |
![]() Karl August Wittfogel'in 1926'da Alman fotoğrafçı August Sander tarafından çekilmiş bir portresi. | |
Doğum | 6 Eylül 1896 , Aşağı Saksonya, Alman İmparatorluğu |
Ölüm | 25 Mayıs 1988 (92 Yaşında) New York, ABD |
İkamet | , Münih, Berlin, , Leipzig, İngiltere (1933),New York (1934) |
Milliyet | Alman |
Diğer ad(lar)ı | „W“, „wf“, „KAW“, „Dr. K“, “Jonathan”, „Dr. Jonathan“, “Nathanael”, „Hans Petersen“, ”Klaus Hinrichs“, "Julius Haidvogel",„Jungmann“ |
Etnik köken | Cermen |
Vatandaşlık | Almanya (Kasım 1933'te İngiltere'ye göç etti) ABD (1934) |
Eğitim | Sinoloji, (1921) Leipzig Üniversitesi, Antik Çin Toplumu (1926) Frankfurt Üniversitesi Ph. D. (1928) Frankfurt Üniversitesi |
Meslek | Dilbilimci, Yazar, Türkolog, Sinolog, Siyasetçi,Tarihçi, Oyun Yazarı,Lise Öğretmeni |
Dönem | I. Dünya Savaşı, II. Dünya Savaşı, Büyük Buhran, Nazi Almanyası |
Tanınma nedeni | Lüneburg Wandervogel (Alman Gençlik Hareketi) grubu lideri (I. Dünya Savaşı öncesi), Almanya Bağımsız Sosyal Demokrat Partisi’nin Lüneburg şubesi kurucusu (1918), Almanya Komünist Partisi aktif üyesi (1920), |
Siyasi parti | Almanya Bağımsız Sosyal Demokrat Partisi (1918-1920), Almanya Komünist Partisi (1920-II. Dünya Savaşı sonu) |
Evlilik | (1921) (1933) |
Etkilendikleri | Karl Marx, Karl Korsch |
Etkiledikleri | , , , , , , , , , , , , , Rudi Dutschke, |
Eğitimi ve siyasi kariyeri
Wittfogel 6 Eylül 1896’da , Hannover Vilayeti’nin, bölgesinde doğdu ve okulundan 1914’te ayrıldı. Leipzig Üniversitesi’nin yanı sıra, sırasıyla; Münih, Berlin,Rostock’ta okuyan ve 1919’da Berlin’e geri dönen Wittfogel, filozofi, tarih, sosyoloji ve coğrafya eğitimi almıştır. 1921’den itibaren Leipzig’de sinoloji okumuştur. Eğitim süreci içerisinde, 1917 yılında, Muharebe Birliği Ünitesi (Fernmeldeeinheit)’nde görev almıştır.
Wittfogel, modern çağın en çalkantılı döneminde yaşamıştır. Birinci ve II. Dünya Savaşı’na, Büyük Buhran’a, Rus Devrimleri’ne, Nazi Almanyası’na ve totaliter rejimin hakimiyetine tanıklık etmiştir.
Wittfogel, I. Dünya Savaşı öncesinde, Lüneburg (Alman Gençlik Hareketi) grubunun lideriydi. 1918’de, Almanya Bağımsız Sosyal Demokrat Partisi (USDP)’nin Lüneburg şubesini kurdu. 1920’de Almanya Komünist Partisi (KDP)’ne katıldı. 1920’de Karl Korsch ile tanıştı ve 1923'te Sosyal Araştırma Enstitüsü’nün kuruluşuna yardımcı olan konferansa davet edildi. Wittfogel 1925’ten 1933’e kadar enstitünün üyesiydi. 1928’de Frankfurt Üniversitesi’nde doktorasını tamamladı.
Wittfogel, komünist partinin her zaman aktif bir üyesi ve parti düşmanlarının eleştirmeni olmuştur. 1933’te Hitler iktidara gelince İsviçre’ye kaçmaya çalışmış ancak tutuklanıp hapishaneye ve toplama kamplarına gönderilmiştir. Tutuklanmasına karşı verilen uluslararası tepki sayesinde, 1934’te özgürlüğüne tekrar kavuşmuştur. Almanya’dan ayrılarak, önce İngiltere’ye daha sonra ise Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’ne gitmiştir.
Wittfogel’in Sovyetler Birliğine olan inancı, Hitler-Stalin müttefikliği yüzünden yok olmuştur. Lenin’den Mao’ya, Rus ve Çin komünizminin totaliter ve “asyatik” doğasından nefret etmeye başlamıştır. Eski yoldaşlarına,-ki bunlara 1951 Komitesi’ndeki ve gibi Amerikalı bilginler de dahildir-düşman olmuş ve bazılarını ihbar etmiştir. Wittfogel, Sovyet bloğunun sahip olduğu devlet merkezli ekonomik yapılarının kaçınılmaz bir şekilde, “geleneksel Asya”’daki hükümetlerden dahi daha baskıcı, despot hükümetlerin oluşmasına yol açtığını ve bu rejimlerin insanoğlu için var olan en büyük tehdit olduğuna inanmıştır.
Akademik kariyeri
Wittfogel, 1939’dan itibaren Columbia Üniversitesi’nde akademik mevkiilerde yer almış ve ayrıca 1947’den 1966’ya kadar Washington Üniversitesi’nde Çin Tarih profesörü olarak görev almıştır.
Aile hayatı ve ölümü
Wittfogel, 1921’de ile evlendi. İkinci eşi ise, Wittfogel ile birlikte Çin’e seyahat eden ve kendisine Çin aile yapısını inceleyen bir projesinde yardım ederek işbirliği yapan bir Rus sosyologtu. Lang, daha sonra Çin aile yapısı üzerine bir monografi ve anarşist yazar Ba Jin’in bir biyografisini yayımlamıştır.Antropolog 1940'ta Wittfogel’in üçüncü eşi olmuştur.
Wittfogel, 25 Mayıs 1988’de, New York'ta, 92 yaşında ölmüştür.
Oyun yazarlığı
1920'li yılların başlarında, Wittfogel, komünist ancak bir o kadar da dışavurumcu oyunlar yazmıştır; “The Cripple”, diğer kısa oyunlarla birlikte 14 Ekim 1920’de Erwin Piscator’un ’nda oynanmıştır. Bunun yanı sıra, “Red Soldiers (Kırmızı Askerler)”, “The Man Who Has an Idea (Fikri Olan Adam)”, ”The Mother (Anne)”, “The Refugee (Mülteci)”, “The Skyscraper (Gökdelen)” and “Who is the Biggest Fool? (En Büyük Aptal Kim?)” adlı eserlerinin hepsi Malik taradından yayınlanmıştır. Wittfogel, akademik çalışmalarına yoğunlaşmak adına, kendisine yapılan Berlin’deki devrimci Dramatik (Teatral) Yapımcılığı teklifini geri çevirmiştir. Kendisi, isimli ""’nde ve edebiyat üzerine uzun, Hegelci denemeler ve kompozisyonlar yayımlamış ve 1930’dan itibaren derginin kadrosunda yer almıştır.
Asyatik üretim yöntemi
Wittfogel'in en çok bilinen eseri “Oriental Despotism: A Comparative Study of Total Power (Oryantal Despotizm: Mutlak Gücün Karşılaştırmalı İncelemesi)” isimli, ilk defa 1957’de yayımlanan anıtsal eseridir. Max Weber’in Çin ve Hindistan'ın “hidrolik-bürokratik resmi-devlet” yapıları ile ilgili fikirlerinin Marksist bir analizi ile başlayıp, Marx'ın Asya Tipi Üretim Yöntemi üzerindeki şüpheci bakış açısına dayandırmak suretiyle Wittfogel; sistemi tanımlamak adına "" terimini yaratarak, tarımsal anlamda sulama çalışmalarının rolünü, bu çalışmaların korunması ve devamlılığının sağlanması için gereken bürokratik yapıyı ve söz konusu bu etkenlerin tamamının toplumdaki etkisini vurgulayan analizini ortaya çıkarmıştır. Wittfogel'in görüşüne göre, başlıca Asya'da olmak üzere, birçok toplum geniş-çaplı sulama işlerinin inşaasından geçimini sağlamaktaydı. Devlet, bunu organize edebilmek için, nüfusun genelini angarya işlerinde çalışmaya zorluyordu. Bu gibi büyük boyutlardaki sulama sistemlerinin yönetimi, bakımı ve devamlılığı sadece merkezi bir yönetim tarafından sağlanabileceği için bu tür sistemler Oryantal ülkelerde kaçınılmaz kılmıştır. Söz konusu bu devlet yapısı aynı zamanda sivil toplumu ve devlete karşı harekete geçebilecek kapasiteye sahip başka herhangi bir gücü de ezmek ve yerle bir etmek için benzersiz bir şekilde inşa edilmiştir. Bu yapıdaki bir devletin despot, mutlak güç sahibi, varlıklı ve istikrarlı olması da kaçınılmazdır.Wittfogel’in “Oryantal Despotizm”’deki antikomünist bakış açısı, hidrolik hipotezini pek uygulanabilir olmayan Rusya’yı da kapsayacak şekilde genişletmiştir.
, ve özellikle , Wittfogel hakkında yazan yazarlar olarak gösterilebilir. , , ve Wittfogel’in kendisinden uzaklaşmış öğrencisi , o dönem Maoist olan ve / bu kavram üzerine yoğunlaşmışlardır. SDS öğrenci hareketinin iki Berlin lideri, Rudi Dutschke ve , bu konuda çalışmalar yayımlamışlardır. Zamanın Doğu Almanya muhalifi olan daha sonra “Doğu Avrupa’da Alternatif” adlı eserinin, Wittfogel’in düşüncelerini temel aldığını açıklamış, ancak Wittfogel’in ileriki zamanda oluşan antikomünist kimliğinden dolayı kitapta adına yer verilemediğini belirtmiştir. Bahro’nun ileriki dönemdeki, başta “From Red to Green” olmak üzere bazı çalışmalarında bahsettiği ekolojik fikirlerinde de aynı şekilde Wittfogel’in coğrafi determinizminden esinlenmiştir.
Hidrolik Toplum tezi ayrıca gibi ekoloji antropologları tarafından da benimsenmiştir. Yucatán’ın Maya kalıntıları bölgesindeki mevcut kanallar ağının havadan çekilen fotoğraflar sayesinde ortaya çıkarılması ile beraber söz konusu tez Maya toplumuna da uygulanmıştır. Bunun yanı sıra, eleştirmenler Seylan ve Bali’nin gerçek anlamda Wittfogel’in hidrolik devlet görüşüne uyduğu düşüncesini reddetmişlerdir.
Röportajları (İngilizce)
- “Conversations with Wittfogel”. Telos12 Haziran 2019 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . 43 (Spring 1980). Telos Press, New York.
Oyunları (Almanca)
- Julius Haidvogel (= K. A. Wittfogel), Der Krüppel (The Cripple). in: Der Gegner, Vol. 2, Nr. 4, Malik, Berlin, 1920, p. 94ff..
- Rote Soldaten. Politische Tragödie in fünf Akten (Red Soldiers), Malik, Berlin, 1921
- Der Mann der eine Idee hat. Erotisches Schauspiel in vier Akten (The Man Who Has an Idea), Malik, Berlin, 1922, and 1933
- Die Mutter - Der Flüchtling. Zwei Einakter (The Mother & The Refugee, 2 one-act plays, Malik, Berlin, 1922
- Wer ist der Dümmste? Eine Frage an das Schicksal in einem Vorspiel und vier Akten. (Who is the Biggest Fool?), Malik, Berlin, 1923
- Gustav von Wangenheim, Da liegt der Hund begraben und andere Stücke, Aus dem Repertoire der Truppe 31, Rowohlt, Reinbek b. Hamburg, 1974
- Der Wolkenkratzer. Amerikanischer Sketch (The Skyscraper), Malik, 1924
Almanca dilinde yaptığı seçkin çalışmaları
- Vom Urkommunismus bis zur proletarischen Revolution, Eine Skizze der Entwicklung der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft, 1. Teil: Urkommunismus und Feudalismus, Verlag Junge Garde, Berlin C 2, 1922, 79 p.
- Die Wissenschaft der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft. Eine marxistische Untersuchung, Malik, Berlin, 1922
- Geschichte der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft. Von ihren Anfängen bis zur Schwelle der großen Revolution, Malik, Wien, 1924
- Das erwachende China, Ein Abriß der Geschichte und der gegenwärtigen Probleme Chinas, AGIS Verlag, Wien, 1926
- Shanghai- Kanton, Vereinigung Internationale Verlags-Anstalten, Berlin, 1927
- Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft Chinas, Versuch der wissenschaftlichen Analyse einer großen asiatischen Agrargesellschaft, Hirschfeld, Leipzig, 1931, XXIV, 767 P. (=Schriften des Instituts für Sozialforschung der Universität Frankfurt am Main, No. 3)
- Die natürlichen Ursachen der Wirtschaftsgeschichte, in: Archiv für Sozialwissenschaft und Sozialpolitik, 67, 1932, pp. 466-492, 597-609, 711-731.
- Die Theorie der orientalischen Gesellschaft, in: Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung, Vol. 7, No. 1/2, Alcan, Paris, 1938
İngilizce dilinde yaptığı çalışmaları
- The Foundations and Stages of Chinese Economic History, Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung, Alcan, Paris, 4, 1935, p. 26-60.
- New Light on Chinese Society; An Investigation of China's Socio-Economic Structure, Institute of Pacific Relations, New York, 1938
- The Society of Prehistoric China, Alcan, Paris, 1939
- Meteorological Records from the Divination Inscriptions of Shang, American Geographical Society (1940)
- Public Office in the Liao Dynasty and the Chinese Examination System ..., Harvard-Yenching Institute (1947)
- With Feng Chia-sheng et al., History of Chinese Society, Liao, 907-1125, American Philosophical Society, Transactions. Distributed by the Macmillan Co., New York, 1949. Google Book 27 Haziran 2014 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- With Chia-shêng Fêng and Karl H. Menges, History of Chinese society : Liao (907-1125). Appendix V, Qara-Khitay 1949
- Russia and Asia : Problems of Contemporary Area Studies and International Relations, 1950
- Asia's Freedom...and the Land Question 1950
- The influence of Leninism-Stalinism on China, 1951?
- The Review of Politics : The Historical Position of Communist China: Doctrine and Reality, University of Notre Dame Press (1954)
- Mao Tse-tung, Liberator or Destroyer of the Chinese Peasants?, Free Trade Union Committee, American Federation of Labor, New York, 1955
- The Hydraulic Civilizations Chicago, 1956
- Oriental Despotism; a Comparative Study of Total Power Yale University Press, 1957
- Class Structure and Total Power in Oriental Despotism, 1960
- Results and Problems of the Study of Oriental Despotism 1969
- Chinese Society : An Historical Survey, 1957
- The New Men, Hong Kong, 1958?
- Food and Society in China and India, New York, 1959
- Peking's "Independence (1959)
- The Marxist View of Russian Society and Revolution, 1960
- Viewer's Guide to From Marx to Mao, University of Washington (1960)
- The Legend of Maoism, 1960?
- Class Structure and Total Power in Oriental Despotism, 1960
- A Stronger Oriental Despotism 1960
- The Russian and Chinese Revolutions : A Socio-Historical Comparison 1961
- The Marxist View of China China Quarterly, 1962
- Agrarian Problems and the Moscow-Peking Axis, 1962
- A Short History of Chinese Communism, University of Washington, 1964
- The Chinese Red Guards and the "Lin Piao Line, American-Asian Educational Exchange, Inc. (1967)
- Results and Problems of the Study of Oriental Despotism 1969
- Agriculture: a Key to the Understanding of Chinese Society, Past and Present, Australian National University Press, 1970
- Communist and Non-Communist Agrarian Systems, with Special Reference to the U.S.S.R. and Communist China, a Comparative Approach Univ. of Washington Press, Seattle, 1971
- The Hydraulic Approach to Pre-spanish Mesoamerica, Austin, 1972
- Some Remarks on Mao's Handling of Concepts and Problems of Dialectics, University of Washington. Far Eastern and Russian Institute, not dated
Wittfogel hakkında yapılan çalışmalar
- G. L. Ulmen, The Science of Society, Towards an Understanding of the Life and Work of Karl August Wittfogel, Mouton, The Hague, 1978 (İngilizce)
- G. L. Ulmen, ed., Society and History, Essays in Honor of Karl August Wittfogel, Mouton, The Hague, 1978, (İngilizce)
- "Karl A. Wittfogel," George Taylor, International Encyclopedia of Social Sciences, 18 (London: Collier, 1979), p. 812. (İngilizce)
- Papers, 1939-1970 Collected papers of Karl August Wittfogel (1939-1970) University of Washington Libraries 16 Şubat 2010 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . (İngilizce)
- Register of Karl Wittfogel Papers Hoover Institution3 Şubat 2014 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . (İngilizce)
Dış bağlantılar
- (İngilizce)
- (Almanca)
- Wittfogel, Karl August 1896-1988 (WorldCat Identity Page) 3 Şubat 2014 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . (İngilizce)
Kaynakça & notlar
- ^ "Arşivlenmiş kopya". 11 Şubat 2014 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 1 Şubat 2014.
- ^ http://rzv039.rz.tu-bs.de/isw/sandra/lexikon/cmsimpleplus/?U-Z:Wittfogel%2C_Karl_A 3 Şubat 2014 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde ..
- ^ http://www.marxists.org/glossary/people/w/i.htm 31 Aralık 2013 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . "Wittfogel was freed in November 1933, and emigrated to England."
- ^ http://www.marxists.org/glossary/people/w/i.htm 31 Aralık 2013 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . 1939'da vatandaşlık aldı. "In 1934, he went on to the United States where he became a naturalized citizen in 1939"
- ^ http://www.marxists.org/glossary/people/w/i.htm 31 Aralık 2013 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . " published his first analysis of ancient Chinese society in 1926"
- ^ http://www.marxists.org/glossary/people/w/i.htm 31 Aralık 2013 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . "...and gained his PhD in 1928"
- ^ http://www.marxists.org/glossary/people/w/i.htm 31 Aralık 2013 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . "In 1931, the Institut published Wittfogel's Economy and Society in China, after which he abandoned scholarly work to devote himself to political work against the Nazis"
- ^ http://www.marxists.org/glossary/people/w/i.htm 31 Aralık 2013 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . "He was a playwright in his youth and wrote several essays and novels with a Communist theme."
- ^ http://www.marxists.org/glossary/people/w/i.htm 31 Aralık 2013 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . "In 1920-1921, he was a high school teacher in Tinz"
- ^ http://www.marxists.org/glossary/people/w/i.htm 31 Aralık 2013 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . "Wittfogel's first wife, Rose Schlesinger whom he married in 1921"
- ^ http://www.marxists.org/glossary/people/w/i.htm 31 Aralık 2013 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . "His second wife, Olga Lang (originally Olga Joffe, herself later an expert on Chinese affairs, whom he married in 1933)"
- ^ http://www.marxists.org/glossary/people/w/i.htm 31 Aralık 2013 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . "In 1931, the Institut published Wittfogel's "Economy and Society in China", after which he abandoned scholarly work to devote himself to political work against the Nazis"
- ^ http://www.marxists.org/glossary/people/w/i.htm 31 Aralık 2013 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . "...in 1917 he was drafted into the German Army Signal Corps."
- ^ Erişim: http://www.waterhistory.org/histories/wittfogel/ 11 Şubat 2014 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . Worsher, Donald. 1985. Rivers of Empire: Water, Aridity, and Growth of the American West, Pantheon Books, New York.
- ^ Yazın: Walter Laqueur, Young Germany, 1962.
- ^ Yazın: Mathias Greffrath, Ein ernster Mensch, Die Zeit, 10. 6. 1988 (online arşiv). Later Wittfogel wrote under the pseudonym "Jungmann" am account of youth movements in Max Horkheimer's compilation "Studies in Authority and the Family." Unfortunately, although Horkheimer's and Herbert Marcuse's contributions have been translated, Wittfogel's have not been.
- Wittfogel who had been a leader of the German Socialist Student Movement after the war beside Klaus Reichenbach liked Rudi Dutschke when they met in Düsseldorf in 1979.
- ^ At the Meißnertag 1923, a large Youth Movement gathering, Wittfogel asked the members of the Freideutsche Jugend: "In Wahrheit steht jedes Zeitalter unter einer großen Idee. Habt ihr diese große Idee. Seid ihr bereit dafür zu sterben?" Wittfogel asked them if they knew the need of the age, its big idea and if they had what it takes to die for their convictions.
- Yazın: Karl-Otto Schüddekopf, Linke Leute von rechts, Stuttgart, 1960.
- After expelling a strong radical group in the autumn of 1919 the KPD was basically a sect, until a majority of USPD delegates decided to join it at their party convention in October 1920. A third of USPD members (ca. 300.000) joined the 70.000-strong KPD.
- Yazın: Ossip K. Flechtheim, Die KPD in der Weimarer Republik (1st edition 1948), Frankfurt, 1969 edition, pp. 35f., 156f.
- ^ M. Buckmiller says not only because W. taught at the Volkshochschule Schloss , but also because of Korsch's wife Dr. , who was active in the school reform movement.
- ^ financed and Richard Sorge organized this Erste Marxistische Arbeitswoche (1st marxist workweek) with Karl Korsch and , Georgy Lukacs, , his later wife , Felix José and Käthe Weil (they were married 1921-1929), Richard and Christiane Sorge, Friedrich Pollock, and his later wife , from 1919 to 1923 married to , , , and , their kid, and others. Rose Wittfogel, born Schlesinger, also took part. They were married from 1921 (other sources say 1920) to 1929. She was a sculptor, later a librarian at the Frankfurt Institute. She emigrated to the Soviet Union and worked there (among other things?) as a translator at the VAGAAR, an Organisation for foreign workers.
- Michael Buckmiller, Die "Marxistische Arbeitswoche" 1923 und die Gründung des "Instituts für Sozialforschung",in Willem van Reijen, Gunzelin Schmid Noerr (eds.), Grand Hotel Abgrund, p. 141-182. For Rose Schlesinger p. 148, citing D. Pike, Deutsche Schriftsteller im sowjetischen Exil, 1934-1945, Frankfurt am Main, 1981, S. 311.
- ^ If he seems not to really belong to the famous , it may be because of his Marxism, his activism or even because he was not Jewish.
- ^ His supervisors were , and Franz Oppenheimer. His thesis was On the Economical Importance of the Agrarian and Industrial Productive Forces in China,
- Die ökonomische Bedeutung der agrikolen und industriellen Produktivkräfte Chinas, W. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart. 1930.
- This was the first chapter of Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft Chinas, 1931.
- ^ In his Mass Psychology of Fascism, Wilhelm Reich mentions a bizarre debate with Otto Strasser on religion, in a Berlin mass meeting, in January, 1933.
- In a short 1974 notice to a reprint of his 1929 essay on Political Geography, Wittfogel says he came out much stronger against the Nazis than the KPD and line wanted.
- Lit.: Politische Geography, Josef Matznetter, ed., Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt, 1977, p. 230.
- Communist students at Jena invited him and for a debate on the importance of Hegel for the Germany of today. Bäumler was a specialist on Kant, Nietzsche and . He soon became a leading Nazi philosopher.
- ^ Borgermoor Moorlager im Emsland, a peat bog-camp in the Emsland and in near Torgau.
- Lit.: A novel Staatliches Konzentrationslager VII, Eine "Erziehungsanstalt" im Dritten Reich was first published in London, 1936 under the pen name Klaus Hinrichs. German edition: Edition Temmen, Bremen, 1991.
- ^ His second wife worked tirelessly for his release and, with the help of nationalbolshevist revolutionary and the also radical right-wing geographer Karl Haushofer and the LSE historian , managed to get Wittfogel free (Mathias Greffrath, Martin Jay).
- ^ (PDF). 3 Şubat 2014 tarihinde kaynağından (PDF) arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 1 Şubat 2014.
- ^ Gloria Levitas, Esther Schiff Goldfrank, p. 120- 126, in Women Anthropologists, Ute Gacs, editor, new ed., University of Illinois Press, Chicago, 1989.
- ^ Piscator himself played the Cripple at the opening. managed a half-hour late delivery of the backdrop, Erwin Piscator, Das politische Theater [new edition], Hamburg, 1963, S. 48f., note 1. Reprinted in Literatur im Klassenkampf, Zur proletarisch-revolutionären Literaturtheorie 1919-1923, Eine Dokumentation von Walter Fähnders und Martin Rector, Fischer, Frankfurt am Main, 1974, p. 242f.. The Proletarian Theatre bill (I. Programm-Ausgabe) for this evening on pages 206ff..The newspaper published a harsh review of the plays, G. G. L. (Gertrud Alexander), Proletarisches Theater, Die Rote Fahne, Vol. 3, 1920, No. 210, Oct. 17. This and Proletarisches Theater und der Gegner, Julian Gumperz's answer with another short notice by Gertrud Alexander (Die Rote Fahne, 3, 1920, no. 213, Oct. 21), Literatur im Klassenkampf, pages 208 to 213.
- ^ Who Is the Biggest Fool? was produced (the text adapted) by Truppe 1931 (troop 1931) early in 1933.
- ^ . 3 Mart 2009 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 3 Şubat 2014.
- ^ Die Linkskurve (Solak) Almanya Komünist Partisi’yle ilişkili federal Proleter-Devrimci Yazarlar’ın dergisiydi. Dergi, Johannes R. Becher, , , , ve tarafından düzenleniyordu. Kaynak:http://www.dkp-online.de/uz/3948/s1301.htm 20 Şubat 2014 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . (Almanca)
- ^ Bediiyat: Estetik bilimi, güzel sanatlar. Kaynak: TDK http://www.tdk.gov.tr/index.php?option=com_gts&arama=gts&guid=TDK.GTS.52eed3c3dcce66.01370589 19 Şubat 2014 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- ^ His conservative aesthetics put Wittfogel on Lukacs' side -- not what might have been expected from his plays. With the earlier Dada and Proletkult debates, the Mehring-, documentary- and proletarian-literature feud, from 1928 on became part of the long and bitter debate on literary modernism and communism, which culminated in the 1930s onslaught on in the Moscow journal Das Wort. The whole sorry mess was rekindled in the 1960s as the Brecht-Lukacs debate. At the time, Brecht had not really been able to publish his views.
- Helga Gallas, Marxistische Literaturtheorie, Luchterhand, Neuwied, 1971, on the 1928-1933 .
- Jan Myrdal who has written about China for nearly fifty years without knowing the language, also called Wittfogel non-intellectual, uncouth ("ungeschlacht") and a pretend professor.
- Lit.: and Jan Myrdal, Die unnötige Gegenwart, Hanser, München, 1975, pp. 85- 95. First published as Den onödiga Samtiden, Stockholm, 1974.
- ^ Alternative in Eastern Europe
- ^ Der Krüppel was performed on October 14, 1920 at Piscator's Proletarischem Theater - Bühnen der revolutionären Arbeiter Groß- Berlins, together with two other short plays under the heading Gegen den weißen Schrecken - für Sowjetrußland, see: Der Gegner. Mit dem satirischen Teil Die Pleite, vol. 2, no. 4, Malik, Berlin, 1920, p. 94- 107. Erwin Piscator's essay Über Grundlagen und Aufgaben des Proletarischen Theaters in the same number on pages 90 to 93. Der Gegner was then edited by and Wieland Herzfelde. Rote Soldaten had been scheduled for a second season of the theatre.
- Wittfogel also published a theoretical essay on proletarian theatre: Grenzen und Aufgaben der revolutionären Bühnenkunst, Der Gegner, vol. 3, no. 2, Berlin, 1922, p. 39-44.
- One of the final communist Weimar theatre events was 's "didactic play" on communism, murder and morality, set in China, Die Maßnahme. Wittfogel's review was published in Die Welt am Abend, on Dec. 22, 1930.
- ^ Rare with little known cover. The first part is all there is. The Verlag Junge Garde, Berlin C 2 (on Stralauerstrasse 12 in Schöneberg) was the publishers of the , Kommunistische Jugendinternationale.
- ^ In Brussels, February, 1927 the Liga gegen Imperialismus was founded at a Internationale Kongress gegen Unterdrückung und Kolonialismus. This Congress had been organised by Willi Münzenberg). Wittfogel took part, as did . (Source: Sinologie Heidelberg Alumni Netzwerk
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Karl August Wittfogel 6 Eylul 1896 25 Mayis 1988 New York Alman Amerikali oyun yazari dilbilimci tarihci turkolog sinolog ogretmen yazar ve siyasetci Aslen Marksist ve Almanya Komunist Partisi nin aktif bir uyesi olan Wittfogel II Dunya Savasi ndan sonra ayni derecede kati bir Anti komunist olmustur Karl August WittfogelKarl August Wittfogel in 1926 da Alman fotografci August Sander tarafindan cekilmis bir portresi Dogum6 Eylul 1896 Asagi Saksonya Alman ImparatorluguOlum25 Mayis 1988 92 Yasinda New York ABDIkamet Munih Berlin Leipzig Ingiltere 1933 New York 1934 MilliyetAlmanDiger ad lar i W wf KAW Dr K Jonathan Dr Jonathan Nathanael Hans Petersen Klaus Hinrichs Julius Haidvogel Jungmann Etnik kokenCermenVatandaslikAlmanya Kasim 1933 te Ingiltere ye goc etti ABD 1934 EgitimSinoloji 1921 Leipzig Universitesi Antik Cin Toplumu 1926 Frankfurt Universitesi Ph D 1928 Frankfurt UniversitesiMeslekDilbilimci Yazar Turkolog Sinolog Siyasetci Tarihci Oyun Yazari Lise OgretmeniDonemI Dunya Savasi II Dunya Savasi Buyuk Buhran Nazi AlmanyasiTaninma nedeniLuneburg Wandervogel Alman Genclik Hareketi grubu lideri I Dunya Savasi oncesi Almanya Bagimsiz Sosyal Demokrat Partisi nin Luneburg subesi kurucusu 1918 Almanya Komunist Partisi aktif uyesi 1920 uyesi 1925 1933 Siyasi partiAlmanya Bagimsiz Sosyal Demokrat Partisi 1918 1920 Almanya Komunist Partisi 1920 II Dunya Savasi sonu Evlilik 1921 1933 EtkilendikleriKarl Marx Karl KorschEtkiledikleri Rudi Dutschke BiyografiEgitimi ve siyasi kariyeri Wittfogel 6 Eylul 1896 da Hannover Vilayeti nin bolgesinde dogdu ve okulundan 1914 te ayrildi Leipzig Universitesi nin yani sira sirasiyla Munih Berlin Rostock ta okuyan ve 1919 da Berlin e geri donen Wittfogel filozofi tarih sosyoloji ve cografya egitimi almistir 1921 den itibaren Leipzig de sinoloji okumustur Egitim sureci icerisinde 1917 yilinda Muharebe Birligi Unitesi Fernmeldeeinheit nde gorev almistir Wittfogel modern cagin en calkantili doneminde yasamistir Birinci ve II Dunya Savasi na Buyuk Buhran a Rus Devrimleri ne Nazi Almanyasi na ve totaliter rejimin hakimiyetine taniklik etmistir Wittfogel I Dunya Savasi oncesinde Luneburg Alman Genclik Hareketi grubunun lideriydi 1918 de Almanya Bagimsiz Sosyal Demokrat Partisi USDP nin Luneburg subesini kurdu 1920 de Almanya Komunist Partisi KDP ne katildi 1920 de Karl Korsch ile tanisti ve 1923 te Sosyal Arastirma Enstitusu nun kurulusuna yardimci olan konferansa davet edildi Wittfogel 1925 ten 1933 e kadar enstitunun uyesiydi 1928 de Frankfurt Universitesi nde doktorasini tamamladi Wittfogel komunist partinin her zaman aktif bir uyesi ve parti dusmanlarinin elestirmeni olmustur 1933 te Hitler iktidara gelince Isvicre ye kacmaya calismis ancak tutuklanip hapishaneye ve toplama kamplarina gonderilmistir Tutuklanmasina karsi verilen uluslararasi tepki sayesinde 1934 te ozgurlugune tekrar kavusmustur Almanya dan ayrilarak once Ingiltere ye daha sonra ise Amerika Birlesik Devletleri ne gitmistir Wittfogel in Sovyetler Birligine olan inanci Hitler Stalin muttefikligi yuzunden yok olmustur Lenin den Mao ya Rus ve Cin komunizminin totaliter ve asyatik dogasindan nefret etmeye baslamistir Eski yoldaslarina ki bunlara 1951 Komitesi ndeki ve gibi Amerikali bilginler de dahildir dusman olmus ve bazilarini ihbar etmistir Wittfogel Sovyet blogunun sahip oldugu devlet merkezli ekonomik yapilarinin kacinilmaz bir sekilde geleneksel Asya daki hukumetlerden dahi daha baskici despot hukumetlerin olusmasina yol actigini ve bu rejimlerin insanoglu icin var olan en buyuk tehdit olduguna inanmistir Akademik kariyeri Wittfogel 1939 dan itibaren Columbia Universitesi nde akademik mevkiilerde yer almis ve ayrica 1947 den 1966 ya kadar Washington Universitesi nde Cin Tarih profesoru olarak gorev almistir Aile hayati ve olumu Wittfogel 1921 de ile evlendi Ikinci esi ise Wittfogel ile birlikte Cin e seyahat eden ve kendisine Cin aile yapisini inceleyen bir projesinde yardim ederek isbirligi yapan bir Rus sosyologtu Lang daha sonra Cin aile yapisi uzerine bir monografi ve anarsist yazar Ba Jin in bir biyografisini yayimlamistir Antropolog 1940 ta Wittfogel in ucuncu esi olmustur Wittfogel 25 Mayis 1988 de New York ta 92 yasinda olmustur Oyun yazarligi1920 li yillarin baslarinda Wittfogel komunist ancak bir o kadar da disavurumcu oyunlar yazmistir The Cripple diger kisa oyunlarla birlikte 14 Ekim 1920 de Erwin Piscator un nda oynanmistir Bunun yani sira Red Soldiers Kirmizi Askerler The Man Who Has an Idea Fikri Olan Adam The Mother Anne The Refugee Multeci The Skyscraper Gokdelen and Who is the Biggest Fool En Buyuk Aptal Kim adli eserlerinin hepsi Malik taradindan yayinlanmistir Wittfogel akademik calismalarina yogunlasmak adina kendisine yapilan Berlin deki devrimci Dramatik Teatral Yapimciligi teklifini geri cevirmistir Kendisi isimli nde ve edebiyat uzerine uzun Hegelci denemeler ve kompozisyonlar yayimlamis ve 1930 dan itibaren derginin kadrosunda yer almistir Asyatik uretim yontemiWittfogel in en cok bilinen eseri Oriental Despotism A Comparative Study of Total Power Oryantal Despotizm Mutlak Gucun Karsilastirmali Incelemesi isimli ilk defa 1957 de yayimlanan anitsal eseridir Max Weber in Cin ve Hindistan in hidrolik burokratik resmi devlet yapilari ile ilgili fikirlerinin Marksist bir analizi ile baslayip Marx in Asya Tipi Uretim Yontemi uzerindeki supheci bakis acisina dayandirmak suretiyle Wittfogel sistemi tanimlamak adina terimini yaratarak tarimsal anlamda sulama calismalarinin rolunu bu calismalarin korunmasi ve devamliliginin saglanmasi icin gereken burokratik yapiyi ve soz konusu bu etkenlerin tamaminin toplumdaki etkisini vurgulayan analizini ortaya cikarmistir Wittfogel in gorusune gore baslica Asya da olmak uzere bircok toplum genis capli sulama islerinin insaasindan gecimini saglamaktaydi Devlet bunu organize edebilmek icin nufusun genelini angarya islerinde calismaya zorluyordu Bu gibi buyuk boyutlardaki sulama sistemlerinin yonetimi bakimi ve devamliligi sadece merkezi bir yonetim tarafindan saglanabilecegi icin bu tur sistemler Oryantal ulkelerde kacinilmaz kilmistir Soz konusu bu devlet yapisi ayni zamanda sivil toplumu ve devlete karsi harekete gecebilecek kapasiteye sahip baska herhangi bir gucu de ezmek ve yerle bir etmek icin benzersiz bir sekilde insa edilmistir Bu yapidaki bir devletin despot mutlak guc sahibi varlikli ve istikrarli olmasi da kacinilmazdir Wittfogel in Oryantal Despotizm deki antikomunist bakis acisi hidrolik hipotezini pek uygulanabilir olmayan Rusya yi da kapsayacak sekilde genisletmistir ve ozellikle Wittfogel hakkinda yazan yazarlar olarak gosterilebilir ve Wittfogel in kendisinden uzaklasmis ogrencisi o donem Maoist olan ve bu kavram uzerine yogunlasmislardir SDS ogrenci hareketinin iki Berlin lideri Rudi Dutschke ve bu konuda calismalar yayimlamislardir Zamanin Dogu Almanya muhalifi olan daha sonra Dogu Avrupa da Alternatif adli eserinin Wittfogel in dusuncelerini temel aldigini aciklamis ancak Wittfogel in ileriki zamanda olusan antikomunist kimliginden dolayi kitapta adina yer verilemedigini belirtmistir Bahro nun ileriki donemdeki basta From Red to Green olmak uzere bazi calismalarinda bahsettigi ekolojik fikirlerinde de ayni sekilde Wittfogel in cografi determinizminden esinlenmistir Hidrolik Toplum tezi ayrica gibi ekoloji antropologlari tarafindan da benimsenmistir Yucatan in Maya kalintilari bolgesindeki mevcut kanallar aginin havadan cekilen fotograflar sayesinde ortaya cikarilmasi ile beraber soz konusu tez Maya toplumuna da uygulanmistir Bunun yani sira elestirmenler Seylan ve Bali nin gercek anlamda Wittfogel in hidrolik devlet gorusune uydugu dusuncesini reddetmislerdir Roportajlari Ingilizce Conversations with Wittfogel Telos12 Haziran 2019 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde 43 Spring 1980 Telos Press New York Oyunlari Almanca Julius Haidvogel K A Wittfogel Der Kruppel The Cripple in Der Gegner Vol 2 Nr 4 Malik Berlin 1920 p 94ff Rote Soldaten Politische Tragodie in funf Akten Red Soldiers Malik Berlin 1921 Der Mann der eine Idee hat Erotisches Schauspiel in vier Akten The Man Who Has an Idea Malik Berlin 1922 and 1933 Die Mutter Der Fluchtling Zwei Einakter The Mother amp The Refugee 2 one act plays Malik Berlin 1922 Wer ist der Dummste Eine Frage an das Schicksal in einem Vorspiel und vier Akten Who is the Biggest Fool Malik Berlin 1923 Gustav von Wangenheim Da liegt der Hund begraben und andere Stucke Aus dem Repertoire der Truppe 31 Rowohlt Reinbek b Hamburg 1974 Der Wolkenkratzer Amerikanischer Sketch The Skyscraper Malik 1924Almanca dilinde yaptigi seckin calismalariVom Urkommunismus bis zur proletarischen Revolution Eine Skizze der Entwicklung der burgerlichen Gesellschaft 1 Teil Urkommunismus und Feudalismus Verlag Junge Garde Berlin C 2 1922 79 p Die Wissenschaft der burgerlichen Gesellschaft Eine marxistische Untersuchung Malik Berlin 1922 Geschichte der burgerlichen Gesellschaft Von ihren Anfangen bis zur Schwelle der grossen Revolution Malik Wien 1924 Das erwachende China Ein Abriss der Geschichte und der gegenwartigen Probleme Chinas AGIS Verlag Wien 1926 Shanghai Kanton Vereinigung Internationale Verlags Anstalten Berlin 1927 Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft Chinas Versuch der wissenschaftlichen Analyse einer grossen asiatischen Agrargesellschaft Hirschfeld Leipzig 1931 XXIV 767 P Schriften des Instituts fur Sozialforschung der Universitat Frankfurt am Main No 3 Die naturlichen Ursachen der Wirtschaftsgeschichte in Archiv fur Sozialwissenschaft und Sozialpolitik 67 1932 pp 466 492 597 609 711 731 Die Theorie der orientalischen Gesellschaft in Zeitschrift fur Sozialforschung Vol 7 No 1 2 Alcan Paris 1938Ingilizce dilinde yaptigi calismalariThe Foundations and Stages of Chinese Economic History Zeitschrift fur Sozialforschung Alcan Paris 4 1935 p 26 60 New Light on Chinese Society An Investigation of China s Socio Economic Structure Institute of Pacific Relations New York 1938 The Society of Prehistoric China Alcan Paris 1939 Meteorological Records from the Divination Inscriptions of Shang American Geographical Society 1940 Public Office in the Liao Dynasty and the Chinese Examination System Harvard Yenching Institute 1947 With Feng Chia sheng et al History of Chinese Society Liao 907 1125 American Philosophical Society Transactions Distributed by the Macmillan Co New York 1949 Google Book 27 Haziran 2014 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde With Chia sheng Feng and Karl H Menges History of Chinese society Liao 907 1125 Appendix V Qara Khitay 1949 Russia and Asia Problems of Contemporary Area Studies and International Relations 1950 Asia s Freedom and the Land Question 1950 The influence of Leninism Stalinism on China 1951 The Review of Politics The Historical Position of Communist China Doctrine and Reality University of Notre Dame Press 1954 Mao Tse tung Liberator or Destroyer of the Chinese Peasants Free Trade Union Committee American Federation of Labor New York 1955 The Hydraulic Civilizations Chicago 1956 Oriental Despotism a Comparative Study of Total Power Yale University Press 1957 Class Structure and Total Power in Oriental Despotism 1960 Results and Problems of the Study of Oriental Despotism 1969 Chinese Society An Historical Survey 1957 The New Men Hong Kong 1958 Food and Society in China and India New York 1959 Peking s Independence 1959 The Marxist View of Russian Society and Revolution 1960 Viewer s Guide to From Marx to Mao University of Washington 1960 The Legend of Maoism 1960 Class Structure and Total Power in Oriental Despotism 1960 A Stronger Oriental Despotism 1960 The Russian and Chinese Revolutions A Socio Historical Comparison 1961 The Marxist View of China China Quarterly 1962 Agrarian Problems and the Moscow Peking Axis 1962 A Short History of Chinese Communism University of Washington 1964 The Chinese Red Guards and the Lin Piao Line American Asian Educational Exchange Inc 1967 Results and Problems of the Study of Oriental Despotism 1969 Agriculture a Key to the Understanding of Chinese Society Past and Present Australian National University Press 1970 Communist and Non Communist Agrarian Systems with Special Reference to the U S S R and Communist China a Comparative Approach Univ of Washington Press Seattle 1971 The Hydraulic Approach to Pre spanish Mesoamerica Austin 1972 Some Remarks on Mao s Handling of Concepts and Problems of Dialectics University of Washington Far Eastern and Russian Institute not datedWittfogel hakkinda yapilan calismalarG L Ulmen The Science of Society Towards an Understanding of the Life and Work of Karl August Wittfogel Mouton The Hague 1978 Ingilizce G L Ulmen ed Society and History Essays in Honor of Karl August Wittfogel Mouton The Hague 1978 ISBN 90 279 7776 3 Ingilizce Karl A Wittfogel George Taylor International Encyclopedia of Social Sciences 18 London Collier 1979 p 812 Ingilizce MakalelerPapers 1939 1970 Collected papers of Karl August Wittfogel 1939 1970 University of Washington Libraries 16 Subat 2010 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Ingilizce Register of Karl Wittfogel Papers Hoover Institution3 Subat 2014 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Ingilizce Dis baglantilar Ingilizce Almanca Wittfogel Karl August 1896 1988 WorldCat Identity Page 3 Subat 2014 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Ingilizce Kaynakca amp notlar Arsivlenmis kopya 11 Subat 2014 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 1 Subat 2014 http rzv039 rz tu bs de isw sandra lexikon cmsimpleplus U Z Wittfogel 2C Karl A 3 Subat 2014 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde http www marxists org glossary people w i htm 31 Aralik 2013 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Wittfogel was freed in November 1933 and emigrated to England http www marxists org glossary people w i htm 31 Aralik 2013 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde 1939 da vatandaslik aldi In 1934 he went on to the United States where he became a naturalized citizen in 1939 http www marxists org glossary people w i htm 31 Aralik 2013 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde published his first analysis of ancient Chinese society in 1926 http www marxists org glossary people w i htm 31 Aralik 2013 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde and gained his PhD in 1928 http www marxists org glossary people w i htm 31 Aralik 2013 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde In 1931 the Institut published Wittfogel s Economy and Society in China after which he abandoned scholarly work to devote himself to political work against the Nazis http www marxists org glossary people w i htm 31 Aralik 2013 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde He was a playwright in his youth and wrote several essays and novels with a Communist theme http www marxists org glossary people w i htm 31 Aralik 2013 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde In 1920 1921 he was a high school teacher in Tinz http www marxists org glossary people w i htm 31 Aralik 2013 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Wittfogel s first wife Rose Schlesinger whom he married in 1921 http www marxists org glossary people w i htm 31 Aralik 2013 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde His second wife Olga Lang originally Olga Joffe herself later an expert on Chinese affairs whom he married in 1933 http www marxists org glossary people w i htm 31 Aralik 2013 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde In 1931 the Institut published Wittfogel s Economy and Society in China after which he abandoned scholarly work to devote himself to political work against the Nazis http www marxists org glossary people w i htm 31 Aralik 2013 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde in 1917 he was drafted into the German Army Signal Corps Erisim http www waterhistory org histories wittfogel 11 Subat 2014 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Worsher Donald 1985 Rivers of Empire Water Aridity and Growth of the American West Pantheon Books New York Yazin Walter Laqueur Young Germany 1962 Yazin Mathias Greffrath Ein ernster Mensch Die Zeit 10 6 1988 online arsiv Later Wittfogel wrote under the pseudonym Jungmann am account of youth movements in Max Horkheimer s compilation Studies in Authority and the Family Unfortunately although Horkheimer s and Herbert Marcuse s contributions have been translated Wittfogel s have not been Wittfogel who had been a leader of the German Socialist Student Movement after the war beside Klaus Reichenbach liked Rudi Dutschke when they met in Dusseldorf in 1979 At the Meissnertag 1923 a large Youth Movement gathering Wittfogel asked the members of the Freideutsche Jugend In Wahrheit steht jedes Zeitalter unter einer grossen Idee Habt ihr diese grosse Idee Seid ihr bereit dafur zu sterben Wittfogel asked them if they knew the need of the age its big idea and if they had what it takes to die for their convictions Yazin Karl Otto Schuddekopf Linke Leute von rechts Stuttgart 1960 After expelling a strong radical group in the autumn of 1919 the KPD was basically a sect until a majority of USPD delegates decided to join it at their party convention in October 1920 A third of USPD members ca 300 000 joined the 70 000 strong KPD Yazin Ossip K Flechtheim Die KPD in der Weimarer Republik 1st edition 1948 Frankfurt 1969 edition pp 35f 156f M Buckmiller says not only because W taught at the Volkshochschule Schloss but also because of Korsch s wife Dr who was active in the school reform movement financed and Richard Sorge organized this Erste Marxistische Arbeitswoche 1st marxist workweek with Karl Korsch and Georgy Lukacs his later wife Felix Jose and Kathe Weil they were married 1921 1929 Richard and Christiane Sorge Friedrich Pollock and his later wife from 1919 to 1923 married to and their kid and others Rose Wittfogel born Schlesinger also took part They were married from 1921 other sources say 1920 to 1929 She was a sculptor later a librarian at the Frankfurt Institute She emigrated to the Soviet Union and worked there among other things as a translator at the VAGAAR an Organisation for foreign workers Michael Buckmiller Die Marxistische Arbeitswoche 1923 und die Grundung des Instituts fur Sozialforschung in Willem van Reijen Gunzelin Schmid Noerr eds Grand Hotel Abgrund p 141 182 For Rose Schlesinger p 148 citing D Pike Deutsche Schriftsteller im sowjetischen Exil 1934 1945 Frankfurt am Main 1981 S 311 If he seems not to really belong to the famous it may be because of his Marxism his activism or even because he was not Jewish His supervisors were and Franz Oppenheimer His thesis was On the Economical Importance of the Agrarian and Industrial Productive Forces in China Die okonomische Bedeutung der agrikolen und industriellen Produktivkrafte Chinas W Kohlhammer Stuttgart 1930 This was the first chapter of Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft Chinas 1931 In his Mass Psychology of Fascism Wilhelm Reich mentions a bizarre debate with Otto Strasser on religion in a Berlin mass meeting in January 1933 In a short 1974 notice to a reprint of his 1929 essay on Political Geography Wittfogel says he came out much stronger against the Nazis than the KPD and line wanted Lit Politische Geography Josef Matznetter ed Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft Darmstadt 1977 p 230 Communist students at Jena invited him and for a debate on the importance of Hegel for the Germany of today Baumler was a specialist on Kant Nietzsche and He soon became a leading Nazi philosopher Borgermoor Moorlager im Emsland a peat bog camp in the Emsland and in near Torgau Lit A novel Staatliches Konzentrationslager VII Eine Erziehungsanstalt im Dritten Reich was first published in London 1936 under the pen name Klaus Hinrichs German edition Edition Temmen Bremen 1991 His second wife worked tirelessly for his release and with the help of nationalbolshevist revolutionary and the also radical right wing geographer Karl Haushofer and the LSE historian managed to get Wittfogel free Mathias Greffrath Martin Jay PDF 3 Subat 2014 tarihinde kaynagindan PDF arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 1 Subat 2014 Gloria Levitas Esther Schiff Goldfrank p 120 126 in Women Anthropologists Ute Gacs editor new ed University of Illinois Press Chicago 1989 Piscator himself played the Cripple at the opening managed a half hour late delivery of the backdrop Erwin Piscator Das politische Theater new edition Hamburg 1963 S 48f note 1 Reprinted in Literatur im Klassenkampf Zur proletarisch revolutionaren Literaturtheorie 1919 1923 Eine Dokumentation von Walter Fahnders und Martin Rector Fischer Frankfurt am Main 1974 p 242f The Proletarian Theatre bill I Programm Ausgabe for this evening on pages 206ff The newspaper published a harsh review of the plays G G L Gertrud Alexander Proletarisches Theater Die Rote Fahne Vol 3 1920 No 210 Oct 17 This and Proletarisches Theater und der Gegner Julian Gumperz s answer with another short notice by Gertrud Alexander Die Rote Fahne 3 1920 no 213 Oct 21 Literatur im Klassenkampf pages 208 to 213 Who Is the Biggest Fool was produced the text adapted by Truppe 1931 troop 1931 early in 1933 3 Mart 2009 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 3 Subat 2014 Die Linkskurve Solak Almanya Komunist Partisi yle iliskili federal Proleter Devrimci Yazarlar in dergisiydi Dergi Johannes R Becher ve tarafindan duzenleniyordu Kaynak http www dkp online de uz 3948 s1301 htm 20 Subat 2014 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Almanca Bediiyat Estetik bilimi guzel sanatlar Kaynak TDK http www tdk gov tr index php option com gts amp arama gts amp guid TDK GTS 52eed3c3dcce66 01370589 19 Subat 2014 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde His conservative aesthetics put Wittfogel on Lukacs side not what might have been expected from his plays With the earlier Dada and Proletkult debates the Mehring documentary and proletarian literature feud from 1928 on became part of the long and bitter debate on literary modernism and communism which culminated in the 1930s onslaught on in the Moscow journal Das Wort The whole sorry mess was rekindled in the 1960s as the Brecht Lukacs debate At the time Brecht had not really been able to publish his views Helga Gallas Marxistische Literaturtheorie Luchterhand Neuwied 1971 on the 1928 1933 The Maoist Jan Myrdal in 1974 accused Wittfogel and George Lukacs who were in favour of culture and an elitist aesthetics in the so called Mehring debate to have turned Marxism into a theology and thus brought Hitler to power Wittfogel Sauerland Lukacs tragen eine schwere historische Verantwortung p 95 are to blame for the course of history Jan Myrdal who has written about China for nearly fifty years without knowing the language also called Wittfogel non intellectual uncouth ungeschlacht and a pretend professor Lit and Jan Myrdal Die unnotige Gegenwart Hanser Munchen 1975 pp 85 95 First published as Den onodiga Samtiden Stockholm 1974 Jan Myrdal also called Wittfogel parteikonformer Ideologe spineless follower of the party line but while Wittfogel believed in the party at least until 1933 and still sometimes fiercely defended it until at least around 1939 he broke with over the revelations even in the 1920s Wittfogel had ideas of his own e g on nature which to him could never simply be a part of human history and pure object of thinking an idea Lukacs did not like at all With very few others he took Marx s idea of a genuine asiatic way of pre capitalist development seriously At a Leningrad conference in 1931 all those ideas of an asiatic mode of production were shot down and buried by the Stalinist majority They resurfaced around 1960 but by then Wittfogel was of course a non person in communist eyes Alternative in Eastern Europe Der Kruppel was performed on October 14 1920 at Piscator s Proletarischem Theater Buhnen der revolutionaren Arbeiter Gross Berlins together with two other short plays under the heading Gegen den weissen Schrecken fur Sowjetrussland see Der Gegner Mit dem satirischen Teil Die Pleite vol 2 no 4 Malik Berlin 1920 p 94 107 Erwin Piscator s essay Uber Grundlagen und Aufgaben des Proletarischen Theaters in the same number on pages 90 to 93 Der Gegner was then edited by and Wieland Herzfelde Rote Soldaten had been scheduled for a second season of the theatre Wittfogel also published a theoretical essay on proletarian theatre Grenzen und Aufgaben der revolutionaren Buhnenkunst Der Gegner vol 3 no 2 Berlin 1922 p 39 44 On the Weimar Proletarian Theatre Richard Weber Proletarisches Theater und Revolutionare Arbeiterbewegung 2nd ed Prometh Koln 1978 P 85 96 One of the final communist Weimar theatre events was s didactic play on communism murder and morality set in China Die Massnahme Wittfogel s review was published in Die Welt am Abend on Dec 22 1930 Rare with little known cover The first part is all there is The Verlag Junge Garde Berlin C 2 on Stralauerstrasse 12 in Schoneberg was the publishers of the Kommunistische Jugendinternationale In Brussels February 1927 the Liga gegen Imperialismus was founded at a Internationale Kongress gegen Unterdruckung und Kolonialismus This Congress had been organised by Willi Munzenberg Wittfogel took part as did Source Sinologie Heidelberg Alumni Netzwerk