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Bu madde kayda değer biyologların listesidir. Zoologlar, botanikçiler, ornitologlar, malakologlar, doğa bilimciler ve diğer uzmanlıkları da içermektedir.
- (1914–2001), Hint ornitolog
- (1891–1980) İngiliz biyolog ve herpetolog
- Aziz Ab'Sáber (1924–2012), Brezilyalı coğrafyacı, jeolog ve çevre bilimci
- Erik Acharius (1757–1819), İsveçli botanikçi
- Johann Friedrich Adam (18. yy–1806), Rus botanikçi
- Arthur Adams (1820–1878), İngiliz hekim ve doğa bilimci
- (1813–1877), İngiliz doğa bilimci ve konkolog
- William Aiton (1731–1793), İskoç botanikçi (botanikteki kısaltma: Aiton)
- Michel Adanson (1727–1806), Fransız doğa bilimci (botanikteki kısaltma: Adans.)
- Edgar Douglas Adrian (1889–1977), Britanyalı elektrofizyolog, nöron araştırmaları için 1932 Nobel Fizyoloji ve Tıp Ödülü ile ödüllendirilmiştir
- Adam Afzelius (1750–1837), İsveçli botanikçi
- Carl Adolph Agardh (1785–1859), İsveçli botanikçi
- Jacob Georg Agardh (1813–1901), İsveçli botanikçi
- Louis Agassiz (1807–1873), İsviçreli zoolog
- Alexander Agassiz (1835–1910), Amerikalı zoolog, Louis Agassiz'in oğlu
- (1568–1634), Fransız botanikçi
- (1954–1998), İspanyol doğa bilimci
- (1938), Amerikalı biyokimyager, ABD Bilimler Akademisi'nin eski başkanı
- (1873–1910), İngiliz ornitolog
- (1889–1989), İngiliz ornitolog
- Richard D. Alexander (1930), Amerikalı evrimsel biyolog
- Wilfred Backhouse Alexander (1885–1965), İngiliz ornitolog
- Alfred William Alcock (1859–1933), Britanyalı doğa bilimci
- (1896–1987), Hint ornitolog
- (1736– after1803), İsviçreli botanikçi (botanikteki kısaltma: F.Allam.)
- Warder Clyde Allee (1885–1955), Amerikalı zoolog ve çevre bilimci, Allee etkisini tanımlamıştır
- Joel Asaph Allen (1838–1921), Amerikalı; kuşlar, memeliler
- George James Allman (1812–1898), Britanyalı doğa bilimci
- (1553–1617), İtalyan botanikçi
- Sidney Altman (1939), Kanadalı doğumlu moleküler biyolog, RNA üzerine çalışması için 1989 Nobel Kimya Ödülü ile ödüllendirilmiştir
- Bruce Ames (1928), Amerikalı biyokimyager, Ames testini icat etmiştir
- (1832–1897), Portekizli doğa bilimci
- (1822–1886), İngiliz kâşif, doğa bilimci, konkolog ve ressam
- Jakob Johan Adolf Appellöf (1857–1921), İsveçli deniz zoologu
- Aristoteles (MÖ 384–MÖ 322), Yunan filozof
- Peter Artedi (1705–1735), İsveçli doğa bilimci
- (1916–2014), Amerikalı biyokimyager, hücre reseptörü çalışmalarında öncü
- (1759–1800), Fransız doğa bilimci
- (1797–1841), Fransız zoolog
- John James Audubon (1786–1851), Amerikalı ornitolog
- (1899–1994), Alman genetikçi, mutagenez disiplininin kurucusu
- Richard Axel (1946), Nobel ödüllü fizyolog
- Julius Axelrod (1912–2004), Amerikalı biyokimyager, katekolamin nörotransmitter araştırmaları için 1970 Nobel Fizyoloji ve Tıp Ödülü ile ödüllendirilmiştir
- (1817–1887), Amerikalı hekim ve balık bilimci
- (1746–1811), İspanyol doğa bilimci
- Churchill Babington (1831–1881), Britanyalı arkeolog ve konçolojist (yumuşakçaların kabuklarını araştıran bilim dalı)
- (1790–1874), Amerikalı doğabilimci
- Curt Backeberg (1894–1966), Alman botanikçi (Botanik kısaltması: Backeb.)
- (1792–1876), embriyolog
- (1858–1954), Amerikalı botanikçi (Botanik kısaltması: L.H.Bailey)
- (1823–1887), Kuşlar ve memeliler
- (1808–1884), İskoçyalı botanikçi (Botanik kısaltması: Balf.)
- David Baltimore (1938), Fizyoloji ve Tıp Alanında 1975 Nobel Ödülü
- Joseph Banks (1743–1820), biyolog, botanikçi (Botanik kısaltması: Banks)
- Robert Bárány (1876–1936), Avusturyalı fizisyen, vestibüler sistem (kulak ve duyma sistemi) üzerine yaptığı araştırmalarla Fizyoloji ve Tıp Alanında 1914 Nobel Ödülü almıştır.
- Benjamin Smith Barton (1766–1815), Amerikalı botanikçi (Botanik kısaltması: Barton)
- (1699–1777), Amerikalı botanikçi (Botanik kısaltması: Bartram)
- (1739–1823), Amerikalı doğa bilimci (Botanik kısaltması: W.Bartram)
- (1831–1888), cerrah, botanikçi, mikrobiyolog
- Henry Walter Bates (1825–1892), İngiliz doğa bilimci
- Patrick Bateson (1938), İngiliz biyolog ve yazar, Londra Zooloji Topluluğu başkanı
- August Johann Georg Karl Batsch (1762–1802), Alman botanikçi, mikolog
- Nicolas Baudin (1754–1803), Fransız botanikçi
- Gaspard Bauhin (1560–1624), İsviçreli botanikçi, Linnaeus tarafından kullanılan ikili isimlendirmeyi taksonomiye tanıtmıştır, (Botanik kısaltması: C.Bauhin)
- Johann Matthäus Bechstein (1757–1822), Alman doğa bilimci (Botanik kısaltması: Bechst.)
- (1870–1950), Amerikalı ornitolog
- (1877–1962), Biyolog
- Martinus Beijerinck (1851–1931), Hollandalı mikrobiyolog ve botanikçi, virüsleri keşfetmiştir
- (1792–1880), İngiliz doğa bilimci
- David Bellamy (1933), İngiliz botanikçi
- Edward Turner Bennett (1797–1836), İngiliz zoolog
- George Bentham (1800–1884), İngiliz botanikçi (Botanik kısaltması: Benth.)
- (1821–1893), İngiliz botanikçi (Botanik kısaltması: Bentley)
- (1935–2004), Fransız immunolog
- Wilson Teixeira Beraldo (1917–1998), Brezilyalı hekim ve fizyolog, bradikinini keşfeden iki kişiden birisidir
- Hans Berger (1873–1941), Alman nörobilimci, Elektroensefalografiyi bulan kişilerden birisidir
- Carl Bergmann (1814–1865), Alman anatomici, fizyolog ve biyolog, Bergmann kuralını geliştirmiştir
- (1824–1909), Danimarkalı hekim ve zoolog
- Claude Bernard (1813–1878), Fransız fizyolog ve homeostasis konseptinin babası
- (1887–1984), Amerikalı deniz zooloğu
- Thomas Bewick (1753–1828), İngiliz ornitolog
- (1948–2004), İngiliz ornitolog
- (1806–1848), Fransız zoolog
- (1883–1953), Hollandalı biyolog ve etolog
- Ann Bishop (1899–1990), İngiliz biyolog
- (1923–1994), Hint ornitolog
- Liz Blackburn (1948), Australian/US Nobel Prize–winning researcher in the field of telomeres and the "telomerase" enzyme
- (1790–1881), Britanyalı entomolog
- Henri Marie Ducrotay de Blainville (1777–1850), Fransız zoolog
- Albert Francis Blakeslee (1874–1954), Amerikalı botanikçi, best known for research on Jimsonweed and the sexuality of fungi
- (1832–1891), İngiliz doğa bilimci
- William Thomas Blanford (1832–1905), İngiliz doğa bilimci
- (1819–1878), Hollandalı ichthyologist
- Günter Blobel (1936), Alman Nobel Prize-winning biyolog who discovered that newly synthesized proteins contain "address tags" which direct them to the proper location within the cell.
- (1952), Amerikalı biophysicist who measured the mechanical properties of single bio-molecules
- (1789–1862), Alman-Hollandalı botanikçi (abbr. in botany: Blume)
- Johann Friedrich Blumenbach (1752–1840), Alman physiologist and anthropologist
- (1810–1873), İngiliz zoolog
- (1823–1907), Portuguese zoolog
- (1730–1795 or 1796), doğabilimci
- Charles Lucien Bonaparte (1803–1857), Fransız doğabilimci
- (1900–1989), Amerikalı ornitolog
- Franco Andrea Bonelli (1784–1830), İtalyan ornitolog
- (1786–1839), Alman botanikçi
- Charles Bonnet (1720–1793), Swiss doğabilimci
- Aimé Bonpland (1773–1858), Fransız botanikçi (abbr. in botany: Bonpl.)
- Jules Bordet (1870–1961), Belçikalı immunologist and microbiyolog, winner of the 1919 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his discovery of the complement system in the immune system
- (1903–1970), Rus botanikçi
- Norman Borlaug (1914), Amerikalı agricultural scientist, humanitarian, Nobel laureate, and the father of the Green Revolution
- (1759–1828), Fransız zoolog
- George Albert Boulenger (1858–1937), Belçikalı zoolog
- Jules Bourcier (1797–1873), Fransız doğabilimci
- Johann Friedrich von Brandt (1802–1879), Alman doğabilimci (abbr. in botany: Brandt)
- (1888–1962), Amerikalı microbiyolog
- Christian Ludwig Brehm (1787–1864), Alman ornitolog
- (1829–1884), Alman zoolog
- Sydney Brenner (1927), Britanyalı molecular biyolog, winner of the 2002 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
- Thomas Mayo Brewer (1814–1880), Amerikalı doğabilimci
- (1851–1919), Amerikalı ornitolog
- Mathurin Jacques Brisson (1723–1806), Fransız zoolog
- (1859–1934), Amerikalı botanikçi (abbr. in botany: Britton)
- (1926), Amerikalı biyolog, discoverer of hyperthermophiles
- Adolphe Théodore Brongniart (1801–1876), Fransız botanikçi (abbr. in botany: Brongn.)
- Robert Broom (1866–1951), South African paleontologist
- , Amerikalı ecologist
- Robert Brown (1773–1858), botanikçi (abbr. in botany: R.Br.)
- (1855–1931), İskoç pathologist and microbiyolog
- (1750–1798), Fransız doğabilimci
- Morten Thrane Brünnich (1737–1827), Danimarkalı zoolog
- (1762–1829), İskoç zoolog and botanikçi
- , co-author of The Forgotten Pollinators
- Linda B. Buck (1947), Amerikalı physiologist and Nobel prize winner
- (1809–1884), Amerikalı doğabilimci (abbr. in botany: Buckley)
- Buffon (1707–1788), Fransız doğabilimci (abbr. in botany: Buffon)
- (1773–1849), İngiliz doğa bilimci
- Walter Buller (1838–1906), Yeni Zelandalı doğabilimci
- (1794–1879), İngiliz doğa bilimci and conchologist
- Alexander von Bunge (1803–1890), Alman-Rus zoolog
- (1849–1926), Amerikalı horticulturalist
- Hermann Burmeister (1807–1892), Alman zoolog
- (1951), Amerikalı biophysicist, discovered "molecular tweezers" to manipulate DNA
- (1950), Peruvian biochemist, specialist in mitochondria. Currently works on DNA paternity testing
- (1816–1906), Alman ornitolog
- (1770–1829), İngiliz botanikçi
- (1665–1721), Alman botanikçi
- (1904–1993), Britanyalı botanikçi
- A. P. de Candolle (1778–1841), Swiss botanikçi
- (1819–1877), conchologist
- Alexis Carrel (1873–1944), Fransız biyolog and surgeon, winner of the 1912 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his work on sutures and organ transplants, advocate of eugenics
- (1818–1896), Fransız botanikçi
- (1883–1957), Ecuadorian paleontologist and doğabilimci
- , Amerikalı evolutionary development biyolog
- Rachel Carson (1907–1964), biyolog, author of Silent Spring
- George Washington Carver (1860–1943), Amerikalı botanikçi
- John Cassin (1813–1869), Amerikalı ornitolog
- (1781–1832), Fransız botanikçi (abbr. in botany: Cass.)
- (1867–1962), Amerikalı geneticist
- (1683–1749), İngiliz doğa bilimci
- Andrea Cesalpino (1519–1603), İtalyan botanikçi
- (1726–1778), İtalyan zoolog
- Carlos Chagas (1879–1934), Brezilyalı physician
- Adelbert von Chamisso (1781–1838), Alman botanikçi
- (1974–2012), Yeni Zelandalı plant biyolog
- (1908–1991), biyolog
- (1864–1945), ornitolog
- Martha Chase (1927–2003), Amerikalı biyolog, conducted the Hershey-Chase experiment which linked DNA to heredity
- (1846–1923), Yeni Zelandalı botanikçi and doğabilimci.
- (1880–1959), Rus population geneticist
- (1860–1929), Yeni Zelandalı zoolog
- Carl Chun (1852–1914), Alman marine biyolog
- Nathan Cobb (1859–1932), Amerikalı biyolog, considered the founder of the discipline of nematology
- (1841–1916), Belçikalı botanikçi (abbr. in botany: Cogn.)
- Stanley Cohen (1922), Amerikalı biyolog, Nobel Prize Laureate in Physiology and Medicine (1986) for his discovery of growth factors.
- , Amerikalı biyolog, synthetic biology and systems biology pioneer
- (1892–1950), Amerikalı ornitolog
- (1803–1877), Amerikalı malacologist
- (1830–1902), Amerikalı doğabilimci
- (1798–1864), Amerikalı conchologist
- Edward Drinker Cope (1840–1897), fish, reptiles, paleontology
- Charles Coquerel (1822–1867), Fransız navy surgeon and entomolog
- Carl Ferdinand Cori (1896–1984), Amerikalı biochemist, winner of the 1947 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his work on the Cori cycle
- Gerty Cori (1886–1957), Amerikalı biochemist, first Amerikalı woman to win a Nobel Prize in science, the prize was awarded to her and her husband Carl for their work on the Cori cycle
- Charles B. Cory (1857–1921), Amerikalı ornitolog
- (1717–1791), İngiliz botanikçi, doğabilimci, filozof
- (1842–1899), Amerikalı ornitolog
- (1907–2004), South African zoolog
- Jacques Cousteau (1910–1997), Fransız marine biyolog and explorer
- (1913–1992), Argentine-Brezilyalı neurophysiologist, father of Brezilyalı neurophysiology
- (1867–1937), Amerikalı botanikçi
- , (1919), Amerikalı biyokimyacı, sodyum-glikoz (kotransportunu) keşfetti.
- Philipp Jakob Cretzschmar (1786–1845), Alman zoolog
- Francis Crick (1916–2004), one of the discoverers of the structure of the DNA molecule and a neurobiyolog
- (1826–1898), Fransız conchologist
- Nicholas Culpeper (1616–1654), İngiliz botanikçi
- (1791–1839), İngiliz botanikçi
- (1746–1799), İngiliz botanikçi
- Georges Cuvier (1769–1832), Fransız doğabilimci
- , Amerikalı bioengineer
- (1751–1789), namesake of the Dahlia
- (1845–1927), Amerikalı doğabilimci and malacologist.
- Charles Darwin (1809–1882), Britanyalı doğabilimci, author and biyolog
- Erasmus Darwin (1731–1802), doctor, doğabilimci, grandfather of Charles
- (1866–1944), Amerikalı biyolog and eugenicist, founded the Eugenics Record Office at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
- Armand David (1826–1900), Fransız zoolog and botanikçi
- (1916–1994), Amerikalı biyolog
- Richard Dawkins (1941), Britanyalı evolutionary biyolog
- (1787–1823), Fransız doğabilimci
- Max Delbrück (1906–1981), Alman physicist and biyolog known for work on the replication mechanism of viruses
- (1920–2002), Yeni Zelandalı malacologist
- (1794–1860), İtalyan
- (1810–1888), Belçikalı botanikçi
- René Louiche Desfontaines (1750–1833), Fransız botanikçi
- (1795–1875), Fransız geologist and conchologist.
- Anselme Gaëtan Desmarest (1784–1838), Fransız zoolog
- (1811–1855), Alman doğabilimci
- (1684–1747), Alman botanikçi
- (1778–1855), Britanyalı botanikçi and conchologist
- (1933), Amerikalı microbiyolog, discoverer of Lactobacillus reuteri
- Theodosius Dobzhansky (1900–1975), Amerikalı geneticist and evolutionary biyolog
- (1517–1585), Flemish botanikçi
- Anton Dohrn (1840–1909), Alman marine biyolog
- (1799–1841), Britanyalı botanikçi
- (1758–1813), İngiliz botanikçi
- (1924–2001), Fransız ornitolog
- (1808–1875), Britanyalı entomolog
- (1799–1834), İskoç botanikçi
- (1748–1810), Swedish botanikçi
- (1802–1860), biyolog
- Renato Dulbecco (1914–2012), biyolog
- ,
- André Marie Constant Duméril (1774–1860), Fransız zoolog
- Michel Felix Dunal (1789–1856), Fransız botanikçi
- (1947), İtalyan virolog
- Gerald Durrell (1925–1995), Britanyalı doğabilimci
- Sylvia Earle (1935), Amerikalı oceanographer
- John Carew Eccles (1903–1997), Australian neurophysiologist and winner of the 1963 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his work on the synapse
- (1795–1868), Danimarkalı botanikçi (abbr. in botany: Eckl.)
- Gerald Edelman (1929), Nobel Prize for immunology work, later work in neuroscience
- (1693–1773), Britanyalı doğabilimci
- Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg (1795–1876), Alman biyolog and microscopist
- Paul Ehrlich (1854–1915), Alman Nobel Prize-winning immunologist
- Karl Eichwald (1795–1876), Rus geologist and physician
- (1843–1898), Alman zoolog
- (1892–1937), Georgian microbiyolog
- (1835–1915), Amerikan zoolog
- (1872–1968), Alman zoolog and entomolog
- (1804–1849), Austrian botanikçi (abbr. in botany: Endl.)
- (1971), Amerikalı paleontologist and entomolog
- (1809–1884), Alman-Amerikalı botanikçi
- Adolf Engler (1844–1930), Alman botanikçi (abbr. in botany: Engl.)
- (1744–1777), Alman doğabilimci.
- Johann Friedrich von Eschscholtz (1793–1831), Baltic Alman biyolog and explorer, namesake of the California poppy
- Constantin von Ettingshausen (1826–1897), Austrian botanikçi
- , Amerikalı mathematical population geneticist
- (1809–1880), İngiliz doğa bilimci
- (1823–1915), Fransız entomolog
- Johan Christian Fabricius (1745–1808), Danimarkalı entomolog
- (1869–1954), Amerikalı botanikçi
- (1808–1865), İskoç paleontologist
- (1852–1903), İtalyan zoolog
- (1780–1845), Austrian doğabilimci
- (1945), Amerikalı botanikçi
- Howard Barraclough (Barry) Fell (1917–1994), İngiliz zoolog and pre-Columbian contact theorist
- (1934), Brezilyalı pharmacologist
- (1901–1951), Yeni Zelandalı palaeontologist and conchologist
- Otto Finsch (1839–1917), Alman doğabilimci
- (1771–1853), Alman entomolog
- (1922–1970), İngiliz ornitolog
- (1835–1893): Fransız physician, zoolog, malacologist and paleontologist
- Ronald Fisher (1890–1962), Britanyalı biyolog and statistician, one of the founders of population genetics
- Leopold Fitzinger (1802–1884), Austrian zoolog
- (1956-), Australian biyolog
- , Britanyalı ornitolog
- Alexander Fleming (1881–1955), Britanyalı medical scientist
- Walther Flemming (1843–1905), Alman physician and anatomist, discoverer of mitosis and chromosomes
- (1878–1950), İngiliz entomolog
- Howard Walter Florey (1898–1968), pharmacologist who was the co-inventor of penicillin
- (1939), Britanyalı biyolog and writer
- (1901–1988), Britanyalı ecological geneticist
- Peter Forsskål (1732–1763), Swedish doğabilimci
- Georg Forster (1754–1794), Alman doğabilimci (abbr. in botany: G.Forst.)
- (1967), Alman geneticist
- (1729–1798), Alman doğabilimci
- (1813–1880), İskoç botanikçi
- Dian Fossey (1932–1985), Amerikan zoolog
- Rosalind Franklin (1920–1958), contributor to the discovery of the structure of DNA
- (1797–1874), Brezilyalı botanikçi
- Elias Magnus Fries (1794–1878), one of the founders of modern mushroom taxonomy
- Karl von Frisch (1886–1982), Austrian ethologist and Nobel laureate, best known for pioneering studies of bees
- Imre Frivaldszky (1799–1870), Hungarian botanikçi
- Leonhart Fuchs (1501–1566), Alman botanikçi
- (1855–1932), Spanish biyolog
- (1874–1927), Amerikalı ornitolog
- Heinrich Moritz Gaede (1795-1834) Alman doğa bilimci ve entomolog.
- Johann Christian Gerning (1745-1802) Alman bankacı, sanat koleksiyoncusu ve böcek bilimcisi
- (1858-1938) Alman zoolog ve herpetolog
- Joseph Gaertner (1732–1791), Alman botanikçi
- (1866–1952), Fransız botanikçi
- (1796–1858), Fransız
- (1946), Canadian primatologist, conducted pioneering studies on orangutans
- Robert Gallo (1937), Amerikalı virolog and co-discoverer of HIV
- (1823–1849), Amerikalı doğabilimci
- (1794–1838), Fransız doğabilimci
- (1789–1854), Fransız botanikçi
- , Amerikalı cognitive neuroscientist, best known for his research on split-brain patients
- (1903–1993), Amerikalı botanikçi
- John Gerard (1545–1611/12), İngiliz botanikçi
- Conrad von Gesner (1516–1565), Swiss doğabilimci (abbr. in botany: Gesner)
- (1490–1566), İtalyan botanikçi
- (1931–2010), İtalyan microbiyolog, a pioneer of applied to
- , Amerikalı molecular evolutionist and population geneticist
- (1923), Britanyalı botanikçi
- (1822–1895), Fransız biyolog, ichthyologist, herpetologist
- Johann Friedrich Gmelin (1748–1804), Alman doğabilimci (abbr. in botany: J.F.Gmel.)
- (1709–1755), Alman doğabilimci (abbr. in botany: J.G.Gmel.)
- (1744–1774), Alman botanikçi (abbr. in botany: S.G.Gmel.)
- (1834–1919), İngiliz doğa bilimci and ornitolog
- Émil Goeldi (1859–1917), Swiss-Brezilyalı doğabilimci and zoolog
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749–1832), known for his literary works but also a scientist. In biology: his theory of plant metamorphosis stipulated that all plant formation stems from a modification of the Leaf.
- Camillo Golgi (1843–1926), İtalyan physician and Nobel prize winner, pioneer in neurobiology
- Jane Goodall (1934), Britanyalı primatologist, ethologist and anthropologist, best known for conducting a forty-year study of chimpanzee social and family life.
- (1806–1879), Britanyalı botanikçi
- (1810–1888), İngiliz doğa bilimci
- (1805–1866), Amerikalı conchologist.
- John Gould (1804–1881), İngiliz ornitolog
- Stephen Jay Gould (1941–2002), Amerikalı paleontologist
- (1836–1921), Fransız doğabilimci and explorer
- (1873–1957), Fransız doğabilimci and explorer son of Alfred Grandidier
- Temple Grandin (1947), Amerikalı animal scientist; world-renowned as a designer of humane livestock facilities and for her writings on her experience with autism
- (1887–1983), Amerikalı herpetologist
- (1895–1985), Fransız zoolog
- Asa Gray (1810–1888), Amerikalı botanikçi
- George Robert Gray (1808–1872), İngiliz zoolog
- J.E. Gray (1800–1875), Britanyalı zoolog
- Andrew Jackson Grayson (1819–1869), Amerikalı ornitolog
- (1876–1970), Amerikan zoolog
- (1862–1933), Britanyalı ornitolog
- Frederick Griffith (1879–1941), Britanyalı bacteriologist
- (1945), Australian zoolog
- (1690–1762), Hollandalı botanikçi
- (1883–1940), biyolog and belletrist
- (1799–1874), Fransız entomolog
- Johann Anton Güldenstädt (1745–1781), Alman doğabilimci
- Allvar Gullstrand (1862–1930), Swedish ophthalmologist, winner of the 1911 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine "for research on the image formation by the lens of the eye"
- (1718–1773), Norwegian botanikçi
- Albert C. L. G. Günther (1830–1914), British/Alman zoolog
- Ernst Haeckel (1834–1919), Alman physician, zoolog and evolutionist
- (1817–1893), Alman entomolog
- J. B. S. Haldane (1892–1964), Britanyalı evolutionary biyolog and co-founder of population genetics
- William Donald Hamilton (1936–2000), Britanyalı evolutionary biyolog
- (1819–1899), Britanyalı conchologist and malacologist
- (1755–1835), İngiliz doğa bilimci
- Alister Clavering Hardy (1896–1985), İngiliz marine biyolog and pioneer student of the biological basis of religion
- (1796–1843), Amerikalı doğabilimci, zoolog, physicist and paleontologist
- (1916), Amerikalı biogerontologist, father of the free radical theory of aging
- (1944), Hollandalı biyolog and writer
- Ernst Hartert (1859–1933), Alman ornitolog
- Gustav Hartlaub (1814–1900), Alman zoolog
- (1812–1871), Alman botanikçi
- (1811–1866), Irish
- (1919), Austrian biyolog
- (1722–1752), Swedish doğabilimci
- (1824–1878), İngiliz ornitolog
- (1834–1907), İskoç geologist, doğabilimci, and surgeon
- (1862–1926), doğabilimci, active in Australia
- Oskar Heinroth (1871–1945), Alman biyolog, a founder of ethology
- (1796–1825), Alman doğabilimci
- (1913–1976) Alman biyolog, founder of cladistics
- John Stevens Henslow (1796–1861), İngiliz mineralogist, botanikçi and clergyman
- (1738–1800), Fransız physician and doğabilimci
- Albert William Herre (1868–1962), Amerikalı ichthyologist and lichenologist
- Alfred Hershey (1908–1997), Amerikalı bacteriologist, winner of the 1969 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his work on the genetics of viruses
- (1909–1997), Amerikalı mammalogist noted especially as a primatologist
- (1898–1972), Amerikalı paleontologist and malacologist
- Archibald Vivian Hill (1886–1977), Britanyalı physiologist, winner of the 1922 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for elucidation of mechanical work in muscles
- Brian Houghton Hodgson (1800–1894), İngiliz doğa bilimci
- (1802–1868), Hollandalı zoolog
- (1861–1916), Alman fisheries scientist
- Johann Centurius Hoffmannsegg (1766–1849), Alman botanikçi, entomolog and ornitolog
- (1798–1852), Fransız doğabilimci
- (1939), Amerikalı biochemist, developed high speed automated DNA sequencer
- Robert Hooke (1635–1703), Britanyalı natural filozof and Secretary to the Royal Society
- Joseph Dalton Hooker (1817–1911), Britanyalı botanikçi, explorer and Director of Kew Botanic Gardens
- William Jackson Hooker (1785–1865), Britanyalı botanikçi, Director of Kew Botanic Gardens
- (1946), Amerikalı paleontologist, specialized in dinosaurs
- Thomas Horsfield (1773–1859), Amerikalı doğabilimci
- Bernardo Houssay (1887–1971), Argentine physiologist, winner of the 1947 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for the function of the pituitary hormones in regulating blood sugar (glucose) in animals.
- (1720–1798), Hollandalı doğabilimci
- Albert Howard (1873–1947), Britanyalı botanikçi
- (1873–1940), İngiliz ornitolog
- (1946), U.S. anthropologist who made contributions to evolutionary psychology and sociobiology
- David H. Hubel (1926), Canadian-d. Amerikalı neurobiyolog, winner of the 1981 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for research on the visual system
- (1750–1831), Swiss doğabilimci
- (1853–1915), Hollandalı zoolog
- (1841–1922), Argentinian-Britanyalı ornitolog
- Alexander von Humboldt (1769–1859), Alman doğabilimci and explorer
- Allan Octavian Hume (1829–1912), Britanyalı ornitolog
- , Britanyalı ornitolog
- (1903–1991), Amerikalı ecologist and limnologist
- (1835–1905), İngiliz biyolog and geologist, later worked in Yeni Zelandalı
- Julian Sorell Huxley (1887–1975), İngiliz zoolog and contributor to the modern evolutionary synthesis; first D-G of UNESCO
- Thomas Henry Huxley (1825–1895), İngiliz zoolog and advocate of evolution, agnosticism and scientific education
- Alpheus Hyatt (1838–1902), Amerikalı neo-Lamarckian
- Libbie Hyman (1888–1969), invertebrate zoolog
- (1810–1894), Austrian anatomist
- (1850–1930), Alman doğabilimci
- Johann Karl Wilhelm Illiger (1775–1813), Alman entomolog
- Jan Ingenhousz (1730–1799), Hollandalı-born Britanyalı botanikçi
- (1880–1972), İngiliz conchologist and ornitolog
- (1756–1789), Alman botanikçi
- François Jacob (d. 1920), Fransız Biologist, Nobel Prize
- Nikolaus Joseph von Jacquin (1727–1817), Hollandalı-born Austrian botanikçi
- (1815–1887), Fransız surgeon and zoolog
- (d. 1939), Amerikalı entomolog and ecologist
- (1800–1874), İskoç doğabilimci
- (1790–1865), Polish zoolog
- (1811–1872), Britanyalı zoolog and botanikçi
- (1857–1927), (coined the term gene)
- (1851–1931), ichthyologist, 1st president of Stanford
- (1835–1921), Fransız zoolog and malacologist
- Adrien-Henri de Jussieu (1797–1853), Fransız botanikçi
- (1686–1758), Fransız doğabilimci
- Antoine Laurent de Jussieu (1748–1836), botanikçi, biyolog (abbr. in botany: Juss.)
- (1699–1777), Fransız doğabilimci
- (1883–1941), Amerikalı biyolog
- Zbigniew Kabata (d. 1924), Polish parasitologist
- (1716–1779), Swedish botanikçi
- Eric R. Kandel (d. 1929), Austrian-born Amerikalı neuroscientist. Winner of the 2000 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his work on the neural correlates of memory
- (1817–1908), Alman botanikçi
- (1909–c1941), trilobitologist known for his contributions to allopatric speciation and punctuated equilibrium.
- Stuart Kauffman (d. 1939), biyolog widely known for his promotion of self-organization as a factor in producing the complexity of biological systems and organisms
- (1803–1873), Alman doğabilimci
- (1933–2004), İngiliz ornitolog
- Gerald A. Kerkut (1927–2004), Britanyalı zoolog and physiologist
- (1831–1898), Austrian botanikçi
- Robert Kerr (1755–1813), published The Animal Kingdom in 1792
- Warwick Estevam Kerr (d. 1922), Brezilyalı geneticist, specialist in bee genetics, introducer of African bees in Brazil
- Zofia Kielan-Jaworowska (d. 1925), Polish paleontologist, led several paleontological expeditions to the Gobi desert
- (1924–1994), Japanese mathematical biyolog, working in the field of theoretical population genetics
- (1882–1957), İskoç zoolog
- (1759–1850), İngiliz entomolog
- (1799–1874), Alman doğabilimci
- (1840–1916), Alman zoolog and malacologist
- (1910–1983), Austrian-Brezilyalı physician and pathologist, student of Chagas disease
- Karl Koch (1809–1879), Alman botanikçi
- Robert Koch (1843–1910), Alman Nobel Prize-winning physician and bacteriologist
- Emil Theodor Kocher (1841–1917), Alman physician, winner of the 1909 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for "his work on the physiology, pathology and surgery of the thyroid gland"
- Alexander Koenig (1858–1940), Alman doğabilimci
- Albert von Kölliker (1817–1905), Swiss physiologist
- Charles Konig (1774–1851), Alman doğabilimci
- Arthur Kornberg (d. 1918), discovered DNA polymerase
- Adriaan Kortlandt, (d. 1918), Hollandalı ethologist
- Albrecht Kossel (1853–1927), Alman physician and winner of the 1910 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his research in cell biology
- Hans Adolf Krebs (1900–1981), Alman biochemist and winner of the 1953 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his discovery of the citric acid cycle in cellular respiration
- Gerard Krefft (1830–1881), Alman-born Australian zoolog and palaeontologist
- (d. 1930), Brezilyalı physician and physiologist
- (d. 1973), Biological Anthropologist, specialized in Forensic Anthropology, serving at Panjab University, Chandigarh, India
- Schack August Steenberg Krogh (1874–1949), Danimarkalı physiologist, winner of the 1920 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for the discovery of the mechanism of regulation of the capillaries in skeletal muscle
- Heinrich Kuhl (1797–1821), Alman zoolog
- Johann Georg Christian Lehmann (25 Şubat 1792 - 12 Şubat 1860) bir Alman botanikçi
- Henri Laborit (1914–1995), Fransız surgeon and physiologist
- Bernard Germain Étienne de la Ville, Comte de Lacépède (1756–1825), Fransız doğabilimci
- (1910–1973), Britanyalı ornitolog
- (1783–1861), Fransız ornitolog
- Jean-Baptiste Lamarck (1744–1829), Fransız evolutionist, coined many terms like biology and fossils
- Aylmer Bourke Lambert (1761–1842), Britanyalı botanikçi
- ( 1912–1956), Fransız paleontologist
- (1928–1996), Britanyalı ecologist
- Kai Larsen (1926–2012), Danimarkalı botanikçi
- (1887–1959), Amerikalı-born Australian doğabilimci and malacologist
- John Latham (1740–1837), İngiliz doğa bilimci
- (1762–1833), Fransız entomolog
- Charles Louis Alphonse Laveran (1845–1922), Fransız physician, winner of the 1907 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his discovery that the cause of malaria is a protozoon
- (1806–1855), Amerikalı ornitolog
- William Elford Leach (1790–1836), İngiliz zoolog and marine biyolog
- Colin Leakey (d. 1933), Britanyalı tropical botanikçi and specialist in bean science
- (1823–1901), physiologist
- (d. 1977), comedian
- Antoni van Leeuwenhoek (1632–1723), Hollandalı biyolog, developer of the microscope
- (c. 1637 – 1735), Fransız doğabilimci
- Joseph Leidy (1823–1891), Amerikalı paleontologist
- (1771–1813), Hollandalı doğabilimci
- Juan Lembeye (1816–1889), Spanish doğabilimci
- Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519), known as an artist but also an anatomist. Dissected hundreds of specimens and drew exact copies of them
- (1773–1826), Fransız botanikçi
- Rene Primevere Lesson (1794–1849), Fransız doğabilimci
- Charles Alexandre Lesueur (1778–1846), Fransız doğabilimci
- (1753–1824), Fransız ornitolog
- Edward B. Lewis (1918–2004), Amerikalı geneticist and 1995 Nobel Prize-winner
- Richard Lewontin (d. 1929), biyolog
- , molecular evolutionary biyolog
- (1826–1900), Fransız botanikçi
- (1780–1867), Alman zoolog
- (1735–1788), İngiliz conchologist and botanikçi
- , Amerikalı malacologist and biyolog
- (1925–1989), Hungarian biyolog
- John Lindley (1799–1865), İngiliz botanikçi
- Heinrich Friedrich Link (1767–1850), Alman botanikçi (abbr. in botany: Link)
- Carl Linnaeus (1707–1778), Swedish botanikçi; father of the binomial nomenclature system (abbr L. or Linn.)
- (1859–1924), Alman-Amerikalı biyolog
- Friedrich Loeffler (1852–1915), Alman biyolog
- Konrad Lorenz (1903–1989), Austrian founder of ethology
- (d. 1949), Brezilyalı botanikçi
- (1783–1843), İngiliz botanikçi
- James Lovelock (d. 1919), İngiliz chemist and father of the Gaia hypothesis
- (1870–1948), İngiliz ornitolog
- (1801–1880), Danimarkalı zoolog and paleontologist
- Salvador Luria (1912–1991), microbiyolog, Nobel prize winner
- Adolfo Lutz (1855–1940), Brezilyalı infectologist, pathologist and public health researcher
- André Lwoff (1902–1994), Fransız microbiyolog, winner of the 1965 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
- (1849–1915), İngiliz doğa bilimci
- Trofim Lysenko (1898–1976), Soviet biyolog and agronomist. His denouncement of genetics became known as Lysenkoism.
- (1831–1904), Fransız malacologist
- John Macadam (1827–1865), İskoç-born Australian botanikçi
- (1954), Amerikalı botanikçi
- (1796–1852), İskoç doğabilimci
- Marcello Malpighi (1628–1694), İtalyan anatomist and biyolog
- (1919–2004), Spanish-Catalan biyolog and ecologist
- (1927–1997), Canadian fisheries parasitologist
- Lynn Margulis (1938), Amerikalı microbiyolog
- Alberto della Marmora (1789–1863), İtalyan doğabilimci
- Othniel Charles Marsh (1831–1899), paleontology
- Barry Marshall (1951), Australian physician and microbiyolog, winner of the 2005 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his discovery that most stomach ulcers are caused by a strain of bacteria
- (1954–2001), Spanish botanikçi
- Carl Friedrich Philipp von Martius (1794–1868), Alman botanikçi
- John Martyn (1699–1768), İngiliz botanikçi
- Thomas Martyn (1735–1825), İngiliz botanikçi, entomolog and conchologist
- John Marwick (1891–1978), Yeni Zelandalı palaeontologist and geologist
- Teresa Maryańska, Poland, specializing in dinosaurs
- Francis Masson (1741 – c. 1805), İskoç botanikçi
- Gregory Mathews (1876–1949), Australian ornitolog
- Paul Matschie (1861–1926), Alman zoolog
- William Diller Matthew (1871–1930), Amerikalı paleontologist
- Polly Matzinger, Amerikalı immunologist
- (1827–1891), Rus botanikçi
- (1877–1925), İngiliz entomolog
- Robert May (1936), biyolog, physicist, mathematician, President of Royal Society of London 2000–2005
- Ernst Mayr (1904–2005), evolutionary biyolog
- Barbara McClintock (1902–1992), Amerikalı biyolog, winner of a Nobel Prize for her work on the transposon, or "jumping gene"
- James V. McConnell (1925–1990), Amerikalı biological psychologist
- Mark McMenamin (1958), Amerikalı paleontologist
- Bruce McEwen, neuroendocrinologist and stress hormone expert
- Edmund Meade-Waldo (1855–1934), İngiliz ornitolog
- Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov (1845–1916), Rus microbiyolog, best known for his work on the immune system and phagocytosis, received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1908
- Johann Wilhelm Meigen (1764–1845), Alman entomolog
- Gregor Mendel (1822–1884), Czech-Austrian monk who is often called the "father of genetics" for his study of the inheritance of traits in pea plants
- Edouard Menetries (1802–1861), Fransız entomolog
- , biyolog
- Archibald Menzies (1754–1852), İskoç doğabilimci
- (1855–1942), Amerikan zoolog and ornitolog
- (1869–1945), Amerikalı biyolog
- Franz Meyen (1804–1840), Alman botanikçi
- (1901–1984), Amerikalı ornitolog
- Otto Fritz Meyerhof (1884–1951), Alman/Amerikalı physician and biochemist, winner of the 1922 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his research on muscles
- (1875–1949), Alman biyolog
- (1746–1802), Fransız botanikçi
- Alexander von Middendorff (1815–1894), Rus zoolog
- (1846–1888), Rus marine biyolog and anthropologist
- Gerrit Smith Miller, Jr. (1869–1956), Amerikan zoolog.
- Jacques Miller (1931), Australian immunologist.
- John Frederick Miller (1759–1796), İngiliz illustrator (primarily of botany)
- Kenneth R. Miller (1948), Amerikalı evolutionary biyolog.
- Philip Miller (1691–1771), İskoç botanikçi (abbr. in botany: Mill.)
- (1835–1900), Fransız zoolog
- Henri Milne-Edwards (1800–1885), Fransız zoolog
- George Jackson Mivart (1827–1900), İngiliz biyolog
- (1805–1872), Alman botanikçi
- (1710–1792), Alman doğabilimci
- (1740–1829), Chilean doğabilimci
- Jacques Monod (1910–1976), geneticist
- (1753–1815), İngiliz doğa bilimci
- Luc Montagnier (1932), Fransız discoverer of HIV
- Rita Levi-Montalcini (1909), İtalyan-Amerikalı neurologist who received the 1986 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for her co-discovery of growth factors
- (1841–1927), İtalyan malacologist
- Pierre Dénys de Montfort (1766–1820), Fransız doğabilimci
- (1871–1956), Amerikalı botanikçi
- (1804–1863), Fransız doğabilimci
- (1828–1878), malacologist
- Thomas Hunt Morgan (1868–1945), Amerikalı geneticist. He worked on the natural history, zoology, and macromutation in the fruit fly Drosophila
- (1928), Britanyalı zoolog and biyolog
- (1927–2000), professor, researcher, author, on bees/beekeeping
- Guy Mountfort (1905–2003), İngiliz ornitolog
- (1956), Slovakian botanikçi
- (1825–1896), Alman-Australian botanikçi
- John Muir (1838–1914), Amerikalı doğabilimci
- Otto Friedrich Müller (1730–1784), Danimarkalı doğabilimci (abbr. in botany: O.F.Müll.)
- (1821–1897), Alman-Brezilyalı doğabilimci (abbr. in botany: F.J.Müll.)
- (1850–1927), Swiss botanikçi and oenologist
- Philipp Ludwig Statius Müller (1725–1776), Alman zoolog
- (1804–1864), Hollandalı doğabilimci
- Kary Mullis (1944), biyolog
- (1716–1774), Alman botanikçi
- (1841–1914), Scots-Canadian Marine Biologist
- (d. 1952), co-author of Forgotten Pollinators
- (1817–1891), Swiss botanikçi
- (1780–1857), Alman founder of scientific ornithology
- (1713–1781), İngiliz doğa bilimci
- (1776–1858), Alman botanikçi and zoolog
- Masatoshi Nei, Amerikalı evolutionary biyolog and molecular Population Geneticist
- (d. 1945), Amerikalı evolutionary biyolog and psychiatrist
- (1851–1924), Britanyalı botanikçi
- (1829–1907), İngiliz zoolog
- (1883–1974), Amerikalı ornitolog
- (1844–1899), Britanyalı zoolog
- (1909–2001), Amerikalı parasitologist
- Alfred Merle Norman (1831–1918), İngiliz clergyman and doğabilimci
- (1855–1917), Australian ornitolog
- Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard (d. 1942), Alman biyolog and 1995 Nobel Prize-winner
- (1786–1858), İngiliz botanikçi and zoolog
- (1884–1973), Swedish zoolog
- (1913–2002), Amerikalı ecologist
- (1924–2002), Amerikalı ecologist
- (1816–1872), Danimarkalı botanikçi (abbr. in botany: Oerst.)
- (1808–1873), Irish doğabilimci
- (1863–1924), İskoç ornitolog
- (d. 1933), Japanese molecular evolutionary biyolog
- Lorenz Oken (1779–1851), Alman doğabilimci
- (1769–1795), İtalyan doğabilimci
- , Britanyalı biyolog and computer scientist
- Aleksandr Oparin (1894–1980), Rus biyolog and biochemist, best known for his work on the origin of life
- Alcide d'Orbigny (1802–1857), Fransız doğabilimci
- (1781–1866), Amerikalı ornitolog
- (1828–1901), İngiliz entomolog
- Edward Latham Ormerod (1819–1873), FRS, İngiliz physician and entomolog
- Henry Fairfield Osborn (1857–1935), eugenicist, AMNH curator
- (1901–1975), Britanyalı anatomist, primatologist, and a leading authority on primate anatomy during the 20th century
- (1930–2008), Polish specializing in dinosaurs
- (1844–1905), Fransız zoolog
- Richard Owen (1804–1892), biyolog of nebres(triztan) organisms
- George Emil Palade (d. 1912), Romanian-Amerikalı biyolog, discoverer of ribosomes, Nobel Prize
- (1869–1942), Fransız-Algerian malacologist
- (1945-) Moğol paleontolog
- Peter Simon Pallas (1741–1811), Rus zoolog
- (1829–1911), Britanyalı botanikçi
- (1814–1888), Serbian botanikçi
- Paracelsus (1493–1541), Alman alchemist
- Louis Pasteur (1822–1895), Fransız biochemist
- (1755–1810), Britanyalı botanikçi and explorer
- (1802–1872), Irish doğabilimci
- (d. 1946), Fransız marine biyolog
- Ivan Pavlov (1849–1936), Rus physiologist, psychologist and physician, discovered conditioning, won the Nobel Prize for his research on the digestive system
- Titian Peale (1799–1885), Amerikalı doğabilimci
- (1898–1964), Amerikalı botanikçi
- Eva J. Pell (d. 1948), Amerikalı plant pathologist
- (1863–1945), Belçikalı malacologist
- (d. 1933), Fransız botanikçi
- (1726–1798), Welsh doğabilimci and antiquary
- (1873–1958), Fransız botanikçi
- George Perry (doğabilimci), 19th century İngiliz doğa bilimci
- Christiaan Hendrik Persoon (1761–1836), biyolog
- (1912–1980), Fransız botanikçi
- Wilhelm Peters (1815–1883), Alman doğabilimci
- , Alman physician, botanikçi and conchologist
- (1808–1904), Alman-Chilean zoolog
- (1744–1792), İngiliz explorer
- , (d. 1966), Biochemist
- (1860–?), İngiliz entomolog
- (1828–1917), İngiliz entomolog, uncle of above
- (1805–1878), Amerikalı doğabilimci
- (1897–1976), Spanish doğabilimci
- (1862–1957), Amerikan zoolog, malacologist
- (1903–1967), Amerikalı biyolog and co-inventor of the contraceptive pill
- , (d. 1957), Hollandalı molecular biyolog, columnist and politician
- Pliny the Elder (23–79), Roman natural filozof
- Reginald Innes Pocock (1863–1947), Britanyalı taxonomist (mammals and arachnids)
- (1799–1891), Cuban zoolog
- Joel Roberts Poinsett (1779–1851), Amerikalı botanikçi
- (1841–1905), Canadian and biyolog
- (1746–1825), İtalyan physicist, biyolog and natural historian
- Winston Ponder, Australian malacologist
- (1901–1987), Yeni Zelandalı malacologist and paleontologist
- (1833–1896), İngiliz ornitolog
- Karel Presl (1794–1852), Bohemian botanikçi
- (1873–1972), Fransız malacologist
- (1787–1869), Czech anatomist and physiologist
- (1774–1820), Alman-Amerikalı botanikçi
- (1810–1888), Belçikalı botanikçi
- (1839–1888), Rus explorer
- (1810–1892), Fransız doğabilimci
- (1790–1869), Fransız hayvanbilimci
- (1831–1903), Alman doğabilimci
- Thomas Stamford Raffles (1781–1826), Londra Zooloji Topluluğunun kurucusu ve ilk başkanı
- Constantine Samuel Rafinesque (1783–1840), Fransız doğabilimci who described many North Amerikalı species
- Émile Louis Ragonot (1843–1895), Fransız entomolog
- Santiago Ramón y Cajal (1852–1934), Spanish histologist and Nobel laureate. Considered the father of neuroscience.
- (1842–1916), Australian ornitolog
- (1905–1982), Canadian zoolog
- (d. 1955), Indian biogerontologist
- John Ray (1627–1705), İngiliz doğa bilimci
- Francesco Redi (1626–1697), İtalyan physician known for his experiment in 1668 which is regarded as one of the first steps in refuting abiogenesis
- (1814–1865), İngiliz conchologist
- Heinrich Gustav Reichenbach (1823–1889), Alman orchidologist (abbr. in botany: Rchb. f.)
- Ludwig Reichenbach (1793–1879), Alman botanikçi and ornitolog (abbr. in botany: Rchb.)
- (1847–1941), Alman ornitolog
- (1773–1854), Hollandalı botanikçi
- Bernhard Rensch (1900–1990), Alman biyolog
- (d. 1958), Alman botanikçi and biotechnologist, developed Physcomitrella as model organism
- Achille Richard (1794–1852), Fransız botanikçi (abbr. in botany: A. Rich)
- (1787–1868), noted Fransız botanikçi and plant collector (abbr. in botany: J.M.C.Rich.)
- Louis Claude Richard (1754–1821), Fransız botanikçi (abbr. in botany: Rich.)
- Olivier Jules Richard (1836–1896), Fransız lichenologist (abbr. in botany: O.J.Rich.)
- John Richardson (1787–1865), İskoç doğabilimci (abbr. in botany: Richardson)
- Charles Richet (1850–1935), Fransız physiologist, winner of the 1913 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine for his discovery of anaphylaxis
- Charles Wallace Richmond (1868–1932), Amerikalı ornitolog
- Robert Ridgway (1850–1929), Amerikalı ornitolog
- (1855–1956), Britanyalı botanikçi (abbr. in botany: Ridl.)
- (1883–1948), South African zoolog
- (d. 1932), Amerikalı botanikçi and entomolog
- (1910–1983), Brezilyalı physician and pharmacologist, codiscoverer of bradykinin
- Martin Rodbell (1925–1998), biyolog
- (1767–1846), Alman malacologist
- George Romanes (1848–1894), Canadian doğabilimci, founded the discipline of comparative psychology
- (1894–1973), specialist in vertebrate paleontology
- (1934–1998), theoretical biyolog
- (d. 1933), cell biyolog at Yale University
- (d. 1937), Alman hydrobiyolog known for his work in fish farming and ecology
- Miriam Louisa Rothschild (1908–2005), Britanyalı entomolog
- (1868–1937), Britanyalı zoolog
- (1759–1815), İskoç botanikçi
- Adriaan van Royen (1704–1779), Hollandalı botanikçi (abbr. in botany: Royen)
- Karl Rudolphi (1771–1832), Alman physiologist
- Eduard Rüppell (1794–1884), Alman doğabilimci
- (1770–1837), İngiliz doğa bilimci
- (1832–1897), Alman botanikçi
- Étienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire (1772–1844), Fransız doğabilimci
- Isidore Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire (1805–1861), Fransız zoolog
- (1762–1818), Swiss doğabilimci interested in botany, entomology, and conchology
- (1886–1978), Britanyalı botanikçi
- Richard Anthony Salisbury (1761–1829), Britanyalı botanikçi
- Jonas Salk (1914–1995), Amerikalı biyolog, inventor of polio vaccine
- (1957), Amerikalı neuroscientist
- (1837–1927), Norwegian marine biyolog
- (1809–1869), Norwegian taxonomist
- (1822–1900), Amerikalı botanikçi
- Horace-Bénédict de Saussure (1740–1799), Swiss doğabilimci
- (1777–1851), Fransız zoolog
- (1787–1843), Amerikalı doğabilimci
- (1933), Amerikan zoolog, widely considered the preeminent field biyolog of the 20th century
- Friedrich Schlechter (1872–1925), Alman botanikçi
- Hermann Schlegel (1804–1884), Alman ornitolog
- Matthias Jakob Schleiden (1804–1881), Alman co-founder of the cell theory
- (1864–1941), Alman-Amerikalı botanikçi
- (1752–1800), Alman botanikçi and zoolog
- (1794–1865), Alman botanikçi
- (1739–1810), Alman doğabilimci
- (1826–1894), Russo-Alman zoolog
- (1858–1942), paleontologist
- Theodor Schwann (1810–1882), Alman physiologist
- (1836–1925), Alman botanikçi
- Philip Sclater (1829–1913), İngiliz zoolog
- Giovanni Antonio Scopoli (1723–1788), İtalyan-Austrian doğabilimci
- (1832–1895), İngiliz ornitolog
- (1788–1867), İngiliz botanikçi and ornitolog
- Nikolai Alekseevich Severtzov (1827–1885), Rus doğabilimci
- Richard Bowdler Sharpe (1847–1909), İngiliz zoolog
- George Shaw (1751–1813), İngiliz botanikçi and zoolog
- George Ernest Shelley (1840–1910), İngiliz ornitolog
- Sir Charles Scott Sherrington (1857–1922), Britanyalı physiologist and neuroscientist, winner of the 1932 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his research on neurons
- (1796–1866), Alman botanikçi
- George Gaylord Simpson (1902–1984), Amerikalı paleontologist
- (1906–1994), Alman d. mycologist
- (1869–1938), Amerikalı botanikçi (abbr. in botany: Small)
- (1797–1872), İskoç zoolog
- (1847–1916), Britanyalı zoolog and conchologist
- (1805–1879), Britanyalı entomolog
- James Edward Smith (1759–1828), İngiliz botanikçi (abbr. in botany: Sm.)
- (1867–1947), Hollandalı botanikçi (abbr. in botany: J.J.Sm.)
- James Leonard Brierley Smith (1897–1968), South African ichthyologist
- John Maynard Smith (1920–2004), biyolog
- (1867–1943), Amerikan zoolog
- (1938), Amerikalı neuroscientist, co-discovered endorphins
- Daniel Solander (1733–1782), Swedish botanikçi
- (1811–1852), Fransız zoolog
- (c1840–1877), İngiliz biyolog, discovered imprinting and conducted some of the earliest research on animal behavior
- Lazzaro Spallanzani (1729–1799), İtalyan biyolog
- (1748–1820), Swedish doğabilimci
- Walter Baldwin Spencer (1860–1929), İngiliz biyolog and anthropologist
- Roger W. Sperry (1913–1994), Amerikalı neuropsychologist, winner of the 1981 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his split-brain research
- Maximilian Spinola (1780–1857), entomolog
- (1781–1826), Alman doğabilimci
- (1733–1771), Finnish botanikçi
- Kurt Sprengel (1766–1833), Alman botanikçi
- (1906–1991), Amerikalı ichthyologist noted for expertise in shark classification, behavior, and distribution of species
- (1817–1893), İngiliz botanikçi
- Agustín Stahl (1842–1917), Porto Rikolu zoolog ve botanikçi
- (1775–1851), İngiliz doğa bilimci
- Japetus Steenstrup (1813–1897), Danimarkalı zoolog
- Franz Steindachner (1834–1919), Austrian zoolog
- Leonhard Hess Stejneger (1851–1943), Norwegian zoolog
- Georg Wilhelm Steller (1709–1746), Rus ornitolog
- James Francis Stephens (1792–1853), İngiliz zoolog
- Kaspar Maria von Sternberg (1761–1838), Bohemian botanikçi
- (1941), Alman microbiyolog
- Nettie Maria Stevens (1861–1912), Amerikalı biyolog
- (1848–1919), Australian anthropologist
- (1890–1972), Yeni Zelandalı horticulturist and ichthyologist
- (1749–1821), Alman doğabilimci
- (1844–1912), Alman botanikçi (abbr. in botany: Strasb.)
- Erwin Stresemann (1889–1972), Alman ornitolog
- (1823–1899), İskoç anatomist
- (1798–1859), İngiliz doğa bilimci and geologist
- Carl Jakob Sundevall (1801–1875), Swedish zoolog
- (1953), Indian cognitive neuroscientist specializing in neuroplasticity
- (1841–1918), Yeni Zelandalı zoolog, doğabilimci and palaeontologist
- William John Swainson (1789–1855), İngiliz ornitolog, malacologist, conchologist, entomolog and artist
- Jan Swammerdam (1637–1680), Hollandalı biyolog and microscopist
- Olof Swartz (1760–1816), Swedish botanikçi (abbr. in botany: Sw.)
- (1836–1877), İngiliz doğa bilimci
- (1790–1872), İngiliz ornitolog
- Wladyslaw Taczanowski (1819–1890), Polish zoolog
- Armen Takhtajan (d. 1910), Rus botanikçi
- (1754–1803), Swedish doğabilimci
- Coenraad Jacob Temminck (1778–1858), Hollandalı zoolog
- Theophrastus (372 BC – 287 BC), biyolog and the successor of Aristotle in the Peripatetic school, popularizer of science
- (1860–1935), Alman zoolog and malacologist
- Michael Rogers Oldfield Thomas (1858–1929), Britanyalı zoolog
- (1805–1852), İrlandalı Ornithologist, deniz biyoloğu ve doğa tarihçisi
- (1758–1831), Fransız botanikçi
- Carl Peter Thunberg (1743–1828), Swedish doğabilimci
- (1811–1875), Britanyalı ornitolog
- Niko Tinbergen (1907–1988), Hollandalı ethologist
- Agostino Todaro (1818–1892), İtalyan botanikçi
- Susumu Tonegawa (d. 1939), Japanese biyolog, winner of the 1987 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for "discovery of the genetic principle for generation of antibody diversity"
- (1796–1873), Amerikalı botanikçi, first professional in New World
- Joseph Pitton de Tournefort (1656–1708), Fransız botanikçi
- (1809–1851), Amerikalı ornitolog
- (1781–1862), İskoç doctor and doğabilimci
- Abraham Trembley (1710–1784), Swiss doğabilimci
- (1851–1910), Hollandalı botanikçi
- Henry Baker Tristram (1822–1906), İngiliz ornitolog
- (d. 1943), evolutionary biyolog
- Édouard Louis Trouessart (1842–1927), Fransız doğabilimci
- (1858–1914), Amerikalı doğabilimci
- Jr. (1838–1888), Amerikalı malacologist
- (1901–1950), İngiliz ornitolog
- (1817–1886), Amerikalı botanikçi
- Endel Tulving (d. 1927), Estonian-born Canadian neuroscientist, specializes in episodic memory
- Marmaduke Tunstall (1743–1790), İngiliz ornitolog
- (1915–2000), marine biyolog
- William Turton (1762–1835), Britanyalı doğabilimci
- (1864–1944), Estonian biyolog, founder of biosemiotics
- (1749–1804), Norwegian botanikçi
- (1669–1722), Fransız botanikçi
- Achille Valenciennes (1794–1865), Fransız zoolog
- Francisco Varela (1946–2001), Chilean biyolog
- Nikolai Vavilov (1887–1943), Soviet botanikçi and geneticist, died in prison as a defender of "bourgeois pseudoscience" genetics against Lysenkoism
- (d. 1942), Indian physician, immunologist and educationist
- Craig Venter (d. 1946), Amerikalı biyolog and businessman
- (1810–1868), Fransız doğabilimci
- (1807–1873), Fransız botanikçi and ornitolog
- Addison Emery Verrill (1839–1926), Amerikan zoolog
- Louis Jean Pierre Vieillot (1748–1831), Fransız ornitolog
- Nicholas Aylward Vigors (1785–1840), Irish zoolog
- Rudolf Virchow (1821–1902), Alman biyolog and pathologist, founder of cell theory
- Oswaldo Vital Brazil (1865–1950), Brezilyalı physician and immunobiyolog, discoverer of several antivenoms against snake, scorpion and spider bites
- (d. 1949), Amerikalı geneticist
- (1920–2002), Hollandalı ornitolog
- , Amerikalı biogeochemist and microbial ecologist
- Hugo de Vries (1848–1935), Hollandalı botanikçi
- Frans de Waal (d. 1948), Hollandalı-Amerikalı etolog ve primatolog
- (1858–1919), Irish botanikçi
- Jeremy Wade (d. 1960) Writer and TV presenter with a special interest in rivers and freshwater fish.
- (1800–1832), Alman herpetologist
- (1920–2000), Amerikalı botanikçi
- (1780–1851), Swedish doğabilimci
- Selman Waksman (1888–1973), Amerikalı biochemist, winner of the 1952 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his work on antibiotics
- (1771–1852), Fransız entomolog
- George Wald (1906–1997), Amerikalı biyolog, winner of the 1967 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his work on visual perception
- Alfred Russel Wallace (1823–1913), Britanyalı doğabilimci and biyolog
- (1786–1854), Danimarkalı botanikçi
- (1808–1869), Amerikalı entomolog
- (1910–1977), Amerikalı neurophysiologist and roboticist, made a number of important discoveries in the field of electroencephalography
- (d. 1965), Sri Lankan ornitolog
- J. Robin Warren (d. 1937), Australian pathologist, winner of the 2005 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his discovery that most stomach ulcers are caused by a strain of bacteria
- (1782–1865), İngiliz doğa bilimci
- James D. Watson (d. 1928), Nobel Prize-winning biyolog, co-discoverer of the structure of the DNA molecule
- (1793–1854), İngiliz botanikçi (abbr. in botany: Webb)
- (1819–1877), İngiliz botanikçi (abbr. in botany: Wedd.)
- (d. 1942), Amerikalı cancer biyolog
- August Weismann (1834–1914), Alman biyolog
- (1806–1872), Austrian botanikçi
- (1848–1905), Alman physician and neuroanatomist, discovered Wernicke's area
- (1916–2001), Hollandalı botanikçi
- Alexander Wetmore (1886–1978), Amerikalı ornitolog
- (1865–1937), Amerikalı entomolog and myrmecologist
- (1720–1795), İngiliz doğa bilimci
- (c. 1756–1832), İngiliz botanikçi
- (1848–1923), Alman anatomist.
- Prince Alexander Philipp (1782–1867), Alman explorer and biyolog.
- (1930–2003), Amerikalı botanikçi (abbr. in botany: Wiehler)
- Eric F. Wieschaus (d. 1947), Amerikalı developmental biyolog and 1995 Nobel Prize-winner
- Torsten Wiesel (d. 1924), Swedish-born Amerikalı neurobiyolog, winner of the 1981 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his research on information processing in the visual system
- Charles Wilkes (1798–1877), Amerikalı explorer and doğabilimci
- Carl Ludwig Willdenow (1765–1812), Alman botanikçi and pharmacist (abbr. in botany: Willd.)
- (d. 1926), Amerikalı evolutionary biyolog, credited with introducing the gene-centric view of evolution
- (1635–1672), İngiliz ornitolog and ichthyologist
- (1766–1813), İskoç-Amerikalı ornitolog
- David Sloan Wilson (d. 1949), Amerikalı evolutionary biyolog
- (1872–1912), İngiliz doğa bilimci
- Edward O. Wilson (d. 1929), Amerikalı entomolog and father of sociobiology, two time winner of the Pulitzer Prize
- (1856–1953), Rus mikrobiyolog, ecologist and soil scientist who pioneered the cycle of life concept and discovered the biological process of nitrification
- (1761–1818), Amerikalı anatomist and physician. The genus Wisteria is named after him
- (1873–1943), Britanyalı ornitolog
- William Withering (1741–1799), İngiliz botanikçi
- Carl Woese (d. 1928), Amerikalı microbiyolog, identified the Archaea, a major division of organisms
- , Amerikalı biogeochemist and microbial geobiyolog
- (d. 1969), Malezyalı zoolog and Sun Bear expert
- Flossie Wong-Staal (1947-2020), Amerikalı virolog
- Sewall Wright (1889–1988), Amerikalı geneticist, co-founder of population genetics
- (1906–1997), İskoç zoolog, introduced the hypothesis of group selection in evolution
- (1832–1882), İskoç marine biyologist
- (1825–1894), Amerikalı hayvanbilimci
- William Yarrell (1784–1856), İngiliz doğabilimci
- (1926), meyve genetikçi
- (1743–1815), Alman zoolog
- Karl Alfred von Zittel (1839–1904), Alman paleontolog
- (1797–1848), Alman botanikçi
- Margarete Zuelzer (1877–1944), Alman biyolog ve zoolog
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Bu sayfanin tamaminin ya da bir kisminin Turkceye cevrilmesi gerekmektedir Bu sayfanin tamami ya da bir kismi Turkce disindaki bir dilde yazilmistir Madde alakali dilin okuyuculari icin olusturulmussa o dildeki Vikipedi ye aktarilmalidir Ilgili degisiklikler gerceklesmezse maddenin tamaminin ya da cevrilmemis kisimlarin silinmesi sozkonusu olabilecektir Ilgili calismayi yapmak uzere bu sayfadan destek alabilirsiniz Bu madde kayda deger biyologlarin listesidir Zoologlar botanikciler ornitologlar malakologlar doga bilimciler ve diger uzmanliklari da icermektedir A 1914 2001 Hint ornitolog 1891 1980 Ingiliz biyolog ve herpetolog Aziz Ab Saber 1924 2012 Brezilyali cografyaci jeolog ve cevre bilimci Erik Acharius 1757 1819 Isvecli botanikci Johann Friedrich Adam 18 yy 1806 Rus botanikci Arthur Adams 1820 1878 Ingiliz hekim ve doga bilimci 1813 1877 Ingiliz doga bilimci ve konkolog William Aiton 1731 1793 Iskoc botanikci botanikteki kisaltma Aiton Michel Adanson 1727 1806 Fransiz doga bilimci botanikteki kisaltma Adans Edgar Douglas Adrian 1889 1977 Britanyali elektrofizyolog noron arastirmalari icin 1932 Nobel Fizyoloji ve Tip Odulu ile odullendirilmistir Adam Afzelius 1750 1837 Isvecli botanikci Carl Adolph Agardh 1785 1859 Isvecli botanikci Jacob Georg Agardh 1813 1901 Isvecli botanikci Louis Agassiz 1807 1873 Isvicreli zoolog Alexander Agassiz 1835 1910 Amerikali zoolog Louis Agassiz in oglu 1568 1634 Fransiz botanikci 1954 1998 Ispanyol doga bilimci 1938 Amerikali biyokimyager ABD Bilimler Akademisi nin eski baskani 1873 1910 Ingiliz ornitolog 1889 1989 Ingiliz ornitolog Richard D Alexander 1930 Amerikali evrimsel biyolog Wilfred Backhouse Alexander 1885 1965 Ingiliz ornitolog Alfred William Alcock 1859 1933 Britanyali doga bilimci 1896 1987 Hint ornitolog 1736 after1803 Isvicreli botanikci botanikteki kisaltma F Allam Warder Clyde Allee 1885 1955 Amerikali zoolog ve cevre bilimci Allee etkisini tanimlamistir Joel Asaph Allen 1838 1921 Amerikali kuslar memeliler George James Allman 1812 1898 Britanyali doga bilimci 1553 1617 Italyan botanikci Sidney Altman 1939 Kanadali dogumlu molekuler biyolog RNA uzerine calismasi icin 1989 Nobel Kimya Odulu ile odullendirilmistir Bruce Ames 1928 Amerikali biyokimyager Ames testini icat etmistir 1832 1897 Portekizli doga bilimci 1822 1886 Ingiliz kasif doga bilimci konkolog ve ressam Jakob Johan Adolf Appellof 1857 1921 Isvecli deniz zoologu Aristoteles MO 384 MO 322 Yunan filozof Peter Artedi 1705 1735 Isvecli doga bilimci 1916 2014 Amerikali biyokimyager hucre reseptoru calismalarinda oncu 1759 1800 Fransiz doga bilimci 1797 1841 Fransiz zoolog John James Audubon 1786 1851 Amerikali ornitolog 1899 1994 Alman genetikci mutagenez disiplininin kurucusu Richard Axel 1946 Nobel odullu fizyolog Julius Axelrod 1912 2004 Amerikali biyokimyager katekolamin norotransmitter arastirmalari icin 1970 Nobel Fizyoloji ve Tip Odulu ile odullendirilmistir 1817 1887 Amerikali hekim ve balik bilimci 1746 1811 Ispanyol doga bilimciBBa Bi Churchill Babington 1831 1881 Britanyali arkeolog ve koncolojist yumusakcalarin kabuklarini arastiran bilim dali 1790 1874 Amerikali dogabilimci Curt Backeberg 1894 1966 Alman botanikci Botanik kisaltmasi Backeb 1792 1876 embriyolog 1858 1954 Amerikali botanikci Botanik kisaltmasi L H Bailey 1823 1887 Kuslar ve memeliler 1808 1884 Iskocyali botanikci Botanik kisaltmasi Balf David Baltimore 1938 Fizyoloji ve Tip Alaninda 1975 Nobel Odulu Joseph Banks 1743 1820 biyolog botanikci Botanik kisaltmasi Banks Robert Barany 1876 1936 Avusturyali fizisyen vestibuler sistem kulak ve duyma sistemi uzerine yaptigi arastirmalarla Fizyoloji ve Tip Alaninda 1914 Nobel Odulu almistir Benjamin Smith Barton 1766 1815 Amerikali botanikci Botanik kisaltmasi Barton 1699 1777 Amerikali botanikci Botanik kisaltmasi Bartram 1739 1823 Amerikali doga bilimci Botanik kisaltmasi W Bartram 1831 1888 cerrah botanikci mikrobiyolog Henry Walter Bates 1825 1892 Ingiliz doga bilimci Patrick Bateson 1938 Ingiliz biyolog ve yazar Londra Zooloji Toplulugu baskani August Johann Georg Karl Batsch 1762 1802 Alman botanikci mikolog Nicolas Baudin 1754 1803 Fransiz botanikci Gaspard Bauhin 1560 1624 Isvicreli botanikci Linnaeus tarafindan kullanilan ikili isimlendirmeyi taksonomiye tanitmistir Botanik kisaltmasi C Bauhin Johann Matthaus Bechstein 1757 1822 Alman doga bilimci Botanik kisaltmasi Bechst 1870 1950 Amerikali ornitolog 1877 1962 Biyolog Martinus Beijerinck 1851 1931 Hollandali mikrobiyolog ve botanikci virusleri kesfetmistir 1792 1880 Ingiliz doga bilimci David Bellamy 1933 Ingiliz botanikci Edward Turner Bennett 1797 1836 Ingiliz zoolog George Bentham 1800 1884 Ingiliz botanikci Botanik kisaltmasi Benth 1821 1893 Ingiliz botanikci Botanik kisaltmasi Bentley 1935 2004 Fransiz immunolog Wilson Teixeira Beraldo 1917 1998 Brezilyali hekim ve fizyolog bradikinini kesfeden iki kisiden birisidir Hans Berger 1873 1941 Alman norobilimci Elektroensefalografiyi bulan kisilerden birisidir Carl Bergmann 1814 1865 Alman anatomici fizyolog ve biyolog Bergmann kuralini gelistirmistir 1824 1909 Danimarkali hekim ve zoolog Claude Bernard 1813 1878 Fransiz fizyolog ve homeostasis konseptinin babasi 1887 1984 Amerikali deniz zoologu Thomas Bewick 1753 1828 Ingiliz ornitolog 1948 2004 Ingiliz ornitolog 1806 1848 Fransiz zoolog 1883 1953 Hollandali biyolog ve etolog Ann Bishop 1899 1990 Ingiliz biyolog 1923 1994 Hint ornitologBl Bu Liz Blackburn 1948 Australian US Nobel Prize winning researcher in the field of telomeres and the telomerase enzyme 1790 1881 Britanyali entomolog Henri Marie Ducrotay de Blainville 1777 1850 Fransiz zoolog Albert Francis Blakeslee 1874 1954 Amerikali botanikci best known for research on Jimsonweed and the sexuality of fungi 1832 1891 Ingiliz doga bilimci William Thomas Blanford 1832 1905 Ingiliz doga bilimci 1819 1878 Hollandali ichthyologist Gunter Blobel 1936 Alman Nobel Prize winning biyolog who discovered that newly synthesized proteins contain address tags which direct them to the proper location within the cell 1952 Amerikali biophysicist who measured the mechanical properties of single bio molecules 1789 1862 Alman Hollandali botanikci abbr in botany Blume Johann Friedrich Blumenbach 1752 1840 Alman physiologist and anthropologist 1810 1873 Ingiliz zoolog 1823 1907 Portuguese zoolog 1730 1795 or 1796 dogabilimci Charles Lucien Bonaparte 1803 1857 Fransiz dogabilimci 1900 1989 Amerikali ornitolog Franco Andrea Bonelli 1784 1830 Italyan ornitolog 1786 1839 Alman botanikci Charles Bonnet 1720 1793 Swiss dogabilimci Aime Bonpland 1773 1858 Fransiz botanikci abbr in botany Bonpl Jules Bordet 1870 1961 Belcikali immunologist and microbiyolog winner of the 1919 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his discovery of the complement system in the immune system 1903 1970 Rus botanikci Norman Borlaug 1914 Amerikali agricultural scientist humanitarian Nobel laureate and the father of the Green Revolution 1759 1828 Fransiz zoolog George Albert Boulenger 1858 1937 Belcikali zoolog Jules Bourcier 1797 1873 Fransiz dogabilimci Johann Friedrich von Brandt 1802 1879 Alman dogabilimci abbr in botany Brandt 1888 1962 Amerikali microbiyolog Christian Ludwig Brehm 1787 1864 Alman ornitolog 1829 1884 Alman zoolog Sydney Brenner 1927 Britanyali molecular biyolog winner of the 2002 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine Thomas Mayo Brewer 1814 1880 Amerikali dogabilimci 1851 1919 Amerikali ornitolog Mathurin Jacques Brisson 1723 1806 Fransiz zoolog 1859 1934 Amerikali botanikci abbr in botany Britton 1926 Amerikali biyolog discoverer of hyperthermophiles Adolphe Theodore Brongniart 1801 1876 Fransiz botanikci abbr in botany Brongn Robert Broom 1866 1951 South African paleontologist Amerikali ecologist Robert Brown 1773 1858 botanikci abbr in botany R Br 1855 1931 Iskoc pathologist and microbiyolog 1750 1798 Fransiz dogabilimci Morten Thrane Brunnich 1737 1827 Danimarkali zoolog 1762 1829 Iskoc zoolog and botanikci co author of The Forgotten Pollinators Linda B Buck 1947 Amerikali physiologist and Nobel prize winner 1809 1884 Amerikali dogabilimci abbr in botany Buckley Buffon 1707 1788 Fransiz dogabilimci abbr in botany Buffon 1773 1849 Ingiliz doga bilimci Walter Buller 1838 1906 Yeni Zelandali dogabilimci 1794 1879 Ingiliz doga bilimci and conchologist Alexander von Bunge 1803 1890 Alman Rus zoolog 1849 1926 Amerikali horticulturalist Hermann Burmeister 1807 1892 Alman zoolog 1951 Amerikali biophysicist discovered molecular tweezers to manipulate DNA 1950 Peruvian biochemist specialist in mitochondria Currently works on DNA paternity testingC 1816 1906 Alman ornitolog 1770 1829 Ingiliz botanikci 1665 1721 Alman botanikci 1904 1993 Britanyali botanikci A P de Candolle 1778 1841 Swiss botanikci 1819 1877 conchologist Alexis Carrel 1873 1944 Fransiz biyolog and surgeon winner of the 1912 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his work on sutures and organ transplants advocate of eugenics 1818 1896 Fransiz botanikci 1883 1957 Ecuadorian paleontologist and dogabilimci Amerikali evolutionary development biyolog Rachel Carson 1907 1964 biyolog author of Silent Spring George Washington Carver 1860 1943 Amerikali botanikci John Cassin 1813 1869 Amerikali ornitolog 1781 1832 Fransiz botanikci abbr in botany Cass 1867 1962 Amerikali geneticist 1683 1749 Ingiliz doga bilimci Andrea Cesalpino 1519 1603 Italyan botanikci 1726 1778 Italyan zoolog Carlos Chagas 1879 1934 Brezilyali physician Adelbert von Chamisso 1781 1838 Alman botanikci 1974 2012 Yeni Zelandali plant biyolog 1908 1991 biyolog 1864 1945 ornitolog Martha Chase 1927 2003 Amerikali biyolog conducted the Hershey Chase experiment which linked DNA to heredity 1846 1923 Yeni Zelandali botanikci and dogabilimci 1880 1959 Rus population geneticist 1860 1929 Yeni Zelandali zoolog Carl Chun 1852 1914 Alman marine biyolog Nathan Cobb 1859 1932 Amerikali biyolog considered the founder of the discipline of nematology 1841 1916 Belcikali botanikci abbr in botany Cogn Stanley Cohen 1922 Amerikali biyolog Nobel Prize Laureate in Physiology and Medicine 1986 for his discovery of growth factors Amerikali biyolog synthetic biology and systems biology pioneer 1892 1950 Amerikali ornitolog 1803 1877 Amerikali malacologist 1830 1902 Amerikali dogabilimci 1798 1864 Amerikali conchologist Edward Drinker Cope 1840 1897 fish reptiles paleontology Charles Coquerel 1822 1867 Fransiz navy surgeon and entomolog Carl Ferdinand Cori 1896 1984 Amerikali biochemist winner of the 1947 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his work on the Cori cycle Gerty Cori 1886 1957 Amerikali biochemist first Amerikali woman to win a Nobel Prize in science the prize was awarded to her and her husband Carl for their work on the Cori cycle Charles B Cory 1857 1921 Amerikali ornitolog 1717 1791 Ingiliz botanikci dogabilimci filozof 1842 1899 Amerikali ornitolog 1907 2004 South African zoolog Jacques Cousteau 1910 1997 Fransiz marine biyolog and explorer 1913 1992 Argentine Brezilyali neurophysiologist father of Brezilyali neurophysiology 1867 1937 Amerikali botanikci 1919 Amerikali biyokimyaci sodyum glikoz kotransportunu kesfetti Philipp Jakob Cretzschmar 1786 1845 Alman zoolog Francis Crick 1916 2004 one of the discoverers of the structure of the DNA molecule and a neurobiyolog 1826 1898 Fransiz conchologist Nicholas Culpeper 1616 1654 Ingiliz botanikci 1791 1839 Ingiliz botanikci 1746 1799 Ingiliz botanikci Georges Cuvier 1769 1832 Fransiz dogabilimciD Amerikali bioengineer 1751 1789 namesake of the Dahlia 1845 1927 Amerikali dogabilimci and malacologist Charles Darwin 1809 1882 Britanyali dogabilimci author and biyolog Erasmus Darwin 1731 1802 doctor dogabilimci grandfather of Charles 1866 1944 Amerikali biyolog and eugenicist founded the Eugenics Record Office at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Armand David 1826 1900 Fransiz zoolog and botanikci 1916 1994 Amerikali biyolog Richard Dawkins 1941 Britanyali evolutionary biyolog 1787 1823 Fransiz dogabilimci Max Delbruck 1906 1981 Alman physicist and biyolog known for work on the replication mechanism of viruses 1920 2002 Yeni Zelandali malacologist 1794 1860 Italyan 1810 1888 Belcikali botanikci Rene Louiche Desfontaines 1750 1833 Fransiz botanikci 1795 1875 Fransiz geologist and conchologist Anselme Gaetan Desmarest 1784 1838 Fransiz zoolog 1811 1855 Alman dogabilimci 1684 1747 Alman botanikci 1778 1855 Britanyali botanikci and conchologist 1933 Amerikali microbiyolog discoverer of Lactobacillus reuteri Theodosius Dobzhansky 1900 1975 Amerikali geneticist and evolutionary biyolog 1517 1585 Flemish botanikci Anton Dohrn 1840 1909 Alman marine biyolog 1799 1841 Britanyali botanikci 1758 1813 Ingiliz botanikci 1924 2001 Fransiz ornitolog 1808 1875 Britanyali entomolog 1799 1834 Iskoc botanikci 1748 1810 Swedish botanikci 1802 1860 biyolog Renato Dulbecco 1914 2012 biyolog Andre Marie Constant Dumeril 1774 1860 Fransiz zoolog Michel Felix Dunal 1789 1856 Fransiz botanikci 1947 Italyan virolog Gerald Durrell 1925 1995 Britanyali dogabilimciESylvia Earle 1935 Amerikali oceanographer John Carew Eccles 1903 1997 Australian neurophysiologist and winner of the 1963 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his work on the synapse 1795 1868 Danimarkali botanikci abbr in botany Eckl Gerald Edelman 1929 Nobel Prize for immunology work later work in neuroscience 1693 1773 Britanyali dogabilimci Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg 1795 1876 Alman biyolog and microscopist Paul Ehrlich 1854 1915 Alman Nobel Prize winning immunologist Karl Eichwald 1795 1876 Rus geologist and physician 1843 1898 Alman zoolog 1892 1937 Georgian microbiyolog 1835 1915 Amerikan zoolog 1872 1968 Alman zoolog and entomolog 1804 1849 Austrian botanikci abbr in botany Endl 1971 Amerikali paleontologist and entomolog 1809 1884 Alman Amerikali botanikci Adolf Engler 1844 1930 Alman botanikci abbr in botany Engl 1744 1777 Alman dogabilimci Johann Friedrich von Eschscholtz 1793 1831 Baltic Alman biyolog and explorer namesake of the California poppy Constantin von Ettingshausen 1826 1897 Austrian botanikci Amerikali mathematical population geneticist 1809 1880 Ingiliz doga bilimciF 1823 1915 Fransiz entomolog Johan Christian Fabricius 1745 1808 Danimarkali entomolog 1869 1954 Amerikali botanikci 1808 1865 Iskoc paleontologist 1852 1903 Italyan zoolog 1780 1845 Austrian dogabilimci 1945 Amerikali botanikci Howard Barraclough Barry Fell 1917 1994 Ingiliz zoolog and pre Columbian contact theorist 1934 Brezilyali pharmacologist 1901 1951 Yeni Zelandali palaeontologist and conchologist Otto Finsch 1839 1917 Alman dogabilimci 1771 1853 Alman entomolog 1922 1970 Ingiliz ornitolog 1835 1893 Fransiz physician zoolog malacologist and paleontologist Ronald Fisher 1890 1962 Britanyali biyolog and statistician one of the founders of population genetics Leopold Fitzinger 1802 1884 Austrian zoolog 1956 Australian biyolog Britanyali ornitolog Alexander Fleming 1881 1955 Britanyali medical scientist Walther Flemming 1843 1905 Alman physician and anatomist discoverer of mitosis and chromosomes 1878 1950 Ingiliz entomolog Howard Walter Florey 1898 1968 pharmacologist who was the co inventor of penicillin 1939 Britanyali biyolog and writer 1901 1988 Britanyali ecological geneticist Peter Forsskal 1732 1763 Swedish dogabilimci Georg Forster 1754 1794 Alman dogabilimci abbr in botany G Forst 1967 Alman geneticist 1729 1798 Alman dogabilimci 1813 1880 Iskoc botanikci Dian Fossey 1932 1985 Amerikan zoolog Rosalind Franklin 1920 1958 contributor to the discovery of the structure of DNA 1797 1874 Brezilyali botanikci Elias Magnus Fries 1794 1878 one of the founders of modern mushroom taxonomy Karl von Frisch 1886 1982 Austrian ethologist and Nobel laureate best known for pioneering studies of bees Imre Frivaldszky 1799 1870 Hungarian botanikci Leonhart Fuchs 1501 1566 Alman botanikci 1855 1932 Spanish biyolog 1874 1927 Amerikali ornitologGHeinrich Moritz Gaede 1795 1834 Alman doga bilimci ve entomolog Johann Christian Gerning 1745 1802 Alman bankaci sanat koleksiyoncusu ve bocek bilimcisi 1858 1938 Alman zoolog ve herpetolog Joseph Gaertner 1732 1791 Alman botanikci 1866 1952 Fransiz botanikci 1796 1858 Fransiz 1946 Canadian primatologist conducted pioneering studies on orangutans Robert Gallo 1937 Amerikali virolog and co discoverer of HIV 1823 1849 Amerikali dogabilimci 1794 1838 Fransiz dogabilimci 1789 1854 Fransiz botanikci Amerikali cognitive neuroscientist best known for his research on split brain patients 1903 1993 Amerikali botanikci John Gerard 1545 1611 12 Ingiliz botanikci Conrad von Gesner 1516 1565 Swiss dogabilimci abbr in botany Gesner 1490 1566 Italyan botanikci 1931 2010 Italyan microbiyolog a pioneer of applied to Amerikali molecular evolutionist and population geneticist 1923 Britanyali botanikci 1822 1895 Fransiz biyolog ichthyologist herpetologist Johann Friedrich Gmelin 1748 1804 Alman dogabilimci abbr in botany J F Gmel 1709 1755 Alman dogabilimci abbr in botany J G Gmel 1744 1774 Alman botanikci abbr in botany S G Gmel 1834 1919 Ingiliz doga bilimci and ornitolog Emil Goeldi 1859 1917 Swiss Brezilyali dogabilimci and zoolog Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 1749 1832 known for his literary works but also a scientist In biology his theory of plant metamorphosis stipulated that all plant formation stems from a modification of the Leaf Camillo Golgi 1843 1926 Italyan physician and Nobel prize winner pioneer in neurobiology Jane Goodall 1934 Britanyali primatologist ethologist and anthropologist best known for conducting a forty year study of chimpanzee social and family life 1806 1879 Britanyali botanikci 1810 1888 Ingiliz doga bilimci 1805 1866 Amerikali conchologist John Gould 1804 1881 Ingiliz ornitolog Stephen Jay Gould 1941 2002 Amerikali paleontologist 1836 1921 Fransiz dogabilimci and explorer 1873 1957 Fransiz dogabilimci and explorer son of Alfred Grandidier Temple Grandin 1947 Amerikali animal scientist world renowned as a designer of humane livestock facilities and for her writings on her experience with autism 1887 1983 Amerikali herpetologist 1895 1985 Fransiz zoolog Asa Gray 1810 1888 Amerikali botanikci George Robert Gray 1808 1872 Ingiliz zoolog J E Gray 1800 1875 Britanyali zoolog Andrew Jackson Grayson 1819 1869 Amerikali ornitolog 1876 1970 Amerikan zoolog 1862 1933 Britanyali ornitolog Frederick Griffith 1879 1941 Britanyali bacteriologist 1945 Australian zoolog 1690 1762 Hollandali botanikci 1883 1940 biyolog and belletrist 1799 1874 Fransiz entomolog Johann Anton Guldenstadt 1745 1781 Alman dogabilimci Allvar Gullstrand 1862 1930 Swedish ophthalmologist winner of the 1911 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine for research on the image formation by the lens of the eye 1718 1773 Norwegian botanikci Albert C L G Gunther 1830 1914 British Alman zoologHErnst Haeckel 1834 1919 Alman physician zoolog and evolutionist 1817 1893 Alman entomolog J B S Haldane 1892 1964 Britanyali evolutionary biyolog and co founder of population genetics William Donald Hamilton 1936 2000 Britanyali evolutionary biyolog 1819 1899 Britanyali conchologist and malacologist 1755 1835 Ingiliz doga bilimci Alister Clavering Hardy 1896 1985 Ingiliz marine biyolog and pioneer student of the biological basis of religion 1796 1843 Amerikali dogabilimci zoolog physicist and paleontologist 1916 Amerikali biogerontologist father of the free radical theory of aging 1944 Hollandali biyolog and writer Ernst Hartert 1859 1933 Alman ornitolog Gustav Hartlaub 1814 1900 Alman zoolog 1812 1871 Alman botanikci 1811 1866 Irish 1919 Austrian biyolog 1722 1752 Swedish dogabilimci 1824 1878 Ingiliz ornitolog 1834 1907 Iskoc geologist dogabilimci and surgeon 1862 1926 dogabilimci active in Australia Oskar Heinroth 1871 1945 Alman biyolog a founder of ethology 1796 1825 Alman dogabilimci 1913 1976 Alman biyolog founder of cladistics John Stevens Henslow 1796 1861 Ingiliz mineralogist botanikci and clergyman 1738 1800 Fransiz physician and dogabilimci Albert William Herre 1868 1962 Amerikali ichthyologist and lichenologist Alfred Hershey 1908 1997 Amerikali bacteriologist winner of the 1969 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his work on the genetics of viruses 1909 1997 Amerikali mammalogist noted especially as a primatologist 1898 1972 Amerikali paleontologist and malacologist Archibald Vivian Hill 1886 1977 Britanyali physiologist winner of the 1922 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for elucidation of mechanical work in muscles Brian Houghton Hodgson 1800 1894 Ingiliz doga bilimci 1802 1868 Hollandali zoolog 1861 1916 Alman fisheries scientist Johann Centurius Hoffmannsegg 1766 1849 Alman botanikci entomolog and ornitolog 1798 1852 Fransiz dogabilimci 1939 Amerikali biochemist developed high speed automated DNA sequencer Robert Hooke 1635 1703 Britanyali natural filozof and Secretary to the Royal Society Joseph Dalton Hooker 1817 1911 Britanyali botanikci explorer and Director of Kew Botanic Gardens William Jackson Hooker 1785 1865 Britanyali botanikci Director of Kew Botanic Gardens 1946 Amerikali paleontologist specialized in dinosaurs Thomas Horsfield 1773 1859 Amerikali dogabilimci Bernardo Houssay 1887 1971 Argentine physiologist winner of the 1947 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for the function of the pituitary hormones in regulating blood sugar glucose in animals 1720 1798 Hollandali dogabilimci Albert Howard 1873 1947 Britanyali botanikci 1873 1940 Ingiliz ornitolog 1946 U S anthropologist who made contributions to evolutionary psychology and sociobiology David H Hubel 1926 Canadian d Amerikali neurobiyolog winner of the 1981 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for research on the visual system 1750 1831 Swiss dogabilimci 1853 1915 Hollandali zoolog 1841 1922 Argentinian Britanyali ornitolog Alexander von Humboldt 1769 1859 Alman dogabilimci and explorer Allan Octavian Hume 1829 1912 Britanyali ornitolog Britanyali ornitolog 1903 1991 Amerikali ecologist and limnologist 1835 1905 Ingiliz biyolog and geologist later worked in Yeni Zelandali Julian Sorell Huxley 1887 1975 Ingiliz zoolog and contributor to the modern evolutionary synthesis first D G of UNESCO Thomas Henry Huxley 1825 1895 Ingiliz zoolog and advocate of evolution agnosticism and scientific education Alpheus Hyatt 1838 1902 Amerikali neo Lamarckian Libbie Hyman 1888 1969 invertebrate zoolog 1810 1894 Austrian anatomistI 1850 1930 Alman dogabilimci Johann Karl Wilhelm Illiger 1775 1813 Alman entomolog Jan Ingenhousz 1730 1799 Hollandali born Britanyali botanikci 1880 1972 Ingiliz conchologist and ornitolog 1756 1789 Alman botanikciJFrancois Jacob d 1920 Fransiz Biologist Nobel Prize Nikolaus Joseph von Jacquin 1727 1817 Hollandali born Austrian botanikci 1815 1887 Fransiz surgeon and zoolog d 1939 Amerikali entomolog and ecologist 1800 1874 Iskoc dogabilimci 1790 1865 Polish zoolog 1811 1872 Britanyali zoolog and botanikci 1857 1927 coined the term gene 1851 1931 ichthyologist 1st president of Stanford 1835 1921 Fransiz zoolog and malacologist Adrien Henri de Jussieu 1797 1853 Fransiz botanikci 1686 1758 Fransiz dogabilimci Antoine Laurent de Jussieu 1748 1836 botanikci biyolog abbr in botany Juss 1699 1777 Fransiz dogabilimci 1883 1941 Amerikali biyologKZbigniew Kabata d 1924 Polish parasitologist 1716 1779 Swedish botanikci Eric R Kandel d 1929 Austrian born Amerikali neuroscientist Winner of the 2000 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his work on the neural correlates of memory 1817 1908 Alman botanikci 1909 c1941 trilobitologist known for his contributions to allopatric speciation and punctuated equilibrium Stuart Kauffman d 1939 biyolog widely known for his promotion of self organization as a factor in producing the complexity of biological systems and organisms 1803 1873 Alman dogabilimci 1933 2004 Ingiliz ornitolog Gerald A Kerkut 1927 2004 Britanyali zoolog and physiologist 1831 1898 Austrian botanikci Robert Kerr 1755 1813 published The Animal Kingdom in 1792 Warwick Estevam Kerr d 1922 Brezilyali geneticist specialist in bee genetics introducer of African bees in Brazil Zofia Kielan Jaworowska d 1925 Polish paleontologist led several paleontological expeditions to the Gobi desert 1924 1994 Japanese mathematical biyolog working in the field of theoretical population genetics 1882 1957 Iskoc zoolog 1759 1850 Ingiliz entomolog 1799 1874 Alman dogabilimci 1840 1916 Alman zoolog and malacologist 1910 1983 Austrian Brezilyali physician and pathologist student of Chagas disease Karl Koch 1809 1879 Alman botanikci Robert Koch 1843 1910 Alman Nobel Prize winning physician and bacteriologist Emil Theodor Kocher 1841 1917 Alman physician winner of the 1909 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his work on the physiology pathology and surgery of the thyroid gland Alexander Koenig 1858 1940 Alman dogabilimci Albert von Kolliker 1817 1905 Swiss physiologist Charles Konig 1774 1851 Alman dogabilimci Arthur Kornberg d 1918 discovered DNA polymerase Adriaan Kortlandt d 1918 Hollandali ethologist Albrecht Kossel 1853 1927 Alman physician and winner of the 1910 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his research in cell biology Hans Adolf Krebs 1900 1981 Alman biochemist and winner of the 1953 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his discovery of the citric acid cycle in cellular respiration Gerard Krefft 1830 1881 Alman born Australian zoolog and palaeontologist d 1930 Brezilyali physician and physiologist d 1973 Biological Anthropologist specialized in Forensic Anthropology serving at Panjab University Chandigarh India Schack August Steenberg Krogh 1874 1949 Danimarkali physiologist winner of the 1920 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for the discovery of the mechanism of regulation of the capillaries in skeletal muscle Heinrich Kuhl 1797 1821 Alman zoologLJohann Georg Christian Lehmann 25 Subat 1792 12 Subat 1860 bir Alman botanikci Henri Laborit 1914 1995 Fransiz surgeon and physiologist Bernard Germain Etienne de la Ville Comte de Lacepede 1756 1825 Fransiz dogabilimci 1910 1973 Britanyali ornitolog 1783 1861 Fransiz ornitolog Jean Baptiste Lamarck 1744 1829 Fransiz evolutionist coined many terms like biology and fossils Aylmer Bourke Lambert 1761 1842 Britanyali botanikci 1912 1956 Fransiz paleontologist 1928 1996 Britanyali ecologist Kai Larsen 1926 2012 Danimarkali botanikci 1887 1959 Amerikali born Australian dogabilimci and malacologist John Latham 1740 1837 Ingiliz doga bilimci 1762 1833 Fransiz entomolog Charles Louis Alphonse Laveran 1845 1922 Fransiz physician winner of the 1907 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his discovery that the cause of malaria is a protozoon 1806 1855 Amerikali ornitolog William Elford Leach 1790 1836 Ingiliz zoolog and marine biyolog Colin Leakey d 1933 Britanyali tropical botanikci and specialist in bean science 1823 1901 physiologist d 1977 comedian Antoni van Leeuwenhoek 1632 1723 Hollandali biyolog developer of the microscope c 1637 1735 Fransiz dogabilimci Joseph Leidy 1823 1891 Amerikali paleontologist 1771 1813 Hollandali dogabilimci Juan Lembeye 1816 1889 Spanish dogabilimci Leonardo da Vinci 1452 1519 known as an artist but also an anatomist Dissected hundreds of specimens and drew exact copies of them 1773 1826 Fransiz botanikci Rene Primevere Lesson 1794 1849 Fransiz dogabilimci Charles Alexandre Lesueur 1778 1846 Fransiz dogabilimci 1753 1824 Fransiz ornitolog Edward B Lewis 1918 2004 Amerikali geneticist and 1995 Nobel Prize winner Richard Lewontin d 1929 biyolog molecular evolutionary biyolog 1826 1900 Fransiz botanikci 1780 1867 Alman zoolog 1735 1788 Ingiliz conchologist and botanikci Amerikali malacologist and biyolog 1925 1989 Hungarian biyolog John Lindley 1799 1865 Ingiliz botanikci Heinrich Friedrich Link 1767 1850 Alman botanikci abbr in botany Link Carl Linnaeus 1707 1778 Swedish botanikci father of the binomial nomenclature system abbr L or Linn 1859 1924 Alman Amerikali biyolog Friedrich Loeffler 1852 1915 Alman biyolog Konrad Lorenz 1903 1989 Austrian founder of ethology d 1949 Brezilyali botanikci 1783 1843 Ingiliz botanikci James Lovelock d 1919 Ingiliz chemist and father of the Gaia hypothesis 1870 1948 Ingiliz ornitolog 1801 1880 Danimarkali zoolog and paleontologist Salvador Luria 1912 1991 microbiyolog Nobel prize winner Adolfo Lutz 1855 1940 Brezilyali infectologist pathologist and public health researcher Andre Lwoff 1902 1994 Fransiz microbiyolog winner of the 1965 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1849 1915 Ingiliz doga bilimci Trofim Lysenko 1898 1976 Soviet biyolog and agronomist His denouncement of genetics became known as Lysenkoism MMa Mi 1831 1904 Fransiz malacologist John Macadam 1827 1865 Iskoc born Australian botanikci 1954 Amerikali botanikci 1796 1852 Iskoc dogabilimci Marcello Malpighi 1628 1694 Italyan anatomist and biyolog 1919 2004 Spanish Catalan biyolog and ecologist 1927 1997 Canadian fisheries parasitologist Lynn Margulis 1938 Amerikali microbiyolog Alberto della Marmora 1789 1863 Italyan dogabilimci Othniel Charles Marsh 1831 1899 paleontology Barry Marshall 1951 Australian physician and microbiyolog winner of the 2005 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his discovery that most stomach ulcers are caused by a strain of bacteria 1954 2001 Spanish botanikci Carl Friedrich Philipp von Martius 1794 1868 Alman botanikci John Martyn 1699 1768 Ingiliz botanikci Thomas Martyn 1735 1825 Ingiliz botanikci entomolog and conchologist John Marwick 1891 1978 Yeni Zelandali palaeontologist and geologist Teresa Maryanska Poland specializing in dinosaurs Francis Masson 1741 c 1805 Iskoc botanikci Gregory Mathews 1876 1949 Australian ornitolog Paul Matschie 1861 1926 Alman zoolog William Diller Matthew 1871 1930 Amerikali paleontologist Polly Matzinger Amerikali immunologist 1827 1891 Rus botanikci 1877 1925 Ingiliz entomolog Robert May 1936 biyolog physicist mathematician President of Royal Society of London 2000 2005 Ernst Mayr 1904 2005 evolutionary biyolog Barbara McClintock 1902 1992 Amerikali biyolog winner of a Nobel Prize for her work on the transposon or jumping gene James V McConnell 1925 1990 Amerikali biological psychologist Mark McMenamin 1958 Amerikali paleontologist Bruce McEwen neuroendocrinologist and stress hormone expert Edmund Meade Waldo 1855 1934 Ingiliz ornitolog Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov 1845 1916 Rus microbiyolog best known for his work on the immune system and phagocytosis received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1908 Johann Wilhelm Meigen 1764 1845 Alman entomolog Gregor Mendel 1822 1884 Czech Austrian monk who is often called the father of genetics for his study of the inheritance of traits in pea plants Edouard Menetries 1802 1861 Fransiz entomolog biyolog Archibald Menzies 1754 1852 Iskoc dogabilimci 1855 1942 Amerikan zoolog and ornitolog 1869 1945 Amerikali biyolog Franz Meyen 1804 1840 Alman botanikci 1901 1984 Amerikali ornitolog Otto Fritz Meyerhof 1884 1951 Alman Amerikali physician and biochemist winner of the 1922 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his research on muscles 1875 1949 Alman biyolog 1746 1802 Fransiz botanikci Alexander von Middendorff 1815 1894 Rus zoolog 1846 1888 Rus marine biyolog and anthropologist Gerrit Smith Miller Jr 1869 1956 Amerikan zoolog Jacques Miller 1931 Australian immunologist John Frederick Miller 1759 1796 Ingiliz illustrator primarily of botany Kenneth R Miller 1948 Amerikali evolutionary biyolog Philip Miller 1691 1771 Iskoc botanikci abbr in botany Mill 1835 1900 Fransiz zoolog Henri Milne Edwards 1800 1885 Fransiz zoolog George Jackson Mivart 1827 1900 Ingiliz biyologMo Mu 1805 1872 Alman botanikci 1710 1792 Alman dogabilimci 1740 1829 Chilean dogabilimci Jacques Monod 1910 1976 geneticist 1753 1815 Ingiliz doga bilimci Luc Montagnier 1932 Fransiz discoverer of HIV Rita Levi Montalcini 1909 Italyan Amerikali neurologist who received the 1986 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for her co discovery of growth factors 1841 1927 Italyan malacologist Pierre Denys de Montfort 1766 1820 Fransiz dogabilimci 1871 1956 Amerikali botanikci 1804 1863 Fransiz dogabilimci 1828 1878 malacologist Thomas Hunt Morgan 1868 1945 Amerikali geneticist He worked on the natural history zoology and macromutation in the fruit fly Drosophila 1928 Britanyali zoolog and biyolog 1927 2000 professor researcher author on bees beekeeping Guy Mountfort 1905 2003 Ingiliz ornitolog 1956 Slovakian botanikci 1825 1896 Alman Australian botanikci John Muir 1838 1914 Amerikali dogabilimci Otto Friedrich Muller 1730 1784 Danimarkali dogabilimci abbr in botany O F Mull 1821 1897 Alman Brezilyali dogabilimci abbr in botany F J Mull 1850 1927 Swiss botanikci and oenologist Philipp Ludwig Statius Muller 1725 1776 Alman zoolog 1804 1864 Hollandali dogabilimci Kary Mullis 1944 biyolog 1716 1774 Alman botanikci 1841 1914 Scots Canadian Marine BiologistN d 1952 co author of Forgotten Pollinators 1817 1891 Swiss botanikci 1780 1857 Alman founder of scientific ornithology 1713 1781 Ingiliz doga bilimci 1776 1858 Alman botanikci and zoolog Masatoshi Nei Amerikali evolutionary biyolog and molecular Population Geneticist d 1945 Amerikali evolutionary biyolog and psychiatrist 1851 1924 Britanyali botanikci 1829 1907 Ingiliz zoolog 1883 1974 Amerikali ornitolog 1844 1899 Britanyali zoolog 1909 2001 Amerikali parasitologist Alfred Merle Norman 1831 1918 Ingiliz clergyman and dogabilimci 1855 1917 Australian ornitolog Christiane Nusslein Volhard d 1942 Alman biyolog and 1995 Nobel Prize winner 1786 1858 Ingiliz botanikci and zoologO 1884 1973 Swedish zoolog 1913 2002 Amerikali ecologist 1924 2002 Amerikali ecologist 1816 1872 Danimarkali botanikci abbr in botany Oerst 1808 1873 Irish dogabilimci 1863 1924 Iskoc ornitolog d 1933 Japanese molecular evolutionary biyolog Lorenz Oken 1779 1851 Alman dogabilimci 1769 1795 Italyan dogabilimci Britanyali biyolog and computer scientist Aleksandr Oparin 1894 1980 Rus biyolog and biochemist best known for his work on the origin of life Alcide d Orbigny 1802 1857 Fransiz dogabilimci 1781 1866 Amerikali ornitolog 1828 1901 Ingiliz entomolog Edward Latham Ormerod 1819 1873 FRS Ingiliz physician and entomolog Henry Fairfield Osborn 1857 1935 eugenicist AMNH curator 1901 1975 Britanyali anatomist primatologist and a leading authority on primate anatomy during the 20th century 1930 2008 Polish specializing in dinosaurs 1844 1905 Fransiz zoolog Richard Owen 1804 1892 biyolog of nebres triztan organismsPGeorge Emil Palade d 1912 Romanian Amerikali biyolog discoverer of ribosomes Nobel Prize 1869 1942 Fransiz Algerian malacologist 1945 Mogol paleontolog Peter Simon Pallas 1741 1811 Rus zoolog 1829 1911 Britanyali botanikci 1814 1888 Serbian botanikci Paracelsus 1493 1541 Alman alchemist Louis Pasteur 1822 1895 Fransiz biochemist 1755 1810 Britanyali botanikci and explorer 1802 1872 Irish dogabilimci d 1946 Fransiz marine biyolog Ivan Pavlov 1849 1936 Rus physiologist psychologist and physician discovered conditioning won the Nobel Prize for his research on the digestive system Titian Peale 1799 1885 Amerikali dogabilimci 1898 1964 Amerikali botanikci Eva J Pell d 1948 Amerikali plant pathologist 1863 1945 Belcikali malacologist d 1933 Fransiz botanikci 1726 1798 Welsh dogabilimci and antiquary 1873 1958 Fransiz botanikci George Perry dogabilimci 19th century Ingiliz doga bilimci Christiaan Hendrik Persoon 1761 1836 biyolog 1912 1980 Fransiz botanikci Wilhelm Peters 1815 1883 Alman dogabilimci Alman physician botanikci and conchologist 1808 1904 Alman Chilean zoolog 1744 1792 Ingiliz explorer d 1966 Biochemist 1860 Ingiliz entomolog 1828 1917 Ingiliz entomolog uncle of above 1805 1878 Amerikali dogabilimci 1897 1976 Spanish dogabilimci 1862 1957 Amerikan zoolog malacologist 1903 1967 Amerikali biyolog and co inventor of the contraceptive pill d 1957 Hollandali molecular biyolog columnist and politician Pliny the Elder 23 79 Roman natural filozof Reginald Innes Pocock 1863 1947 Britanyali taxonomist mammals and arachnids 1799 1891 Cuban zoolog Joel Roberts Poinsett 1779 1851 Amerikali botanikci 1841 1905 Canadian and biyolog 1746 1825 Italyan physicist biyolog and natural historian Winston Ponder Australian malacologist 1901 1987 Yeni Zelandali malacologist and paleontologist 1833 1896 Ingiliz ornitolog Karel Presl 1794 1852 Bohemian botanikci 1873 1972 Fransiz malacologist 1787 1869 Czech anatomist and physiologist 1774 1820 Alman Amerikali botanikci 1810 1888 Belcikali botanikci 1839 1888 Rus explorerQ 1810 1892 Fransiz dogabilimci 1790 1869 Fransiz hayvanbilimciR 1831 1903 Alman dogabilimci Thomas Stamford Raffles 1781 1826 Londra Zooloji Toplulugunun kurucusu ve ilk baskani Constantine Samuel Rafinesque 1783 1840 Fransiz dogabilimci who described many North Amerikali species Emile Louis Ragonot 1843 1895 Fransiz entomolog Santiago Ramon y Cajal 1852 1934 Spanish histologist and Nobel laureate Considered the father of neuroscience 1842 1916 Australian ornitolog 1905 1982 Canadian zoolog d 1955 Indian biogerontologist John Ray 1627 1705 Ingiliz doga bilimci Francesco Redi 1626 1697 Italyan physician known for his experiment in 1668 which is regarded as one of the first steps in refuting abiogenesis 1814 1865 Ingiliz conchologist Heinrich Gustav Reichenbach 1823 1889 Alman orchidologist abbr in botany Rchb f Ludwig Reichenbach 1793 1879 Alman botanikci and ornitolog abbr in botany Rchb 1847 1941 Alman ornitolog 1773 1854 Hollandali botanikci Bernhard Rensch 1900 1990 Alman biyolog d 1958 Alman botanikci and biotechnologist developed Physcomitrella as model organism Achille Richard 1794 1852 Fransiz botanikci abbr in botany A Rich 1787 1868 noted Fransiz botanikci and plant collector abbr in botany J M C Rich Louis Claude Richard 1754 1821 Fransiz botanikci abbr in botany Rich Olivier Jules Richard 1836 1896 Fransiz lichenologist abbr in botany O J Rich John Richardson 1787 1865 Iskoc dogabilimci abbr in botany Richardson Charles Richet 1850 1935 Fransiz physiologist winner of the 1913 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine for his discovery of anaphylaxis Charles Wallace Richmond 1868 1932 Amerikali ornitolog Robert Ridgway 1850 1929 Amerikali ornitolog 1855 1956 Britanyali botanikci abbr in botany Ridl 1883 1948 South African zoolog d 1932 Amerikali botanikci and entomolog 1910 1983 Brezilyali physician and pharmacologist codiscoverer of bradykinin Martin Rodbell 1925 1998 biyolog 1767 1846 Alman malacologist George Romanes 1848 1894 Canadian dogabilimci founded the discipline of comparative psychology 1894 1973 specialist in vertebrate paleontology 1934 1998 theoretical biyolog d 1933 cell biyolog at Yale University d 1937 Alman hydrobiyolog known for his work in fish farming and ecology Miriam Louisa Rothschild 1908 2005 Britanyali entomolog 1868 1937 Britanyali zoolog 1759 1815 Iskoc botanikci Adriaan van Royen 1704 1779 Hollandali botanikci abbr in botany Royen Karl Rudolphi 1771 1832 Alman physiologist Eduard Ruppell 1794 1884 Alman dogabilimciSSa So 1770 1837 Ingiliz doga bilimci 1832 1897 Alman botanikci Etienne Geoffroy Saint Hilaire 1772 1844 Fransiz dogabilimci Isidore Geoffroy Saint Hilaire 1805 1861 Fransiz zoolog 1762 1818 Swiss dogabilimci interested in botany entomology and conchology 1886 1978 Britanyali botanikci Richard Anthony Salisbury 1761 1829 Britanyali botanikci Jonas Salk 1914 1995 Amerikali biyolog inventor of polio vaccine 1957 Amerikali neuroscientist 1837 1927 Norwegian marine biyolog 1809 1869 Norwegian taxonomist 1822 1900 Amerikali botanikci Horace Benedict de Saussure 1740 1799 Swiss dogabilimci 1777 1851 Fransiz zoolog 1787 1843 Amerikali dogabilimci 1933 Amerikan zoolog widely considered the preeminent field biyolog of the 20th century Friedrich Schlechter 1872 1925 Alman botanikci Hermann Schlegel 1804 1884 Alman ornitolog Matthias Jakob Schleiden 1804 1881 Alman co founder of the cell theory 1864 1941 Alman Amerikali botanikci 1752 1800 Alman botanikci and zoolog 1794 1865 Alman botanikci 1739 1810 Alman dogabilimci 1826 1894 Russo Alman zoolog 1858 1942 paleontologist Theodor Schwann 1810 1882 Alman physiologist 1836 1925 Alman botanikci Philip Sclater 1829 1913 Ingiliz zoolog Giovanni Antonio Scopoli 1723 1788 Italyan Austrian dogabilimci 1832 1895 Ingiliz ornitolog 1788 1867 Ingiliz botanikci and ornitolog Nikolai Alekseevich Severtzov 1827 1885 Rus dogabilimci Richard Bowdler Sharpe 1847 1909 Ingiliz zoolog George Shaw 1751 1813 Ingiliz botanikci and zoolog George Ernest Shelley 1840 1910 Ingiliz ornitolog Sir Charles Scott Sherrington 1857 1922 Britanyali physiologist and neuroscientist winner of the 1932 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his research on neurons 1796 1866 Alman botanikci George Gaylord Simpson 1902 1984 Amerikali paleontologist 1906 1994 Alman d mycologist 1869 1938 Amerikali botanikci abbr in botany Small 1797 1872 Iskoc zoolog 1847 1916 Britanyali zoolog and conchologist 1805 1879 Britanyali entomolog James Edward Smith 1759 1828 Ingiliz botanikci abbr in botany Sm 1867 1947 Hollandali botanikci abbr in botany J J Sm James Leonard Brierley Smith 1897 1968 South African ichthyologist John Maynard Smith 1920 2004 biyolog 1867 1943 Amerikan zoolog 1938 Amerikali neuroscientist co discovered endorphins Daniel Solander 1733 1782 Swedish botanikci 1811 1852 Fransiz zoologSp Sy c1840 1877 Ingiliz biyolog discovered imprinting and conducted some of the earliest research on animal behavior Lazzaro Spallanzani 1729 1799 Italyan biyolog 1748 1820 Swedish dogabilimci Walter Baldwin Spencer 1860 1929 Ingiliz biyolog and anthropologist Roger W Sperry 1913 1994 Amerikali neuropsychologist winner of the 1981 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his split brain research Maximilian Spinola 1780 1857 entomolog 1781 1826 Alman dogabilimci 1733 1771 Finnish botanikci Kurt Sprengel 1766 1833 Alman botanikci 1906 1991 Amerikali ichthyologist noted for expertise in shark classification behavior and distribution of species 1817 1893 Ingiliz botanikci Agustin Stahl 1842 1917 Porto Rikolu zoolog ve botanikci 1775 1851 Ingiliz doga bilimci Japetus Steenstrup 1813 1897 Danimarkali zoolog Franz Steindachner 1834 1919 Austrian zoolog Leonhard Hess Stejneger 1851 1943 Norwegian zoolog Georg Wilhelm Steller 1709 1746 Rus ornitolog James Francis Stephens 1792 1853 Ingiliz zoolog Kaspar Maria von Sternberg 1761 1838 Bohemian botanikci 1941 Alman microbiyolog Nettie Maria Stevens 1861 1912 Amerikali biyolog 1848 1919 Australian anthropologist 1890 1972 Yeni Zelandali horticulturist and ichthyologist 1749 1821 Alman dogabilimci 1844 1912 Alman botanikci abbr in botany Strasb Erwin Stresemann 1889 1972 Alman ornitolog 1823 1899 Iskoc anatomist 1798 1859 Ingiliz doga bilimci and geologist Carl Jakob Sundevall 1801 1875 Swedish zoolog 1953 Indian cognitive neuroscientist specializing in neuroplasticity 1841 1918 Yeni Zelandali zoolog dogabilimci and palaeontologist William John Swainson 1789 1855 Ingiliz ornitolog malacologist conchologist entomolog and artist Jan Swammerdam 1637 1680 Hollandali biyolog and microscopist Olof Swartz 1760 1816 Swedish botanikci abbr in botany Sw 1836 1877 Ingiliz doga bilimci 1790 1872 Ingiliz ornitologTWladyslaw Taczanowski 1819 1890 Polish zoolog Armen Takhtajan d 1910 Rus botanikci 1754 1803 Swedish dogabilimci Coenraad Jacob Temminck 1778 1858 Hollandali zoolog Theophrastus 372 BC 287 BC biyolog and the successor of Aristotle in the Peripatetic school popularizer of science 1860 1935 Alman zoolog and malacologist Michael Rogers Oldfield Thomas 1858 1929 Britanyali zoolog 1805 1852 Irlandali Ornithologist deniz biyologu ve doga tarihcisi 1758 1831 Fransiz botanikci Carl Peter Thunberg 1743 1828 Swedish dogabilimci 1811 1875 Britanyali ornitolog Niko Tinbergen 1907 1988 Hollandali ethologist Agostino Todaro 1818 1892 Italyan botanikci Susumu Tonegawa d 1939 Japanese biyolog winner of the 1987 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for discovery of the genetic principle for generation of antibody diversity 1796 1873 Amerikali botanikci first professional in New World Joseph Pitton de Tournefort 1656 1708 Fransiz botanikci 1809 1851 Amerikali ornitolog 1781 1862 Iskoc doctor and dogabilimci Abraham Trembley 1710 1784 Swiss dogabilimci 1851 1910 Hollandali botanikci Henry Baker Tristram 1822 1906 Ingiliz ornitolog d 1943 evolutionary biyolog Edouard Louis Trouessart 1842 1927 Fransiz dogabilimci 1858 1914 Amerikali dogabilimci Jr 1838 1888 Amerikali malacologist 1901 1950 Ingiliz ornitolog 1817 1886 Amerikali botanikci Endel Tulving d 1927 Estonian born Canadian neuroscientist specializes in episodic memory Marmaduke Tunstall 1743 1790 Ingiliz ornitolog 1915 2000 marine biyolog William Turton 1762 1835 Britanyali dogabilimciU 1864 1944 Estonian biyolog founder of biosemioticsV 1749 1804 Norwegian botanikci 1669 1722 Fransiz botanikci Achille Valenciennes 1794 1865 Fransiz zoolog Francisco Varela 1946 2001 Chilean biyolog Nikolai Vavilov 1887 1943 Soviet botanikci and geneticist died in prison as a defender of bourgeois pseudoscience genetics against Lysenkoism d 1942 Indian physician immunologist and educationist Craig Venter d 1946 Amerikali biyolog and businessman 1810 1868 Fransiz dogabilimci 1807 1873 Fransiz botanikci and ornitolog Addison Emery Verrill 1839 1926 Amerikan zoolog Louis Jean Pierre Vieillot 1748 1831 Fransiz ornitolog Nicholas Aylward Vigors 1785 1840 Irish zoolog Rudolf Virchow 1821 1902 Alman biyolog and pathologist founder of cell theory Oswaldo Vital Brazil 1865 1950 Brezilyali physician and immunobiyolog discoverer of several antivenoms against snake scorpion and spider bites d 1949 Amerikali geneticist 1920 2002 Hollandali ornitolog Amerikali biogeochemist and microbial ecologist Hugo de Vries 1848 1935 Hollandali botanikciWFrans de Waal d 1948 Hollandali Amerikali etolog ve primatolog 1858 1919 Irish botanikci Jeremy Wade d 1960 Writer and TV presenter with a special interest in rivers and freshwater fish 1800 1832 Alman herpetologist 1920 2000 Amerikali botanikci 1780 1851 Swedish dogabilimci Selman Waksman 1888 1973 Amerikali biochemist winner of the 1952 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his work on antibiotics 1771 1852 Fransiz entomolog George Wald 1906 1997 Amerikali biyolog winner of the 1967 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his work on visual perception Alfred Russel Wallace 1823 1913 Britanyali dogabilimci and biyolog 1786 1854 Danimarkali botanikci 1808 1869 Amerikali entomolog 1910 1977 Amerikali neurophysiologist and roboticist made a number of important discoveries in the field of electroencephalography d 1965 Sri Lankan ornitolog J Robin Warren d 1937 Australian pathologist winner of the 2005 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his discovery that most stomach ulcers are caused by a strain of bacteria 1782 1865 Ingiliz doga bilimci James D Watson d 1928 Nobel Prize winning biyolog co discoverer of the structure of the DNA molecule 1793 1854 Ingiliz botanikci abbr in botany Webb 1819 1877 Ingiliz botanikci abbr in botany Wedd d 1942 Amerikali cancer biyolog August Weismann 1834 1914 Alman biyolog 1806 1872 Austrian botanikci 1848 1905 Alman physician and neuroanatomist discovered Wernicke s area 1916 2001 Hollandali botanikci Alexander Wetmore 1886 1978 Amerikali ornitolog 1865 1937 Amerikali entomolog and myrmecologist 1720 1795 Ingiliz doga bilimci c 1756 1832 Ingiliz botanikci 1848 1923 Alman anatomist Prince Alexander Philipp 1782 1867 Alman explorer and biyolog 1930 2003 Amerikali botanikci abbr in botany Wiehler Eric F Wieschaus d 1947 Amerikali developmental biyolog and 1995 Nobel Prize winner Torsten Wiesel d 1924 Swedish born Amerikali neurobiyolog winner of the 1981 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his research on information processing in the visual system Charles Wilkes 1798 1877 Amerikali explorer and dogabilimci Carl Ludwig Willdenow 1765 1812 Alman botanikci and pharmacist abbr in botany Willd d 1926 Amerikali evolutionary biyolog credited with introducing the gene centric view of evolution 1635 1672 Ingiliz ornitolog and ichthyologist 1766 1813 Iskoc Amerikali ornitolog David Sloan Wilson d 1949 Amerikali evolutionary biyolog 1872 1912 Ingiliz doga bilimci Edward O Wilson d 1929 Amerikali entomolog and father of sociobiology two time winner of the Pulitzer Prize 1856 1953 Rus mikrobiyolog ecologist and soil scientist who pioneered the cycle of life concept and discovered the biological process of nitrification 1761 1818 Amerikali anatomist and physician The genus Wisteria is named after him 1873 1943 Britanyali ornitolog William Withering 1741 1799 Ingiliz botanikci Carl Woese d 1928 Amerikali microbiyolog identified the Archaea a major division of organisms Amerikali biogeochemist and microbial geobiyolog d 1969 Malezyali zoolog and Sun Bear expert Flossie Wong Staal 1947 2020 Amerikali virolog Sewall Wright 1889 1988 Amerikali geneticist co founder of population genetics 1906 1997 Iskoc zoolog introduced the hypothesis of group selection in evolution 1832 1882 Iskoc marine biyologistX 1825 1894 Amerikali hayvanbilimciYWilliam Yarrell 1784 1856 Ingiliz dogabilimciZ 1926 meyve genetikci 1743 1815 Alman zoolog Karl Alfred von Zittel 1839 1904 Alman paleontolog 1797 1848 Alman botanikci Margarete Zuelzer 1877 1944 Alman biyolog ve zoolog