Bu sayfanın tamamının ya da bir kısmının Türkçeye çevrilmesi gerekmektedir. Bu sayfanın tamamı ya da bir kısmı Türkçe dışındaki bir dilde yazılmıştır. Madde, alakalı dilin okuyucuları için oluşturulmuşsa o dildeki Vikipedi'ye aktarılmalıdır. İlgili değişiklikler gerçekleşmezse maddenin tamamının ya da çevrilmemiş kısımların silinmesi sözkonusu olabilecektir. İlgili çalışmayı yapmak üzere |
Muhtelif Budist terim ve kavramların asıl terimin bütün derinliğiyle kapsayacak Türkçe tercümeleri yoktur. Aşağıda birçok mühim Budist terim, kısa tanımlar ve hangi dilde kullandıkları sıralanmıştır. Bu listede terimleri asıl şekline göre düzenlemek ve başka dillerdeki tercüme ve eş anlamlı kelimeleri vermeye çalıştık.
Burada üstesinden gelmeye çalıştığımız diller ve gelenekler şunlardır:
- İngilizce (İng.)
- Pāli: Theravāda Budizmi
- Sanskrit (veya ): öncelikle Mahāyāna Budizmi
- Birmanca (Bir):
- Kmerce: Theravāda Budizmi
- (Mon): Theravāda Budizmi
- Moğolca (Mn):
- (Şan): Theravāda Budizmi
- Tibetçe (Tib): Tibet Budizmi
- Tayca: Theravāda Budizmi
- CJKV dilleri
- Çince (Cn): Çin Budizmi
- Japonca (Jp):
- Korece (Ko): Kore Budizmi
- Vietnamca (Vi):
Tanım | Etimoloji | Diğer dillerde |
: Bir kutsal yazı kategorisi olup Budist öğretileri kullanarak bütün dünyevî fenomeni sistematik, somut biçimde açıklamaya çalışır. |
Pali Derlemesi'ni oluşturan Tripitaka'nın üçüncü sepeti, manastır yasasının üçüncüsü olup bütün doktrinlerin sistematik şekilde düzenlemesidir. |
, günlük dilde "öğretmen" demektir. Bir aday rahibin iki öğretmeninden biridir. Diğerineupādhyāya denir. |
: Kararlılık, dua etmek, istemek |
: 'nın Mahayanacı olmayan kolu. |
ahimsa: Şiddetsizliğe ve her türlü yaşam şekline saygılı davranmaya kendini adama. Ahimsa'ya uyanlar, çoğu zaman vejetaryen veya vegandırlar |
Ködelüsi ügei, Ülü hödelügci | |
alayavijnana, see |
Amitabha: günlük konuşmada "Sonsuz Işık'ın Budası" demektir. Arık Ülke okulunun başlıca Budası olmasına rağmen başka Mahayana mezheplerinde de popülerdir. İmajı, şekilsiz olan bilgelikten kaynaklanırcasına ışıktandır. Ayrıca Tan Luan, Şinran ve diğer On Konut'a giren Engellenmeyen Işığın Tathagata'sı olarak yorumlanır. |
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A white-robed student in the Theravada tradition who, for a few months, awaits being considered for Samaneras ordination |
Nefesin farkındalığı meditasyonu |
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anatta olgularda ruhun varlığının reddi ilkesi. See also . |
anicca Geçicilik |
Unsurpassing |
arhat, kelime karşılığı "Değerli kişi", aydınlanmaya ulaşmış yaşayan biri. |
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kelime karşılığı "benlik", kimi zaman "ruh" veya "ego". Budizmde baskın öğreti, karşıtı olan anatman doktrinidir, anatman doktrini kalıcı, değişmez bir atman bulunmadığını ve atman inancının cehaletin birincil sonucu, samsaranın temeli olduğunu kabul eder. |
Avalokitesvara, lit. "One Who Hears the Suffering Cries of the World", The bodhisattva of compassion (see also Guan Yin) |
"ignorance" or "delusion" |
Definition | Etymology | In other languages |
bardo, sözcüş anlamıyla "ara durum" veya "aradaki durum". Tibet geleneğine göre, iki yaşam arasında bir varoluş durumu |
samsara'nın çembersel sembolik betimlemesi, Varoluş Çarkı olarak da bilinir |
bhante Theravada geleneğinde bir Budist seslenirken kullanılan saygı ifadesi. Bhante sözcük anlamıyla "Muhterem efendi" demektir. |
Varoluş, oluş, varolma; Pratitya-samutpada'nın 10uncu halkası |
, sözcük anlamı "dilenci". Budist keşiş. |
Budist rahibe. |
, sözcük anlamı "tohum"dur. okulunun öğretilerinde nesnelerin kökenini ya da nedenini ifade eden bir metafor olarak kullanılır. |
bodhi Uyanış veya aydınlanma |
Bodhi ağacı Altında Gautama Buddha'nın aydınlanmaya ulaştığı Hint inciri ağacı (Ficus religiosa) |
Bir bodhisattva'nın hareketlerini yönlendiren motivasyon |
bodhisattva tüm duyarlı canlıları ızdıraptan kurtarmak amacıyla Buda olmak isteyen biri |
Kutsal, yaşayan Buda, yaşayan Boddhisattva. unvanı; aynı zamanda en yüksek Budist ustaların adlarıyla kullanılan bir unvan, örneğin , |
Buda bir Buda; aynı zamanda, Siddhārtha Gautama. |
Buda-doğası Aydınlanmaya yönelik olarak tüm duyarlı varlıklarda gizli, yaratılmamış ve ölümsüz Buda unsuru veya ilkesi; doğuştan gelen Buda özü (özellikle sutraları, Tendai/Tiantai, Nichiren düşüncesinde vurgulanır) |
Definition | Etymology | In other languages |
Volition |
A reliquary holding holy objects of veneration |
Definition | Etymology | In other languages |
dakini A supernatural female with volatile temperament who serves as a muse for spiritual practice. Dakinis are often depicted naked to represent the truth |
Dalai Lama, lit. "the lama with wisdom like an ocean", secular and spiritual leader of Tibet as nominated by the Mongols |
Generosity or giving; in Buddhism, it also refers to the practice of cultivating generosity |
many different types of non-human beings who share the characteristics of being more powerful, longer-lived, and, in general, living more contentedly than the average human being |
, see |
Often refers to the doctrines and teachings of the faith, but it may have broader uses. Also, it is an important technical term meaning something like " constituent." This leads to the potential for confusion, puns, and double entendres, as the latter meaning often has negative connotations |
dhammavinaya The dharma and (roughly "doctrine and discipline") considered together. This term essentially means the whole teachings of Buddhism as taught to monks |
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A symbolic representation of the dharma, also known as the Wheel of Dharma |
a versified Buddhist scripture traditionally ascribed to the Buddha |
A fearsome deity, known as protector of the Dharma |
, see jhana |
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doan In Zen, a term for person sounding the bell that marks the beginning and end of Zazen |
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dokusan A private interview between a Zen student and the master. It is an important element in Rinzai Zen training, as it provides an opportunity for the student to demonstrate understanding |
Suffering, dissatisfaction, stress |
dzogchen The natural, intrinsic state of every sentient being |
Definition | Etymology | In other languages |
Five Five-Hundred-Year Periods Five sub-divisions of the three periods following the Buddha's passing (三時繫念 Cn: sānshí; Jp: sanji; Vi: tam thời), significant for many Mahayana adherents:
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fukudo In Zen, term for person who strikes the han |
Definition | Etymology | In other languages |
gassho A position used for greeting, with the palms together and fingers pointing upwards in prayer position; used in various Buddhist traditions, but also used in numerous cultures throughout Asia. It expresses greeting, request, thankfulness, reverence and prayer. Also considered a mudra or inkei of Japonca Shingon. See also: , Namaste and . |
Gautama Buddha |
A Tibetçe Buddhist academic degree in the Gelug tradition, awarded at the conclusion of lengthy studies often lasting nine years or more |
gongan, lit. "public case", A meditative method developed in the //Zen traditions, generally consisting of a problem that defies solution by means of rational thought; see koan |
Guan Yin The bodhisattva of compassion in East Asian Buddhism, with full name being Guan Shi Yin. Guan Yin is considered to be the female form of but has been given many more distinctive characteristics. |
Definition | Etymology | In other languages |
han In Zen monasteries, wooden board that is struck announcing sunrise, sunset and the end of the day |
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Hinayana, lit. "inferior vehicle", A coinage by the Mahayana for the Buddhist doctrines concerned with the achievement of as a or a , as opposed to a |
Definition | Etymology | In other languages |
Ino, Jp. lit. "bringer of joy to the assembly." Originally from Sanskrit karmadana, lit. bestower of conduct [karma]. In Zen, the supervisor of the meditation hall [sodo]. One of the six senior temple administrators. |
Definition | Etymology | In other languages |
Meditative contemplation; more often associated with śamatha practices than vipaśyana. See also: , , |
In Zen, a senior priest's attendant |
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Zen public ordination ceremony wherein a lay student receives certain Buddhist precepts. |
Definition | Etymology | In other languages |
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, lit. "action", The law of cause and effect in Buddhism |
Sanskrit: Kasyapa |
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In Zen, enlightenment; has the same meaning as satōri, but is customary used for an initial awakening experience |
, also khenpo, An academic degree similar to a doctorate in theology, philosophy, and psychology |
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patience |
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Zen walking meditation |
koan A story, question, problem or statement generally inaccessible to rational understanding, yet may be accessible to Intuition |
The practice of exercising patience toward behaviour or situations that might not necessarily deserve it—it is seen as a conscious choice to actively give patience as a gift, rather than being in a state of oppression in which one feels obligated to act in such a way. |
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In Zen, a flattened stick used to strike the shoulders during zazen, to help overcome fatigue or reach satori |
Definition | Etymology | In other languages |
lama A Tibetçe teacher or master; equivalent to Sanskrit "guru" |
The official record of the historical descent of dharma teachings from one teacher to another; by extension, may refer to a tradition |
Definition | Etymology | In other languages |
Buddhist philosophical school, founded by Nagarjuna. Members of this school are called Madhyamikas |
four great elements in traditional Buddhist thought |
mahamudra A method of direct introduction the understanding of sunyata, of samsara and that the two are inseparable |
mahasiddha litt. great spiritual accomplishment. A yogi in , often associated with the highest levels of enlightenment |
Mahayana, lit. "great vehicle", A major branch of Buddhism practiced in China, Tibet, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, and Taiwan. Main goal is to achieve buddhahood or |
Maitreya The Buddha of the future epoch |
In Zen, unpleasant or distracting thoughts or illusions that occur during zazen |
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conceit, arrogance, misconception |
mantra Chant used primarily to aid concentration, to reach enlightenment. The best-known Buddhist mantra is possibly |
Mappo The "degenerate" Latter Day of the Law. A time period supposed to begin 2,000 years after Sakyamuni Buddha's passing and last for "10,000 years"; follows the two 1,000-year periods of Former Day of the Law (正法 Cn: zhèngfǎ; Jp: shōbō) and of Middle Day of the Law (像法 Cn: xiàngfǎ; Jp: zōhō). During this degenerate age, chaos will prevail and the people will be unable to attain enlightenment through the word of Sakyamuni Buddha. See the Three periods |
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loving kindness |
The practice of avoidance of extreme views and lifestyle choices |
(right) The practice whereby a person is intentionally aware of his or her thoughts and actions in the present moment, non-judgmentally. The 7th step of the |
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moksha Liberation |
A wooden drum carved from one piece, usually in the form of a fish |
mondo In Zen, a short dialogue between teacher and student |
lit. "seal", A gesture made with hands and fingers in meditation |
Definition | Etymology | In other languages |
namo An exclamation showing reverence; devotion. Often placed in front of the name of an object of veneration, e.g., a Buddha's name or a sutra (Nam(u) Myōhō Renge Kyō), to express devotion to it. Defined in Sino-Japonca as 帰命 kimyō: to base one's life upon, to devote (or submit) one's life to Derivatives:
renunciation |
Nibbana/Nirvana Extinction or extinguishing; ultimate enlightenment in the Buddhist tradition |
, lit. "volume", The Buddhist texts in Pāli |
Definition | Etymology | In other languages |
A set of bowls used in a Zen eating ceremony |
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osho A term used to address a monk of the Zen Buddhist tradition. Originally reserved for high ranking monks, it has since been appropriated for everyday use when addressing any male member of the Zen clergy |
Definition | Etymology | In other languages |
panca skandha The five constituent elements into which an individual is analyzed. They are:
The second highest ranking lama in the sect of Tibetçe Buddhism. after the Dalai Lama |
, see prajna |
Absolute, as opposed to merely conventional, truth or reality; see also samvrti |
, lit. "reaching the other shore," usually rendered in English as "perfection." The Mahayana practices for obtaining enlightenment; giving, ethics, patience, effort, concentration and wisdom |
The final nibbana/nirvana |
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Pointing-out instruction The direct introduction to the nature of mind in the lineages of Essence Mahamudra and Dzogchen. A root guru is the master who gives the 'pointing-out instruction' so that the disciple recognizes the nature of mind |
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prajna/paññā "wisdom", "insight" |
pratitya-samutpada "Dependent origination," the view that no phenomenon exists (or comes about) without depending on other phenomena or conditions around it. In English also called "conditioned genesis," "dependent co-arising," "interdependent arising," etc. A famous application of dependent origination is the , or 12 inter-dependences (Sanskrit: dvādaśāṅgapratītyasamutpāda; 十二因緣, 十二因縁 Cn: shíàr yīnyuán; Jp: jūni innen; Vi: thập nhị nhân duyên), which are:
, lit. "a buddha by his own", A buddha who reaches enlightenment on his own |
A large branch of Mahayana, dominantly in . The goal of Pure Land Buddhism is to be reborn in the Western of Amitabha, either as a real place or within the mind, through the other-power of repeating the Buddha's name, nianfo or nembutsu. |
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The practicing Buddhist community as a whole; sangha and laity |
Definition | Etymology | In other languages |
The process of continuity of life after death |
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Usually in the form of "take refuge in the " |
, lit. "precious one", An honorific title for a respected Tibetçe lama, such as a |
Rinzai Zen sect emphasizing koan study; named for master |
A day traditionally honored as the day of the Buddha's enlightenment. While deep in meditation under a bodhi tree, he attained enlightenment upon seeing the morning star just at dawn; celebrated on the 8th day either of December or of the 12th month of the lunar calendar |
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, lit. "Master", An honorific given to Zen teachers in the Rinzai and Obaku sects. |
Definition | Etymology | In other languages |
truthfulness |
/ A male novice monk, who, after a year or until the ripe age of 20, will be considered for the higher ordination |
Mental stabilization; tranquility meditation. Distinguished from vipassana meditation |
The cycle of birth and rebirth; the world as commonly experienced |
Work, conceived as a part of Zen training. |
Conventional, as opposed to absolute, truth or reality; see also paramartha |
sangha The community of Buddhist monks and nuns. Teachers and practitioners. |
Buddhist philosophical school based on the school |
A formal interview with a teacher in many traditions of Zen. Similar to dokusan |
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satori Awakening; understanding. A Japonca term for enlightenment |
Birmanca meditation master |
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In the Zen Buddhist calendar, a period of intensive, formal monastic training. It is typically characterized by week-long and periodic sanzen |
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A Zen retreat where practitioners meditate, eat and work together for several days |
"morals", "morality", "ethics": precepts |
Sōtō Sect of Zen emphasizing shikantaza as the primary mode of practice; see also Dogen |
The base consciousness () taught in Buddhism |
sutra Scripture; originally referred to short aphoristic sayings and collections thereof |
The second basket of the Tripitaka canon, the collection of all Buddha's teachings |
Definition | Etymology | In other languages |
Soto Zen. "Only concentrated on sitting" is the main practice of the Soto school of Japonca Zen Buddhism |
Emptiness; see also Nagarjuna |
Definition | Etymology | In other languages | |
tangaryō A period of waiting for admission into a Zen at the gate, lasting anywhere from one day to several weeks—depending on the quality of one's sitting. Refers to the room traveling monks stay in when visiting, or await admittance into the sōdō. |
Tanto In Zen, one of the main temple leaders, lit."head of the tan." In a Zen temple, the Tanto is one of two officers (with the Godo) in charge monks' training. |
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Tathagata one of the Buddha's |
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Buddha-nature or the seed of enlightenment |
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teisho A presentation by a Zen master during a sesshin. Rather than an explanation or exposition in the traditional sense, it is intended as a demonstration of Zen realisation |
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tenzo In Zen, the head cook for a sesshin. In Zen temples, the officer in charge of the kitchen |
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Theravada, lit. "words of the elders", Most popular form of Buddhism in Southeast Asia and Sri Lanka. |
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thera or theri, lit. "elder", Honorific applied to senior monks and nuns in the Theravada tradition. |
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Three things that Buddhists take refuge in: the Buddha, his teachings (Dharma) and the community of realized practitioners (Sangha), and in return look toward for guidance (see also ) |
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Tiantai/Tendai A Mahayana school of Çin that teaches the supremacy of the Lotus Sutra |
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The 3 "regions" of the world:
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trikaya The 3 "bodies" of Buddha:
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Tripitaka The "Three Baskets"; canon containing the sacred texts for Buddhism (Pāli)
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, see Three Jewels above |
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, see above | |||
A re-incarnated Tibetçe teacher |
Definition | Etymology | In other languages |
Clinging; the 9th link of ; the Ninth |
spiritual teacher |
A lay follower of Buddhism |
upasika A female lay follower |
Expedient though not necessarily ultimately true. Originally used as a polemical device against other schools - calling them "merely" expedient, lacking in ultimate truth, later used against ones own school to prevent students form forming attachments to doctrines In Mahayana, exemplified by the Lotus Sutra, upaya are the useful means that Buddhas (and Buddhist teachers) use to free beings into enlightenment |
equanimity |
A concave circular dot on the forehead between the eyebrows |
| Mn: билгийн мэлмий, bilgiin melmii |
Definition | Etymology | In other languages |
Vajrayana, The third major branch, alongside Hinayana and Mahayana, according to Tibetçe Buddhism's view of itself |
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habitual tendencies or dispositions |
, The first basket of the Tripitaka canon, which deals with the rules of monastic life |
vipassana Usually translated as "Insight" meditation, most associated with the Theravāda tradition, but also present in some other traditions such as Tiantai. Often combined with meditation |
energy, enthusiastic perseverance |
Definition | Etymology | In other languages |
zazen Sitting meditation as practiced in the Zen School of Buddhism |
Zen School A branch of Mahayana originating in China that originally emphasizes non-dualism and intuition. Modern monastic forms have a strong emphasis on zazen (Korean) or on zazen combined with militaristic top-down hazing (Japonca) |
In Zen, a hall where zazen is practiced |
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- Pali Text Society Dictionary26 Şubat 2010 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . (Be sure to check the "Unicode font" option, and to have one; also, if looking for a word, choose "words that match")
- Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary13 Haziran 2005 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- Digital Dictionary of Buddhism 19 Ağustos 2010 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . (Login with userid "guest")
- Kadampa Glossary of Buddhist Terms 22 Ocak 2012 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
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Bu sayfanin tamaminin ya da bir kisminin Turkceye cevrilmesi gerekmektedir Bu sayfanin tamami ya da bir kismi Turkce disindaki bir dilde yazilmistir Madde alakali dilin okuyuculari icin olusturulmussa o dildeki Vikipedi ye aktarilmalidir Ilgili degisiklikler gerceklesmezse maddenin tamaminin ya da cevrilmemis kisimlarin silinmesi sozkonusu olabilecektir Ilgili calismayi yapmak uzere bu sayfadan destek alabilirsiniz Muhtelif Budist terim ve kavramlarin asil terimin butun derinligiyle kapsayacak Turkce tercumeleri yoktur Asagida bircok muhim Budist terim kisa tanimlar ve hangi dilde kullandiklari siralanmistir Bu listede terimleri asil sekline gore duzenlemek ve baska dillerdeki tercume ve es anlamli kelimeleri vermeye calistik Burada ustesinden gelmeye calistigimiz diller ve gelenekler sunlardir Ingilizce Ing Pali Theravada Budizmi Sanskrit veya oncelikle Mahayana Budizmi Birmanca Bir Kmerce Theravada Budizmi Mon Theravada Budizmi Mogolca Mn San Theravada Budizmi Tibetce Tib Tibet Budizmi Tayca Theravada Budizmi CJKV dilleri Cince Cn Cin Budizmi Japonca Jp Korece Ko Kore Budizmi Vietnamca Vi Icindekiler A B C C D E F G H I I J K L M N O O P Q R S S T U U V W X Y ZATanim Etimoloji Diger dillerde Bir kutsal yazi kategorisi olup Budist ogretileri kullanarak butun dunyevi fenomeni sistematik somut bicimde aciklamaya calisir abhi ust veya hakkinda dhamma ise ogreti demektir Pali abhidhamma Sanskrit abhidharma Bur အဘ ဓမ မ abhidhamma ebḭdema Tib chos mngon pa Mn ih nom bilig uhaan ikh nom bilig ukhaan Tayca xphithrrm a pi tam 阿毘達磨 阿毗昙 Cn Apidamo Jp Abidatsuma Ko 아비달마 Abidalma Vi a ti đạt maPali Derlemesi ni olusturan Tripitaka nin ucuncu sepeti manastir yasasinin ucuncusu olup butun doktrinlerin sistematik sekilde duzenlemesidir Pali Abhidhamma piṭaka Sanskrit Abhidharma piṭaka Bur အဘ ဓမ မ ပ ဋကတ Abidhamma Pitakat ebḭdama pḭdeɡaʔ Mon အဘ ဓဝ ပ တကတ epʰiʔtʰo pɔeʔtekɔt Tayca xphithrrmpidk a pi tam pi dok 論藏 論蔵 Cn Lunzang Jp Ronzō Ko 논장 Nonjang Vi Luận tạng Tạng luận tạng thứ ba trong ba tạng la kinh luật va luận Mn Ilt nom Ilt nom gunluk dilde ogretmen demektir Bir aday rahibin iki ogretmeninden biridir Digerineupadhyaya denir Pali acariya 1 Sanskrit acarya Bur ဆရ saya sʰeja San ဢ ၸရ ယ atsariya ʔaː tsa ri jaː Tayca xacary 阿闍梨 or 阿闍梨耶 Cn asheli or asheliye Jp ajari or ajariya Ko 아사리 asari or 아사리야 asariya Vi a xa le or a xa le da Kararlilik dua etmek istemek Pali Adhiṭṭhana Sanskrit Bur အဓ ဋ ဌ န edeiʔtʰaɴ Tayca xthisthan ah tid taan 決心 or 決意 Cn Juexin jueyi Jp kesshin Ko 결심 gyeolsim or 결의 gyeolui Vi nin Mahayanaci olmayan kolu Sanskrit Agama Pali Agama genellikle Nikaya denir 阿含 Cn Ahan Jp Agon Ko 아함 Aham Vi A hamahimsa Siddetsizlige ve her turlu yasam sekline saygili davranmaya kendini adama Ahimsa ya uyanlar cogu zaman vejetaryen veya vegandirlar Sanskrit ahiṃsa Pali ahiṃsa Tayca xhingsa ah hing sa 不害 Cn bu hai Jp fugai Ko 불해 bulhae Vi bất hạiSanskrit Akṣobhya Mn ᠬᠥᠳᠡᠯᠦᠰᠢ ᠦᠭᠡᠢ ᠦᠯᠦ ᠬᠥᠳᠡᠯᠦᠭᠴᠢ Үl Hodlogch Hodolshgүj Kodelusi ugei Ulu hodelugcialayavijnana see Sanskrit alayavijnana Tib ཀ ན གཞ ར མ པར ཤ ས པ kun gzhi rnam par shes pa 阿賴耶識 阿頼耶識 Cn alaiyeshi Jp araya shiki Ko 아뢰야식 aroeyasik Vi a lại da thứcAmitabha gunluk konusmada Sonsuz Isik in Budasi demektir Arik Ulke okulunun baslica Budasi olmasina ragmen baska Mahayana mezheplerinde de populerdir Imaji sekilsiz olan bilgelikten kaynaklanircasina isiktandir Ayrica Tan Luan Sinran ve diger On Konut a giren Engellenmeyen Isigin Tathagata si olarak yorumlanir Sanskrit amitabha lit limitless light and amitayus lit limitless life 阿彌陀 or 阿彌陀佛 阿弥陀 or 阿弥陀仏 Cn Emituo or Emituo fo Jp Amida or Amida butsu Ko 아미타 Amita or 아미타불 Amitabul Vi A Di Đa A Di Đa Phật or Phật A Di Đa Tib འ ད དཔག མ ད Mn ᠠᠮᠢᠨᠳᠠᠸᠠ ᠴᠠᠭᠯᠠᠰᠢ ᠦᠭᠡᠢ ᠭᠡᠷᠡᠯᠲᠦ Amindavaa Caglashgүj gerelt Amindava Tsaglasi ugei gereltuSanskrit Amoghasiddhi Tib Don yo drub pa Mn ᠲᠡᠭᠦᠰ ᠨᠥᠭᠴᠢᠭᠰᠡᠨ ᠦᠢᠢᠯᠡ ᠪᠦᠲᠦᠭᠡ ᠺᠴᠢ Togs Nogchigson Үjl Bүteegch Tegus nogcigsen Uyile ButugegciA white robed student in the Theravada tradition who for a few months awaits being considered for Samaneras ordination Pali anagarika Tayca xnakharik a na ka rikNefesin farkindaligi meditasyonu Pali anapanasati Sanskrit anapanasmṛti Bur အ န ပ န anapana anapana anatta olgularda ruhun varliginin reddi ilkesi See also Pali anatta Sanskrit anatman Bur အနတ တ anatta enaʔta San ဢၼတ တ ʔa nat taː 無我 Cn wuwǒ Jp muga Ko 무아 mua Vi vo ngaanicca Gecicilik Pali anicca Sanskrit anitya Bur အန စ စ aneissa eneiʔsa San ဢၼ ၵ ၸ ʔa nik tsaː 無常 Cn wuchang Jp mujō Ko 무상 musang Vi vo thườngUnsurpassing Pali anuttara Sanskrit anuttara 阿耨多羅 阿耨多罗 無上 无上 Cn Anouduōluo wǔshang Jp Ko 아뇩다라 anyokdara Vi A nậu đa la vo thượng Fi Ylittamatonarhat kelime karsiligi Degerli kisi aydinlanmaya ulasmis yasayan biri Pali arahat or arahant Sanskrit arhat or arhant Bur ရဟန တ yahanda jahaɴda San ရႁ ၼ တ rahanta ra haːn taː Tib དག ཅ མ པ dgra com pa Mn arhad arkhad 阿羅漢 Cn aluohan Jp arakan Ko 아라한 arahan Vi a la han Pali Sanskrit Tib Tayca xrhnt uh ra hann 阿耨多罗三藐三菩提 Cn Jp Ko 아뇩다라삼먁삼보리 Anyokdara sammyak sambori Vi A nậu đa la tam miệu tam bồ đề Vo thượng chanh đẳng chanh giac Sang suốt giac ngộ hoan toankelime karsiligi benlik kimi zaman ruh veya ego Budizmde baskin ogreti karsiti olan anatman doktrinidir anatman doktrini kalici degismez bir atman bulunmadigini ve atman inancinin cehaletin birincil sonucu samsaranin temeli oldugunu kabul eder Pali atta Sanskrit atman Bur အတ တ atta aʔta 我 Cn wǒ Jp ga Ko 아 a Vi ngaAvalokitesvara lit One Who Hears the Suffering Cries of the World The bodhisattva of compassion see also Guan Yin Sanskrit Avalokitesvara Bur လ ကနတ lawka nat lɔ ka naʔ Tib ས ན རས གཟ གས spyan ras gzigs Mn Zhanrajsig Janraisig 觀世音 or 觀音 Cn Guanshi Yin or Guan Yin Jp Kanzeon or Kannon Ko 관세음 Gwanse eum or 관음 Gwaneum Vi Quan Thế Am Bồ Tat Quan Thế Am Bồ Tat or Quan Am ignorance or delusion Sanskrit avidya Pali avijja Bur အဝ ဇ ဇ aweizza eweiʔ za San ဢဝ ၵ ၸ awitsa ʔa wik tsaː Tayca xwichcha aa wit sha Tib མ ར ག པ ma rig pa 無明 Cn wuming Jp mumyō Ko 무명 mumyeong Vi vo minhIcindekiler A B C C D E F G H I I J K L M N O O P Q R S S T U U V W X Y ZBDefinition Etymology In other languagesbardo sozcus anlamiyla ara durum veya aradaki durum Tibet gelenegine gore iki yasam arasinda bir varolus durumu Tib བར མ ད འ ས ད པ bar ma do i srid pa Sanskrit antarabhava Mn zuurd zuurd 中有 中陰身 Cn zhongyǒu Jp chuu Ko 중유 jungyu or 바르도 bareudo Vi trung hữu trung ấm than than trung ấmsamsara nin cembersel sembolik betimlemesi Varolus Carki olarak da bilinir Pali bhavacakka Sanskrit bhava cakra Bur ဘဝစက bawa set bewa sɛʔ Mon ဘဝစက hewɛ ʔ cɛk San ၽဝ ၸ ၵ pʰa waː tsaːk Tib ས ད པའ འཁ ར ལ Mn Orchlongijn hүrden Orchlongiin khurden 有輪 Cn yǒulun Jp Ko 유륜 yuryun Vi hữu luanbhante Theravada geleneginde bir Budist seslenirken kullanilan saygi ifadesi Bhante sozcuk anlamiyla Muhterem efendi demektir Pali Bur ဘန တ bhante baɴde Varolus olus varolma Pratitya samutpada nin 10uncu halkasi Pali Sanskrit bhava Bur ဘဝ bawa bewa Mon ဘဝ hewɛ ʔ San ၽဝ pʰa waː Tayca phawa pa wah 有 十二因緣 Cn yǒu Jp u Ko 유 yu Vi hữu thập nhị nhan duyen sozcuk anlami dilenci Budist kesis Pali bhikkhu Sanskrit bhikṣu Bur ဘ က ခ bheikkhu beiʔkʰu San ၽ ၵ ၶ pʰik kʰu Tib དག ས ང dge slong Mn gelen gelen Tayca phikkhu bhikku 比丘 Cn bǐ qiu Jp biku Ko 비구 bigu or 스님 seunim also 중 jung pejorative Vi tỉ khau tỉ khưu or ti kheo tăngBudist rahibe from Pali bhikkhuni Sanskrit bhikṣuni Bur ဘ က ခ န bheikkhuni beiʔkʰuni San ၽ ၵ ၶ ၼ pʰik kʰu ni Tib དག ས ང མ sde slong ma Mn gelenmaa gelenmaa Tayca phiksuni bhiksuni 比丘尼 Cn bǐqiuni Jp bikuni Ko 비구니 biguni 여승 女僧 yeoseung Vi tỉ khau ni tỉ khưu ni veya ti kheo ni ni sozcuk anlami tohum dur okulunun ogretilerinde nesnelerin kokenini ya da nedenini ifade eden bir metafor olarak kullanilir Sanskrit bija Bur ဗ ဇ biza bi za 種子 Cn zhŏngzi Jp shuuji Ko 종자 jongja Vi chủng tử hạt giống hột giốngbodhi Uyanis veya aydinlanma Pali Sanskrit bodhi Bur ဗ ဓ bawdhi bɔ dḭ San ပ ထ pɔ tʰi Tayca ophthi poe Tib བ ང ཆ བ ཀ ས མས byang chub Mn bod bodi 菩提 Cn puti Jp bodai Ko 보리 bori Vi bồ đề giac giac ngộBodhi agaci Altinda Gautama Buddha nin aydinlanmaya ulastigi Hint inciri agaci Ficus religiosa yukaridaki bodhi den Bur ဗ ဓ ည င bawdhi nyaung bɔ dḭ ɲauɴ San ၺ င ပ ထ ɲɔŋ pɔ tʰi 菩提樹 Cn Putishu Jp Bodaiju Ko 보리수 Borisu Vi Bồ đề thụ Bồ đề thọ cay Bồ đềBir bodhisattva nin hareketlerini yonlendiren motivasyon Pali Sanskrit bodhicitta Bur ဗ ဓ စ တ တ bawdhi seitta bɔ dḭ seiʔ da Tib བ ང ཆ བ ཀ ས མས phyang chub kyi sems Mn bod setgel bodi setgel 菩提心 Cn putixin Jp bodaishin Ko 보리심 borisim Vi bồ đề tambodhisattva tum duyarli canlilari izdiraptan kurtarmak amaciyla Buda olmak isteyen biri Pali bodhisatta Sanskrit bodhisattva Bur ဗ ဓ သတ bawdhi that bɔ dḭ 8aʔ Mon တ လ ဝ က kraoh kemo caik Tayca ophthistw poe ti satt Tib བ ང ཆ བ ས མས དཔའ phyang chub kyi sems pa Mn bodsad va bodisad va 菩薩 Cn pusa Jp bosatsu Ko 보살 bosal Vi bồ tatKutsal yasayan Buda yasayan Boddhisattva unvani ayni zamanda en yuksek Budist ustalarin adlariyla kullanilan bir unvan ornegin San ၽၵ ၵဝ pʰak ka waː Mn bogd bogd Tib བ ག ད bogdaBuda bir Buda ayni zamanda Siddhartha Gautama budhdan uyanmak Pali Sanskrit buddha Bur ဗ ဒ ဓ bodha bouʔda San ပ ၵ ထ puk tʰaː Tib སངས ར ས sans rgjay Mn burhan burhan 佛 仏 Cn fo Jp butsu or Ko 불 Bul or 부처 Bucheo Vi Phật or BụtBuda dogasi Aydinlanmaya yonelik olarak tum duyarli varliklarda gizli yaratilmamis ve olumsuz Buda unsuru veya ilkesi dogustan gelen Buda ozu ozellikle sutralari Tendai Tiantai Nichiren dusuncesinde vurgulanir Sanskrit buddha dhatu buddha svabhava tathagata dhatu veya 佛性 仏性 Cn foxing Jp busshō Ko 불성 bulseong Vi Phật tinh Phật tanh Cai tanh sang suốt giac ngộ hoan toan budh uyanmak kokunden Pali Sanskrit Bur ဗ ဒ ဓဘ သ boddha batha bouʔda bada San ပ ၵ ထ ၽ သ puk tʰaː pʰaː sʰaː Mon ဗ ဒ ဓဘ သ puttʰɛ ʔ pʰɛ asa Tib ནང བས ན Mn Burhany Shashin Burhanii Shashin 佛教 仏教 Cn Fojiao Jp bukkyō Ko 불교 bulgyo Vi Phật giaoIcindekiler A B C C D E F G H I I J K L M N O O P Q R S S T U U V W X Y ZCDefinition Etymology In other languagesVolition Pali cetana Bur စ တန sedana sedena A reliquary holding holy objects of veneration Pali cetiya Sanskrit caitya Bur စ တ zedi zedi Khm Mon စ တ setaow cetɔe San ၸ တ tseti tse ti Sin ච ත යයය chedi Tayca ecdiy chedi Tib མཆ ད ར ན mchod rten chorten 塔 Zh Ta Vi Thap Ko Tap Jp 卒塔婆 sotōbaCDDefinition Etymology In other languagesdakini A supernatural female with volatile temperament who serves as a muse for spiritual practice Dakinis are often depicted naked to represent the truth Sanskrit ḍakini Tib མཁའ འག མ mkha gro ma Mn dagina dagina 空行女 Cn khong xing mu Jp Ko 다키니 dakini or 공행녀 gonghaengnyeo Vi khong hanh nữDalai Lama lit the lama with wisdom like an ocean secular and spiritual leader of Tibet as nominated by the Mongols Mn dalaj dalai lit ocean Tibetce ཏ ལའ བ མ taa la i bla ma 達賴喇嘛 Cn Dalai Lǎma Jp Darai Rama Ko 달라이 라마 dalai rama Vi Đạt Lai Lạt Ma or Đạt lại Lạt maGenerosity or giving in Buddhism it also refers to the practice of cultivating generosity Pali Sanskrit dana Bur ဒ န dana dana Mon ဒ န tɛ anɛ ʔ or ဒ န tan Tayca than taan 布施 Cn bushi Jp fuse Ko 보시 bosi Vi bố thi Mn oglogmany different types of non human beings who share the characteristics of being more powerful longer lived and in general living more contentedly than the average human being Pali and Sanskrit deva Bur ဒ ဝ dewa dewa Khmer ទ ព or preah ព រ Mn tenger tenger Mon ဒ ဝတ tewetao tewetao San တ ဝ a wɔ 天 Zh tian Ko cheon Jp ten Vi thien see Pali paṭicca samuppada Sanskrit pratitya samutpada Bur ပဋ စ စသမ ပ ပ ဒ padeissa thamopad pedeiʔsa 8emouʔpaʔ Tib rten cing brel bar byung ba Mn shүten barildlaga shuten barildlaga 因縁 also 緣起 縁起 Cn yinyuan also yuanqǐ Jp innen also engi Ko 인연 inyeon also 연기 yeongi Vi nhan duyen duyen khởiOften refers to the doctrines and teachings of the faith but it may have broader uses Also it is an important technical term meaning something like constituent This leads to the potential for confusion puns and double entendres as the latter meaning often has negative connotations from dhṛ to hold Pali dhamma Sanskrit dharma Bur ဓမ မ dhamma dema Mon ဓဝ tho Tayca thrrma tam ma Tib ཆ ས choi Mn deedijn nom deediin nom 法 Cn fă Jp hō Ko beop Vi phapdhammavinaya The dharma and roughly doctrine and discipline considered together This term essentially means the whole teachings of Buddhism as taught to monks Mn surtgaal nomhotgol surtgaal nomkhotgolA symbolic representation of the dharma also known as the Wheel of Dharma Sanskrit dharmacakra Pali dhammacakka Bur ဓမ မစက dhamma sekya demesɛʔtɕa Tib ཆ ས ཀ འཁ ར ལ chai gyi khorlo Mn nomyn hүrden momiin khurden 法輪 Cn Fǎlun Jp hōrin Ko beopryun Vi phap luana versified Buddhist scripture traditionally ascribed to the Buddha Pali Dhammapada Sanskrit Dharmapada Bur ဓမ မပဒ Dhammapada dema peda 法句經 Cn Fǎ ju jing 法句经 Jp Hō ku kei shin 法句経 Ko Vi Kinh Phap CuA fearsome deity known as protector of the Dharma Sanskrit dharmapala Pali dhammapala Tib chos kyong Mn dogshid dogshid hangal khangal 護法 Cn hufǎ Jp gohou Ko hobeop Vi Hộ Phap see jhana Pali jhana Sanskrit dhyana Bur ဈ န zan zaɴ Mon ဇ န chan Mn diyaan diyan 禪 or 禪那 禅 or 禅那 Cn Chan or Channa Jp Zen or Zenna Ko Seon Vi Thiền or Thiền naPali Dipamkara Sanskrit Dipankara Bur ဒ ပင ကရ dipankara dipɪ ɴkeɹa Tayca phrathipngkrphuththeca 燃燈佛 Zh Randeng Fodoan In Zen a term for person sounding the bell that marks the beginning and end of Zazen Japonca 堂行dokusan A private interview between a Zen student and the master It is an important element in Rinzai Zen training as it provides an opportunity for the student to demonstrate understanding Japonca 独参 dokusan 獨參 Cn ducan Ko dokcham Vi độc thamSuffering dissatisfaction stress Pali dukkha Sanskrit duḥkha Bur ဒ က ခ doukkha douʔkʰa San တ ၵ ၶ tuk kʰaː Tayca thukkh took Tib ས ག བས ལ sdug bsngal Mn zovlon zovlon 苦 Cn kǔ Jp ku Ko go Vi khổdzogchen The natural intrinsic state of every sentient being Tibetce ར གས པ ཆ ན པ rdzogs pa chen po Sanskrit atiyoga 大究竟 Cn dajiujing Jp daikukyou Ko daegugyeong Vi đại cứu canhIcindekiler A B C C D E F G H I I J K L M N O O P Q R S S T U U V W X Y ZFDefinition Etymology In other languagesFive Five Hundred Year Periods Five sub divisions of the three periods following the Buddha s passing 三時繫念 Cn sanshi Jp sanji Vi tam thời significant for many Mahayana adherents Age of enlightenment 解脱堅固 Cn jietuō jiangu Jp gedatsu kengo Age of meditation 禅定堅固 Cn chanding jiangu Jp zenjō kengo These two ages comprise the Former Day of the Law 正法時期 Cn zhengfǎ Jp shōbō Age of reading reciting and listening 読誦多聞堅固 Cn songduōwen jiangu Jp dokuju tamon kengo Age of building temples and stupas 多造塔寺堅固 Cn duōzao tǎsi jiangu Jp tazō tōji kengo These two ages comprise the Middle Day of the Law 像法時期 Cn xiangfǎ Jp zōhō Age of conflict 闘諍堅固 Cn zheng jiangu Jp tōjō kengo an age characterized by unrest strife famine and other natural and human made disasters This age corresponds to the beginning of the Latter Day of the Law 末法時期 Cn mofǎ Jp mappō when the historical Buddha s teachings would lose all power of salvation and perish 白法隠没 Cn baifǎmei Jp byakuhō onmotsu and a new Buddha would appear to save the people The three periods and the five five hundred year periods are described in the Sutra of the Great Assembly 大集 Cn daji Jp Daishutu kyō Daijuku kyō Daijikkyō or Daishukkyō 五箇五百歲 五箇五百歳 Cn 五箇五百歲 wǔ ge wǔbǎi sui Jp 五箇の五百歳 go no gohyaku sai Vi Suffering Sanskrit duḥkharyasatya Bur ဒ က ခ dokkha Tayca thukkh 苦諦 Cn kǔdi Jp kutai Vi khổ đế Mn zovlon zovlon Attachment desire Samudaya Sanskrit samudayaryasatya Bur သမ ဒယ thamodaya Tayca smuthy 集諦 Cn jidi Jp jittai Vi tập khổ đế Mn zovlongijn shaltgaan zovlongiin shaltgaan Elimination of attachment desire Nirodha Sanskrit duḥkhanirodharyasatya Bur န ရ ဓ niyawdha Tayca niorth 滅諦 Cn miedi Jp mettai Vi diệt khổ đế Mn getleh getlekh The path that leads out of suffering Magga Sanskrit duḥkhanirodhagamini pratipad Bur မဂ meg Tayca mrrkh 道諦 Cn daodi Jp dōtai Vi đạo đế Mn mor mor Pali cattari ariya saccani Sanskrit चत व र आर यसत य न catvary aryasatyani Bur သစ စ လ ပ thissa lei ba 8ɪʔsa le ba Khmr អរ យសច ច ទ ង៤ 四聖諦 Cn Sidi Jp Shitai Vi Tứ diệu đế Mn Hutagtyn dorvon үnen khutagtiin dorvon unenfukudo In Zen term for person who strikes the han Japonca 副堂Icindekiler A B C C D E F G H I I J K L M N O O P Q R S S T U U V W X Y ZGDefinition Etymology In other languagesgassho A position used for greeting with the palms together and fingers pointing upwards in prayer position used in various Buddhist traditions but also used in numerous cultures throughout Asia It expresses greeting request thankfulness reverence and prayer Also considered a mudra or inkei of Japonca Shingon See also Namaste and Japonca 合掌 gasshō Sanskrit anjali 合掌 Cn hezhǎng more common to say 合十 heshi Vi hiệp chưởngGautama Buddha Pali Gotama Sanskrit Gautama Bur ဂ တမ ɡɔ dema A Tibetce Buddhist academic degree in the Gelug tradition awarded at the conclusion of lengthy studies often lasting nine years or more Tibetce དག ཤ ས Mn gevsh gevsh 格西gongan lit public case A meditative method developed in the Zen traditions generally consisting of a problem that defies solution by means of rational thought see koan Cince 公案 gōng an 公案 Jp kōan Ko gong an Vi cong anGuan Yin The bodhisattva of compassion in East Asian Buddhism with full name being Guan Shi Yin Guan Yin is considered to be the female form of but has been given many more distinctive characteristics Cince 觀音 Guan Yin or 觀世音 Guan Shi Yin 觀音 or 觀世音 Jp Kannon or Kanzeon Ko Gwaneum or Gwanse eum Vi Quan Am or Quan Thế AmIcindekiler A B C C D E F G H I I J K L M N O O P Q R S S T U U V W X Y ZHDefinition Etymology In other languageshan In Zen monasteries wooden board that is struck announcing sunrise sunset and the end of the day Japonca 板Hinayana lit inferior vehicle A coinage by the Mahayana for the Buddhist doctrines concerned with the achievement of as a or a as opposed to a Sanskrit hinayana Bur ဟ နယ န hinayana hḭna jana 小乘 or 小乗 二乘 Cn Xiǎosheng Jp Shōjō Vi Tiểu thừa Mn Baga holgon Baga holgonIcindekiler A B C C D E F G H I I J K L M N O O P Q R S S T U U V W X Y ZIIDefinition Etymology In other languagesIno Jp lit bringer of joy to the assembly Originally from Sanskrit karmadana lit bestower of conduct karma In Zen the supervisor of the meditation hall sodo One of the six senior temple administrators Japonca 維那Icindekiler A B C C D E F G H I I J K L M N O O P Q R S S T U U V W X Y ZJDefinition Etymology In other languagesMeditative contemplation more often associated with samatha practices than vipasyana See also from dhya to think of to contemplate meditate on Pali jhana Sanskrit dhyana Bur ဈ န zan zaɴ Mon ဇ န chan Tayca chan chaan 禪 or 禪那 禅 or 禅那 Sinhala ජ න jhana Cn Chan or Channa Jp Zen or Zenna Ko Seon Vi Thiền or Thiền na Mn diyaan diyanIn Zen a senior priest s attendant Japonca 侍者 jishaZen public ordination ceremony wherein a lay student receives certain Buddhist precepts Cince 受戒 shou jie Korean 수계 sugyeIcindekiler A B C C D E F G H I I J K L M N O O P Q R S S T U U V W X Y ZKDefinition Etymology In other languagesPali Kakusandha Sanskrit Krakkucchanda Bur ကက သန Kakuthan ka kṵ8aɴ 拘留孙佛 Zh Juliusun Fo lit action The law of cause and effect in Buddhism from kri to do Sanskrit karma Pali kamma Bur က kan kaɴ or က မ မ kyamma tɕema Mon က kɔm San ၵ မ မ kjaːm maː or ၵ မ kaːm Tayca krrm gum Tib ལས lai Mn үjlijn үr uiliin ur 業 因果 Cn ye comm yinguǒ Jp gō inga Ko 업 eob Vi nghiệpPali Kassapa Sanskrit Kasyapa Bur ကဿပ Kathapa kaʔ8epa 迦葉佛 Zh Jiaye FoIn Zen enlightenment has the same meaning as satōri but is customary used for an initial awakening experience Japonca 見性 kenshō 見性 Cn jianxing Vi kiến tinh also khenpo An academic degree similar to a doctorate in theology philosophy and psychology Tibetcepatience Bur ခန တ khanti kʰaɴ di San ၶၼ ထ kʰan tʰi Tayca khnti kanti 耐心 Cn Naixin Vi Zen walking meditation Japonca 経行 kinhin or kyōgyō 經行 Cn jingxing Vi koan A story question problem or statement generally inaccessible to rational understanding yet may be accessible to Intuition Japonca 公案 kōan 公案 Cn gōng an Ko gong an Vi cong anThe practice of exercising patience toward behaviour or situations that might not necessarily deserve it it is seen as a conscious choice to actively give patience as a gift rather than being in a state of oppression in which one feels obligated to act in such a way SanskritPali and Sanskrit Koṇagamana Bur က ဏ ဂ Kawnagon kɔ neɡouɴ 拘那含佛 Zh Junahan FoIn Zen a flattened stick used to strike the shoulders during zazen to help overcome fatigue or reach satori Japonca 警策 kyōsaku called keisaku in Rinzai 香板 Cn xiangbanIcindekiler A B C C D E F G H I I J K L M N O O P Q R S S T U U V W X Y ZLDefinition Etymology In other languageslama A Tibetce teacher or master equivalent to Sanskrit guru Tibetce བ མ lama Sanskrit guru 喇嘛 Cn lǎma Jp rama Vi lạt ma Mn lam lamThe official record of the historical descent of dharma teachings from one teacher to another by extension may refer to a tradition 傳承Icindekiler A B C C D E F G H I I J K L M N O O P Q R S S T U U V W X Y ZMDefinition Etymology In other languagesBuddhist philosophical school founded by Nagarjuna Members of this school are called Madhyamikas Sanskrit madhyamika Tib དབ མ པ dbu ma pa Mn tov үzel tov uzel 中觀宗 Cn Zhōngguanzōng Jp Vi Trung quan tongfour great elements in traditional Buddhist thought Pali and Sanskrit Mahabhuta Bur မဟ ဘ တ Mahabhot meha bouʔ mahamudra A method of direct introduction the understanding of sunyata of samsara and that the two are inseparable Sanskrit mahamudra Bur မဟ မ ဒ maha modra meha mouʔdɹa Tib ཕ ག ར ཆ ན པ chag je chen po Mn mahamudra mahamudra 大手印 Cn dashŏuyin Jp daisyuin Vi đại thủ ấnmahasiddha litt great spiritual accomplishment A yogi in often associated with the highest levels of enlightenment Sanskrit mahasiddha Bur မဟ သ ဒ ဒ maha theidda meha 8eiʔda Tayca mhayan 大成就 Cn dachengjiu Jp daijōjyu Vi đại thanh tựuMahayana lit great vehicle A major branch of Buddhism practiced in China Tibet Japan Korea Vietnam and Taiwan Main goal is to achieve buddhahood or Sanskrit mahayana Bur မဟ ယ န mahayana mehajana 大乘 or 大乗 Cn Dasheng Jp Daijō Vi Đại thừa Mn Ikh kholgonMaitreya The Buddha of the future epoch Pali Metteyya Sanskrit Maitreya Bur အရ မ တ တ ယ arimetteya eɹḭmedja San ဢရ မ တ တ ယ ʔa ri mit ta jɔ Tib བ མས པ byams pa Mn Majdar maidar 彌勒 or 彌勒佛 弥勒 or 弥勒仏 Cn Mile or Mile Fo Jp Miroku or Miroku butsu Vi Di lặc or Phật Di lặcIn Zen unpleasant or distracting thoughts or illusions that occur during zazen Japonca 魔境 makyōconceit arrogance misconception Pali and Sanskrit Mana Bur မ န mana mana Mon မ န man man San မ ၼ maː naː mantra Chant used primarily to aid concentration to reach enlightenment The best known Buddhist mantra is possibly Sanskrit mantra Tayca mntr moan Mn maan tarni maani tarni 咒 Cn zou Jp shingon Vi chan amMappo The degenerate Latter Day of the Law A time period supposed to begin 2 000 years after Sakyamuni Buddha s passing and last for 10 000 years follows the two 1 000 year periods of Former Day of the Law 正法 Cn zhengfǎ Jp shōbō and of Middle Day of the Law 像法 Cn xiangfǎ Jp zōhō During this degenerate age chaos will prevail and the people will be unable to attain enlightenment through the word of Sakyamuni Buddha See the Three periods Japonca 末法 mappō 末法 Cn mofǎ Vi Pali punna Sanskrit puṇya Bur က သ လ kutho kṵdo Mon က သ kaoʔsɒ or ပ န pɒn San ပ င ၺ puŋ ɲaː or ၵ သ ဝ ku sʰo or ၵ သလ ku sʰa laː loving kindness Pali Sanskrit Bur မ တ တ myitta mjɪʔta Mon မ တ တ metta San မ တ တ mit taː or မ တ တ mɛt taː Tayca emtta metta 慈 Ch Ci Jp ji Vi The practice of avoidance of extreme views and lifestyle choices Pali majjhimapaṭipada Sanskrit madhyamapratipad Bur မဇ ဇ မပဋ ပဒ myizima badi bada mjɪʔzḭma bedḭ beda 中道 Ch zhōngdao Jp chudō Vi trung đạo Mn dundazh zam mor dundaj zam mor right The practice whereby a person is intentionally aware of his or her thoughts and actions in the present moment non judgmentally The 7th step of the Pali samma sati Sanskrit samyag smṛti Bur သတ thadi dadḭ Tayca smmasti samma sati 正念 Cn zhengnian Jp syōnen Vi chinh niệmmoksha Liberation Sanskrit mokṣa Pali vimutti Bur ဝ မ တ တ wimouti wḭmouʔtḭ 解脱 Cn jietuō Jp gedatsu Vi giải thoatA wooden drum carved from one piece usually in the form of a fish Japonca 木魚 mokugyo 木魚 Cn muyu Vi momondo In Zen a short dialogue between teacher and student Japonca 問答 mondō 問答 Cn wendǎ Vi lit seal A gesture made with hands and fingers in meditation Sanskrit mudra Bur မ ဒ modra mouʔdɹa Tib ཕ ག ར phyag rgya Mn chagzhaa chagjaa 手印 Cn sohyin commonly only yin Jp syuin Vi ấnIcindekiler A B C C D E F G H I I J K L M N O O P Q R S S T U U V W X Y ZNDefinition Etymology In other languagesnamo An exclamation showing reverence devotion Often placed in front of the name of an object of veneration e g a Buddha s name or a sutra Nam u Myōhō Renge Kyō to express devotion to it Defined in Sino Japonca as 帰命 kimyō to base one s life upon to devote or submit one s life to Derivatives Namo Amitabha Pali namo Sanskrit namaḥ or namas Derivatives Sanskrit namo mitabhaya Bur နမ namaw nemɔ Tib ཕ ག འཚལ ལ chag tsal lo Mn morgomү morgomu 南無 Cn nanmo Jp namu or nam Ko namu Vi nam mo Derivatives 南無阿弥陀佛 Cn Nanmo Emituo fo Jp Namu Amida butsu Ko Namu Amita Bul Vi Nam mo A di đa Phật 南無觀世音菩薩 Cn Nanmo Guan Syr Yin Pu Sa Jp Namu Kanzeon Butsu Ko Namu Gwan Se Eum Bo Sal Vi Nam mo Quan Thế Am Bồ Tatrenunciation Pali Sanskrit Bur န က ခမ neikhama neiʔkʰema Tayca enkkhmma nekkamma Mn magad garahuj magad garahui 出世 Cn Chushi Jp syusse Vi Nibbana Nirvana Extinction or extinguishing ultimate enlightenment in the Buddhist tradition from niḥ va to extinguish Pali nibbana Sanskrit nirvana Bur န ဗ ဗ န neibban neiʔbaɴ Tayca niphphan nipphaan Tib མ ངན ལས འདས པ mya ngan las das pa Mn nirvan nirvan 涅槃 Cn Niepan Jp Nehan Ko Yeolban Vi Niết ban lit volume The Buddhist texts in Pali Pali nikaya Sanskrit Agama Bur န က ယ nikaya nḭkeja 部經 Cn Bujing Jp Vi Bộ kinhRight View Pali samma diṭṭhi Sanskrit samyag dṛṣṭi 正見 Cn zhengjian Vi chinh kiến Right Thought Pali samma saṅkappa Sanskrit samyak saṃkalpa 正思唯 Cn zhengsiwei Vi chinh tư duy These 2 constitute the path of Wisdom Pali panna Sanskrit prajna Right Speech Pali samma vaca Sanskrit samyag vak 正語 Cn zhengyǔ Vi chinh ngữ Right Action Pali samma kammanta Sanskrit samyak karmanta 正業 Cn zhengye Vi chinh nghiệp Right Living Pali samma ajiva Sanskrit samyag ajiva 正命 Cn zhengming Vi chinh mệnh These 3 constitute the path of Virtue Pali sila Sanskrit sila Right Effort Pali samma vayama Sanskrit samyag vyayama 正精進 Cn zhengjingjin Vi chinh tinh tiến Right Mindfulness Pali samma sati Sanskrit samyag smṛti 正念 Cn zhengnian Vi chinh niệm Right Concentration Pali samma samadhi Sanskrit samyak samadhi 正定 Cn zhengding Vi chinh định The last 3 constitute the path of Concentration Pali Sanskrit samadhi Pali aṭṭhaṅgika magga Sanskrit aṣṭaṅgika marga Bur မဂ ဂင meggin mɛʔɡɪ ɴ Tayca xriymrrkh ariya mak 八正道 Cn Bazhengdao Jp Hasshōdō Ko Paljeongdo Vi Bat chinh đạoIcindekiler A B C C D E F G H I I J K L M N O O P Q R S S T U U V W X Y ZODefinition Etymology In other languagesA set of bowls used in a Zen eating ceremony Japonca 応量器 ōryōkiosho A term used to address a monk of the Zen Buddhist tradition Originally reserved for high ranking monks it has since been appropriated for everyday use when addressing any male member of the Zen clergy Japonca 和尚 oshōIcindekiler A B C C D E F G H I I J K L M N O O P Q R S S T U U V W X Y ZOPDefinition Etymology In other languagespanca skandha The five constituent elements into which an individual is analyzed They are form Pali Sanskrit rupa Bu ရ ပ yupa 色 Cn se Jp shiki sensation Pali Sanskrit vedana Bu ဝ ဒန wedana 受 Cn shou Jp ju cognition Pali sanna Sanskrit saṃjna Bu သည thinnya 想 Cn xiang Jp sō mental formations Pali saṅkhara Sanskrit saṃskara Bu သင ခ ရ thinkhaya 行 Cn xing Jp gyō Pali vinnaṇa Sanskrit vijnana Bu ဝ ည ဉ winyin 識 Cn shi Jp shiki Sanskrit panca skandha Pali panca khandha Bur ခန ဒ င ပ khanda nga ba kʰaɴda ŋa ba San ႁ ၶၼ ထ haː kʰan tʰaː 五蘊 五陰 五薀 Cn wǔyun Jp go on sometimes go un Vi ngũ uẩnThe second highest ranking lama in the sect of Tibetce Buddhism after the Dalai Lama Tibetce པན ཆ ན བ མ pan chen bla ma Sanskrit paṇḍitaguru Mn Banchin Bogd Banchin Bogd 班禪喇嘛 Cn Banchan Lǎma Jp Vi Ban thiền Lạt ma see prajna Sanskrit Bur ပည pyinnya pjɪ ɴɲa Mon ပည pɔnɲa San ပ င ၺ piŋ ɲaː Tibetce shes rab Mn bilig bilig 智慧 or 知恵 or 般若 Cn Zhihui zhihui bōre Jp chie hannya Vi Absolute as opposed to merely conventional truth or reality see also samvrti Sanskrit paramartha Bur ပရမတ paramat peɹemaʔ Tayca prmtth paramutt lit reaching the other shore usually rendered in English as perfection The Mahayana practices for obtaining enlightenment giving ethics patience effort concentration and wisdom Pali parami Sanskrit paramita Bur ပ ရမ parami paɹemi Mon ပ ရမ paremɔe Tayca barmi baramee Mn baramid baramid 波羅蜜 or 波羅蜜多 Cn bōluomi or bōluomiduō Jp haramitsu or haramita Vi ba la mật or ba la mật đaThe final nibbana nirvana from nibbana nirvana above Pali parinibbana Sanskrit parinirvaṇa Bur ပရ န ဗ ဗ န pareineibban peɹeiʔneiʔbaɴ Tayca priniphphan pari nippaan 般涅槃 Cn bōniepan Jp hatsunehan Vi bat niết banfrom perfection above and prajna panna wisdom below Sanskrit prajnaparamita Pali pannaparami Bur ပည ပ ရမ pyinnya parami pjɪ ɴɲa paɹemi Mon ပည ပ ရမ pɔnɲa paremɔe Mn bilig baramid bilig baramid 般若波羅蜜 or 般若波羅蜜多 Cn bōre bōluomi or bōre bōluomiduō Jp hannya haramitsu or hannya haramita Vi bat nha ba la mật or bat nha ba la mật đaPointing out instruction The direct introduction to the nature of mind in the lineages of Essence Mahamudra and Dzogchen A root guru is the master who gives the pointing out instruction so that the disciple recognizes the nature of mind Tibetce ང ས ད ngo sprodprajna panna wisdom insight Pali panna Sanskrit prajna Bur ပည pyinnya pjɪ ɴɲa Tayca pyya pun ya Mn hotloh khotlokh 般若 Cn bōre or banruo Jp hannya Vi bat nhapratitya samutpada Dependent origination the view that no phenomenon exists or comes about without depending on other phenomena or conditions around it In English also called conditioned genesis dependent co arising interdependent arising etc A famous application of dependent origination is the or 12 inter dependences Sanskrit dvadasaṅgapratityasamutpada 十二因緣 十二因縁 Cn shiar yinyuan Jp juni innen Vi thập nhị nhan duyen which are Pali avijja Sanskrit avidya 無明 Cn wuming Jp mumyō Vi vo minh Mn munhrahuj munhrahui Ignorance creates Pali saṅkhara Sanskrit saṃskara 行 Cn xing Jp gyō Vi hanh Mn huran үjldehүj khuran uildehui Mental Formation creates Consciousness Pali vinnaṇa Sanskrit vijnana 識 Cn shi Jp shiki Vi thức Mn tijn medehүj tiin medehui Consciousness creates Pali Sanskrit namarupa 名色 Cn mingse Jp myōshiki Vi danh sắc Mn ner ongo ner ongo Name amp Form create Pali saḷayatana Sanskrit ṣaḍayatana 六入 or 六処 Cn liuru Jp rokunyu or rokusho Vi lục căn Mn toron tүgehүj toron tugehui Sense Gates create Pali phassa Sanskrit sparsa 觸 触 Cn chu Jp soku Vi xuc Mn hүrelcehүj khureltsehui Contact creates Pali Sanskrit vedana 受 Cn shou Jp ju Vi thụ Mn serehүj serehui Feeling creates Pali taṇha Sanskrit tṛṣṇa 愛 Cn ai Jp ai Vi ai Mn hurcahuj khuritsahui Craving creates Pali Sanskrit upadana 取 Cn qǔ Jp shu Vi thủ Mn avahuj avahui Clinging creates Becoming Pali Sanskrit bhava 有 Cn yǒu Jp u Vi hữu Mn sansar sansar Becoming creates Pali Sanskrit jati 生 Cn sheng Jp shō Vi sinh Mn torohүj torohui Birth leads to Pali Sanskrit jaramaraṇa 老死 Cn laosǐ Jp rōshi Vi lao tử Mn otloh үhehүj otloh uhehui Pali paṭicca samuppada Sanskrit pratitya samutpada Bur ပဋ စ စသမ ပ ပ ဒ padeissa thamopad pedeiʔsa 8emouʔpaʔ Tib ར ན ཅ ང འབ ལ བར འབ ང བ rten cing brel bar byung ba Mn shүten barildlaga shuten barildlaga 緣起 thought to be an abbreviation for 因緣生起 縁起 Cn yuanqǐ Jp engi Vi duyen khởi Also called 因緣 因縁 Cn yinyuan Jp innen Vi nhan duyen lit a buddha by his own A buddha who reaches enlightenment on his own Pali paccekabuddha Sanskrit pratyekabuddha Bur ပစ စ ကဗ ဒ ဓ pyiseka boddha pjɪʔseka bouʔda 辟支佛 Cn Bizhi Fo Jp Hyakushibutsu Vi Bich chi PhậtA large branch of Mahayana dominantly in The goal of Pure Land Buddhism is to be reborn in the Western of Amitabha either as a real place or within the mind through the other power of repeating the Buddha s name nianfo or nembutsu 净土宗 Ch 浄土教 Jp Cn Jingtǔ zōng Jp Jōdo kyo Ko Jeongtojong Vi Tịnh độ tongThe practicing Buddhist community as a whole sangha and laityIcindekiler A B C C D E F G H I I J K L M N O O P Q R S S T U U V W X Y ZRDefinition Etymology In other languagesThe process of continuity of life after death Pali punabbhava Sanskrit punarbhava 輪廻 Cn lunhui Jp rinne Vi luan hồiSanskrit Ratnasambhava Tib ར ན ཆ ན འབ ང གནས Rinchen Jung ne Mn ᠡᠷᠳᠡᠨᠢ ᠭᠠᠷᠬᠣ ᠢᠢᠨ ᠣᠷᠣᠨ ᠲᠡᠭᠦᠰ ᠡᠷᠳᠡᠨᠢ Erdene garahyn oron Togs Erdene Erdeni garkhu yin oron Tegus ErdeniUsually in the form of take refuge in the Pali saraṇa Sanskrit saraṇa Bur သရဏဂ tharanagon 8eɹeneɡouɴ Mn avral avral Tib skyabs Tayca srna sorana 歸依 Cn guiyi Jp kie Vi quy y lit precious one An honorific title for a respected Tibetce lama such as a Tibetce ར ན པ ཆ rin po che Mn rimbүchij rimbuchii 仁波切 Cn renbōqie Jp Vi Rinzai Zen sect emphasizing koan study named for master Japonca 臨済宗 Rinzai shu 臨濟宗 Cn Linji zōng Vi Lam Tế tongA day traditionally honored as the day of the Buddha s enlightenment While deep in meditation under a bodhi tree he attained enlightenment upon seeing the morning star just at dawn celebrated on the 8th day either of December or of the 12th month of the lunar calendar Japonca 臘八 Rōhatsu or Rohachi lit Master An honorific given to Zen teachers in the Rinzai and Obaku sects Japonca 老師 Rōshi 禅師 Cn chan shi lit old master Icindekiler A B C C D E F G H I I J K L M N O O P Q R S S T U U V W X Y ZSDefinition Etymology In other languagestruthfulness Sanskrit Satya Bur သစ စ thissa 8ɪʔ sa Mon သစ စ sɔtcɛʔ San သ တ ၸ sʰet tsaː Tayca scca sadja 真 Cn zhen Jp shin Vi A male novice monk who after a year or until the ripe age of 20 will be considered for the higher ordination Sanskrit sramaṇera Bur ရ င သ မဏ shin thamane ʃɪ ɴ 8amene Mon သ မ မဏ samenɔe San သ မၼ sʰaː mne Tayca samenr sama naen 沙彌 Cn shami Jp shami Vi Mental stabilization tranquility meditation Distinguished from vipassana meditation Pali samatha Sanskrit samatha Bur သမထ thamahta 8emetʰa Tayca smtha samatha 舍摩他 Cn shemota Jp Vi The cycle of birth and rebirth the world as commonly experienced Pali Sanskrit saṃsara Bur သ သရ thanthaya 8aɴdeja Tayca sngsarwt sung sara wat Tib འཁ ར བ khor ba Bur သ သရ Mn orchlon orchlon 輪迴 輪廻 Cn lunhui Jp rinne Vi luan hồiWork conceived as a part of Zen training Japonca 作務 samu 作務 Cn zuowu Vi Conventional as opposed to absolute truth or reality see also paramartha Sanskrit saṃvrti Bur သမ မ တ thamudi 8emṵdḭ Tayca smmuti sommootsangha The community of Buddhist monks and nuns Teachers and practitioners Sanskrit saṅgha Bur သ ဃ thangha 8aɴɡa Mon သ လ sɛŋ San သ င ၶ sʰaːŋ kʰaː Tayca sngkh song Tib ཚ གས ཀ མཆ ག tsog gyu chog Mn huvragijn chuulgan khuvragiin chuulgan 僧團 Cn seng tuan Jp sō sōryō Vi tăng giaBuddhist philosophical school based on the school Cince 三論 sanlun 三論宗 Cn Sanlunzōng Jp Sanron shu Vi Tam luận tongA formal interview with a teacher in many traditions of Zen Similar to dokusan Japoncasatori Awakening understanding A Japonca term for enlightenment Japonca 悟り satori 悟 Cn wu Vi ngộBirmanca meditation master Bur ဆရ တ sayadaw sʰejadɔ In the Zen Buddhist calendar a period of intensive formal monastic training It is typically characterized by week long and periodic sanzen Japonca 制中 seichuA Zen retreat where practitioners meditate eat and work together for several days Japonca 接心 摂心 佛七 Cn foqi 坐臘 坐腊 Cn zuola morals morality ethics precepts Pali sila Sanskrit sila Bur သ လ thila 8ila Mon သ sɔelaʔ San သ လ sʰi laː Tayca sil seen 尸羅 戒 Cn jie Jp kai Vi giới Mn shagshaabad shagshaabadSōtō Sect of Zen emphasizing shikantaza as the primary mode of practice see also Dogen Japonca 曹洞宗 Sōtō shu 曹洞宗 Cn Caodong zōng Vi Tao Dộng tongThe base consciousness taught in Buddhism Pali Sanskrit alayavijnana 阿頼耶識 Cn ayeshi Jp arayashiki Vi a lại da thứcsutra Scripture originally referred to short aphoristic sayings and collections thereof from siv to sew Sanskrit sutra Pali sutta Bur သ တ thoht 8ouʔ Mon သ တ sɔt Mon သ ၵ sʰuk Tayca sutr soothe Mn sudar sudar 經 経 Cn jing Jp kyō Vi kinhThe second basket of the Tripitaka canon the collection of all Buddha s teachings Pali Sutta piṭaka Sanskrit Sutra piṭaka Bur သ တ thoht 8ouʔ Mon သ တ sɔt Mon သ ၵ sʰuk Mn Sudryn ajmag Sudriin aimag 經藏 経蔵 Cn jingcang Jp kyōzō Vi Kinh tạngIcindekiler A B C C D E F G H I I J K L M N O O P Q R S S T U U V W X Y ZSDefinition Etymology In other languagesSoto Zen Only concentrated on sitting is the main practice of the Soto school of Japonca Zen Buddhism Japonca 只管打座 默照 Cn mozhaoEmptiness see also Nagarjuna Pali sunnata Sanskrit sunyata Bur သ ည 8ouɴɲa San သ င ၺ sʰuŋ ɲaː Tib stong pa nyid Mn hooson chanar khooson chanar 空 Cn kōng Jp ku Vi tinh KhongIcindekiler A B C C D E F G H I I J K L M N O O P Q R S S T U U V W X Y ZTDefinition Etymology In other languagestangaryō A period of waiting for admission into a Zen at the gate lasting anywhere from one day to several weeks depending on the quality of one s sitting Refers to the room traveling monks stay in when visiting or await admittance into the sōdō Japonca 旦過寮 Sanskrit tṛṣṇa Bur တဏ tahna ten a Tayca tnha tunha Mn hurcahuj khuritsahui 愛 Cn ai Jp ai Kr 애 ae Vi aiTanto In Zen one of the main temple leaders lit head of the tan In a Zen temple the Tanto is one of two officers with the Godo in charge monks training Japonca 単頭 Mn tarnijn yos dandar tarniin yos dandar 續部 怛特羅 Cn dateluo Jp Vi đat đặc laTathagata one of the Buddha s Sanskrit tathagata The Thus Gone One Bur တထ ဂတ tahtagata ta tʰaɡeta Tayca tthakht tatha kohd Mn tүүnchlen irsen tuunchlen irsen 如来 Cn rulai Jp nyorai Vi như laiBuddha nature or the seed of enlightenment Sanskrit tathagatagarbha 佛性 仏性 Cn foxing Jp busshō Also 覚性 Cn juexing Jp kakushō Vi giac tinh Also 如来藏 如来蔵 Cn rulaizang Jp nyuoraizō Vi như lai tạngteisho A presentation by a Zen master during a sesshin Rather than an explanation or exposition in the traditional sense it is intended as a demonstration of Zen realisation Japonca 提唱 teishōtenzo In Zen the head cook for a sesshin In Zen temples the officer in charge of the kitchen Japonca 典座 tenzo 典座 Cn diǎnzuo Vi điển toạTheravada lit words of the elders Most popular form of Buddhism in Southeast Asia and Sri Lanka Pali theravada Sanskrit sthaviravada Bur ထ ရဝ ဒ hterawada tʰeɹa wada or tʰeja wada Tayca ethrwath tera waad 上座部 Cn shangzuobu Jp jōzabu Vi Thượng toạ bộthera or theri lit elder Honorific applied to senior monks and nuns in the Theravada tradition Pali thera Bur ထ ရ htera tʰeɹa Three things that Buddhists take refuge in the Buddha his teachings Dharma and the community of realized practitioners Sangha and in return look toward for guidance see also Pali tiratana Sanskrit triratna Bur သရဏဂ သ ပ tharanagon thon ba 8eɹeneɡouɴ 8ouɴ ba OR ရတန သ ပ yadana thon ba jedena 8ouɴ ba Tayca itrrtn trai rut Tib དཀ ན མཆ ག གས མ dkon mchog gsum Mn chuhag deed gurav chuhag deed gurav 三寶 Cn sanbăo Jp sanbō Vi tam bảoThree divisions of the time following the historical Buddha s passing the Former or Early Day of the Law 正法 Cn zhengfǎ Jp shōbō the first thousand years the Middle Day of the Law 像法 Cn xiangfǎ Jp zōhō the second thousand years and the Latter Day of the Law 末法 Cn mofǎ Jp mappō which is to last for 10 000 years The three periods are significant to Mahayana adherents particularly those who hold the Lotus Sutra in high regard e g Tiantai Tendai and Buddhists who believe that different Buddhist teachings are valid i e able to lead practitioners to enlightenment in each period due to the different capacity to accept a teaching 機根 Cn jigen Jp kikon of the people born in each respective period The three periods are further divided into five five hundred year periods 五五百歳 Cn wǔ wǔbǎi sui Jp go no gohyaku sai the fifth and last of which was prophesied to be when the Buddhism of Sakyamuni would lose all power of salvation and a new Buddha would appear to save the people This time period would be characterized by unrest strife famine and other natural disasters The three periods and the five five hundred year periods are described in the Sutra of the Great Assembly 大集経 Cn daji jing Jp Daishutu kyō Daijuku kyō Daijikkyō or Daishukkyō Descriptions of the three periods also appear in other sutras some of which ascribe different lengths of time to them although all agree that Mappō will last for 10 000 years 三時 Cn Sanshi Jp Sanji Vi Tam thờior The three primary causes of unskillful action that lead to the creation of negative karma the three root Pali lobha Sanskrit raga Tib འད ད ཆགས dod chags Pali doha Sanskrit dveṣa Tib ཞ ས ང zhe sdang Mn urin hilen urin khilen 瞋 Cn chen Jp jin Vi san Pali moha Sanskrit moha Tib གཏ མ ག gti mug Pali Defilements Sanskrit klesa Sanskit triviṣa Tib dusum dug gsum Bur မ သ ပ mi thon ba mi 8ouɴ ba Mn gurvan hor gurvan khor 三毒 Cn Sandu Jp Sandoku Vi Tam độcTiantai Tendai A Mahayana school of Cin that teaches the supremacy of the Lotus Sutra Cince 天台 tiantai 天台宗 Cn tiantai zōng Jp tendai shu Vi Thien Tayca tongThe 3 regions of the world or Kamadhatu world of desires Sanskrit Pali kamaloka kamadhatu Tibetce འད ད ཁམས dod khams Mn amarmagijn oron amarmagiin oron 欲界 Cn yujie Jp yokkai Vi dục giới or Rupadhatu world of form Sanskrit rupaloka rupadhatu Tibetce གཟ གས ཁམས gzugs khams Mn dүrstijn oron durstiin oron 色界 Cn sejie Jp shikikai Vi sắc giới or Arupadhatu world without form or desire Sanskrit arupaloka arupadhatu Tibetce གཟ གས མ ད ཁམས gzugs med khams Mn dүrsgүjn oron dursquin oron 無色界 Cn wu sejie Jp mushikikai Vi vo sắc giới Sanskrit triloka Pali tisso dhatuyo Tibetce ཁམས གས མ khams gsum Mn gurvan oron gurvan oron 三界 Cn sanjie Jp sangai Vi tam giớitrikaya The 3 bodies of Buddha Dharma kaya Sanskrit dharmakaya 法身 Cn fǎshen Jp hosshin Vi phap than Sambhoga kaya Sanskrit saṃbhogakaya 報身 Cn baoshen Jp hōshin Vi bao than Nirmana kaya Sanskrit nirmaṇakaya 應身 化身 応身 Cn yingshen Jp ōjin Vi ứng than Sanskrit trikaya 三身 Cn sanshen Jp sanjin Vi tam thanTripitaka The Three Baskets canon containing the sacred texts for Buddhism Pali Pali Sanskrit Vinaya piṭaka Tib འད ལ བའ ས ས ད dul ba i sde snod Mn vinajn ajmag sav vinain aimag sav 律藏 律蔵 Cn lǜzang Jp Ritsuzō Vi Luật tạng Pali Sutta piṭaka Sanskrit Sutra piṭaka Tib མད ས འ ས ས ད mdo sde i sde snod Mn sudryn ajmag sav sudriin aimag sav 經藏 経蔵 Cn jingzang Jp Kyōzō Vi Kinh tạng Pali Abhidhamma piṭaka Sanskrit Abhidharma piṭaka Tib མང ན པའ ས ས ད mngon pa i sde snod Mn avidarmyn ajmag sav avidarmiin aimag sav 論藏 論蔵 Cn lunzang Jp Ronzō Vi Luận tạng Pali tipiṭaka Sanskrit tripiṭaka Birmanca တ ပ ဋက Tipitaka tḭpḭteka Tayca itrpidk Traipidok ས ས ད གས མ sde snod gsum Mn gurvan ajmag sav gurvan aimag sav 三藏 三蔵 Cn Sanzang Jp Sanzō Ko Samjang Vi Tam tạng see Three Jewels above Pali tiratana Sanskrit triratna Tib དཀ ན མཆ ག གས མ dkon mchog gsum Mn gurvan erdene gurvan erdene see aboveA re incarnated Tibetce teacher Tibetce ས ལ ས tulku Mn huvilgaan khuvilgaan 再來人 轉世再來的藏系師長 Cn Zai lai ren Jp keshin Vi hoa thanIcindekiler A B C C D E F G H I I J K L M N O O P Q R S S T U U V W X Y ZUDefinition Etymology In other languagesClinging the 9th link of the Ninth Pali Sanskrit upadana Bur ဥပ ဒ န upadan ṵpadaɴ San ဢ ပ တ ၼ ʔu paː taːn Tayca xupathan u pa taan Tib ལ ན པ len pa Mn avahuj avahui 取 十二因緣第九支 Cn qǔ Jp shu Vi thủspiritual teacher Pali Upajjhaya Sanskrit upadhyay Bur ဥပဇ ဇ ယ ဆရ Upyizesaya ṵ pjɪʔzesʰaja A lay follower of Buddhism Sanskrit upasaka Bur ဥပ သက upathaka ṵpa8eka Mon ဥပ သက ʊʔpaseka Tayca xubask u ba sok 近事男 優婆塞 Cn jinshinan Jp Vi cận sự namupasika A female lay follower from above Sanskrit upasika Bur ဥပ သ က upathika ṵpa8ḭka Tayca xubasika u ba sika 近事女 優婆夷 Cn jinshinǚ Jp Vi cận sự nữExpedient though not necessarily ultimately true Originally used as a polemical device against other schools calling them merely expedient lacking in ultimate truth later used against ones own school to prevent students form forming attachments to doctrines In Mahayana exemplified by the Lotus Sutra upaya are the useful means that Buddhas and Buddhist teachers use to free beings into enlightenment Sanskrit upaya Bur ဥပ ယ upe ṵ pe Tib ཐབས thabs Mn arga arga 方便 Cn fangbian Jp hōben Vi phương tiệnequanimity Pali upekkha Sanskrit upekṣa Bur ဥပက ခ upyikkha ṵpjɪʔkʰa Tayca xuebkkha u bek kha Tib བཏང ས མས btang snyoms Mn tegshid barihuj tegshid barihui 镇定 沉着 Cn Zhending chenzhuoA concave circular dot on the forehead between the eyebrows Sanskrit urna Mn bilgijn melmij bilgiin melmiiIcindekiler A B C C D E F G H I I J K L M N O O P Q R S S T U U V W X Y ZUVDefinition Etymology In other languagesVajrayana The third major branch alongside Hinayana and Mahayana according to Tibetce Buddhism s view of itself Sanskrit vajrayana lit diamond vehicle Bur ဝဇ ရယ န wazeirayana wezeiɹa jana Tayca wchiryan wachira yaan Mn Ochirt holgon ochirt kholgon 金剛乘 Cn Jingang sheng Jp Kongō jō Vi Kim cương thừa Sanskrit व र चन Tib ར མ པར ས ང མཛད rNam par snang mdzad Mn ᠪᠢᠷᠦᠵᠠᠨ ᠠ ᠮᠠᠰᠢᠳᠠ ᠭᠡᠢᠢᠭᠦᠯᠦᠨ ᠵᠣᠬᠢᠶᠠᠭᠴᠢ ᠭᠡᠭᠡᠭᠡᠨ ᠭᠡᠷᠡᠯᠲᠦ Byaruzana Mashid Gijgүүlen Zohiogch Gegeen Gerelt Biruzana Masida Geyigulun Zohiyaghci Gegegen Gereltuhabitual tendencies or dispositions Pali and Sanskrit Vasana Bur ဝ သန wathana wadana The first basket of the Tripitaka canon which deals with the rules of monastic life Pali Sanskrit vinaya piṭaka lit discipline basket Bur ဝ နည ပ ဋကတ wini pitakat wḭni pḭdeɡaʔ Mon ဝ န wiʔnoa San ဝ ၼ wi ɛ Tayca winy wi nai Tib འད ལ བའ ས ས ད dul bai sde snod Mn Vinajn ajmag sav vinain aimag sav 律藏 Cn Lǜzang Jp Ritsuzō Vi Luật tạngvipassana Usually translated as Insight meditation most associated with the Theravada tradition but also present in some other traditions such as Tiantai Often combined with meditation from vi dṛs to see apart Pali vipassana Sanskrit vipasyana vidarsana Bur ဝ ပဿန wipathana wḭpaʔ8ana San ဝ ပ တ သၼ wi paːt sʰa naː Tayca wipssna wipadsana Tib ལ ག མཐ ངlhag mthong Mn үlemzh үzel ulemj uzel 觀 観 Cn guan Jp kan Vi quanenergy enthusiastic perseverance from Pali viriya Sanskrit virya Tib brtson grus Tayca wiriya wiriya 能量 Cn nengliang Jp nōryō Vi năng lượngIcindekiler A B C C D E F G H I I J K L M N O O P Q R S S T U U V W X Y ZZDefinition Etymology In other languageszazen Sitting meditation as practiced in the Zen School of Buddhism Japonca 坐禅 坐禪 Cn zuochan Kr jwaseon Vi toạ thiềnZen School A branch of Mahayana originating in China that originally emphasizes non dualism and intuition Modern monastic forms have a strong emphasis on zazen Korean or on zazen combined with militaristic top down hazing Japonca Japonca 禅宗 Zen shu 禪宗 Cn Chanzōng Vi Thiền tongIn Zen a hall where zazen is practiced Japonca 禅堂 禪堂 Cn chantang Vi thiền đườngIcindekiler A B C C D E F G H I I J K L M N O O P Q R S S T U U V W X Y ZAyrica bakinizBudizmKaynakca Leighton Okumura 1996 Dogen s Pure Standards for the Zen Community Albany NY SUNY s 214 ISBN 0 7914 2710 2 Leighton Okumura 1996 Dogen s Pure Standards for the Zen Community Albany SUNY s 231 ISBN 0 7914 2710 2 Dis baglantilarPali Text Society Dictionary26 Subat 2010 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Be sure to check the Unicode font option and to have one also if looking for a word choose words that match Monier Williams Sanskrit English Dictionary13 Haziran 2005 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Digital Dictionary of Buddhism 19 Agustos 2010 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Login with userid guest Kadampa Glossary of Buddhist Terms 22 Ocak 2012 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde