Filozoflar (ve felsefe tarihinde önemli olan diğerleri), alfabetik olarak sıralanmıştır:
- Not: Bu listeye dahil olmak için asgari bir kriter vardır ve listedeki bazı kişilerin felsefeyle ilgisi tartışmalıdır.
- Iamblichus (y. MS. 245 – y. 325)[b][d][e]
- (893–974)[d]
- Muhyiddin İbnü'l-Arabî (1164–1240)[b][d][e]
- İbnü'r-Râvendî (827–911)[d]
- İbn Bacce (veya Avempace) (ö. 1138)[a][b][d][e]
- (veya Rabad I veya Avendauth, veya John of Spain) (1110–1180)[a][d][e]
- Abraham ibn Ezra (1092/3–1167)[d][e]
- (1070–1138)[d]
- (1223–1290)[d][e]
- İbn Cebirol (1021–1058)[a][b][c][d][e]
- İbn Hazm (994–1069)[d]
- (1215–1284)[d][e]
- İbn Haldun (1332–1406)[a][b][c][d]
- İbni Meserre (883–931)[d]
- İbn Miskeveyh (940–1030)[a][d]
- (1040–1110)[b][d]
- İbn Sebîn (1217–1268)[d]
- İbn Teymiyye (1263–1328)[d]
- (y. 1165 – 1232)[e]
- İbn-i Tufeyl (1110–1185)[a][b][d]
- (y. 1149)[b][d]
- (1883–1954)[a][b][d]
- (1924–1979)[d]
- (y. 1270 – y. 1330)[d]
- Roman Ingarden (1893–1970)[a][b][c][d][e]
- (1860–1954)[b][d]
- (1877–1925)[b]
- (1890–1940)[b]
- Muhammed İkbal (1877–1938)[b][c][d]
- Luce Irigaray (d. 1930)[a][b][c][d]
- (d. 1947)[c]
- İsokrates (MÖ. 436–338 BC)[a]
- (1105–1177)[b][d]
- (y. 850–950)[b][d][e]
- (1627–1705)[b][d]
- (1866–1949)[b]
- Nazarethli İsa (MÖ. 4 – MS. 30 veya 33)
- (d. 1943)[c]
- (1743–1819)[a][b][c][d][e]
- (1912–1970)
- (1255–1308)[d][e]
- (1811–1882)[b]
- William James (1842–1910)[a][b][c][d][e]
- Fredric Jameson (d. 1934)
- (1903–1985)[b]
- (d. 1962)
- Karl Jaspers (1883–1969)[a][b][c][d][e]
- (fl. y. 800)[e]
- James Hopwood Jeans (1877–1946)[b]
- Thomas Jefferson (1743–1826)[b][c][d][e]
- (1926–2002)[c]
- William Stanley Jevons (1835–1882)[a][b][c][e]
- Rudolph von Jhering (1818–1892)[d]
- (veya Chinul) (1158–1210)[b][d]
- (1135–1201)[a][b][d]
- (1849–1914)[b]
- Damascuslu John (y. 676–749)[a][b][d]
- (1280–1328)[b][d]
- (1190–1245)[b][d]
- (y. 1345)[b][d]
- (1260–1306)[b][d]
- Salisburyli John (y. 1115–1180)[a][b][d][e]
- (veya Jean Poinsot) (1589–1644)[a][b][d]
- Haçlı Yuhanna (1542–1591)[b]
- (1786–1867)[b][d]
- (1649–1703)[d]
- (1696–1772)[b]
- Samuel Johnson (1709–1784)[b][c][d]
- (1858–1931)[a][c]
- (1848–1922)[e]
- Jørgen Jørgensen (1894–1969)[c]
- (1796–1842)[b]
- (veya Judah Romano) (1292–1330)[d]
- Carl Gustav Jung (1875–1961)[a][b][c][d]
- Ernst Jünger (1895–1998)[b]
- (1587–1657)[b][d]
- I. Justinianus (483–565)[d]
- Cüveynî (1028–1085)[d]
- Franz Kafka (1883–1924)[b]
- (1630–1740)[b][d]
- (1858–1927)[a]
- (1923–2008)
- Immanuel Kant (1724–1804)[a][b][c][d][e]
- (y. MÖ. 420 – 350)[a]
- David Benjamin Kaplan (d. 1933)[b][c]
- Mordecai Kaplan (1881–1983)[d]
- Kojin Karatani (d. 1941)
- (1850–1931)[b]
- (1882–1952)[b]
- (1279–1340) [e]
- Walter Kaufmann (1921–1980)[b]
- Karl Kautsky (1854–1938)[b][c][d]
- (1385–1438)[d]
- (1818–1885)[b]
- (1571–1609)[d]
- Hans Kelsen (1881–1973)[b][c][d]
- (1872–1958)[d]
- (d. 1931)[c]
- Johannes Kepler (1571–1630)[a][b][d][e]
- John Maynard Keynes (1883–1946)[a][b][c][d]
- (1880–1946)[b]
- (1804–1860)[b]
- Søren Kierkegaard (1813–1855)[a][b][c][d][e]
- (1302–1361)[a][b][d][e]
- (1215–1279)[a][b][d][e]
- (1934–2019)[a][b][c]
- Kindî (801–873)[a][b][c][d][e]
- Martin Luther King Jr. (1929–1968)[b]
- Athanasius Kircher (1602–1680)
- (1806–1856)[b]
- (d. 1948)[b]
- (1872–1956)[b]
- Heinrich von Kleist (1777–1811)[a][b]
- (1906–1990)[c]
- (1713–1751)[b][d]
- Ko Hung (4. yüzyıl)[a]
- (1886–1941)[b]
- (1887–1967)[a][b]
- Alexandre Kojève (1902–1968)[d]
- Leszek Kołakowski (1927–2009)
- (1860–1936)[b][c]
- Karl Korsch (1886–1961)
- (1926–2003)
- (1886–1981)[a][b][c][d]
- Alexandre Koyré (1892–1964)[d]
- (1831–1901)[b]
- (1874–1936)[c]
- (1781–1832)[a][b][d]
- (1923–2015)[c]
- Saul Kripke (d. 1940)[a][b][c][d]
- Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895–1986)
- (1918–2007)
- Julia Kristeva (d. 1941)[a][b][c][d]
- (1785–1840)[d]
- Leopold Kronecker (1823–1891)[d]
- Pyotr Kropotkin (1842–1921)[a][b][c][d]
- (1874–1948)[b]
- Thomas Kuhn (1922–1996)[a][b][c][d][e]
- Kūkai (774–835)[c][d][e]
- (1888–1941)[d]
- (1862–1915)[b]
- Kumarila Bhatta (fl. kabaca 700)[e]
- (1619–1691)[b][d]
- (veya Guoxiang) (ö. c. 312)[a]
- (1943–2012)
- (1837–1885)[b]
- (1860–1932)[b]
- Jean de La Bruyère (1645–1696)[b]
- Jacques Lacan (1901–1981)[a][b][c][e]
- Jules Lachelier (1832–1918)[b][d]
- Ernesto Laclau (1935–2014)
- Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe (1940–2007)[d]
- (1823–1903)[a]
- (1632–1666)[a][d][e]
- Imre Lakatos (1922–1974)[b][c][d][e]
- (1867–1964)[b]
- Jean-Baptiste Lamarck (1744–1829)[b][c]
- Johann Heinrich Lambert (1728–1777)[a][b][d]
- Robert de Lamennais (1752–1854)[b]
- Julien Offray de La Mettrie (1709–1751)[a][b][c][d]
- (1588–1672)[b]
- (1902–1992)[b]
- Friedrich Albert Lange (1828–1875)[a][b][d][e]
- Susanne Langer (1895–1985)[b][c][d]
- Laozi (veya Lao Tzu) (MÖ. 4. yüzyıl)[a][b][c][e]
- (1596–1676)[a][b]
- Pierre-Simon Laplace (1749–1827)[a][b][c]
- (1870–1952)[b]
- François de La Rochefoucauld (1613–1680)[b]
- (1756–1837)[b]
- (d. 1935)[b]
- Ferdinand Lassalle (1825–1864)[b][d]
- Bruno Latour (d. 1947)
- (1741–1801)[b]
- (1883–1951)[b]
- Antoine Lavoisier (1743–1794)[b]
- Pyotr Lavrov (1823–1900)[b][d]
- (1686–1761)[b][d]
- (1657–1737)[b][d]
- Michèle Le Dœuff (d. 1948)[c][d]
- Henri Lefebvre (1901–1991)[d]
- (y. 1455–y. 1536)[e]
- (1924–2010)
- (1629–1699)[d][e]
- (d. 1936)[b][c]
- Gottfried Leibniz (1646–1716)[a][b][c][d][e]
- Yeshayahu Leibowitz (1903–1994)[d][e]
- Vladimir Lenin (1870–1924)[a][b][c][d]
- Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519)[b]
- (1831–1891)[b][d]
- (1903–1979)
- Giacomo Leopardi (1798–1837)[b]
- (1814–1862)[a][b]
- Pierre Leroux (1798–1871)[a]
- (1870–1954)[b][d]
- (1882–1954)[b]
- (1886–1939)[a][b][c][d][e]
- Gotthold Ephraim Lessing (1729–1781)[a][b][c][d]
- Leukippos (MÖ. 5. yüzyıl)[a][b][c][d][e]
- Emmanuel Levinas (1906–1995)[a][b][c][d][e]
- Claude Lévi-Strauss (1908–2009)[c][d]
- (1857–1939)[b][c]
- Kurt Lewin (1890–1947)[a]
- (1883–1964)[a][b][c][d][e]
- Clive Staples Lewis (1898–1963)[a][b][d]
- (1941–2001)[a][b][c][d][e]
- (722–841)[a][b]
- (veya Liang Ch'i-ch'ao) (1873–1929)[a]
- (1893–1988)[a]
- Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742–1799)[b][c][d]
- (1878–1946)[b]
- (1840–1912)[b]
- (veya Lieh Tzu) (y. MÖ. 440 – y. MÖ. 360)[a]
- (1905–1983)
- (veya Lin Chi) (y. 810 – 867)[d]
- Carl Linnaeus (1707–1778)[d]
- (1851–1914)[b]
- (1547–1606)[b][d][e]
- Émile Littré (1801–1881)[b]
- Liu Şaoçi (veya Liu Shao-ch'i) (1898–1969)[a]
- (veya Ch'i-shan) (1578–1645)[a]
- Genevieve Lloyd (d. 1941)[b]
- (1893–1962)[d]
- Ramon Llull (1235–1315)[a][b][d][e]
- (1885–1954)[e]
- John Locke (1632–1704)[a][b][c][d][e]
- (1857–1940)[b][d]
- Petros Lombardos (y. 1100 – 1160)[a][b][d]
- (1904–1984)[d]
- (1. yüzyıl)[a][b]
- (1855–1920)[b]
- (d. 1962)
- (1915–1995)[d]
- (1893–1988)[b][d]
- (1870–1965)[b][d]
- Domenico Losurdo (1941–2018)
- (1922–1993)[b]
- (1817–1881)[a][b][c][d][e]
- (1873–1962)[b][c]
- Leo Löwenthal (1900–1993)
- (d. 1938)
- (1929–2020)[c]
- Samsatlı Lukianos (y. 120 – y. 180)[b][d]
- Titus Lucretius Carus (y. MÖ. 99 – 55)[a][b][c][d][e]
- (veya Lu Xiangshan, veya Lu Chiu-yuan, veya Tzu-ching, veya Ts'un-chai) (1139–1193)[a][b][d]
- Georg Lukács (1885–1971)[a][b][c][d][e]
- (1878–1956)[a][b][c][d][e]
- Anatoli Lunaçarski (1875–1933)[b]
- Martin Luther (1483–1546)[a][b][c][d][e]
- Rosa Luxemburg (1871–1919)[d]
- (d. 1945)[c]
- Jean-François Lyotard (1924–1998)[a][b][c][d][e]
- (1731–1791)[e]
- Ernst Mach (1838–1916)[a][b][c][d][e]
- Niccolò Machiavelli (1469–1527)[a][b][c][d][e]
- Alasdair MacIntyre (d. 1929)[a][b][c][d]
- John Leslie Mackie (1917–1981)[b][c]
- (ö. 1386)[d]
- Madhvacharya (1238–1317)[a][c][d]
- Mahavira (MÖ. 599–527)[a][d]
- (veya Salomon ben Joshua) (1753–1800)[a][b][d][e]
- (veya Abraham ben Maimon) (1186–1237)[d]
- Musa bin Meymun (veya Rambam) (1135–1204)[a][b][c][d][e]
- Maine de Biran (1766–1824)[b][c][d]
- (veya John Mair) (1467–1550)[b][c][d]
- Errico Malatesta (1853–1932)
- (1911–1990)[a][b][c]
- Nicholas Malebranche (1638–1715)[a][b][c][d][e]
- (1879–1944)[e]
- André Malraux (1901–1976)[b]
- Thomas Robert Malthus (1766–1834)[b]
- (1930–1990)[b][d]
- (1670–1733)[b][d]
- Mani (3. yüzyıl)[b]
- Karl Mannheim (1893–1947)[a][b][c]
- (1820–1871)[a][b]
- Mao Zedong (veya Mao Tse-tung) (1893–1976)[a]
- Gabriel Marcel (1887–1973)[a][b][c][d][e]
- Sinoplu Marcion (110–160)[b]
- (1921–2012)[a][b][c]
- Herbert Marcuse (1898–1979)[a][c][d][e]
- (1878–1944)[b]
- (1536–1624)[a][b]
- (1914–2005)[b]
- José Carlos Mariátegui (1894–1930)
- (1571–1653)[e]
- (1932–1997)
- Jacques Maritain (1882–1973)[a][b][c][d][e]
- (4. yüzyıl)[d]
- (1923–2010)
- (1846–1875)[b]
- (1928–2015)
- (1330–1396)[a][b][d][e]
- Padovalı Marsilius (veya Marsiglio veya Marsilio dei Mainardine) (1270–1342)[a][b][c][d]
- (1235–1303)[b][d]
- José Martí (1853–1895)
- (1924–2008)[c]
- Harriet Martineau (1802–1876)[d]
- (1805–1900)[a][b][c]
- (1872–1943)[b]
- (1847–1914)[b][e]
- (1450–1524)[b]
- Karl Marx (1818–1883)[a][b][c][d][e]
- Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk (1850–1937)[b][c][d]
- (1659–1708)[a][d][e]
- (1663–1728)[b]
- (1238–1302)[b][d]
- (1904–1981)[b]
- Pierre Louis Maupertuis (1698–1759)[b]
- Fritz Mauthner (1849–1923)[d]
- James Clerk Maxwell (1831–1879)[a][b][d]
- Ernst Mayr (1904–2005)
- (1811–1894)[a][b]
- William McDougall (1871–1938)[a][b]
- (d. 1942)[b][c]
- (1864–1953)[b]
- (d. 1950)[c]
- J. M. E. McTaggart (1866–1925)[a][b][c][d][e]
- George Herbert Mead (1863–1931)[a][b][c][d][e]
- (1527–1580)[a]
- Franz Mehring (1846–1919)[b]
- (1718–1777)[b]
- Quentin Meillassoux (d. 1967)
- Friedrich Meinecke (1862–1954)[b][d]
- (1853–1920)[a][b][c][d][e]
- Philipp Melanchthon (1497–1560)[b][d]
- Samoslu Melissus (MÖ. 5. yüzyıl sonları)[a][b][c][d]
- (1938–2020)[c]
- (1604–1657)[b]
- Mensiyüs (veya Meng K'o veya Meng-tzu veya Mengzi) (MÖ. 372–289)[a][b][c][d][e]
- Gregor Mendel (1822–1884)[a]
- Moses Mendelssohn (1729–1786)[a][b][c][d][e]
- (d. 1951)
- (1851–1926)[a][b]
- Maurice Merleau-Ponty (1908–1961)[a][b][c][d][e]
- (1867–1928)
- Marin Mersenne (1588–1648)[a][b][d][e]
- Jean Meslier (1664–1729)[b]
- (y. 1425 – y. 1495)[d]
- István Mészáros (1930–2017)
- (1859–1933)[b][c][d]
- (1683–1750)[b]
- (1919–2018)
- (1842–1904)[b][d]
- Kiyoşi Miki (1897–1945)[b][d]
- (veya Mi bskyod rdo rje) (1507–1554)[d]
- (1858–1918)[b]
- James Mill (1773–1836)[a][b][c][d][e]
- John Stuart Mill (1806–1873)[a][b][c][d][e]
- (1735–1801)[d]
- (1868–1963)[b]
- (d. 1933)[b][c]
- John Milton (1608–1674)[b]
- (1734–1807)[b]
- (veya Mir Mohammad Baqer Esterabadi) (ö. 1631)[d]
- (1723–1789)[b]
- Jacob Moleschott (1822–1893)[b]
- (1535–1600)[a][b][c][d]
- (1871–1962)[b]
- (veya James Burnett) (1714–1799)[d]
- (1930–1971)[b][d]
- (1873–1953)[b]
- Michel de Montaigne (1533–1592)[a][b][c][d][e]
- Baron de Montesquieu (1689–1755)[a][b][d][e]
- (1835–1911)[b]
- George Edward Moore (1873–1958)[a][b][c][d][e]
- (1614–1687)[a][b][d][e]
- Thomas More (1478–1535)[a][b][e]
- (1717–1778)
- (1852–1936)[b]
- Lewis H. Morgan (1818–1881)[b]
- (ö. 1743)[b]
- (1756–1793)[b]
- Edgar Morin (d. 1921)
- Gaetano Mosca (1858–1941)[a][b]
- (1730–1801)[d]
- Emmanuel Mounier (1905–1950)[b]
- (1909–1995)[a]
- Mozi (veya Mo Tzu, veya Mo Ti, veya Micius) (y. MÖ. 470 – y. MÖ. 390)[a][b][d]
- (veya Daud Ibn Marwan al-Muqammas veya David ha-Bavli) (ö. 937)[b][d]
- Molla Sadrâ (1571–1640)[b][c][d][e]
- Iris Murdoch (1919–1999)[b][c]
- (1658–1734)[b]
- (1901–1962)[b]
- Gaius Musonius Rufus (1. yüzyıl)[b][d]
- Arne Næss (1912–2009)[c][d]
- Nagarjuna (y. MS. 200)[a][b][c][d][e]
- Ernest Nagel (1901–1985)[a][b][c][d]
- Thomas Nagel (d. 1937)[a][b][c][d]
- Musa ibn Nahman (1194–1270)[d]
- Jacques-André Naigeon (1738–1810)[b]
- (1608–1648)[b]
- Jean-Luc Nancy (1940–2021)[d]
- Seyyid Hüseyin Nasr (d. 1933)[b]
- (1854–1924)[b][e]
- (d. 1952)
- Sergey Neçayev (1847–1882)
- (1157–1217)[d]
- Antonio Negri (1933–2023)
- (1882–1927)[b]
- (fl. y. 400)[a][b][d]
- John von Neumann (1903–1957)[a][b][c][d]
- Otto Neurath (1882–1945)[b][c][d][e]
- (1801–1890)[a][b][d]
- Isaac Newton (1642–1727)[a][b][c][d][e]
- Niçiren (1222–1282)[d]
- (y. 1300–1369)[a][b][c][d][e]
- (1401–1464)[a][b][c][d][e]
- (1733–1811)[b]
- (1625–1695)[b]
- (1894–1962)[d]
- (1892–1971)[b][d]
- Friedrich Nietzsche (1844–1900)[a][b][c][d][e]
- (1470–1538)[d]
- (1829–1897)[b][d]
- (1870–1945)[b][c][d][e]
- (1900–1990)[c][d]
- Kwame Nkrumah (1909–1972)[c]
- (1657–1711)[b][d][e]
- Novalis (1772–1801)[a][b][e]
- Robert Nozick (1938–2001)[a][b][c][d]
- Apamealı Numenius (2. yüzyıl)[a][b][d][e]
- Martha Nussbaum (d. 1947)[a][b][c]
- (1890–1978)[d]
- (1901–1990)[a][b][c][d][e]
- Ockhamlı William (y. 1285–1349)[a][b][c][d][e]
- (1666–1728)[b][d]
- Lorenz Oken (1779–1851)[b][d]
- (1897–1980)[d]
- (1248–1298)[a][b][d][e]
- Genç Olympiodorus (495–570)[e]
- (1860–1939)[b][d]
- Michel Onfray (d. 1959)
- (d. 1941)[c]
- Oresme (1320–1382)[b][d][e]
- İskenderiyeli Origen (y. 182–y. 251)[a][b][d][e]
- (1617–1687)[b]
- Hans Christian Ørsted (1777–1851)
- José Ortega y Gasset (1883–1955)[a][b][c][d][e]
- (d. 1958)
- Wilhelm Ostwald (1853–1932)[b]
- (1703–1793)[d]
- Rudolf Otto (1869–1937)[b][d]
- (ö. y. 1665)[d]
- (1922–1982)[b][c][d]
- Robert Owen (1771–1858)
- Thomas Paine (1737–1809)[a][b][c][d][e]
- (1859–1924)[b]
- (1743–1805)[a][b][d]
- (1764–1806)[b]
- Panaetius (y. MÖ. 185 – y. MÖ. 110)[b][d]
- Antonie Pannekoek (1873–1960)
- (1928–2014)[b]
- (d. 1947)[c]
- Giovanni Papini (1881–1956)[b]
- Paracelsus (1493–1541)[a][b][d]
- Vilfredo Pareto (1848–1923)[b]
- Derek Parfit (1942–2017)[a][b][c]
- (1810–1860)[b]
- Parmenides (MÖ. 5. yüzyıl)[a][b][c][d][e]
- Blaise Pascal (1623–1662)[a][b][d][e]
- (1914–2004)[d]
- (1868–1956)[b]
- Patanjali (MÖ. 2. yüzyıl)[d]
- (1839–1904)[b]
- Jan Patočka (1907–1977)[d]
- (veya Franciscus Patritius) (1529–1597)[b][d][e]
- (1876–1933)[b]
- Linus Pauling (1901–1994)[b]
- (1369–1429)[a][b][d][e]
- (1846–1908)[b]
- İvan Pavlov (1849–1936)[b]
- (d. 1950)[c]
- Giuseppe Peano (1858–1932)[b][c]
- (1921–2009)[c]
- (1857–1936)[b]
- (ö. 1292)[b][d]
- Benjamin Peirce (1809–1880)[e]
- Charles Sanders Peirce (1839–1914)[a][b][c][d][e]
- Pelagius (y. 360 – y. 435)[b][c]
- (ö. 1420)[e]
- (1740–1804)[a]
- (1876–1957)[a][b][c]
- Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi (1746–1827)[b]
- (13. yüzyıl)[d]
- (13. yüzyıl; genellikle Papa XXI. John ile özdeşleştirilir.
- (1919–2011)[c]
- Petrarca (1304–1374)[b][c][d]
- (1867–1931)[d]
- İoane Petritsi (12. yüzyıl)[e]
- (1875–1954)[b]
- II. Petar Petrović Njegoš (1813–1851)[b]
- (1862–1929)[b]
- (1870–1941)[b]
- Philippus Cancellarius (1160–1236)[d][e]
- İskenderiyeli Philo Judaeus (MÖ. 20–MS. 40)[a][b][c][d][e]
- Larissalı Philo (MÖ. 1. yüzyıl)[d][e]
- (y. MÖ. 300)[c][d]
- (MÖ. 1. yüzyıl)[b][d][e]
- Krotonlu Philolaus (y. MÖ. 480 – y. MÖ. 405)[a][b][d][e]
- Larissalı Philo (MÖ. 154 – 84)[b]
- (fl. MÖ. 300)[b]
- John Philoponus (6. yüzyıl başları)[a][b][c][d][e]
- Jean Piaget (1896–1980)[a][b][d]
- Giovanni Pico della Mirandola (1463–1494)[a][b][c][d][e]
- (1909–1987)
- (1840–1868)[b]
- Max Planck (1858–1947)[b][c][d]
- Alvin Plantinga (d. 1932)[a][b][c]
- Platon (y. MÖ. 427 – y. MÖ. 347)[a][b][c][d][e]
- Georgi Plehanov (1856–1918)[a][b][c][d]
- (1892–1985)[b]
- Plethon (y. 1355 – y. 1452)[b]
- Plotinos (ö. 270)[a][b][c][d][e]
- Chaeronialı Mestrius Plutarch (y. 45 – y. 120)[b][d][e]
- Henri Poincaré (1854–1912)[a][b][c][d][e]
- Karl Polanyi (1886–1964)
- Michael Polanyi (1891–1976)[d]
- (1462–1525)[a][b][c][d][e]
- Alexander Pope (1688–1744)[b]
- Karl Popper (1902–1994)[a][b][c][d][e]
- (1838–1921)[b]
- Porphyry (y. 232 – y. 304)[a][b][c][d][e]
- (y. 1535–1615)[e]
- (1811–1892)[b]
- Poseidonius (y. MÖ. 135 – 51)[b][d]
- (d. 1939)[b]
- (1897–1954)[d]
- (1942–2018)
- (1699–1772)[d]
- Nikos Pulancas (1936–1979)
- (1647–1723)[e]
- (1870–1964)[d]
- (1907–1990)
- Costanzo Preve (1943–2013)
- (1899–1984)[c]
- (1723–1791)[a][b][c][d][e]
- (1871–1947)[a][c][d][e]
- Joseph Priestley (1733–1804)[a][b][c][d]
- (1856–1931)[b]
- (1914–1969)[b][d][e]
- Proclus (412–487)[b][c][d][e]
- Prodicus (y. MÖ. 450 – 399)[b][d]
- Protagoras (y. MÖ. 481 – 420)[b][c][d][e]
- Pierre-Joseph Proudhon (1809–1865)[a][b][c][d]
- Marcel Proust (1871–1922)[b]
- Sözde Dionisius (5. yüzyıl)[b][d][e]
- (13. yüzyıl)[b][d]
- Batlamyus (y. 85 – y. 165)[d]
- Samuel von Pufendorf (1632–1694)[a][b][d]
- (14. yüzyıl)[e]
- Hilary Putnam (1926–2016)[a][b][c][d]
- Pyrrho (y. 360 – y. 270)[a][b][c][d][e]
- Pythagoras (MÖ. 582 – 496)[a][b][c][d][e]
- , (2. bas). Cambridge University Press; 1999.
- (2. bas). Martin Gale; 2006.
- . Oxford University Press; 1995.
- Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Routledge; 1998.
- Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Biographies covered as of October 2, 2020
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Bu sayfanin herhangi bir incelenmis surumu bulunmuyor bu yuzden standartlara uygunluk acisindan kontrol edilmemis olabilir Filozoflar ve felsefe tarihinde onemli olan digerleri alfabetik olarak siralanmistir Not Bu listeye dahil olmak icin asgari bir kriter vardir ve listedeki bazi kisilerin felsefeyle ilgisi tartismalidir dd Icindekiler A B C C D E F G H I I J K L M N O O P Q R S S T U U V W X Y ZIIamblichus y MS 245 y 325 b d e 893 974 d Muhyiddin Ibnu l Arabi 1164 1240 b d e Ibnu r Ravendi 827 911 d Ibn Bacce veya Avempace o 1138 a b d e veya Rabad I veya Avendauth veya John of Spain 1110 1180 a d e Abraham ibn Ezra 1092 3 1167 d e 1070 1138 d 1223 1290 d e Ibn Cebirol 1021 1058 a b c d e Ibn Hazm 994 1069 d 1215 1284 d e Ibn Haldun 1332 1406 a b c d Ibni Meserre 883 931 d Ibn Miskeveyh 940 1030 a d 1040 1110 b d Ibn Sebin 1217 1268 d Ibn Teymiyye 1263 1328 d y 1165 1232 e Ibn i Tufeyl 1110 1185 a b d y 1149 b d 1883 1954 a b d 1924 1979 d y 1270 y 1330 d Roman Ingarden 1893 1970 a b c d e 1860 1954 b d 1877 1925 b 1890 1940 b Muhammed Ikbal 1877 1938 b c d Luce Irigaray d 1930 a b c d d 1947 c Isokrates MO 436 338 BC a 1105 1177 b d y 850 950 b d e 1627 1705 b d 1866 1949 b JNazarethli Isa MO 4 MS 30 veya 33 d 1943 c 1743 1819 a b c d e 1912 1970 1255 1308 d e 1811 1882 b William James 1842 1910 a b c d e Fredric Jameson d 1934 1903 1985 b d 1962 Karl Jaspers 1883 1969 a b c d e fl y 800 e James Hopwood Jeans 1877 1946 b Thomas Jefferson 1743 1826 b c d e 1926 2002 c William Stanley Jevons 1835 1882 a b c e Rudolph von Jhering 1818 1892 d veya Chinul 1158 1210 b d 1135 1201 a b d 1849 1914 b Damascuslu John y 676 749 a b d 1280 1328 b d 1190 1245 b d y 1345 b d 1260 1306 b d Salisburyli John y 1115 1180 a b d e veya Jean Poinsot 1589 1644 a b d Hacli Yuhanna 1542 1591 b 1786 1867 b d 1649 1703 d 1696 1772 b Samuel Johnson 1709 1784 b c d 1858 1931 a c 1848 1922 e Jorgen Jorgensen 1894 1969 c 1796 1842 b veya Judah Romano 1292 1330 d Carl Gustav Jung 1875 1961 a b c d Ernst Junger 1895 1998 b 1587 1657 b d I Justinianus 483 565 d Cuveyni 1028 1085 d KFranz Kafka 1883 1924 b 1630 1740 b d 1858 1927 a 1923 2008 Immanuel Kant 1724 1804 a b c d e y MO 420 350 a David Benjamin Kaplan d 1933 b c Mordecai Kaplan 1881 1983 d Kojin Karatani d 1941 1850 1931 b 1882 1952 b 1279 1340 e Walter Kaufmann 1921 1980 b Karl Kautsky 1854 1938 b c d 1385 1438 d 1818 1885 b 1571 1609 d Hans Kelsen 1881 1973 b c d 1872 1958 d d 1931 c Johannes Kepler 1571 1630 a b d e John Maynard Keynes 1883 1946 a b c d 1880 1946 b 1804 1860 b Soren Kierkegaard 1813 1855 a b c d e 1302 1361 a b d e 1215 1279 a b d e 1934 2019 a b c Kindi 801 873 a b c d e Martin Luther King Jr 1929 1968 b Athanasius Kircher 1602 1680 1806 1856 b d 1948 b 1872 1956 b Heinrich von Kleist 1777 1811 a b 1906 1990 c 1713 1751 b d Ko Hung 4 yuzyil a 1886 1941 b 1887 1967 a b Alexandre Kojeve 1902 1968 d Leszek Kolakowski 1927 2009 1860 1936 b c Karl Korsch 1886 1961 1926 2003 1886 1981 a b c d Alexandre Koyre 1892 1964 d 1831 1901 b 1874 1936 c 1781 1832 a b d 1923 2015 c Saul Kripke d 1940 a b c d Jiddu Krishnamurti 1895 1986 1918 2007 Julia Kristeva d 1941 a b c d 1785 1840 d Leopold Kronecker 1823 1891 d Pyotr Kropotkin 1842 1921 a b c d 1874 1948 b Thomas Kuhn 1922 1996 a b c d e Kukai 774 835 c d e 1888 1941 d 1862 1915 b Kumarila Bhatta fl kabaca 700 e 1619 1691 b d veya Guoxiang o c 312 a 1943 2012 L 1837 1885 b 1860 1932 b Jean de La Bruyere 1645 1696 b Jacques Lacan 1901 1981 a b c e Jules Lachelier 1832 1918 b d Ernesto Laclau 1935 2014 Philippe Lacoue Labarthe 1940 2007 d 1823 1903 a 1632 1666 a d e Imre Lakatos 1922 1974 b c d e 1867 1964 b Jean Baptiste Lamarck 1744 1829 b c Johann Heinrich Lambert 1728 1777 a b d Robert de Lamennais 1752 1854 b Julien Offray de La Mettrie 1709 1751 a b c d 1588 1672 b 1902 1992 b Friedrich Albert Lange 1828 1875 a b d e Susanne Langer 1895 1985 b c d Laozi veya Lao Tzu MO 4 yuzyil a b c e 1596 1676 a b Pierre Simon Laplace 1749 1827 a b c 1870 1952 b Francois de La Rochefoucauld 1613 1680 b 1756 1837 b d 1935 b Ferdinand Lassalle 1825 1864 b d Bruno Latour d 1947 1741 1801 b 1883 1951 b Antoine Lavoisier 1743 1794 b Pyotr Lavrov 1823 1900 b d 1686 1761 b d 1657 1737 b d Michele Le Dœuff d 1948 c d Henri Lefebvre 1901 1991 d y 1455 y 1536 e 1924 2010 1629 1699 d e d 1936 b c Gottfried Leibniz 1646 1716 a b c d e Yeshayahu Leibowitz 1903 1994 d e Vladimir Lenin 1870 1924 a b c d Leonardo da Vinci 1452 1519 b 1831 1891 b d 1903 1979 Giacomo Leopardi 1798 1837 b 1814 1862 a b Pierre Leroux 1798 1871 a 1870 1954 b d 1882 1954 b 1886 1939 a b c d e Gotthold Ephraim Lessing 1729 1781 a b c d Leukippos MO 5 yuzyil a b c d e Emmanuel Levinas 1906 1995 a b c d e Claude Levi Strauss 1908 2009 c d 1857 1939 b c Kurt Lewin 1890 1947 a 1883 1964 a b c d e Clive Staples Lewis 1898 1963 a b d 1941 2001 a b c d e 722 841 a b veya Liang Ch i ch ao 1873 1929 a 1893 1988 a Georg Christoph Lichtenberg 1742 1799 b c d 1878 1946 b 1840 1912 b veya Lieh Tzu y MO 440 y MO 360 a 1905 1983 veya Lin Chi y 810 867 d Carl Linnaeus 1707 1778 d 1851 1914 b 1547 1606 b d e Emile Littre 1801 1881 b Liu Saoci veya Liu Shao ch i 1898 1969 a veya Ch i shan 1578 1645 a Genevieve Lloyd d 1941 b 1893 1962 d Ramon Llull 1235 1315 a b d e 1885 1954 e John Locke 1632 1704 a b c d e 1857 1940 b d Petros Lombardos y 1100 1160 a b d 1904 1984 d 1 yuzyil a b 1855 1920 b d 1962 1915 1995 d 1893 1988 b d 1870 1965 b d Domenico Losurdo 1941 2018 1922 1993 b 1817 1881 a b c d e 1873 1962 b c Leo Lowenthal 1900 1993 d 1938 1929 2020 c Samsatli Lukianos y 120 y 180 b d Titus Lucretius Carus y MO 99 55 a b c d e veya Lu Xiangshan veya Lu Chiu yuan veya Tzu ching veya Ts un chai 1139 1193 a b d Georg Lukacs 1885 1971 a b c d e 1878 1956 a b c d e Anatoli Lunacarski 1875 1933 b Martin Luther 1483 1546 a b c d e Rosa Luxemburg 1871 1919 d d 1945 c Jean Francois Lyotard 1924 1998 a b c d e M 1731 1791 e Ernst Mach 1838 1916 a b c d e Niccolo Machiavelli 1469 1527 a b c d e Alasdair MacIntyre d 1929 a b c d John Leslie Mackie 1917 1981 b c o 1386 d Madhvacharya 1238 1317 a c d Mahavira MO 599 527 a d veya Salomon ben Joshua 1753 1800 a b d e veya Abraham ben Maimon 1186 1237 d Musa bin Meymun veya Rambam 1135 1204 a b c d e Maine de Biran 1766 1824 b c d veya John Mair 1467 1550 b c d Errico Malatesta 1853 1932 1911 1990 a b c Nicholas Malebranche 1638 1715 a b c d e 1879 1944 e Andre Malraux 1901 1976 b Thomas Robert Malthus 1766 1834 b 1930 1990 b d 1670 1733 b d Mani 3 yuzyil b Karl Mannheim 1893 1947 a b c 1820 1871 a b Mao Zedong veya Mao Tse tung 1893 1976 a Gabriel Marcel 1887 1973 a b c d e Sinoplu Marcion 110 160 b 1921 2012 a b c Herbert Marcuse 1898 1979 a c d e 1878 1944 b 1536 1624 a b 1914 2005 b Jose Carlos Mariategui 1894 1930 1571 1653 e 1932 1997 Jacques Maritain 1882 1973 a b c d e 4 yuzyil d 1923 2010 1846 1875 b 1928 2015 1330 1396 a b d e Padovali Marsilius veya Marsiglio veya Marsilio dei Mainardine 1270 1342 a b c d 1235 1303 b d Jose Marti 1853 1895 1924 2008 c Harriet Martineau 1802 1876 d 1805 1900 a b c 1872 1943 b 1847 1914 b e 1450 1524 b Karl Marx 1818 1883 a b c d e Tomas Garrigue Masaryk 1850 1937 b c d 1659 1708 a d e 1663 1728 b 1238 1302 b d 1904 1981 b Pierre Louis Maupertuis 1698 1759 b Fritz Mauthner 1849 1923 d James Clerk Maxwell 1831 1879 a b d Ernst Mayr 1904 2005 1811 1894 a b William McDougall 1871 1938 a b d 1942 b c 1864 1953 b d 1950 c J M E McTaggart 1866 1925 a b c d e George Herbert Mead 1863 1931 a b c d e 1527 1580 a Franz Mehring 1846 1919 b 1718 1777 b Quentin Meillassoux d 1967 Friedrich Meinecke 1862 1954 b d 1853 1920 a b c d e Philipp Melanchthon 1497 1560 b d Samoslu Melissus MO 5 yuzyil sonlari a b c d 1938 2020 c 1604 1657 b Mensiyus veya Meng K o veya Meng tzu veya Mengzi MO 372 289 a b c d e Gregor Mendel 1822 1884 a Moses Mendelssohn 1729 1786 a b c d e d 1951 1851 1926 a b Maurice Merleau Ponty 1908 1961 a b c d e 1867 1928 Marin Mersenne 1588 1648 a b d e Jean Meslier 1664 1729 b y 1425 y 1495 d Istvan Meszaros 1930 2017 1859 1933 b c d 1683 1750 b 1919 2018 1842 1904 b d Kiyosi Miki 1897 1945 b d veya Mi bskyod rdo rje 1507 1554 d 1858 1918 b James Mill 1773 1836 a b c d e John Stuart Mill 1806 1873 a b c d e 1735 1801 d 1868 1963 b d 1933 b c John Milton 1608 1674 b 1734 1807 b veya Mir Mohammad Baqer Esterabadi o 1631 d 1723 1789 b Jacob Moleschott 1822 1893 b 1535 1600 a b c d 1871 1962 b veya James Burnett 1714 1799 d 1930 1971 b d 1873 1953 b Michel de Montaigne 1533 1592 a b c d e Baron de Montesquieu 1689 1755 a b d e 1835 1911 b George Edward Moore 1873 1958 a b c d e 1614 1687 a b d e Thomas More 1478 1535 a b e 1717 1778 1852 1936 b Lewis H Morgan 1818 1881 b o 1743 b 1756 1793 b Edgar Morin d 1921 Gaetano Mosca 1858 1941 a b 1730 1801 d Emmanuel Mounier 1905 1950 b 1909 1995 a Mozi veya Mo Tzu veya Mo Ti veya Micius y MO 470 y MO 390 a b d veya Daud Ibn Marwan al Muqammas veya David ha Bavli o 937 b d Molla Sadra 1571 1640 b c d e Iris Murdoch 1919 1999 b c 1658 1734 b 1901 1962 b Gaius Musonius Rufus 1 yuzyil b d NArne Naess 1912 2009 c d Nagarjuna y MS 200 a b c d e Ernest Nagel 1901 1985 a b c d Thomas Nagel d 1937 a b c d Musa ibn Nahman 1194 1270 d Jacques Andre Naigeon 1738 1810 b 1608 1648 b Jean Luc Nancy 1940 2021 d Seyyid Huseyin Nasr d 1933 b 1854 1924 b e d 1952 Sergey Necayev 1847 1882 1157 1217 d Antonio Negri 1933 2023 1882 1927 b fl y 400 a b d John von Neumann 1903 1957 a b c d Otto Neurath 1882 1945 b c d e 1801 1890 a b d Isaac Newton 1642 1727 a b c d e Niciren 1222 1282 d y 1300 1369 a b c d e 1401 1464 a b c d e 1733 1811 b 1625 1695 b 1894 1962 d 1892 1971 b d Friedrich Nietzsche 1844 1900 a b c d e 1470 1538 d 1829 1897 b d 1870 1945 b c d e 1900 1990 c d Kwame Nkrumah 1909 1972 c 1657 1711 b d e Novalis 1772 1801 a b e Robert Nozick 1938 2001 a b c d Apameali Numenius 2 yuzyil a b d e Martha Nussbaum d 1947 a b c 1890 1978 d O 1901 1990 a b c d e Ockhamli William y 1285 1349 a b c d e 1666 1728 b d Lorenz Oken 1779 1851 b d 1897 1980 d 1248 1298 a b d e Genc Olympiodorus 495 570 e 1860 1939 b d Michel Onfray d 1959 d 1941 c Oresme 1320 1382 b d e Iskenderiyeli Origen y 182 y 251 a b d e 1617 1687 b Hans Christian Orsted 1777 1851 Jose Ortega y Gasset 1883 1955 a b c d e d 1958 Wilhelm Ostwald 1853 1932 b 1703 1793 d Rudolf Otto 1869 1937 b d o y 1665 d 1922 1982 b c d Robert Owen 1771 1858 PThomas Paine 1737 1809 a b c d e 1859 1924 b 1743 1805 a b d 1764 1806 b Panaetius y MO 185 y MO 110 b d Antonie Pannekoek 1873 1960 1928 2014 b d 1947 c Giovanni Papini 1881 1956 b Paracelsus 1493 1541 a b d Vilfredo Pareto 1848 1923 b Derek Parfit 1942 2017 a b c 1810 1860 b Parmenides MO 5 yuzyil a b c d e Blaise Pascal 1623 1662 a b d e 1914 2004 d 1868 1956 b Patanjali MO 2 yuzyil d 1839 1904 b Jan Patocka 1907 1977 d veya Franciscus Patritius 1529 1597 b d e 1876 1933 b Linus Pauling 1901 1994 b 1369 1429 a b d e 1846 1908 b Ivan Pavlov 1849 1936 b d 1950 c Giuseppe Peano 1858 1932 b c 1921 2009 c 1857 1936 b o 1292 b d Benjamin Peirce 1809 1880 e Charles Sanders Peirce 1839 1914 a b c d e Pelagius y 360 y 435 b c o 1420 e 1740 1804 a 1876 1957 a b c Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi 1746 1827 b 13 yuzyil d 13 yuzyil genellikle Papa XXI John ile ozdeslestirilir 1919 2011 c Petrarca 1304 1374 b c d 1867 1931 d Ioane Petritsi 12 yuzyil e 1875 1954 b II Petar Petrovic Njegos 1813 1851 b 1862 1929 b 1870 1941 b Philippus Cancellarius 1160 1236 d e Iskenderiyeli Philo Judaeus MO 20 MS 40 a b c d e Larissali Philo MO 1 yuzyil d e y MO 300 c d MO 1 yuzyil b d e Krotonlu Philolaus y MO 480 y MO 405 a b d e Larissali Philo MO 154 84 b fl MO 300 b John Philoponus 6 yuzyil baslari a b c d e Jean Piaget 1896 1980 a b d Giovanni Pico della Mirandola 1463 1494 a b c d e 1909 1987 1840 1868 b Max Planck 1858 1947 b c d Alvin Plantinga d 1932 a b c Platon y MO 427 y MO 347 a b c d e Georgi Plehanov 1856 1918 a b c d 1892 1985 b Plethon y 1355 y 1452 b Plotinos o 270 a b c d e Chaeroniali Mestrius Plutarch y 45 y 120 b d e Henri Poincare 1854 1912 a b c d e Karl Polanyi 1886 1964 Michael Polanyi 1891 1976 d 1462 1525 a b c d e Alexander Pope 1688 1744 b Karl Popper 1902 1994 a b c d e 1838 1921 b Porphyry y 232 y 304 a b c d e y 1535 1615 e 1811 1892 b Poseidonius y MO 135 51 b d d 1939 b 1897 1954 d 1942 2018 1699 1772 d Nikos Pulancas 1936 1979 1647 1723 e 1870 1964 d 1907 1990 Costanzo Preve 1943 2013 1899 1984 c 1723 1791 a b c d e 1871 1947 a c d e Joseph Priestley 1733 1804 a b c d 1856 1931 b 1914 1969 b d e Proclus 412 487 b c d e Prodicus y MO 450 399 b d Protagoras y MO 481 420 b c d e Pierre Joseph Proudhon 1809 1865 a b c d Marcel Proust 1871 1922 b Sozde Dionisius 5 yuzyil b d e 13 yuzyil b d Batlamyus y 85 y 165 d Samuel von Pufendorf 1632 1694 a b d 14 yuzyil e Hilary Putnam 1926 2016 a b c d Pyrrho y 360 y 270 a b c d e Pythagoras MO 582 496 a b c d e Q 1842 1891 Willard Van Orman Quine 1908 2000 a b c d e 1925 2010 c Icindekiler Filozof listeleri A C D H I Q R Z Kaynakca 2 bas Cambridge University Press 1999 0 521 63722 8 2 bas Martin Gale 2006 0 02 865780 2 Oxford University Press 1995 0 19 866132 0Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy Routledge 1998 978 0 415 07310 3Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Biographies covered as of October 2 2020