Biyolojide organizmalara verilen bilimsel adlar sıklıkla bir kişiye ithafen verilebilmektedir. Bilimsel adlar genellikle bilimsel dergilerde adı verilen taksonların tanımlamaları ve diğer taksonlardan ayırt edici özellikleri ile birlikte yayımlanır. Latince gramer kurallarına uygun olarak bir erkeğin adından üretilen tür ya da alt tür adlarının sonu genellikle -i ya da -ii ile biterken bir erkek grubu ya da erkek ya da kadınlardan oluşan grup isimleri -orum ile biter. Benzer şekilde bir kadın isminden gelen adlar sıklıkla -ae ile biterken iki ya da daha fazla sayıda kadın için -arum ile biter.
Bilimsel adlar ilk olarak tanımlandığı şekli ile verilmiştir ve bazıları daha sonra yapılan araştırmalar sonucu farklı cinslerde sınıflandırılmış ya da daha önceden tanımlanmış taksonların sinonimi sayılmış olabilir.
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Biyolojide organizmalara verilen bilimsel adlar siklikla bir kisiye ithafen verilebilmektedir Bilimsel adlar genellikle bilimsel dergilerde adi verilen taksonlarin tanimlamalari ve diger taksonlardan ayirt edici ozellikleri ile birlikte yayimlanir Latince gramer kurallarina uygun olarak bir erkegin adindan uretilen tur ya da alt tur adlarinin sonu genellikle i ya da ii ile biterken bir erkek grubu ya da erkek ya da kadinlardan olusan grup isimleri orum ile biter Benzer sekilde bir kadin isminden gelen adlar siklikla ae ile biterken iki ya da daha fazla sayida kadin icin arum ile biter Bilimsel adlar ilk olarak tanimlandigi sekli ile verilmistir ve bazilari daha sonra yapilan arastirmalar sonucu farkli cinslerde siniflandirilmis ya da daha onceden tanimlanmis taksonlarin sinonimi sayilmis olabilir Shakira Adolf Hitler Aphonopelma johnnycashi Johnny Cash Angelina Jolie Barack Obama Aptostichus barackobamai Stephen Colbert Arsinoitherium Caligula Andrew Carnegie Noam Chomsky Georgia O Keeffe Jules Grevy Equus grevyi Benjamin Franklin Gentius Gentiana verna Galler Prensi Charles Bob Marley I Albert Thomas Jefferson Jennifer Lopez Herman Melville Lou Reed Nelson Mandela Mark Knopfler David Attenborough Neopalpa donaldtrumpi Donald Trump Alexandra II Montezuma Diyojen Konfucyus Julius Nyerere Sappho Scipio Africanus Sequoia sempervirens Sequoyah Strelitzia reginae Charlotte of Mecklenburg Strelitz Victoria Takson Tip Ithaf edilen kisi Notlar KaynakYaban arisi Longfellow Henry Wadsworth Henry Wadsworth LongfellowKabukluYusufcuk David Attenborough Madagascar turu Attenborough nun 90nci yasgunu anisina adlandirilmistirGuve AtahualpaBocek II Ioannes Paulus Polonya bocegi olumunden sonar II Jean Paul un dogum adi olan Karol Wojtyla adi ile adlandirilmistir Trilobit Jagger Mick Mick Jagger ayni zamanda Rolling Stones uyesi Keith Richards anisina adlandirilmistir Trilobit The Rolling Stones uyeleri tarafindan kullanilan ortak takma ad Yaban arisi EshilosBalik EzopBocek Colbert Stephen Stephen ColbertBocek Bush George W George W BushBocek Cheney Dick Dick CheneyAgathidium cortezi Bocek Cortez HernanBocek Rumsfeld Donald Donald RumsfeldBocek Bell CatherineBocek Winslet Kate Kate WinsletBocek Tyler Liv Liv TylerAgra schwarzeneggeri Bocek Schwarzenegger Arnold Arnold Schwarzenegger Bu turun erkeklerinin biseps benzeri asiri gelismis orta femorasinin aktorun gelismis pazilarina benzemesine istinaden adlandirilmistir Orumcek Belanger DanielBalik AkihitoKabuklu Groening Matt Matt GroeningYaban arisi Cacuango DoloresYaban arisi Colbert Stephen Stephen ColbertYaban arisi DeGeneres Ellen Ellen DeGeneresYaban arisi Fallon Jimmy Jimmy FallonYaban arisi Frost Robert Robert FrostAleiodes gaga Yaban arisi Lady GagaYaban arisi Kingman EduardoYaban arisi ShakiraYaban arisi Stewart Jon Jon StewartYaban arisi Alighieri Dante Dante AlighieriYaban arisi Alighieri Dante Dante AlighieriBocek Allende Salvador Salvador AllendeSalyangoz Strummer Joe Joe StrummerSalyangoz Zappa Frank Frank ZappaAmphinema rollinsi Denizanasi Rollins Henry Henry RollinsPlecoptera King Carole Carole KingPlecoptera Taylor James James TaylorSalyangoz Tobey Mark Mark TobeyOrumcek Mandela Nelson Nelson MandelaYaban arisi Angelico Fra Fra AngelicoPterosaur Spielberg Steven Steven SpielbergBocek Watson DocKertenkele Roosevelt Jr TheodoreSalyangoz Jagger Mick Mick JaggerBocek Hitler Adolf Adolf HitlerYaban arisi AnselmusYaban arisi Trallesli AnthemiusOrumcek Holly Buddy Buddy Holly Holly nin dogum yeri olan Lubbock Teksas ta kesfedilmistir Aphonopelma johnnycashi Orumcek Cash Johnny Johnny CashApistogramma mendezi Balik Mendes ChicoOrumcek Jolie Angelina Angelina JolieAptostichus barackobamai Orumcek Obama Barack Barack ObamaOrumcek Bono Tur Joshua Tree National Park ta bulunur ve U2 nun 1987 albumu The Joshua Tree anisina adlandirilmistir Orumcek Chavez CesarOrumcek Lange Dorothea Dorothea LangeOrumcek Abbey EdwardOrumcek Muir John John MuirOrumcek Jillette PennOrumcek Colbert Stephen Stephen ColbertSinek ArchytasTrilobit Cook PaulTrilobit Jones SteveTrilobit Matlock GlenTrilobit Rotten Johnny Johnny RottenTrilobit Vicious Sid Sid ViciousArsinoitherium MemeliPterosaur Doyle Arthur Conan Arthur Conan DoyleAttenborough David David Attenborough William ConybeareKus Mandela Nelson Nelson Mandela Guney Afrika dan soyu tukenmis agackakanLemur Cleese John John CleeseTrilobit Simon Paul Paul SimonTrilobit Garfunkel ArtTrilobit Lennon John John LennonTrilobit Starr Ringo Ringo StarrYaban arisi Bach Johann Sebastian Johann Sebastian BachHardy Oliver Oliver HardyLaurel Stan Stan LaurelOrumcek Kipling Rudyard Rudyard Kipling Cins adi Kipling in taninmis eseri Jungle Book un karakterlerinden kara panter Bagheera anisina verilmistir True bug Balboa Vasco Nunez de Vasco Nunez de BalboaBaracktrema obamai Schistosoma Obama Barack Barack ObamaSurungen Morrison Jim Jim MorrisonTimsah Darrow Paul Paul DarrowSebzeBeddomixalus Kurbaga Beddome Richard HenryYaban arisi Beethoven Ludwig van Ludwig van BeethovenKabuklu Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Wolfgang Amadeus MozartBitki Attenborough David David AttenboroughBlighia Bitki Bligh WilliamYaban arisi Borrow GeorgeYaban arisi Budyonny Semyon Semyon BudyonnyMecoptera SacajaweaSalyangoz Becker Boris Boris BeckerAmmonoidea BuddhaOrumcek Lennon John John LennonBeatles The The BeatlesOrumcek Maze Tina Tina MazeGuve CaligulaCallicebus bernhardi MaymunCaloplaca obamae Liken Obama Barack Barack ObamaOrumcek Ford Harrison Harrison FordLarson Gary Gary LarsonSinek Chaplin Charlie Charlie ChaplinBitki Cook James James CookYaban arisi Carlyle Thomas Thomas CarlyleFly Electra Carmen Carmen ElectraCarnegiea Kaktus Carnegie Andrew Andrew CarnegieDinozor Crichton Michael Michael CrichtonYaban arisi Pink Floyd Bethylidae familyasindan Yeni Zelanda yaban arisiGeyik Roosevelt Theodore Theodore RooseveltCheguevaria Bocek Guevara Che Che GuevaraKabuklu Snowden Edward Edward SnowdenGuveMidye Jefferson Thomas Thomas JeffersonPrimatMemeliMemeliKabuklu Mercury Freddie Freddie MercuryKarincaKaplumbaga ClaudiusMemeliYaban arisi Coleman Ronnie Ronnie ColemanHemiptera KonfucyusConfuciusornis sanctus Kus KonfucyusYaban arisi Brad PittYaban arisi Cowper William William CowperDinozor Crichton Michael Michael CrichtonSalyangoz Irwin Steve Steve IrwinSivri fare AttilaSivri fare Roosevelt Theodore Theodore RooseveltHamam bocegi Garcia Jerry Jerry GarciaKabuklu Attenborough David David AttenboroughKemirgen Foch Ferdinand Ferdinand FochOrumcek Monaghan Dominic Dominic MonaghanPterosaur Scarfe Gerald Gerald ScarfeBocek Giacomo Giralomo CasanovaBocek Freud Sigmund Sigmund FreudBocek Rorschach Hermann Hermann RorschachYaban arisi Peeler Nicole D Bocek O Brian PatrickGuve Dalai Lama Bombycid Guve Tibet Bocek Sedaris David David SedarisKeseli memeli Clifford RosamundKeseli memeli SpartacusYaban arisi Vinci Leonardo da Leonardo da VinciKurbaga Osbourne Ozzy Ozzy OsbourneSalyangoz Ex TheYaban arisi Descamps Jean BaptisteSinek Descamps Jean BaptistePlecoptera Colbert Stephen Stephen ColbertFly Grateful DeadDinozor Carnegie Andrew Andrew CarnegiePlesiosauria Djupedal OysteinKarinca PocahontasStoker Bram Bram StokerMadonnaSurungen O Keeffe Georgia Georgia O KeeffeCekirge Attenborough David David AttenboroughYaban arisiKaplumbaga Irwin Steve Steve IrwinKurbaga Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Wolfgang Amadeus MozartDeniz salyangozu Manrique CesarYaban arisi Emerson Ralph Waldo Ralph Waldo EmersonYaban arisi Emerson Ralph Waldo Ralph Waldo EmersonYaban arisi Emerson Ralph Waldo Ralph Waldo EmersonKertenkele Zayed Al Nahyan Mohammed binYaban arisi Shaka ZuluEquus grevyi Zebra Grevy Jules Jules GrevySinek Allen Paul Paul AllenSinek Gates Bill Bill GatesYaban arisi Gutfreund JohnBalik Clinton Bill Bill ClintonBalik Gore Al Al GoreBalik Carter Jimmy Jimmy CarterBalik Obama Barack Barack ObamaBalik Roosevelt Theodore Theodore RooseveltBalik Benchley Peter Peter Benchley Kopekbaligi turu Benchley Jaws un yazaridir Eucteniza panchovillai Orumcek Villa Pancho Pancho Villa Villa nin dogumyeri olan da kesfedilmistir Ari RonaldinhoEuphorbia regis jubae BitkiSemenderGuve Peron Eva Eva PeronGuve Chopin Frederic Frederic ChopinYaban arisi Finlay George George FinlayFilistata maguirei Orumcek Maguire Tobey Tobey MaguireBitki Franklin Benjamin Benjamin FranklinYaban arisi Froude James AnthonyTriplogyniidae Brown James James BrownBocek Tolkien J R R J R R TolkienGaga Bitki Lady GagaArtiodactyla Lady GagaYaban arisi Didion Joan Joan DidionYaban arisi Fleming Ian Ian FlemingGazel Saba Melikesi BelkisGentiana Bitki GentiusKabuklu Beethoven Ludwig van Ludwig van BeethovenKabuklu Marley Bob Bob MarleyDeniz salyangozu Lady GodivaYaban arisi Goethe Johann Wolfgang von Johann Wolfgang von GoetheYaban arisi Goethe Johann Wolfgang von Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ve William ShakespeareYaban arisi Goethe Johann Wolfgang von Johann Wolfgang von GoetheYaban arisi MuseYaban arisi Gounod Charles Charles GounodGuve Goya Francisco Francisco GoyaBeatles The The BeatlesBalik I Albert Monako Prensi Prensin dogum adi Albert Grimaldi dir Kalamar I Albert Monako Prensi Yaban arisi Grotius Hugo Hugo GrotiusYaban arisi Grotius Hugo Hugo GrotiusThrips HannibalHarpagusYengec Harryhausen Ray Ray HarryhausenGuve Roldos Aguilera Jaime Jaime Roldos AguileraGuve Alfaro EloyGuve Belalcazar Sebastian de Sebastian de BelalcazarGuve Huayna CapacGuve Garcia Moreno GabrielGuve Orellana Francisco de Francisco de OrellanaGuve Pizarro Francisco Francisco PizarroGuveGuve Sucre Antonio Jose de Antonio Jose de SucreGuveYaban arisi HerodotHeteropoda davidbowie Orumcek Bowie David David BowieHeteropoda ninahagen Orumcek Hagen Nina Nina HagenOrumcek Alda Alan Alan AldaKiz bocegi May Brian Brian MayKiz bocegi Mercury Freddie Freddie MercuryKiz bocegi Deacon John John DeaconKiz bocegi Taylor Roger Roger TaylorKabuklu HomerosBalik Kalam A P J Abdul A P J Abdul KalamGuve Houdini Harry Harry HoudiniBocek Polo Marco Marco PoloBalik Troll RayBocek Redford Robert Robert RedfordKurbaga Galler Prensi CharlesKurbaga StingBitkiYaban arisi Longfellow Henry Wadsworth Henry Wadsworth LongfellowPeygamberdevesi Ginsburg Ruth Bader Ruth Bader GinsburgMemeli Jagger Mick Mick JaggerLiken Parton Dolly Dolly PartonMemeliBitki Jefferson Thomas Thomas JeffersonDinozor Han Cengiz Cengiz HanJubaea BitkiSolucan Kilmister Lemmy Lemmy KilmisterYaban arisi Keats John John KeatsYaban arisi Clarkson Jeremy Jeremy ClarksonYaban arisi Hammond Richard Richard HammondYaban arisi May James James May One of three species named after the hosts ofArthropod Kierkegaard Soren Soren KierkegaardYaban arisi Tolkien J R R J R R TolkienSolucan Khruschev NikitaSolucan King DiamondArthropod Depp Johnny Johnny DeppSalyangozYaban arisi Lamennais Hugues Felicite Robert deYaban arisi Fiedler ArkadyBakteri Shakespeare William William ShakespeareLenin Vladimir Vladimir LeninGuve Vinci Leonardo da Leonardo da VinciKalamar I Albert Monako Prensi Bocek Freud Sigmund Sigmund FreudKabuklu John Elton Elton JohnKabuklu Tolkien J R R J R R TolkienYaban arisi Lincoln Abraham Abraham LincolnYaban arisi Lincoln Abraham Abraham LincolnMayt Lopez Jennifer Jennifer LopezKurbaga II MontezumaKeseli memeli Smith Dick Dick SmithPeygamberdevesi Gore Al Al GorePeygamberdevesi Fossett StevePeygamberdevesi Kratt Martin Martin Kratt ve Chris KrattBalina Melville Herman Herman MelvilleSu samuru Weir BobOrumcek Reed Lou Lou ReedLutheria Yaban arisi Luther Martin Martin LutherTrilobit Ramone Johnny Johnny RamoneTrilobit Ramone Joey Joey RamoneTrilobit Ramone Dee Dee Dee Dee RamoneTrilobit Ramone C J KabukluBitki Green DayYaban arisi Macellan Ferdinand Ferdinand MacellanBitkiKabuklu Maguire Tobey Tobey MaguireYoung Angus Angus YoungYoung Malcolm Malcolm YoungMammuthus jeffersonii Mamut Jefferson Thomas Thomas JeffersonDeniz salyangozu Mandela Nelson Nelson MandelaMemeli Zedong Mao Mao ZedongYaban arisi Letterman David David LettermanMidye Tolkien J R R J R R TolkienDinozor Knopfler Mark Mark KnopflerOrumcek Dean DizzyYaban arisi Marx Karl Karl MarxYaban arisi Marx Karl Karl MarxBalik Attenborough David David AttenboroughBocek Gorbachev Mikhail Mikhail GorbachevHemiptera Roddenberry Gene Gene RoddenberryAri Chomsky Noam Noam ChomskyTembel hayvan Jefferson Thomas Thomas JeffersonSinek VI MithridatesKus Konsort Prens Albert Birlesik Krallik Sinek Swift Jonathan Jonathan SwiftMercurana Kurbaga Mercury Freddie Freddie MercuryKabuklu Jackson Michael Michael JacksonYaban arisi MetallicaGuve Greco El El GrecoGuve Murillo Bartolome EstebanTrilobit Davis Miles Miles DavisGuve KonfucyusSalyangoz Kamehameha I KingYilan Monty PythonYaban arisi Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Ludwig van BeethovenKabuklu Mandela Nelson Nelson MandelaMuntiacus rooseveltorum Geyik Roosevelt Jr Theodore veOrumcek Young Neil Neil YoungNabokovia Nabokov Vladimir Vladimir NabokovJayalalithaa JYaban arisi Lovecraft H P H P LovecraftNilufer NapolyonSolucan Roosevelt Franklin D Franklin D RooseveltKabuklu Roosevelt Franklin D Franklin D RooseveltNeopalpa donaldtrumpi Guve Trump Donald Donald TrumpPlecoptera Heinz Teresa Teresa HeinzBitki Attenborough David David AttenboroughKelebek Neruda Pablo Pablo NerudaTrilobit Monroe Marilyn Marilyn MonroeYaban arisi Lennon John John LennonKus Obama Barack Barack ObamaSurungen Obama Barack Barack ObamaKus Hornby PhippsYaban arisi McGlashan DonBocek Orbison Roy Roy Orbison ve dul esiKelebek Alexandra Danimarka Guve Dalay LamaOrsonwelles Orumcek Welles Orson Orson WellesBitki OvidPachygnatha zappa Orumcek Zappa Frank Frank ZappaDinozor Perot Ross Ross Perot ve ailesiKus Costello LouOrumcek Presley Elvis Elvis PresleyNematomorpha Obama Barack Barack ObamaMercan Rodriguez James James RodriguezMayis sinegi Pearl JamKelebek II MontezumaSinekSinek Messalina Valeria Valeria MessalinaKabukluTrilobit Richards Keith Keith RichardsKabuklu DiyojenGuve Clark Petula Petula ClarkKarinca Ford Harrison Harrison FordKarinca Moore Gordon Gordon Moore ve Betty MooreKarinca Roosevelt Theodore Theodore RooseveltDenizanasi Zappa Frank Frank ZappaKabukluDinozorOrumcek Pink FloydCam II MontezumaOrumcek PlatonBalik AkihitoOrumcek Garfield Andrew Andrew GarfieldSemender SequoyahYaban arisi PlutarchKelebekProtist Goethe Johann Wolfgang von Johann Wolfgang von GoetheKelebek KonfucyusOrumcek McTiernan JohnOrumcek Hall Kevin Peter Kevin Peter HallOrumcek Schwarzenegger Arnold Arnold SchwarzeneggerOrumcek Attenborough David David AttenboroughYaban arisi Presley Elvis Elvis PresleyKurbaga Thurn Everard F imKurbaga Cameron James James CameronKurbaga Bolivar Simon Simon BolivarSolucan Planck Max Max PlanckPropionibacterium acnes turu Zappa Bakteri Zappa Frank Frank ZappaKaplumbaga Pratchett Terry Terry PratchettYaban arisi Piva AlfioYaban arisi Figueres ChristianaYaban arisi Rodriguez JorgeYaban arisi Figueres Jose MariaYaban arisi Chinchilla Laura Laura ChinchillaYaban arisi Solis Luis Guillermo Luis Guillermo SolisYaban arisi Penon MargaritaYaban arisi Arias oscar oscar AriasYaban arisi Solis OttonYaban arisi Castro ReneOrumcek Eno Brian Brian EnoSemenderKemirgen Cezanne Paul Paul CezanneBalik Nyerere Julius Julius NyerereBalik Roosevelt Franklin D Franklin D RooseveltBitki Roosevelt Franklin D Franklin D RooseveltKus Graffin GregYaban arisi RaphaelYaban arisi RaphaelYaban arisi RaphaelYaban arisi Renan Ernest Ernest RenanChanderpaul ShivnarineBocek Xi JinpingRichteria Bitki Paul JeanHitler Adolf Adolf HitlerSolucan Rollins Henry Henry RollinsYaban arisi Garbo Greta Greta GarboSalyangoz HirohitoBitki Mussolini Benito Benito MussoliniKemirgen Chalchaleros LosSappho Kus SapphoScaptia beyonceae Sinek Knowles Beyonce Beyonce KnowlesSchilleria Surungen Schiller Friedrich Friedrich SchillerDinozor Scipio AfricanusBitki SequoyahDinozor Clarke Arthur C Arthur C ClarkeShakespearia Yaban arisi Shakespeare William William ShakespeareShireplitis tolkieni Yaban arisi Tolkien J R R J R R TolkienYaban arisi Sinatra Frank Frank SinatraOrumcek Mandela Nelson Nelson MandelaBitki Attenborough David David AttenboroughKabuklu Roosevelt Franklin D Franklin D RooseveltKelebekBitkiSalyangozBocek Colbert Stephen Stephen ColbertBocek Rossellini Isabella Isabella RosselliniBocek Stewart Jon Jon StewartBocek Twain Mark Mark TwainHemiptera SpartacusKus Gandhi Indira Indira GandhiOrumcek Mandela Nelson Nelson MandelaBocek Roosevelt Theodore Theodore RooseveltStrelitzia reginae Bitki Charlotte of Mecklenburg StrelitzKabukluBit Larson Gary Gary LarsonTrilobit McCartney Paul Paul McCartneySylvilagus palustris hefneri Tavsan Hefner Hugh Hugh HefnerPlecoptera Mercury Freddie Freddie MercuryBivalviaTarsiidaeYaban arisi Tassoni AlessandroYaban arisi Uman TecunYaban arisi Tennyson Alfred Lord Alfred Lord TennysonSolucan SepulturaTetramorium adamsi Karinca Adams Douglas Douglas AdamsYaban arisi ThalesYaban arisi Thoreau Henry David Henry David ThoreauYaban arisi Thoreau Henry David Henry David ThoreauThysania agrippina GuveDinozor Neill Sam Sam Neill Laura Dern Jeff Goldblum Richard Attenborough ve Joseph MazzelloDinozor KonfucyusDinozor Gurney JamesAriBocek Attenborough David David AttenboroughTrypanosoma irwini Protist Irwin Steve Steve IrwinKemirgen Zappa Frank Frank ZappaBitki Victoria Britanya Washingtonia Bitki Washington George George WashingtonYaban arisi Whittier John GreenleafYaban arisi Froese Edgar Edgar FroesePire KhufuAttenborough David David AttenboroughYaban arisi Zamenhof L L L L ZamenhofBalik Zappa Frank Frank ZappaKaynakca a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv bw bx by bz ca cb cc cd ce cf cg ch ci cj ck cl cm cn co cp cq cr cs ct cu cv cw cx cy cz da db dc Mark Isaak 8 Eylul 2010 Etymology Named after People Curiosities of Biological Nomenclature 20 Temmuz 2013 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim 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